Desire Part Two (The Desire Series Book 2)

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Desire Part Two (The Desire Series Book 2) Page 4

by Ava Alexia

He moved away from the car and she continued backing out of the driveway. She then straightened and took off. He watched her car until the taillights faded. Then he slowly got into his own silver Porsche and drove back to New York.


  Maddie arrived at her office the next day and went into her remodeled cubicle. She smiled as she looked at the much improved space. It was light and airy with cream colored walls and accented with pops of yellow and green. Whit had moved her glass and chrome desk into the room and given her a new leather desk chair. The tan color chair was a perfect fit with the décor of the room. It had been an unexpected yet kind gesture from Whit to see to her comfort after causing her the humiliation of having her prized office stripped from her. He didn’t have to do it but he had and she was truly grateful. Maddie was changing her opinion about him after last night’s revelations. He had been open and honest about his business and his ambition. She had glimpsed a bit of his inner being and was intrigued. Putting aside the nearly insatiable attraction she had for him, she was drawn to him as a person. She wanted to know him better; to discover the makeup of Whitman Lampier. She went to the cadenza behind her desk and opened it to remove the Edelston file. It wasn’t there. She realized she must have left it in Whit’s office. She picked up a few items from her desk and decided she may as well work in his office seeing that everything regarding the Edelston project was there. She left her cubicle and went into Whit’s office. She settled at the conference table and looked at the mockup of the Edelston property. She then began detailing each room on her draft sheet. She was completely focus on her work and didn’t hear Whit enter the room. He watched her from the doorway; completely intent on what she was doing. She was dressed in white shorts and a sleeveless navy crop top that tied white at her mid-drift. She wore white sandals in her small feet. He smiled at her pedicured toes. There was a toe ring on her middle toe. He had an erotic vision of removing it with his mouth. Her skin was beautifully tanned from the long hours she’d spent outdoors at a project site. She was incredibly desirable but he doubted that she realized it. She wore her vibrant red hair in a long pony’s tail. She looked like a twelve year old with the body of a grown woman. He knew how her body could respond with a simple caress from him. And that was the woman that he wanted now. He quietly moved into the room. She sensed his approach and spun around.

  “Whit!” she exclaimed.

  “Hello, Madison,” he greeted.

  He stood right in front of her. There couldn’t have been an inch between them.

  “What are you doing here?” she breathed softly.

  She had thought that he might show up then dismissed it. She had put him off the night before and felt that he would respect her wishes.

  “I wanted to see you,” he replied.

  “But I asked you not to follow me home last night,” she said a bit bewildered.

  “And I did not,” he said.

  “Then why are you here now? I made my wishes clear,” she said.

  “For last night. Today is another matter entirely,” he responded with a crooked smile.

  “You know what I meant, Whit. I needed space last night and today is no different,” she said tartly.

  “I conceded to your wishes last night but I will not be so charitable today. I want what I want. And today I wish to spend with you,” he said irrevocably.

  “Spend with me? What are you talking about?” she asked in confusion.

  He gently cupped her face.

  “I want to spend time with you, Madison. I—

  “You mean you want to have sex with me,” she said derisively.

  “Do not put words in my mouth. Yes, I want to bed you but I also want to get to know you,” he replied. “And the best way to do that is to spend time with you.”

  “You’re my boss. It’s probably not a good idea to become too familiar with one another,” she said slowly.

  “I think we have already destroyed that notion. Pleasuring you has put to bed the idea of being platonic co-workers,” he said wryly at his pun. “Don’t create obstacles, Madison. Come out with me. Let’s have some fun together.”

  Maddie sat quietly. She had to admit that she wanted to know him better; she just had not figured how she would accomplish it. Here was her chance. She decided to take it.

  “Alright. I’ve been working for quite a while. I guess I could use a break. What did you have in mind?” she asked.

  “How do you Americans say? Let’s wing it,” he grinned.

  His boyish smile was infectious. She grinned as well and extended her hand.

  “Alright. Let’s go,” she agreed cheerfully.

  He took her hand and pulled her up and against him. He dropped his head and kissed her thoroughly. When he pulled back Maddie looked at him in confusion.

  “Don’t forget that I still want you,” he whispered.

  He cupped her buttocks and pressed her against his crotch. She felt his hardening penis and knew that his desire was just under the thin surface of his control. He then moved away from her and grasped her hand. He pulled her from his office.


  They exited the building and he led her to his sleek silver Porsche parked in front of the building. He opened the car door and seated her. In a few seconds he was sitting behind the steering wheel and gunning his motor. He turned his head to grin at her.

  “Ready?’ he asked.

  “Yes. But where are we going?” she asked curiously.

  “To Great Adventures,” he announced.

  “The amusement park? I haven’t been there in ages,” she exclaimed.

  “The very reason why we’re going now. It will be a treat for both of us. I’ve never been,” he smiled.

  “I think I was sixteen the last time I was there. I was with a bunch of friends from high school. It was a blast. But of course I would think so, I was only a teenager then,” she said.

  “I think everyone remains a kid at heart. It will be fun,” he said.

  He pulled into traffic and before long they were zipping along the highway.

  “Tell me about your family. What are your parents like? Do you have siblings?” she asked.

  “My parents live the life of jetsetters. They love it. It’s amazing that they were able to fit two kids into their lifestyle,” he said amiably. “But my sister and I never suffered from lack of attention and love from my parents. They raised us in a stable and secure home and exposed us to a life that most kids never experience. We couldn’t wait for school to be out. Our parents always had a spectacular trip lined up. We traveled to Egypt, Japan, Africa, Australia and many more exotic places. Ours summers were filled with adventure and excitement. A better learning tool could not be had. It was really a wonderful upbringing.”

  “I think I’m jealous. I envy the opportunities you had to explore the different countries and their cultures. Because of your travels you were legends ahead of your contemporaries,” Maddie responded.

  “Maybe. But sometimes I just wanted us to stay at home and be like the ordinary families of my friends. I just wanted to be a normal kid,” he said softly.

  Maddie watched him covertly and saw the regret that washed over his face. He missed out on many of the normal, everyday experiences of being a kid. He didn’t have a chance to play T-ball and little league baseball. He missed swimming in the lake with friends or hanging out at the mall watching girls. His childhood might have been extraordinary but it had its share of negativity as well.

  “You were. You were your normal and that was more than good enough,” she whispered.

  He glanced at her in surprised. She understood his perplexity and that warmed his heart. Maddie was a bit astonished by her response as well. Where had that come from? Two days ago such a compassionate sentiment would never have passed through her lips in his regard. She gave a mental shrug. She was not going to analyze it. She didn’t know why she said it. She just knew that she meant it and would leave it at that. She gazed out the window to admire the passi
ng scenery. They settled into a companionable silence for the rest of the trip. Soon changes Whit had parked his car in the VIP section and they entered the park. Maddie looked around in amazement at the changes the park had undergone. It had literally doubled in size since the last time she’d been there. She could see additional roller coasters in the distance along with other thriller rides that had not been there before. Maddie was looking off to her left when a group of teens rushed past her. They sent her into a complete three sixty. Thank goodness there was a light post nearby for her to grab to catch her balance. Maddie was in shock as she looked after the group who were in total oblivion to what had just happened.

  “They’re too intent on getting to their next terrifying ride to realize what they’ve done,” Whit laughed.

  “I can’t criticize them. I was just like them at their age,” Maddie grinned.

  “I bet you were. Wild and untamed, just like your hair,” he remarked.

  “Maybe I still am,” she said saucily. “Come on.”

  Maddie grabbed his hand and they ran to closest roller coaster ride. They screamed their heads off during the terrifying ride of twists and turns. Maddie exited the ride on wobbly legs. Whit encircled her waist to balance her.

  “I can’t believe I’m saying this but I loved it. Let’s go on another,” she grinned.

  “Whatever you want, Maddie,” he laughed.

  She grinned at him. At some point he had begun to call her Maddie and she liked it. Whit using her nickname gave her a feeling of intimacy, familiarity. It felt nice. They had a great time talking, laughing and riding the most menacing, scary rides in the park. Maddie couldn’t remember laughing so much. They ate burgers and hot dogs and rode ride until late into the night. Maddie felt carefree and happy. All of her worries had been suspended in this one moment in time. She wished the day did not have to end. The decided to go on a tame, relaxing canoe ride. The motorized canoe glided slowly on its track along the waterway that ran throughout the park. Maddie sat on the cushioned bench that ran the length of the boat. Whit sat behind her. She lay back against his chest and sighed contentedly. His strong arms encircled her waist as his fingers rhythmically caress her stomach. Whit couldn’t resist lightly kissing her hair. Even after the long day it still smelled like lilac. He breathed in the scent deeply. The day had turned out better than he had planned. Maddie had lowered her guard and they had relaxed in each other’s company. She had forgotten that he was her boss and she acted like his date. There’d been so many occasion throughout the day when he’d wanted to kiss her. And their current situation was one of them. He knew he couldn’t let this opportunity pass. Her head was reclined on his shoulder tilted to one side. Her lovely neck was exposed to his aching mouth. He lowered his head and kissed her soft, creamy skin. She moaned and turned her face up to his. The invitation was glimmering in her green eyes. He accepted it. He captured her mouth in a scintillating caress. She kissed him back eagerly; her tongue sweeping through his mouth urgently. He groaned as his hand moved down between her thighs and massaged her through her shorts. She rotated her hips against his hand. He deepened the kiss as his fingers slipped under her shorts and panties. His fingers played with her clitoris at will. It was a good thing that it was dark and that they were the only ones in the canoe. Maddie had slipped her hand behind Whit’s head and fingered the thick hair at his nape. It was silky and smooth and her fingers clutched the strands as her want mounted. His hand was doing such deliciously wicked things to her secreted haven. She wasn’t sure if she could stop the upward spiral of her desire. She moved against his hands unable to get enough. He increased his pace wanting her to experience what she yearned for.

  “Whit! Please,” she moaned.

  He dipped his other hand inside her bra and caressed her nipples. Before she knew it she scaling the mountain peaks. Whit kissed her to absorb her scream. He loved it that she was so carnal and lusty. It only made him anticipate having sex with her all the more. He left his hand resting in her curls for a moment longer. He liked the feel of them and imagined running his tongue through them. Their canoe was approaching its dock. He removed his hands and straightened her clothes. When the boat docked the ride attendant called to them.

  “There’s no one in line. Would you like to go for another ride?” the young man asked.

  “Yes,” they said simultaneously.

  The boy smiled slyly and sent the canoe off again. Whit and Maddie laughed. They knew what the boy had been thinking but they didn’t care. Whit waited long enough for the boat to be out of the boy’s sight then he cupped Maddie’s face and kissed her ravenously. Maddie didn’t know why she was so attracted to Whit but she was and she wasn’t going to deny her need for him any longer. She kissed him deeply and anticipated the night ahead. They got off of the ride when it docked the second time and walked through the park with an arm about the other’s waist.

  “Are you ready to go home?” Whit asked.

  “Please say yes,” Whit thought.

  “I am. This has been a wonderful day. Thank you, Whit,” she said softly.

  “It was my pleasure. We had a lot of fun. I will treasure this day,” he answered.

  “And I will cherish tonight,” she whispered.

  Inside he was jumping for joy. If he read her signals correctly they would end up in her bed. And he couldn’t wait to get there.


  They left the park and Whit felt like the drive home was endless. But they eventually arrived at her red-brick brownstone apartment building. As soon as they entered her apartment and closed the door Whit pushed her against the wall.

  “Maddie, please don’t say no,” he said hoarsely.

  She slid her hand down his chest and onto his penis. She gently squeezed. He sucked in his breath.

  “Son of a—

  “I’m saying yes,” she whispered.

  He captured her mouth in a ruthless kiss. Maddie wasn’t put off by his aggressive behavior. She actually welcomed it. He was about to find out that it matched her own. Maddie loved sex and tended to be wild and untamed. She smiled inwardly. Those were the words he had used to describe her hair. They better described her performance in bed as he was about to see. Her private was beginning to ache as it had in the canoe. She tried to push him away from her in order to lead him down the hall but he was too heavy. She ripped her mouth away from his.

  “Come with me,” she whispered.

  He moved slightly away from her and allowed her to lead him to her bedroom. The room was in darkness save for a nightlight shining from the wall socket near the floor. Maddie did not turn on any other light. She was about to push him onto the king size bed but he picked her up and tossed her onto it first. Maddie laughed as she watched him pull his red V-neck shirt over his head and toss it on the floor. She marveled at his muscular torso. The moonlight shining through the window was more than enough illumination for her to see his magnificent physique. She ran her tongue over her lips as she rose to her knees. She grasped his belt and yanked him closer to the bed. She then removed his belt and unbuttoned his khaki pants. She slowly slid the zipper down then pushed his pants over his slim hips. They fell to his ankles and Whit kicked them off. Whit caught her hands to still them. She looked at him in question.

  “You don’t have to worry about being with me, Madison. I am completely healthy,” he murmured.

  “So am I,” she returned.

  Maddie then slowly pulled his briefs down his legs. Whit shimmied out of them and stood there motionless. His cock was huge and erect, waiting for attention. Maddie could not hold out any longer. She was dying to caress and kiss the organ that would soon give her so much pleasure. She grasped his penis firmly and began to massage it. Whit moaned but remained still. She stroked him with gentle fingers that seemed to send him into another stratosphere. He put his hand on her head to guide her mouth to him. Maddie turned her face aside to avoid sucking him. She played with his balls instead causing him to yell in both frustration and jo

  “What are you doing to me, Maddie?” he bellowed.

  “It’s my turn to give you pleasure, Whit,” she whispered.

  She held his hips as she mouthed his balls. She could feel his penis pulsating on the side of her face. It caused her insatiable longing but she wanted to focus on him. His fingers gripped her hair tightly as she continued to suckle him. His thighs jerked and he clamped them on either side of her face. She was inescapably imprisoned by him and it felt so good.

  “Take me, Maddie,” he ordered hoarsely.

  Maddie finally gave him what he wanted. She held his penis before her mouth and flicked her tongue on his head. He growled in response as he pushed her head toward him. Maddie opened her mouth and took inside. Whit almost shouted in elation. Damn it felt good to be in her warm, moist mouth. He tried not to thrust but he could help himself. She didn’t seem to mind so he allowed himself the decadence. He didn’t push too hard or too deep, just enough to send waves of desire flooding through him. Her tongue played all over him, licking the length of him, sucking and kissing him. He knew he was near to exploding and he didn’t want that now. He wanted to be inside of her when that happened. It almost killed him but he withdrew from her mouth and began rapidly undressing her. He stripped off crop top and shorts then her bra. Her full breasts sprang free, enticing him to taste them. He moved above her and readily cupped each one to suckle her nipples. It was one thing to caress them with his fingers. But altogether something else to feel them in his mouth. She tasted so good. He massaged and kissed them to no end. He felt her lift her groin against his penis. Her hands held his hips to press his cock to her curls. He smiled. Maddie was not shy. She was letting him know what she wanted and he was more than willing to oblige. He slid down to strip the panties from her. Maddie rotated her hips in her need for him. He settled between her thighs and lightly kissed her red curls. She moaned and he pushed his head further into her carnal need. He closed his mouth on her clitoris which sent her leaping from mattress. He held her down and ferociously ate his fill. Maddie screamed in delight as his cool mouth administered to her heat. She bucked wildly against him which only served to increase his intensity. He realized that she was a true red-head. She was as uninhibited in bed as her fiery personality. He couldn’t wait any longer. He had to get inside of her. He flipped her over and plunged into her from the back. He pumped into her forcefully knowing she craved the release as much as he. She lifted her buttocks higher to take more of him into her. She needed more and more of him. He pulled out of her to turn her over but she pushed him onto his back and straddled him. Maddie took his penis and guided it into her then rode him feverishly. He yelled his pleasure as he grasped her waist. She leaned over him and he took her nipples into his mouth; sucking her like a baby. Maddie was out of her mind with want. Her excitement was building and she would soon climax. She wanted to take him with her. He sat up and threw her onto her back without leaving her sweet cavity. He thrust until he felt his control snap. He gave one final push and they both screamed in utter delight. The night sky burst open and stars cascaded upon them. Neither of them had ever had such an amazing experience. They couldn’t quite fathom it. Whit remained still as he tried to catch his breath. He knew he needed to remove his weight from her but she held him tightly and he really didn’t want to come out of her. She was so snug and tight. It was heaven being inside of her. She stirred and he withdrew from her. He pulled her to his side. She laid her head on his shoulder.


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