Desire Part Two (The Desire Series Book 2)

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Desire Part Two (The Desire Series Book 2) Page 9

by Ava Alexia

  Hugh grasped Maddie’s hand in a firm shake. She liked his handshake which was a good sign that she would like him.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Maddie said.

  “Likewise,” he smiled. Hugh turned to Whit. “I’m so glad you arrived today. I was about to contact you. I think you will be very pleased with what I am about to show you.”

  “I am all agog. Lead the way,” Whit said.

  They walked to the mine entrance. Hugh gave Whit and Maddie hard hats to put on. After doing so the three of them entered the mine. They stepped gingerly over debris and wheel barrel tracks and entered one of the shafts. Whit clasped Maddie’s hand to keep her close. Maddie looked around her with curiosity. She had never been in a real mine shaft. She reached out to touch the wall and felt moisture. Hugh noticed her action.

  “The mine is well ventilated which will cause the walls to be damp,” Hugh explained.

  “I see. I find this very fascinating,” Maddie said.

  “Your fascination is about to become mind-blowing,” Hugh grinned.

  Maddie’s interest was extremely piqued. What was Hugh about to show them? She couldn’t wait to see. They walked deeper into the shaft then turned left at the dead end. Hugh led them halfway down the tunnel then stopped. It was obvious that digging had been taking place as there was a large hole in the wall. Hugh inserted his hand and after a moment withdrew it. He turned to face Whit and opened his hand. Nestled in his palm were sparkling rocks.

  “Oh my God! Are those what I think they are?” Whit exclaimed.

  Hugh grinned.

  “If you’re thinking they are diamonds then yes, you are correct. We’ve struck pay dirt, Whit. We’ve discovered diamonds,” Hugh said excitedly.

  Maddie gasped. She couldn’t believe her eyes.

  “They are real?” she asked.

  “As real as they get. The clarity and perfection of these gems are without equal,” Hugh said.

  “How much are here?” Whit asked.

  “We’ve already excavated ten gallons. I estimate that there is at least another ten thousand tons to be mined,” Hugh replied. “You are a very rich man, Whit.”

  Whit threw back his head and laughed delightedly. He hugged Hugh then grabbed Maddie and swung her round in wild abandonment. Maddie laughed in sheer joy. He finally set her down but kept his arm about her waist.

  “I can barely fathom this news. You have made me a very happy man, Hugh. You can’t realize what this means for me,” Whit said jovially.

  “I can well imagine and I am thrilled to give you this news,” Hugh grinned. “Come to the office and we can discuss the production process in detail.”

  “I’ll be with you shortly, Hugh,” Whit said.

  Hugh nodded and walked away. Whit turned to face Maddie and cupped her cheeks.

  “You know what this means, sweetheart. I can pay off Howard and be free from Raquel’s threats,” he said softly.

  “I am so happy for you, Whit. You are now completely free. How exhilarating for you,” Maddie exclaimed.

  “I am free. And I intend to take advantage of it,” he vowed.

  Maddie wasn’t exactly sure what he meant by that but she wasn’t worried about it. She saw a look of unadulterated joy on Whit face that brought tears to her eyes. She was truly ecstatic for him for he totally deserved this turn of good fortune. She reached up and pulled his head down to kiss him deeply. They kissed until they heard footsteps coming their way. They pulled apart and giggled as workman began filing into the passageway. They then made their way out of the mine.

  Chapter 7

  The next few days were full of excitement as Whit made two more trips to Jimaya Island to consult with Hugh about the excavation and deportation of the gems. Security had been tripled and what was once a peaceful, tranquil island had become a simulation of Fort Knox. It was a thrilling time for everyone concerned. Maddie was making excellent progress on Matt’s home and she was happier than she had ever been in her life. She was living a fairytale and she didn’t want it to end. One warm evening Maddie was taking great care in setting the table on the terrace. Sean and Simone were coming for supper and she wanted everything to be perfect. She and Simone had developed a wonderful friendship. It was as though they had known each other for years. She couldn’t wait to introduce her to Jaime who was due to arrive on the island in a few days. She was sure Jaime and Simone would hit it off famously. Maddie was putting the finishing touches on the table when she heard the doorbell. She could hear Whit happily greeting their guests. It wasn’t long before the three of them had descended onto the terrace.

  “Maddie! It’s so good to see you. It’s been an age,” Simone laughed.

  “It has. Yesterday was so long ago,” Maddie giggled.

  Maddie and Simone had gone shopping just the day before. The men rolled their eyes and moved over to the bar to make drinks. The ladies sat at the table and chatted animatedly and the men soon joined them carrying their drinks. After a moment Tam began serving supper. It was a lively and enjoyable supper with much talk about the diamond discovery. They were in the middle of a spirited conversation when the doorbell sounded.

  “I wonder who that could be,” Maddie said curiously.

  “I’ll get it,” Whit said as he rose from the table.

  He walked through the salon and before long they could hear raised voices. Sean rose to go into the house.

  “Stay here,” Sean advised them.

  Sean moved into the salon. Maddie and Simone looked at each other in concern then listened. It only took Maddie a moment to recognize one of the voices. Raquel. Simone saw Maddie’s shocked expression.

  “What is it? Who’s here?” Simone asked anxiously.

  “Raquel,” Maddie whispered.

  “Who’s Raquel?”

  “An old flame that refuses to be extinguished,” Maddie muttered. “Come on.”

  The girls crept into the salon and stood behind a large green wingback chair near the patio door. They had a perfect view of what was taking place.

  “It’s over, Raquel. Why can you not accept that?” Whit snapped.

  “Because it is far from over. You simply are refusing to see the bigger picture. I’m sure father will help you see reason,” Raquel said glibly.

  “Stop throwing your father in my face. I will pay my debt to him,” Whit replied angrily.

  Raquel glided to the sofa and sat elegantly, crossing her long legs.

  “I would be happy not to mention what has become an unsavory matter. We only need to get past this disagreement and move forward with our lives….together,” Raquel said blithely.

  “Howard will have little success in changing my mind,” Whit said.

  “Surely you see the writing on the wall by now,” Raquel purred.

  “My answer has not changed. I am involved with the woman I love and neither you nor your father can change that,” Whit said flatly.

  Raquel sucked in her breath sharply as did Maddie but for very different reasons. Raquel heard Maddie’s gasp and turned to see her standing behind the chair. Raquel stood, shaking uncontrollably.

  “You whoring spider! How many times did you have to spread your legs to trap him in your web?” Raquel shouted furiously.

  Simone gasped in anger. Maddie bristled as she moved from behind the chair and stepped forward unafraid.

  “We love each other. Something that the two of you never experienced,” Maddie retorted. “It will be better for all if you would just slither away to lick your wounds.”

  “Slither away? My father will ruin you. Then we’ll see who will creep under a rock,” Raquel exploded.

  “Stop using your father like a shield when he’s not even here,” Whit demanded.

  “Oh but I am here, watching the proceedings with interest. It’s been quite entertaining,” Howard said pleasantly as he emerged from the shadows of the patio door. He moved into the well-lit room and Maddie saw an average height, silver haired, man that was powerful in his
build and stance. Maddie could imagine him easily crushing any foe that dared to oppose him.

  “Father, you’ve heard the manner in which I’ve been spoken to. It’s reprehensible,” Raquel screeched.

  “I agree that the language used this night has been disgraceful,” Howard replied. He turned to face Whit. “I understand what is taking place here. What have you to say to the matter, Whit?”

  “As I have explained to Raquel, our relationship has come to an end. I had hoped that we could part as friends but she has made that impossible,” Whit said.

  “I assume you are referring to her ultimatums to you,” Howard grimaced.

  “Yes,” Whit answered.

  “Such a nasty business,” Howard grimaced. “However, we do need to discuss the money you owe me.”

  “Gladly,” Whit smiled.

  “Ah! I take it from that smile on your face that good fortune has favored you,” Howard surmised.

  “It has. I am now able to repay you in full,” Whit announced.

  Raquel gasped.

  “Nooo! How?” Raquel asked in shock.

  “I too would like to hear the answer to that question,” Howard said.

  “The Jimaya mine that I invested in has produced the mineral ore that I felt was there,” Whit said.

  “Diamonds?” Howard breathed.

  “Yes. The samples have been tested and validated. They are diamond,” Whit confirmed.

  Howard laughed good-naturedly.

  “Congratulations, Whit! I am truly happy for you…..and for me,” Howard touted.

  “Thank you,” Whit responded.

  Raquel spun around wildly to face her father.

  “So he’s off the hook?” she screamed.

  “He was never on the hook. I had no intention of forcing him to bend to your whim, Raquel. It’s time you’ve learned that life doesn’t work that way,” Howard said to his daughter. Howard looked at Maddie. “And congratulations to you, Madison. You and Whit make a fine couple.”

  “Thank you,” Maddie murmured softly.

  “You! This is entirely your fault,” Raquel shouted.

  Raquel pointed her finger at Maddie as she moved toward her threateningly. Howard quickly placed his arm about Raquel’s waist to stop her progress.

  “Stop, Raquel,” Howard said sternly.

  “He was mine until you came along. He was mine! But you’ll pay for this. You will pay,” Raquel yelled.

  “Stop this nonsense, Raquel. You’re making a fool of yourself,” Howard said.

  Raquel wretched herself away from her father and ran from the house. Everyone was stunned as they watched her flee.


  It had taken several days but Maddie had finally been able to dismiss Raquel’s crazy threats. Whit had been reassuring and comforting but the feeling of unease had stayed with her. Today was the first day that Maddie felt relaxed. She moved about Matt’s house giving instructions to the workers and adjusting paintings and artifacts to best complement the room. It was while she was in the upstairs bedroom inserting a pillow into a sham that she smelled an odor. She stopped what she was doing to sniff several times.

  “It was smoke. What was burning?” she wondered.

  Maddie walked briskly down the hall until she reached the back staircase that descended into the kitchen. She gasped as she saw fierce flames spreading throughout the room. She had placed a foot on the top step when she felt a blinding pain on the back of her head. She moaned as she crumpled to the floor and rolled down the steps to land at the bottom in an unconscious heap. She barely heard the evil laughter before she drifted into a dark void. But she would know that heinous laugh anywhere: Raquel.


  Whit saw the black smoke billowing to the sky from his terrace. He could hear the sirens of the fire truck as they made their way to the fire. He placed a telescope to his eye and his heart momentarily stopped. He realized it was Matt’s home. He tossed the telescope on the table and ran to his jeep. He tore off down the dirt road at breakneck speed. Madison was there and he had to make sure she was alright. He prayed that she would be fine but he couldn’t dismiss the horrid feeling he had. Maddie had been nervous about Raquel’s threat. He had chalked it up to sour grapes on Raquel’s part. Now he wished he had acted on Maddie’s intuition. He would never forgive himself if she were injured. He arrived at Matt’s home and was shocked at how much damage the fire had already caused. Matt was out of town but he was sure to hear about this calamity. But he couldn’t worry about that now. His first priority was finding Madison. He encountered Sean as he hopped out of the jeep.

  “I came as soon as I heard. Where’s Maddie?” Sean asked anxiously.

  “I don’t know. I’ll search the first floor and you take the second,” Whit shouted above the din of activity.

  Whit and Sean ran into the house. Sean took the stairs two at a time to reach the upstairs while Whit searched the rooms on the first floor.

  “Madison! Maddie!” he yelled.

  His heart broke a little more when there was no reply but he kept searching. He ran into the library and encountered a fireman.

  “You shouldn’t be in here,” the fireman yelled.

  “I’ve got to find my girlfriend, Maddie,” Whit shouted back. “She was working here when the fire broke out.”

  “We’ll find her. Get out of here,” the fireman replied.

  “Not a chance,” Whit returned as he ran from the room.

  Whit ran to the back of the house and stopped abruptly at the site of the blazing kitchen door. No way could he get through.

  “Whit!” Sean yelled from upstairs.

  Whit ran back to the staircase and up the steps.

  “Have you found her?” Whit asked.

  “I’m not sure. Come with me,” Sean said urgently.

  They ran down the hall to the back staircase. Flames were leaping out at them from the bannister and there was a wall of flame midway the staircase.

  “I think I see the legs of someone through the fire,” Sean said.

  Whit peered through the scorching hot fire.

  “My God! It’s Madison,” Whit cried.

  Whit started to descend the steps when Sean grasped his arm tightly. Whit looked at him in shock.

  “Let me go, man” Whit ordered.

  “You need something to protect you from the flames,” Sean said. Sean ran into a bedroom and snatched a blanket from the bed. He then ran into the shower, turned on the head to wet the blanket down. He ran back to Whit to drape the blanket over him. Whit nodded his thanks then ran down the steps and through the wall of fire. He had never felt such intense heat in all of his life. A leaping flame burned his wrist. Scorching pain raced up his arm but he had to get keep going and get to Maddie. Then he saw her, lying unconscious on the floor. He ran to her and knelt at her side.

  “Madison!” he shouted.

  She didn’t respond. He slipped his arm under her shoulders and lifted her to him. It was when he cradled her head that he felt the blood. He took a closer look and could see the blood gushing from a gash.

  “My God! I’ve got to get her out of here,” he thought frantically.

  He looked into the kitchen and saw fire engulfing the room. He would be hard pressed to carry Maddie through it unscathed. He looked back up the steps. The wall of fire he had come through was closing in on them. But going through it was their only chance for survival. He took off the wet blanket and wrapped it around Maddie. He then picked her up and held her closely to his chest. He had taken two steps upward when suddenly a gust of water rained upon him. It was several seconds before the torrential wave ceased and he looked up the stairs. The same fireman that had told him to leave the house stood at the top of the steps holding the water hose. Whit ran up the steps to the landing where Sean stood with the fireman.

  “I tracked down a fireman. I thought you could use a little dousing,” Sean smiled.

  “Never was a soaking more appreciated,” Whit grinned.

>   “Come on. Maybe you will leave this time,” the fireman said testily.

  “After you,” Whit said.

  Whit and Sean laughed as they followed the fireman out of the house.


  Maddie reclined on the chaise lounge on the terrace and watched the sunset. Whit had carried her out as she had grown tired of being cooped up in her bedroom. As it turned out Maddie had only sustained a mild concussion and would be good as new with a week’s rest. Her head had hurt like hell the first day but the pain had eased as time passed. Whit treated her like an ailing princess and waited on her hand and foot. Maddie quickly became accustomed to such royal treatment and took full advantage of it. Whit didn’t mind. He was just happy that she was alright. Whit came onto the terrace with a glass of tropical juice. He set it on the table beside her.

  “May I join you?” he asked.

  “Absolutely,” Maddie replied.

  Maddie sat forward as he positioned himself behind her on the chaise. She then relaxed against his muscular chest.

  “Howard called. He said he had found Raquel and she would be facing criminal charges for setting the fire and attempting to murder you,” he said.

  “But I will not be pressing charges,” Maddie said. “I just want her out of our lives.”

  “Maybe not. But the district attorney will be,” he said. “Howard feels that it’s time that she’s held accountable for her actions; even if he is paying to restore Matt’s house. With Howard’s influence she will probably only receive a stiff fine and lengthy probation. But that’s better than nothing.”

  “Something tells me that Howard has his own punishment in mind,” Maddie mused.

  “Which will be worse than any punishment the justice system could give her,” Whit said. “Making Raquel waitress and volunteer in soup kitchens would be torture for her.”

  “And very deserving,” Maddie chuckled. She turned to face him. “Now, to more important matters. Did I thank you for saving my life?”

  Whit smiled.

  “Only a thousand times at least,” he chuckled.


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