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Adrian Page 3

by Anna Antonia

  “I understand. So you work here part-time?”

  “Yes. Monday through Wednesday.”



  Adrian let her twitch for a bit before coming out with “I feel there’s something here between us, Victoria. I hope you feel it too.”

  Her answer would tell him at least one important thing about her—was she a girl who liked to play games? Adrian didn’t mind playing, but those based on denial and lies were tedious to the extreme.

  “I do.” Her shoulders rounded in apparent ease and she even leaned back in her chair a tiny bit. She rubbed her free hand down her thigh once. “I’m not sure if I even should be feeling anything but I do.”

  Adrian regarded her from beneath a steady gaze. He had to give her credit that she didn’t squirm. “Why not?”

  Victoria’s impish grin and slight roll of her eyes charmed him further. “Because you work here.”

  “So do you.”

  “Correction. I do my work here but I don’t work here.”

  “Well, that’s even better. There’s no HR stickiness to deal with.”

  “Maybe but I’m sure the cleaning service won’t appreciate the help mixing with the non-help if you catch my drift.”

  “And that’s important to you?”

  “Well, yeah. I like my work here.”

  Adrian sidestepped the implication that he might not be worth jeopardizing that relationship. “You’re a night owl then, Victoria. Like me.”

  She shook her head slightly. “Not really. Night work is just easier for me with my school schedule.”

  “I see. So what are you studying, Victoria?”


  He tossed out a friendly smile. “It’s routine work.”

  “I like routine work. It’s something I can count on as a career.”

  “You like stability?”

  She cocked her head, eyes shining bright with secret mirth. His questions probably seemed silly to her, especially considering her background, but Adrian was extremely curious as to how she would answer them.

  “I like it about as much as the next person. What about you, Adrian? Do you like working here?”

  He didn’t have to give it any thought. “Very much so. I love working. It’s my passion.”

  Adrian expected her to ask him what he did. Instead, she said, “That’s awesome to have found something you love doing so much.”

  “It is.”

  Victoria shared his smile for a long moment before breaking away to take a drink. Although Adrian would love to sit there with her for the rest of the night, he had to trust that the time had come to part. Tomorrow would come soon enough.

  “Thank you for spending this time with me, Victoria. I hope we can do it again tomorrow.”

  She rose to her feet, clutching her bottle to her waist. “Tomorrow?”

  “Unless you’d rather not…”

  Victoria bit her lip and then shook her head. She rolled her shoulders back, seemingly coming to a decision. He wondered at her thoughts.

  “I’d love to see you. Maybe we can talk longer…unless I’m keeping you from something important.”

  Adrian liked that she respected his time and work. His head locked into agreement with what his instincts already confirmed. Victoria Montford would prove to be a delight to know and spend time with in and out of bed.

  “Not at all. Do you need me to walk you down?”

  “Thanks, but I’m okay.” She let her hand rise a bit. “Thanks for the water. See you tomorrow, Adrian.”

  “You’re very welcome, Victoria.” Adrian watched her walk back towards the stairs. He purposely waited several beats before calling out her name. Only when she turned around did he walk over to her. “Here. You should take this with you.”

  Victoria looked down at the bottled juice he held out to her. “Oh no…” she demurred.

  “If you don’t take it, it’s going to go to waste.” There. That should get her to fold.

  She glanced at his hand and then back to him. “Okay. Thank you.”

  A shy smile flirted with him in a way he couldn’t even begin to comprehend. Startled by the unexpected pleasure he received in pleasing her, Adrian was tempted to tell her he’d buy her all the juice she could ever want if she’d just keep looking at him this way.

  “Until tomorrow…”

  “Until tomorrow…”

  Adrian waited until Victoria disappeared out of view. He then pulled out his cell. “Micah? Let me know when she leaves the building and then send a detail over to make sure she gets home safe. Be discreet. Thanks.”

  He headed back to his office to wrap one last e-mail up. To say Adrian was going to be busy tomorrow was a severe understatement.

  He had six meetings scheduled for tomorrow, along with a business lunch, dinner, and drinks. He also had to go through two reports and get back with his final decision regarding the efficiency of the new drill head being tested in the lab. Plus there were the thousand and one things that inevitably popped up every day.

  Even so, tomorrow night really couldn’t come quick enough.


  Victoria quickly got used to seeing Adrian every night for the rest of the short week. She learned he had a taste for lemon-lime soda and made sure she brought one at their designated meeting spot. It was a little thing, but Victoria was sure Adrian appreciated it as much as he seemed to appreciate their chats.

  They never shared anything too heavy which suited Victoria just fine. The past five years had been a grueling exercise in dealing with serious issues and situations. Being able to talk about TV shows, books, and the latest movie releases was a sincere pleasure on her side.

  It was getting harder to part from Adrian. The first time he touched her hand in farewell, Victoria swore she felt the imprint last far into the next day. She squeezed his hand first the next night, more than a bit saddened that she wouldn’t see Adrian until Monday.

  But what about after that?

  He had originally told her he was going to be working midnight hours only for two weeks. Would she never see him again? Or would he finally ask her out?

  Maybe I can ask him?

  Nope. Victoria wasn’t on that level yet.

  She hadn’t developed her confidence yet regarding boys and Adrian Hawthorne wasn’t even close to being a boy. He was a man in every sense of the word. As a man he probably was used to women wearing their hair in the latest style, not scraped into a tight ponytail. He was also used to them wearing slinky dresses and shoes with red bottoms or some other outrageously expensive label like the ones her roommate Shaundra wore.

  Still, those were her insecurities because Adrian never acted as if it bothered him in the least bit that she wore her coveralls or that her shoes were off-brand sneakers.

  Being with Adrian made Victoria feel good and she’d hate to lose that feeling come next Wednesday.

  The days ticked by faster than ever and before she knew it the dreaded day had arrived.

  Victoria dragged her feet, even though she knew she was eating into her precious time with him. Dread knotted in her stomach when she saw him waiting for her, achingly handsome as always.

  Although she pasted a smile on her face, she instantly saw that she hadn’t fooled him in the least.

  Adrian stood up and came over to her. “Victoria, what’s wrong?”

  The feel of his hand on her arm was a pleasurable torment that Victoria didn’t want to have to go without.

  “It’s nothing. Really.”


  The curtness in his tone captured her attention. Her startled gaze flew to him. “What?”

  “Tell me what’s wrong. I don’t like it when you keep things like that from me.”

  Adrian’s strong words warmed her, making Victoria feel safe and cherished, even if he was being a little presumptuous. “Can we sit down?”

  “Of course.”

  He led her past the club chairs they alwa
ys sat in and moved them to the sofa. Victoria couldn’t dismiss the significance. Adrian took both her hands in his and asked, “What’s wrong and what can I do to help you?”

  “It’s nothing…really!”

  “Victoria, I mean what I say. Now tell me.”

  She opened her mouth and nothing came out. Could she really share her sorrow at their probable parting?

  I know he’s been so nice to me but what if I’m really too much into his words? Maybe he’s nice like this to everybody?

  Victoria mentally shrieked in laughter. Even she couldn’t be that naïve, could she? She thought back to his words from the week before.

  “I feel there’s something here between us, Victoria. I hope you feel it too.”

  She absolutely felt it. Was she brave enough to take a chance?

  “I’m a little sad at the thought of not seeing you again.”


  Adrian’s jaw clenched before he could stop it. Victoria was ending things with him before they even started. He didn’t like that feeling at all.

  “Why?” He’d done his best to modulate his tone but aggressiveness still managed to come through.

  Victoria faltered. She tried to slip her hands from his. Adrian tightened his hold fractionally. When she didn’t say anything further, he repeated his question and added, “Did I do something wrong to make you feel this way?”

  Her mouth rounded again but this time Adrian didn’t feel swayed towards the sweetness of it. He didn’t want to lose her. Not yet. His plans for Victoria had changed from pure seduction to something else.

  Adrian genuinely enjoyed spending time with this girl. Her sweetness was a balm he never knew he craved after a long day at work. It had become important to him to see her nearly every night. Besides, Adrian still had yet to learn anything intimate from her beyond the books she liked, her favorite classes, food, drinks, and movies.

  It wasn’t enough. He needed more time with her.

  “Adrian, I’m not sure but I think there’s been some kind of miscommunication.”

  His body tensed. He wasn’t wrong about Victoria. He couldn’t be, not with the way he felt every time he thought about her, saw her, heard her voice, and heard her laugh.

  Adrian’s instinct couldn’t be wrong. Not about her.

  The control cost him greatly, but he managed to keep his tone soft and even. “It would help if you told me plainly, Victoria.”

  “You haven’t done anything to offend me. I was sad because today’s my last night and this is your last week working so late.”

  Ah. I understand.

  Relief roiled right through him. Adrian didn’t try to hide it. “You’re right. It was a total miscommunication. I thought you were dumping me.”

  This time her blushes affected him twice as much.

  “I could never dump you, Adrian. We’re not even dating.”

  “This is true.” Adrian had originally expected he’d have Victoria in his bed by the end of the first week and had padded it with another week for good measure. He’d vastly underestimated his pleasure just speaking with her considering they hadn’t even gone on a date.

  Adrian made mistakes rarely, but he always rectified his error when he did. He took the plunge and hoped to meet her at the bottom.

  “Victoria, I’d like to take you out on your next day off. Would that be okay?”

  He’d barely finished speaking before she answered, “Yes!” and then clapped her hands over her mouth.

  Adrian hugged her to him, enjoying the honesty and enthusiasm in her little yell. He allowed his nose to nuzzle the top of her head while he closed his eyes. Victoria felt so right in his arms, as if she’d been born solely to be hugged by him.

  Reel yourself back there. It’s not forever, remember?

  Adrian loosened his arms reluctantly. Victoria, unaware of the warnings sounding off in his mind, apologized while she laughed. “I’m sorry. It’s just that I haven’t been on a date since…well…in a really long time. I let my excitement get the best of me.”

  I completely understand how you feel, Victoria.

  Adrian’s arms tightened a bit more. He took illicit pleasure in the fact that she seemed to not mind his touch in the slightest. “Where would you like to go?”

  The joy dimmed a bit in her lovely eyes. She considered her answer. “I don’t know. Maybe dinner?”

  Adrian recognized and solved the problem immediately. “Would you like me to surprise you?”

  Happiness returned back in Victoria’s gaze. Adrian could become addicted to keeping it there far too easily. He’d worry about that later.

  “Tell me what time you’d like me to pick you up.”

  “Maybe it would be better to meet you there instead?” Victoria didn’t seem to be aware of woebegone lilt in her question.

  “Would it make you feel safer, Victoria?”

  She avoided his gaze for a split-second. “It’s just that I don’t want to inconvenience you since I don’t live in the city…”

  Adrian already knew that and had made allowances for the commute time. Still, he didn’t want Victoria preoccupied and worried about her living conditions in the misguided belief that he cared about it at all.

  “Okay, how about this? Why don’t we meet in front of this building? Is that good with you?”

  Victoria gave him a relieved smile. “That works for me.”

  “Then it’s settled. Does eight work for you?”

  She nodded. “It works perfectly.”

  Adrian squeezed her to him, completely enamored with how she felt against his body. “Good.”

  He’d make it the most perfect date she could’ve ever imagined all in the hopes of keeping her just as happy as she was right now.


  Victoria woke up four hours later. She had a million things to get done if she was going to make her date with Adrian tonight. She had to finish her paper, do the homework for three classes, meet with her advisor, plus finish her laundry and complete her assigned chore of cleaning up the kitchen.

  Then there was the tricky task of figuring out what to wear considering the near-barren selection of dresses she currently had in her closet. Between tips and savings, she had about $100 to spend to make herself up for her date. If she had any hopes of matching Adrian in wardrobe, that wouldn’t even cover half the cost for a top.


  Still, Victoria wasn’t going to let something minor like a miniscule wardrobe get in her way. She already planned on going to a row of consignment shops in the neighborhood after returning from the university. She was bound to find something suitable there.

  She got showered and dressed before tackling her laundry and the kitchen. Despite a few grumbles from one of her roommates, Jenny, the other two never even stirred. Victoria then buckled down on her school work, forcing her wayward thoughts to keep from lingering on Adrian for too long.

  It was difficult, especially when she wondered if he was giving as much thought to her as she was him.


  By noon Victoria was all done. She’d e-mailed her assignments and received confirmation of receipt. Although fatigue tugged at her, Victoria made herself a quick snack and then left for her meeting. The subway wasn’t packed so she had a seat for the whole ride there and back. And even though she caught her eyes closing and head bobbing forward, Victoria only had to think about Adrian to feel the familiar rush of adrenaline and excitement.

  The consignment shops were a tougher nut to crack. Deciding to go safe with a little black dress, Victoria would either find one that was her size but out of her price range or in her range but not in her size. Finally, just when she despaired of ever finding something, the last shop came through for her. On sale, in her size, and most importantly in her budget, the sheath hugged her body in all the right places and made Victoria feel like a princess.

  A sexy princess maybe but still royalty.

  Victoria picked up a new pair of off-brand shoes, black naturally,
and had just enough money to buy a new bra and matching panties before making her way back home. She felt victorious and couldn’t wait for the upcoming night.

  That enthusiasm carried her through to her second shower and careful grooming in prep for being smooth, soft, and alluring for the most exciting date of her life.

  So when she lay on her bed to wait for her rollers to heat up, Victoria didn’t expect to awaken two hours later and an hour too late to catch the train to the city.

  Victoria snatched the clock off her night stand and stared at it in horror.

  “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”

  She jumped off her bed and scrambled to put on her new underclothing, yanking the tags instead of snipping them, while she frantically wondered what she should do next.

  A knock sounded on the door before it opened to let her roommate’s head to poke in. “Vickie, you okay in here?”

  “No! I’m not okay!”

  Jenny, a transplant from Minnesota, was tough as nails for a girl who looked like an angel come down to earth with her naturally blond hair, perfect oval face, and cornflower blue eyes. Working in security was a perfect fit for the girl whose ambition was to become a FBI agent.

  She stepped in and closed the door. “First, calm your tits. Second, exactly what’s the problem?”

  Victoria explained in a panicked rush, nearly in tears as she outlined that even though she’d planned for everything to go right today, her plan had blown apart and it was completely her fault.

  Jenny listened, arms crossed and face intent as she processed Victoria’s wailing dilemma. She then walked out of the room and came right back with a box of tissues in hand. “Here. I’m going to fix this but you need to calm down. You’re of no use to me if you’re crying. Got it?”

  Victoria took the box and giggled as she saw things from Jenny’s point of view. Jenny would never get overwhelmed to meltdown mode just because she dropped the ball. She’d either pick it up and keep going or she’d kick it out of bounds and demand another one.

  Victoria dried her tears and blew her nose. Letting out a cleansing breath, she declared, “My tits are officially calm.”


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