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Adrian Page 9

by Anna Antonia

  Victoria loved everything about her life with Adrian.

  There were the weekend trips across the ocean that he surprised her with regularly. Paris, London, and Rome were her favorites. There were the charity benefits he took her to in the city and the social events they traveled across the country in his private plane.

  As wonderful and exciting as those experiences were, Victoria’s favorite times were the ones like this. She loved when it was just the two of them and no designer gown or fabulous trip could ever compare to being in his arms.

  Adrian let out a peaceful sigh, signaling the end of his decompression. “You said you were busy today. Tons of homework?”

  “Yep. Lots of papers and study guides, but I got them done. Barely, but they’re done.”

  “Barely? Hmm, that doesn’t sound like my studious, little Victoria.”

  She nipped his chin. “Studious, little Victoria was kept up rather late last night and the night before that.”

  “What’s for dinner?”

  Victoria linked an arm around his neck and laughed. “Smooth move there, Adrian.”

  He winked and whistled innocently. “What?”

  “I’m making roast chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, and rolls.”

  Adrian nuzzled the tip of her nose with his. “I love your Southern cooking, you know that?”

  “It’s faux-Southern. True Southern cooking would have me frying the chicken instead of roasting it.” Victoria tried to pinch a nonexistent inch of fat on his lean waist. “I’m saving you from having to double your workouts in the morning.”

  He ducked in close to her neck and kissed the sensitive spot beneath her ear. “Just admit you’re doing it to keep me in bed with you longer.”

  “I won’t deny that,” answered with a delicate shudder.

  Adrian stood up with her in his arms. He kissed her mouth, only letting his lips part for the barest of moments. “Let me get changed, kitten. I’ll be back, okay?”

  “Sure. Hurry.”


  Adrian set her down and Victoria watched him walk away. She didn’t have to look in a mirror to see her face was wreathed in what felt like a mile-wide smile. Victoria sometimes couldn’t believe a person could be this happy all the time. It just didn’t seem possible, but it was her life.

  It’s perfect.

  Victoria’s decision to move into Adrian’s place sent a shockwave throughout her little world. Her roommates were completely against it, logically saying she didn’t know Adrian well enough to put her entire life in his hands.

  “What if he ends up dumping you next week? What are you going to do then?” That came from Jenny.

  “Have you lost your mind? You didn’t even know Adrian’s background as of yesterday and now you’re moving in with him? Please.” That came from Shaundra.

  “Not the best plan.” And that final tidbit came from Krista.

  Her stepmother’s words were more robust.

  “Victoria, I know these past five years have been hard on you. No, really. You’ve been so supportive of the girls, and I’ll always appreciate it, but you can’t deny that it’s been hard. I also know it must seem like since you’ve got this chance at happiness you’ve got to take it now. I just don’t want you rushing into anything this drastic without giving it thought.”

  Victoria had appreciated all their warnings and would’ve been saying the same thing if it had been any one of them making the same decision.

  She really did understand.

  Moving in with Adrian after one day wasn’t logical. It wasn’t within eye-view of logical. She recognized that.

  However, logic couldn’t always be the deciding factor in life.

  Victoria’s instincts dared her to listen to them for a change instead of always going with her head. So she packed up her few possessions and moved in with Adrian.

  She didn’t allow herself to think about the possibility that they might implode within a week. She refused to consider that he might decide she was more trouble than she was worth and replace her with someone who came from his world.

  Victoria took a chance and the chance, so far, had been more than worth it.

  Even when she’d had to quit her jobs in order for Adrian not to lose face. Granted, he hadn’t asked her to do it and it’d been her choice, but how could she have continued to clean offices in his building? And then how could she continue waitressing when she ran into one of his acquaintances and a woman who was obviously not his wife?

  “I won’t tell if you won’t,” the middle-aged banker had said with a faint leer on the way to the bathroom. Later the jerk went out of his way to find her, standing too closely behind Victoria at the bar, and whispered, “Are you working tomorrow? I’ve got the taste for…wings…and would love to see you again.”

  Victoria had quit immediately. She also avoided doing more than saying “Hello” whenever she came across him and his wife at the occasional social event.

  Unease batted about her mind like a moth at a brightly-lit window. Had she’d been too quick to give up her financial independence? Adrian set aside an account in her name and funded it generously, but Victoria didn’t see it as her money.

  Not really.

  Why am I thinking about this now? Everything is fine between us and besides, I’m about to graduate in less than a month. Once I start working 60 hours a week, I’ll be wishing I appreciated this little vacation more.

  Mind firmly at ease again, Victoria hummed and headed to the kitchen to check on dinner.


  Adrian quickly changed his clothes. His pleasure at being home again with Victoria dimmed as he wondered if she was as happy with him as was with her.

  She’s had to sacrifice more for me than I have for her. It’s not right.

  Aware of the upheaval in her life, Adrian tried his best to smooth her way and preserve her independence. Of course, his way dealt with money.

  Adrian paid her rent for a full year so she’d have her room to go back to if she decided he was, as he put it, “A total pain in the ass to live with.” This went a long way in easing any lingering worries and hostilities her former roommates might’ve had towards him and her judgment in moving in with him.

  That and the flowers he had sent to each of them weekly.

  Adrian also set up a bank account solely in Victoria’s name with enough money to support her for several years if she lived modestly—in the city. It would be plenty of money to last two decades if she ever went back to North Carolina.

  Victoria had no intention of touching that money and told him so quite clearly.

  Adrian wasn’t surprised. Victoria was a sweet girl but prideful. She was also the most stubborn person he’d ever met. He learned very quickly to not push when she made up her mind.

  A case in point was her jobs. Victoria kept working for the first two months, despite Adrian’s assurances that all she had to do was concentrate on finishing her last semester in school.

  “Working makes me feel good.”

  How could he argue with that? Adrian learned the hard way that there was no moving her when Victoria made up her mind. All it had taken was one argument which Adrian had lost—a rarity for him to be sure.

  Victoria replaced her cleaning job with extra shifts on the restaurant. She never explained why, but it didn’t take any thought as to why she ended her employment. She didn’t want to put him in the position of having to explain her connection to him.

  Adrian appreciated her caring about him that way, even if it didn’t matter to him what others thought about him or their relationship. What he did care about, however, was what others thought about her.

  Especially, if they were lustful, disrespectful thoughts.

  The possessiveness Adrian felt whenever his driver ferried Victoria over to her waitressing job didn’t die down as he assumed it would. Not by expression or tone would he let it slip that he hated her job. He dutifully accepted her goodbye kiss and told her, “
Have a good night. I can’t wait to see you when you come home.”

  Adrian then spent those miserable nights immersed in his never-ending paperwork. When that failed to keep his simmering frustration in check, he got physical. Sometimes it was at the boxing club. Other times he played pickup games at a nearby basketball court. Adrian ran for miles at an indoor track when either of those options weren’t available.

  He’d do anything to distract himself from thinking about all those strangers looking at the curves of Victoria’s beautiful body.

  Abruptly, she ended her waitress position one night. Victoria didn’t tell him why and Adrian didn’t press, but he couldn’t deny he was secretly glad for it. Adrian had immediately offered to help her find another position, especially because he felt guilty at taking pleasure in a situation that made her so obviously unhappy.

  “Kitten, with your qualifications I can get you an internship at the best accounting firms in the city. Let me do this for you. It’s no hardship.”

  She merely patted his hand. “Adrian, babe, I appreciate it. Really I do, but I have to do this on my own. It has to be my accomplishment. Do you understand?”

  He did.

  Her independence was just one of the many things he loved about Victoria. That was why he felt so conflicted in feeling pleasure over something that aided in keeping her dependent on him.

  Adrian loved taking care of Victoria. He loved that his position afforded to give her the world and not only that, but it made him feel for the first time that all his work meant something. It wasn’t just to build up his company stock or personal portfolio, it was to take care of Victoria.

  And yet…

  Victoria needed to work just like he did. She’d been independent ever since her father had died. It wasn’t something she wanted to give up easily.

  Not one given to that much waffling back and forth on an issue, Adrian decided not to let it bother him more than it already had. He put it out of his mind and every time guilt crept back in, he would look at their growing life together. The uncomfortable feeling usually left then, especially when Victoria lay curled up next to him, a beautiful smile for him at the ready.

  All those moments of happiness deserved material acts of appreciation in Adrian’s mind, so he took immense pleasure in showering Victoria with presents. He especially loved draping jewels around her neck. Sapphires were his favorite. And even though Victoria appreciated his largesse, she made it a point to let him know that he didn’t need to buy her affection with emeralds, rubies, and sapphires.

  “I just want to be with you, Adrian. That’s all.”

  “I know. Thank you for indulging me.”

  And it was a beautiful indulgence. Adrian fancied having a diamond collar commissioned for his kitten, but he didn’t want her to get the wrong idea about his appetites. Still, a collar would be lovely to mark her as his…

  And more than anything, Adrian wanted Victoria to be his. He wanted her to be as mad about him as he was about her. She was everything he never knew he wanted. Being with her was the best drug he’d ever taken. Everything was heightened—especially his emotions. The thought of losing Victoria made him wake up in the middle of the night and reach for her to make sure she was still there.

  Victoria never knew the irrational fear gnawing him for the inside and that was the way it was going to stay.

  So instead he threw more money at it. Adrian supplied Victoria with her own credit cards. She rarely used them, but when she did it was usually to take a friend out to dinner on celebratory occasions. He was sure there had been a problem with the statement the first month he received it because there had been no purchases.

  So while he respected her need for autonomy, Adrian took advantage of it by indulging in his ever-growing need to take care of Victoria. He constantly took her shopping for clothes. Already there were whispers about the Cinderella he’d taken under his wing, and while Adrian couldn’t control their snide tongues, he could at least make sure no one could look down on Victoria because of her lack of labels.

  She took the purchases in stride, but Adrian noticed she preferred to wear her pre-relationship clothes when at home.

  Just like now.

  He leaned against the doorway and watched her. Victoria had a little green apron wrapped around her trim waist. Her jeans pulled across her lush bottom when she bent over to check the oven and her little black t-shirt rode up her back. Adrian’s lips itched with the urge to kiss that strip of exposed skin.

  Victoria took that moment to look over her shoulder. Her full mouth opened slightly. The familiar look of desire stamped her pretty features. Adrian padded over to her. His finger hooked into her waistband and pulled Victoria close.

  “Stop looking at me like that, Adrian.”

  “Like how?”

  His playful denial coupled with one hand innocently brushing across the front of her thighs made Victoria lean close. Her stance widened. He slipped his hand closer. The heat of her inspired him to cup her before squeezing rhythmically.

  “The last time you did this, Adrian, I burned dinner.”

  He remembered. Smoke filled the kitchen and made the whole place smell pungent for hours. He bared his teeth in a smug grin anyways.

  “So? That’s what take-out is for, kitten.”

  Adrian licked a path down her neck. He loved hearing the breathy little moans she always made when he reached the juncture of her neck and shoulder.

  Victoria untied her apron and threw it on the floor. She snatched her shirt off and undid her lacy bra. Adrian smiled and took what she so prettily offered with her hands. His mouth tugged on her pert nipples, tonguing them thoroughly before giving them each a playful bite.

  Her moans grew louder and he became a beast, stripping her quickly so he could play with his kitten. Adrian had Victoria stand over him while he pleasured her with his lips, tongue, and fingers. The scent and delicate taste of her intoxicated him. Victoria’s cries filled his ears with beauty. When she bent down and unbuttoned his pants, Adrian’s tongue drove deep inside. He then went wild when her mouth traced a line around his shaft.

  Nothing could ever feel better.

  It wasn’t the sex, or rather it wasn’t just the sex. It was their cozy domesticity. Victoria fit him. She truly was his everything...

  Adrian’s thoughts disintegrated when she fisted him. He zeroed in on her honeyed cleft, keeping in time with her strokes. His tongue teased the sweet pearl while Victoria’s mouth fastened around his thick, overly sensitized head.

  They ended up on the floor before he could spill. Victoria straddled him, churning her hips while he pumped into her madly. His hands roamed from her thighs, to her slick mound, up to her full breasts, and then further up. Victoria nipped his fingers before sucking them deep into her mouth.

  Adrian truly couldn’t get enough of Victoria and apparently neither could she get enough of him. It was always like this between them. A beautiful, perfect storm of desire and need.

  When they finally collapsed against each other the timer began beeping.

  “Perfect timing,” she sighed against his neck before giving it a quick kiss. “You couldn’t have planned it better, Adrian.”



  Time passed and Victoria’s graduation was upon her before she knew it. Her family had flown in on Adrian’s private jet. He’d also booked them the presidential suite at one of the city’s most luxurious hotels.

  Victoria’s sisters had declared themselves princesses as they ran throughout the well-appointed rooms. Her stepmother and step-grandmother seemed to be impressed with the space too.

  Adrian had done his best to rearrange his schedule, but unfortunately only had enough time to pick them all up from the airport and bring them to the hotel. Still, he’d managed to be his charming best to them all. When he left he kissed her on the cheek in deference to their small audience.

  “I look forward to seeing you all tonight at dinner. Goodbye, kitten.”
br />   Victoria didn’t have to look in a mirror to see the besotted grin stretching her mouth wide. As soon as the door closed her stepmother said, “I don’t have to ask if you’re happy, do I?”


  Megan and Reagan skipped over to her, one on each side to tug at her hand, and asked in unison, “Mommy says you live with Mr. Adrian. Does that mean he’s going to be your husband?”

  Victoria looked up for help. Both of the women waited with curiosity for her answer, one more intently than the other. “Uh, I’m not sure.”

  “Why? Don’t you love each other?”

  Victoria squirmed mentally. Adrian hadn’t said the words to her yet, but to be fair, she hadn’t said it to him either. It wasn’t strange, was it? Of course, they had really strong feelings for each other. Adrian spent nearly all of his free time with her and not just in bed. They talked, laughed, and shared their innermost selves with one another.

  That had to be love.

  “We like each other very, very much.” Victoria looked up in time to see the oldest member of their party tighten her lips in disapproval.

  Rose McKinnon was of a different era and Victoria didn’t have to ask her stepmother if her mother approved of living together before marriage. The answer was written all over her face. Victoria thought it better to change the subject. Fast.

  “So how was your flight—”

  “Can we be your bridesmaids at the wedding? Can we wear pink tutus? Ones that go all the way to the floor?”

  “Megan! I like purple. You know I hate pink.”

  The girls squabbled as usual, saving Victoria from having to answer any more questions. Conversation moved to safer topics of school, plans for a job, and whether she was going to go to the Outer Banks with them during the summer.

  It reminded her of being home in the family kitchen. All that was missing was the family cat Cedric circling the table for an indulgent hand to pet his sleek back.

  Still Victoria was grateful when it was time for her to go home an hour later. Leaving her little family in their luxurious rooms with plans to pick them up for dinner at eight, Victoria wondered why she was so glad to go. Normally, she loved visiting them.


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