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Bound Page 9

by Iona Strom

  “Please, Natu, I promise not to cause trouble. Please let me stay on the ship with you. Please, Natu.”

  My three males exchange grumbles. I hope they’re reconsidering their decision to sell me.

  Kneeling, Natu’s expression, a combination of concern and irritation, gives me pause.

  “I must double my efforts to find a translator,” Natu speaks. His eyes never leaving mine, but I get the feeling it isn’t me he’s addressing. “She is to be our mate. It is our responsibility to not only protect her but to make certain she has what she needs. She is clearly distraught about something.”

  My other two males grumble in response, only this time in agreement, nodding as they converse.

  Lifted from the floor, Natu positions me in front of the audience. My anxiety spikes anew. The child-like creatures step forward and remove the silver bands from my hair. Arranging them on a podium that’s set to one side, then they add a bronze hairband taken from each of my males before melding in with the crowd.

  The royal blue alien who healed me takes center stage. Raising two slender arms skyward, it speaks unintelligible words to the crowd.

  I relax a little that there doesn’t appear to be any bartering over my flesh—just a speech of some sort. Then Natu steps forward—all smiles—and accepts one of my silver hairbands from the royal blue alien. My other two males follow suit.

  When it’s my turn, I’m presented with three bronze hairbands. More words are spoken, and as I accept what is handed to me, cheers erupt from the crowd—their collective voices raising the roof. Startled from the sudden uproar, I don’t object when the bands are taken from me by a hairy gnome with wide-set eyes, along with the three silver bands my males hold.

  Hobbling away on stubby legs, the gnome climbs onto a tall stool set at a long table littered with small hand tools. Applying a particularly odd-looking tool to one of the silver bands, my curiosity takes me in the direction of where he’s working.

  I don’t get far. The audience parts, revealing tables laden with food. Redirected by a hand about my waist, Xuel leads me to the back of the room where I take a seat on a long bench between him and Nulis with Natu seated next to Xuel. The child-like creatures set empty plates before each of us as the audience finds their own seats.

  I cringe away when Xuel offers me a steaming pile of whitish meat from the platter at his elbow. He quirks a brow and fills his own plate before passing the meat to Nulis and then to Natu. Next to come my way is one of my favorites. Helping myself to the green pods, I pop one in my mouth before passing the bowl to Nulis. Sneering, he hands the dish off to Natu.

  Now seated between my males at a banquet, my earlier fears of being returned are washed away.

  More platters of food are offered to me. I pass on all the various meats in favor of the fruits and vegetables I recognize. Cups of water and another drink the color of kiwi is set in front of each of us. None of the males touches the kiwi drink, so I only take sips of the water.

  Just as we finish our meal and the dishes are cleared, the gnome hobbles over with an arm full of our hairbands. Starting with Xuel, each male is given one silver band.

  I notice they all have intricately etched designs on their surfaces. Before I can examine the etchings, placed in front of me are the three bronze bands from my males, each one etched with a depiction of that particular male with a female who looks exactly like me.

  The carvings are impressive. Strong arms wrap the female in a protective embrace. Each male wears a fierce expression that leaves no doubt as to what will happen to anyone who dares threaten me.


  I’m completely safe with these males. There has always been an underlying impression of that—something warm and comfortably seated in the deepest part of my soul from the first time I clapped eyes on Natu and Xuel trading goods in that marketplace. That’s when I first felt a niggling sense of security.

  The child-like creatures return. Beginning with Xuel, each shark-toothed alien adds a silver band to the length of each male’s hair. Black as sin locks bound with multiple bronze circles, the silver is placed first—above all the others—and each male sits a little straighter.

  Pride shines from their fierce faces as their newly etched bronze bands are added to the length of my blonde ponytail trailing down my back.

  Xuel reaches for his cup of kiwi juice, and I get a better look at the etchings carved into the silver band adorning his hair.

  It’s me! A perfect rendition of a portrait of me with some strange writing beneath. An exchange of bands instead of rings slipped onto fingers, but a token of commitment exchanged just the same.

  My cup of juice is placed in my hand. Dazed over what has become all too clear, each male speaks words to me—some sort of declaration. Of course, I have no clue of the meaning. However, I do recognize their odd pronunciation of my name.


  No longer Ivey, I am now known as Avay. As my three males hold up their cups and then drink of the juice, I do the same. I know without being told that I’ve just bound myself to these three alien males.

  What’s so outlandish about the tears pressing the backs of my eyeballs? They aren’t caused by the fact I just unknowingly toasted my three new husbands, but the fact my parents weren’t here to see me get married.

  Shouldn’t I be concerned about attaching myself to three aliens? Three! The deeper I search within myself, the more I realize I’m not the least bit troubled. In fact, as I look around at my trio, for the first time in my life, I feel happy and oddly at home. The only thought that gives me pause is what will my parents think.

  I can feel the weight of disappointment from the image of my mother that I’ve conjured inside my head. My father? My father never approved of me, anyway. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if he disowned me altogether after this. No matter what they think, my plans to return to Earth haven’t changed. I still want to go home. I’ll miss my males, and despite my feelings of belonging with them, I’m a human—an alien in their world.

  Taking another sip of the kiwi colored juice, I feel my muscles relax as my bones settle into a slouch. Leaning to my left, I use Nulis’ shoulder as a backrest. He doesn’t seem to mind, even turns to give me more to lounge against. He coos out soft words near my ear. I make an answering sound in my throat and enjoy the view on the male next to me.

  Xuel the Untried. The only male I’ve wed that I haven’t bedded—yet.

  If I’m right, it’s his turn between my legs. That sounds so slutty. Then again, what good is a harem if you don’t make use of all the males in your stable?

  Chapter 10

  This kiwi colored juice tastes nothing like the fruit itself, but it’s delicious just the same. Tipping back what remains of my second cup, Xuel snatches it from my hand.

  Scowling, he wags a finger at me in warning. “Avay, I believe you have had enough vinosse. Your eyes are already glossy with intoxication.”

  I giggle at him and snuggle back into Nulis’ powerful chest. With my legs slung over Natu’s lap, two of my males have turned the bench seat into a chaise lounge.

  My entire body is buzzing, drifting on a fluffy cloud of I-couldn’t-care-less as the banquet has given way to lively music and the thrum of the crowd chatting away in the background.

  Completely at ease, my eyes sluggishly follow Xuel’s sloppy movements from where he moved to the opposite side of the table. Refilling his cup, he empties the contents in a single gulp. Refill and repeat, and it’s Nulis’ turn to scold.

  “Go easy, Xuel. Your cock cannot perform if you are unconscious.”

  Xuel growls something nasty-sounding back and takes a long pull from the edge of his cup. Slamming the cup down on the table, the green contents inside sloshes over the rim, wetting Xuel’s meaty fist.

  I’m too blissed out to be concerned over Xuel’s surly mood. The lively music playing by a group of aliens with bizarre instruments has claimed my complete attention. The next song they play takes a soft turn. A
sexy tune oozing its way through the crowd piques my interest. A foreign song, but somehow familiar. Yes. I know I’ve heard it before.

  Shutting my eyes to focus on the notes turns out to be a bad idea as my body sways with the rise and fall of the tide that is now my equilibrium.

  Giving my limbs a stretch to set myself to rights earns me a fondle from Nulis and a squeeze from Natu. Their combined touches uncurl the naughty desire that now lives within me.

  Their musky scents thicken the air, a dark aromatic symphony of masculinity that never fails to flush my sex with heat. Rubbing my thighs together to stave off the rush of wetness sure to dampen my new dress, I start to hum. The words to the tune remain just out of my reach. I can sense that niggling of remembrance—

  The song I had forgotten rushes forth. Abruptly sitting forward, Natu grips my arms to steady me. I laugh out loud over the irony. Here I am, held captive by three sexy alien males I’ve just bound myself to, and in the background is playing the alien musical version of The Sweetest Taboo.

  Giving in to the music, I lurch to my feet, ungraceful as the music moves me out of reach of my males grasping hands. Lifting my long skirting, I swish back and forth, humming the words.

  Capturing the attention of all three of my males, none dare to blink as I manage to pull off some sexy moves with flirty gyrations of my hips. An intentional seduction as I begin softly singing the words I can remember. As the alien’s version isn’t identical to the one I know from home, I add my own lyrics to fill in the gaps.

  Sashaying my way around the table once, then twice, I pause to run my fingertips over Natu’s perfectly chiseled jaw, an orchestrated flirtation to make Xuel long for my attention.

  Next, I turn to Nulis and run my hands the length of his hair before wrapping a fist at the base of his skull to pull back his head to expose his throat. He hisses when I bite into the soft tissue below one ear. I don’t break the skin but suck long enough to leave the desired mark. Nulis’ hands find their way under the floaty material of my dress and clasp onto the fleshiest part of my ass.

  Straddling the bench, I feel Natu slide up behind me. I grind my hips when his hand smooths up the inside of my thigh. I spread my feet wide apart to give Natu room enough to test my heat. I don’t realize how wet I am until he plays at my slit. I feel slick and needy.

  Turning my head in Xuel’s direction, his pupils have exploded, barely a ring of the usual bright verdant showing. He wants me, and I want him. I’m hoping more teasing will push him past whatever obstacle is blocking him from taking me.

  Leaning forward, I brace myself on Nulis’s shoulders, giving Natu an irresistible playground. I’m not disappointed when two of his fat fingers push inside.

  Tossing back my head, I moan, not caring that there is a room full of watchers. Let them watch. My need to orgasm has overridden any sense of dignity, and it isn’t as if some of these same aliens haven’t already seen me having sex given that they’ve wandered in and out of my prison unannounced.

  I look over in Xuel’s direction, praying he’ll tire of watching and want to become a participant.

  His lip curls back in a snarl, revealing the gleam of sharp canines. The knowledge he could easily kill me with one bite but wants to fuck me is a heady combination that drenches Natu’s hand.

  “Take your turn, Xuel,” I plead as Natu’s fingers fill me. “I am yours to claim...”

  My words fade away as Nulis’ thumb joins the onslaught between my thighs. Strumming my flesh in that clever way of his, I come undone in a glorious explosion.

  Xuel stands, tossing back the remainder of his cup. Arranging the massive erection outlined by the loose material of his pants, he pulls at the waistband as if he’s shoring himself up for a difficult task before rounding the table.

  With no apology, he tears me away from Nulis and Natu. Tossed over a broad shoulder, Xuel carries me from the room. I’ve either pissed him off completely, and he’s taking me away for a spanking, or he’s so aroused, he plans to fuck me the very moment he gets me alone.

  I very much hope it’s the latter.

  Taken: Nomadican Mates Series 3

  Glossary of Nomadican Words

  Aunatoolue- A paper-thin device much like an iPad.

  Bioti- The peoples of the planet, Biotios.

  Biotios- Home planet of what used to be the neighboring planet of Riosis.

  Clov- A group of Nomadican males mated to a single female.

  Corillian blood worms- A blood-loving parasite that attaches to the body much like a leach.

  Denarian Sector- A northern region of the Universe consisting mostly of dying solar systems.

  Gretolics- The gray-skinned alien’s that abducted Ivey and later sold her to the trollis.

  Hogrous- Hungry.

  Interlix- Intercom system.

  Jakato- Healing balm rich in antioxidants made from beans of the cytrenios bush.

  Leelia- A sub subservient people from the planet, Blethio.

  Luartick Sector- The southernmost region of the Universe that includes three young galaxies one of which is the Milky Way.

  Mannocks- Humans.

  Natookie- Snake like people from the Delnorian solar system.

  Nomadicans- A humanoid species very distantly related to humans.

  Nutrillum silk- A luxurious fabric woven from the filaments of sypritious flowers.

  Plurius- Fruit from the grinotious tree. Has pale pink flesh with a floral aroma.

  Potious- Potion derived from potus leaves used for infertility.

  Primaries- The dominant male in a clov.

  Profuvian constrictor- A worm like reptile found on several planets in the Gonoso solar system.

  Purilifity- A female Nomadican’s ritual of purification before a mating ceremony.

  Rillium- A refined fuel source made from raw rilliamot, a tall grass only found in the Verilli Sector, used to power spaceships. In solid form, is used as currency.

  Riosis- The former and now destroyed home planet of the Nomadicans.

  Secundries- The secondary males in a clov

  Shoulsis- A wife to a clov of males.

  Sorcerist- A female healer from the planet, Nelianos.

  Tirius- The home of a seedy trading post known for illegal and black-market commodities. It is also where Ivey was sold to the trollis and later purchased by Xuel.

  Trollis- A stalky peoples of questionable character from the planet, Erotise.

  Vinosse- A fermented drink much like wine made from berries of bluiose trees.

  Yulineons- Guardians of specific regions of the Universe where infant galaxies exist.

  Wetokian- Beastly people, none for their bad tempers, from the planet, Horis. Covered in wiry hair, the males are among some of the most aggressive in the Universe.

  A Peek Inside

  Sevin: Mythical Ink Series 2

  Paranormal Shifter Romance

  Copyright © 2018 by LS Anders

  Sevin: Mythical Ink Series (book 2)

  All rights reserved.

  Please respect the work of this author. No part of this eBook/book publication may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotation embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  Use your own judgment to determine if the content of this novel is appropriate for you.

  This romance is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


  So, this was it. The human blood Sevin had inherited from his mother was finally going to get him killed. He’d come to terms with the fact he’d be ridiculed and harassed for the rest of his life. He just never thought his days of living would be limited to that of eight-hundred-twenty-one sunrises.

  Micah, the eldest of the
next generation of wolf-shifters in his pack, was right on his tail, snarling and nipping at his heels. The purebred was so close to catching him, he could feel the rush of wind across the tip of his tail from the male’s snapping jaws. The other two wolf-shifters followed close behind the leader.

  Sticking to the back alleys in lower Manhattan, Sevin’s short puppy legs were a blur beneath his small body as he careened around the corner. His forward momentum was such, his rear end kept going straight as he made the turn, his back legs sliding to the side, nearly toppling him over. But that wasn’t what slowed him down. The end of the alley he’d just rounded into was coming to an abrupt end in the form of a brick wall in about twenty feet.

  Quickly scanning high and low, his silvery eyes found no other way out.

  He was going to have to stand and fight.

  Sliding to a halt, he bumped the sensitive end of his nose against the coarse surface of the building before turning to meet the three wolf-shifters determined to rid him from their pack.

  Micah and his cohorts slowed, snarling as they stalked toward him. All youths ranging from five to seven years of age, they were still holding onto that puppy visage with their soft, fuzzy coats and long, lanky legs. They would have been considered cute if they weren’t baring their teeth looking as if they were ready to take a bite out of him.

  Standing his ground as he turned to face them, he held most of his trembling at bay while making his little body as tall as possible. Not only was he the youngest but also the smallest in the pack—because he was half-human, he was smaller than he would be if he were of pure wolf-shifter blood. That wasn’t going to stop him from fighting for his life.


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