Warriors Of Legend

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Warriors Of Legend Page 12

by Kathryn Le Veque, Kathryn Loch, Dana D'Angelo

  His hot mouth went to a nipple and Destry had to slap her hand over her mouth to keep from making noise. As Conor furiously suckled, Slane suddenly moved in his sleep, rolling into his brother and sending them both sliding off the bedding. The boys ended up in a little heap on the floor, still half–way on the blanket, and Conor and Destry froze, watching to see if they’d wake up. But both boys were sleeping so heavily that they weren’t even aware of the fact that they had rolled right off the bed. Conor grinned at Destry, who merely wriggled her eyebrows. Then she latched on to Conor’s mouth and kissed him hotly.

  Their passion took flight and clothes began coming off in the darkness, kisses and passionate touches between them. Connor left her breasts and yanked off her jeans, planting himself between her legs as his mouth worked across her flat belly. The smell of her, the taste of her, was feeding his frenzy and his right hand left her breasts to move to the junction between her legs. So far, she wasn’t flinching from his touch and in fact seemed to be encouraging him. He could feel her squirming beneath his body and it excited him like nothing he had ever known. When his hand reached her inner thigh and he realized that her pubic area was completely waxed, he audibly groaned with excitement.

  “Shhh,” Destry whispered, her hand over his mouth.

  Conor kissed her fingers, one by one, before descending on the pink folds between her legs. Destry’s knees came up at the delicious sensation and a moan escaped her lips.

  “Shhh,” Conor grinned as he put a big hand over her mouth.

  She rewarded him by sucking on his fingers, her tongue stroking his index finger as he performed oral sex on her. Driven beyond endurance by her heated tongue and sexy body, Conor sat back on his heels and lifted Destry onto his waiting erection. He didn’t want to grind her tender back into the rough mattress so he sat on his heels while she straddled his lap. As the boys around them slept like the dead, Destry wrapped her arms around his neck, straddled his thighs, and gave herself over to him completely.

  The scent of their lovemaking stirred strong, buried memories. She began to recall innumerable nights like this, wrapped around the man she loved, feeling his power deep within her. She began to recall the depth of her feelings for the man, the love and adoration she felt for him that was more powerful than anything that had ever existed. Her soft mouth found his, feeling his goatee scratch her tender lips but loving the sensation. She kissed him deeply as he thrust into her, knowing that, at last, she was finally where she belonged.

  “Oh, Conor,” she breathed into his mouth. “I love you so much.”

  His arms tightened around her. “I’ve never loved anyone else but you, sweetheart,” he murmured against her lips. “You are my heart and soul. I will always love you, in this life or the next.”

  They made love deep into the night.


  The next day, Conor awoke at daybreak because he heard Padraigan moving around in the great room.

  He blinked his eyes, struggling to orient himself because he didn’t recognize where he was at first. He didn’t recognize the mud walls or sloping roof. But he quickly realized that Destry was in his arms, sleeping the sleep of the dead pressed up against his warm body, and the events from the previous day and night flooded his mind. He remembered Dowth, the flight to Padraigan’s hut, the snake with teeth… everything.

  Most of all, he remembered the feel of Destry and his limbs grew warm at the thought. He’d never known anything so passionate, satisfying or erotic. It was as if he was finally and completely whole. As long as she was with him, as long as he had her love, he could move mountains.

  Another thing he quickly realized was that they were both quite naked. He felt rather bold and caddish having made love to her in the presence of sleeping children, but there wasn’t much he could do about that in hindsight so he carefully disengaged himself from her with the intention of looking for his pants. But she groaned when he moved and he put a hand over her mouth, silencing her when she opened her eyes.

  “Shhhh,” he whispered, kissing her nose. “The boys are still asleep.”

  She was still half–asleep. “Where are you going?”

  He kissed her again and slowly moved to sit up. “I need to find my clothes,” he whispered, spying his jeans next to the bed. “I’m without a stitch on. And so are you. If the boys wake up and find us like this, we’ll have a lot of explaining to do.”

  Destry blinked, rubbing her eyes as she looked around. The boys were still dead asleep but she realized that Conor was correct; she was stark naked. She sat up, her arms covering her substantial breasts.

  “Oh, brother,” she hissed. “Where are my clothes?”

  Conor was fighting off a grin as she tried to cover herself up. But her DD cup breasts could hardly be contained by her slender arms and he lost himself for a moment, burying his face in the delightful cleavage. She gasped, giggled, then groaned softly as he moved her right arm aside and suckled gently on a peaked nipple.

  “Conor, don’t,” she gasped, her face in the top of his head.

  He lifted his head, kissing her lips as his fingers played with the nipple. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I got carried away. You seem to have that effect on me.”

  She grinned at him, quickly feeling hot and horny as he played with her nipple. It wasn’t so much a want for the man but a need; she needed the man more than she could comprehend. Her body was crying out for him, having been denied for the months and years and centuries of their separation and last night evidenced that.

  Now that she had re–acquainted herself with him, fragments of memories about the man and her love for him returning, she had to make up for lost time. Her lips slanted over his, her tongue plunging into his mouth, and Conor fell back on the bed, taking her down with him. This time, however, she climbed on top of him, straddling his belly as she ferociously kissed him.

  Conor could feel her naked body against him, her wet heat rubbing against his belly, and it was all he could take. He was intoxicated with her, his hands cupping her buttocks as his fingers probed intimate places. When he thrust a finger into her, she groaned into his mouth and pushed her pelvis against his finger, simulating intercourse. Conor groaned softly in return, as wildly aroused as he had ever been in his life, as he lifted her up and planted her onto his full–engorged erection. He could feel her warm tightness as she slid down over him, accepting his sensual intrusion into her body.

  Destry drew away from his mouth as she sat up, taking his hands and placing them on her breasts as she began to ride him. Knees on the ground, she rolled her hips forward and plunged down on him again and again as he fondled her breasts, her head back and her long hair tickling the tops of his thighs. Twice, she started to groan and twice, Conor put his hand up to gently cover her mouth, reminding her that they didn’t want to attract any attention. What they were doing was between the two of them, her supple and shapely body welcoming his power deep inside her as it had so many times before, in so many forms. At the moment, there was only the two of them, re–experiencing something they had both sorely missed. It was a rebirth.

  Destry plunged down on him, again and again, hearing the man hiss with the pleasure of it. Conor watched her as she made love to him, marveling at her beauty and perfection, before sitting up and pulling her against him, suckling her nipples as she continued to ride him. Destry was so highly aroused that in little time, she was climaxing, wave after wave of pleasure rushing over her as Conor repeatedly thrust himself deep.

  He felt her orgasm throbbing around him and he answered by releasing himself deep into her body, taking so much pleasure with it that he bit his lip in his ecstasy. He could taste the blood. But he still continued to move, feeling her multiple orgasms that ended up reducing her to a quivering shell in his arms. Her entire body was throbbing against him and his mouth moved slowly, deliciously, over her neck and shoulder as the tremors eventually died away.

  Destry remained straddled on his lap, weak and limp, as he held her cl
ose. He could feel her heart thumping against him. Her hair was in her face, all over his shoulder, and as he loosened his grip, she lolled back. Her head rolled back as well and Conor grinned as she remained lifeless and boneless in his arms. He leaned forward as she listed back, kissing her neck, the swell of her breasts, and eventually a soft nipple. When he suckled her tenderly, her head came up.

  “No,” she whispered, her hands pulling his head back. “Not again. We really should get dressed before these kids wake up and catch us.”

  He grinned up into her half–lidded face. “I’d rather do this.”

  She grinned in return, a delightfully sleepy gesture. “Me, too,” she whispered, “but we’re going to have to wait for more privacy. We’ve already risked being caught twice and I really feel dirty having done this in front of these kids, but…”

  They had let their lust get the better of them and they both knew it, but there was something so overwhelming about feelings they were awakening that it seemed to supersede all else. Conor sighed in agreement, in disappointment, realizing their bodies were still fused and lifting Destry up by the waist to withdraw from her. But the moment he did so, another orgasm washed over her and she threw her head forward, biting off her cries on his shoulder as a powerful climaxed surged through her body. It was unexpected and deliriously sweet. Her teeth pushed into his pale flesh, leaving a mark.

  Conor couldn’t control himself and he lowered her back down onto his semi–erection, grinding his pelvis against her as he greedily soaked up the last few tremors of her orgasm. Breathlessly, Destry tried to stop him but she couldn’t quite get the words out of her mouth in time before he withdrew from her again and caused yet another orgasm. Her face ended up in his shoulder again as she struggled not to scream, but when Conor went to put her on his erection again, she stopped him. Instead, she grabbed his fingers and put them against her vagina. Conor thrust a few fingers inside of her, his thumb on her clitoris, rubbing her gently and easing her off of a series of very powerful orgasms. It was like nothing else either one of them had ever experienced, something magical and emotional that fed the physical need.

  When the ripples finally died away and Conor withdrew his fingers, he held her tightly against him, kissing her neck and mussed hair.

  “Are you okay?” he whispered.

  Destry nodded weakly. “Uh–huh.”

  “Can we get dressed now?”

  She lifted her head wearily, smiling. “What’s stopping you?

  “You are.”


  “God, no,” he rubbed his nose tenderly against hers. His blue eyes locked with her bright blue ones and, for a moment, they just stared at each other. “Any regrets?”

  She shook her head. “No,” she whispered. “Absolutely not.”

  “You’re sure?”


  “Good.” He pulled back to look at her, his dark blue eyes intense with emotion. “Because I love you. I’ll love you until I die.”

  She smiled, a soft hand going to his rough cheek. “I love you, too.”

  He stared at her, a smile eventually coming to his lips. “I know it doesn’t make any sense, but nothing has ever felt so right. The moment I saw you I knew I loved you. I’ve always loved you.”

  She leaned forward, kissing him sweetly. “It’s so strange,” she said as she pulled away. “Pieces of memories are coming back to me but I really can’t figure out if it’s because I’m imagining them or because they’re truly memories from some past life. But the memory of you… it came back so strongly last night. The moment you touched me, I remembered you. I remembered everything and now I can’t seem to let you go.”

  He nodded faintly. “I know what you mean,” he whispered. “The second I touched you, everything came flooding back. Your taste, your scent, your curves… everything.”

  She smiled at him, her hand on his cheek, rubbing his stubble as she gazed at his face. He was such a handsome man. But before she could say anything more, Padraigan suddenly entered the small doorway, her arms full of clothing. Unimpressed by Conor and Destry’s naked state and the fact that Destry was still straddling Conor’s lap, the little sorceress went to the bed and dumped the pile.

  “Your clothing, my lord,” she turned to the pair. “I managed to salvage some of it when Geric confiscated the castle. I have these possessions and more. After you dress, I shall show you.”

  Destry was wrapped up in Conor’s enormous arms so she wasn’t entirely exposed, and Conor was sideways so he wasn’t providing a completely naughty display, but they were both very uncomfortable with an audience to their nakedness. More than that, it was readily apparent what they had been doing. If Padraigan had been in the next room or even the next county, she would have easily heard them. But the sorceress seemed unconcerned. She rummaged through the pile and pulled out some kind of white robe. She turned and held it out to Destry.

  “My lady?” she said. “May I assist you?”

  Destry didn’t have a clue what the woman was saying. She looked to Conor for help and he took pity on her; at least he could understand what was being said, but Destry had no recollection or knowledge of a former language. It must have made the situation particularly disorienting but, so far, she hadn’t complained about the communication barrier in the least.

  “She wants to know if she can help you dress,” he told her.

  Destry lifted a reluctant eyebrow. “I don’t think so,” she said. “Thank her but tell her that I’ll dress alone.”

  Conor relayed the words and Padraigan lay the robe back on the bed and quit the room. When the woman was gone, Destry jumped up and went for her bra and panties, which were in a silky pile next to the bed.

  Conor watched with great appreciation and admiration as she slipped on her lacy panties followed by the lacy white bra. She had a fabulous body, the most beautiful he had ever seen. His hungry gaze moved up her silky thighs, lingered on the lacy panties, before moving up her torso to her full breasts. He was thinking very dirty thoughts again as she bent over and picked up her jeans. He stopped her.

  “Wait,” he said quietly. “If we’re going to be stuck in this time, the last thing we want to do is stand out. We need to blend in and that’s not going to happen if you wear those jeans.”

  She looked at the jeans in her hand, nodding her head when he realized he made some sense. Her gaze moved to the flowing white robe that Padraigan had lain upon the bed. Jeans still in hand, she moved over to the garment and observed it with some fear.

  “All right,” she sighed heavily as she folded the jeans up and set them aside. She picked up the white robe, realizing it was like a giant flowing muumuu. She further realized that it was very soft and she rubbed it against her cheek, looking at Conor with a grin. “It’s soft. I think I can wear this.”

  He smiled back, his gaze once again trailing down the curve of her back and coming to rest on her delicious buttocks. He just couldn’t help himself. His big hand came up, stroking her rounded butt cheek, squeezing it, before bending over to nibble at it. Destry giggled and pulled away from him.

  “Come on,” she said reproachfully. “If you keep doing that, we’ll never get dressed.”

  He wriggled his eyebrows at her in resignation and stood up. Destry burst into snorts of laughter when she saw that he was semi–aroused again. He pursed his lips with mock–fury as she laughed.

  “It’s not funny,” he told her.

  She continued to giggle softly as she pulled the dress over her head, immediately loving the feel and fit of it. It clung to her beautifully, as if made for her. As Destry smoothed at the garment, she realized that it had been made for her. The fit was perfect. Running her hands up and down the arms, noting the softness of the fabric, she glanced over to see Conor examining the leather pants that Padraigan had left on the end of the bed. He had pulled his boxer–briefs on so he wasn’t completely nude as he stood inspecting the stitching on the inseam of the pants. Curious, Destry went to se
e what had him so fascinated.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  He shook his head, riveted to the stitching. “Nothing,” he said. “I was just looking at the craftsmanship on these breeches. The leather is sewn together with very fine strips of leather. It’s really remarkable.”

  Destry tried hard to see what he was looking at but, not being a scientist like he was, it really didn’t mean all that much to her. So she bent over the end of the bed where Padraigan had laid the pile of garments and began pulling out various garments. There was a long, dark green article of clothing that looked like a robe, a faded yellow one with beautiful beadwork around the neckline, and several others. She ran her hands over the material, seeing that it wasn’t like any material she had ever seen in her life. The green garment was made from wool, very fine, but the weave was uneven. The yellow garment was silk, she was sure, but it was also uneven and the color wasn’t uniform. Everything was stitched with tiny hand–stitches and the hems of the garments weren’t sewn at all but all things considered, they seem to be very well made.

  As Conor pulled on the leather pants, Destry took the long, green robe and put it on over the feather–soft dress she already had on. She was delighted to see that the long sleeves on the green garment had slits in them, allowing the eggshell–colored dress underneath to show through. The green robe also had a belt with fine tassels on the end and she tied it around her waist, emphasizing her slender torso and very large breasts. By the time Conor looked up from lacing the front of his leather pants up, the sight of her in the flowing robes made his heart leap in all directions.

  “My God,” he breathed. “You’re a lovely creature.”

  She was fussing with the tassels, looking up with a grin when he spoke. “Thanks,” she said. “I really have no idea if these are even supposed to go together but they seem to. Am I wearing it right?”


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