Vampire's Faith (Dark Protectors Book 8)

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Vampire's Faith (Dark Protectors Book 8) Page 13

by Rebecca Zanetti

  “You did?” How odd that must be.

  “Yes.” His eyes gleamed. “Humans landed on the fucking moon. Can you believe it? The moon!”

  She chuckled. “Yes. I did know that. We’re starting to slowly explore other places too.”

  “I know. I hacked into several NASA files, but had to stop when I grew tired. My eyes feel like they’re about to pop from my head.”

  She swallowed. “What about my sister? Are plans in place?”

  “Not yet,” Ronan said, holding up a hand to stall her protest. “We shall devise a plan tomorrow. Benny called in a couple of favors and has security of the vampire and demon sort watching the hospital, as well as her room. Two younger males he wants to recruit for the Seven. She’s safe for now.”

  Faith’s shoulders relaxed. “Then we’ll get her tomorrow.”

  “Yes.” Ronan leaned back against the door. “I wish we could heal her.”

  “We can.” Faith started to move toward him and then stopped herself. “Dayne’s blood helped her, so why not try yours?”

  “Too much will kill her,” he countered.

  Okay. She remembered now that Dayne had said something similar, but there had to be a way. “She’s in a coma from a brain injury. Your blood can cure injuries. You said she’s Enhanced, like me. Can’t she mate somebody?”

  He crossed his arms. “There’s no decent immortal in the world who would mate an unconscious woman. That’d be rape, Faith.”

  She shook her head. “I’m not talking about intercourse. I’ve been studying the information you have on the mating process. The bite and brand cause a physical reaction in the female that does something to the chromosomal pairs, increasing them and consequently leading to immortality. The sex seems to just be part of the bonding process. I think a mate could save her even without sex.”

  He blinked. “Even if that crazy scheme worked, and I don’t think it would, she’d awaken mated to a vampire for life.”

  Faith chose her next words carefully. Just being this close to him thrummed her nerves to life. “Not necessarily.”

  Ronan lifted his head. “Excuse me?”

  She pointed to the stack of manila files. “Apparently, there’s a virus that negates the mating bond. It’s fairly new, and it has only been used with widows who’ve lost a mate years ago. But it’s a chance.”

  He straightened, power in his gaze. “There can be no negating of the mating bond.”

  “Welcome to the twenty-first century,” she said softly. How the heck was he dealing with such incredible changes in a world he hadn’t thought he’d see again? “Science has progressed.”

  “That is a bad progression.” He shook his head. “Mates are forever.”

  Again with the sweet. Not simple, but sometimes his view was classically sweet. The urge to touch him, to ease him, was overwhelming. She studied him for a moment. “How are you feeling?”

  “My arm is fine.” A veil drew down over his eyes.

  “That’s not what I meant.” Now she approached him carefully, sensing the turmoil going on within him. It matched the turmoil she felt, but hers was more clear-cut. Need and want. His was need and hurt. Not a good combination. “You’ve lost so much, and you have to be concerned about Quade.” Hopefully Ronan hadn’t lost another brother. “I’m sorry for your loss.”

  “Loss is a part of being a soldier,” he said, almost automatically. “Thank you for your concern, but I’m quite well.”

  “That’s not true.” She slipped her hands over his forearms, electricity shooting up her wrists. “If you need to talk, I’m here for you.”

  He stiffened, his emotional facade cracking. “You’re here for me, but you don’t believe me. About mates, about the Kurjans, even about you. About fate.”

  “I believe in science and fact,” she said softly, her heart starting to beat faster.

  “Do you?” he asked just as softly. “I’ve read your sister’s medical reports. There’s less than a zero-point-five percent chance she’ll ever awaken, and even if she does, she won’t have cognitive function. Yet you’re still trying to find…a miracle. How is that either science or fact?”

  The words stung. “Science progresses every second, so a zero-point-five chance can turn into a real chance with the right research,” she said, letting go of his arms and taking a step back. Cool air surrounded her and she refrained from hugging herself. “You and I don’t have to agree on everything to be friends.”

  “Friends?” His lip twisted. “I assure you, I do not want to be your friend.”

  She exhaled. The man, or rather male, seemed put out she didn’t agree with his view of life. Or he was just grieving and not doing a very good job of it. “I think you need a friend, Ronan.”

  He began to turn.

  She stopped him by grabbing his wrist, unable to just let him go. “I believe you should talk.”

  “The last thing I want to do is talk,” he muttered, color sliding across his high cheekbones. “There has to be a way to go for a run in these mountains. I shall go do that.”

  She stepped right up to him. “I’m tired of dancing around this and you. Tired of not saying the right thing or wondering what you’re thinking.”

  “Then stop talking or wondering,” he countered, his hands going to her biceps.

  “All right.” Good enough. She rose up on her toes and kissed him, sliding her mouth against his firm lips.

  He drew in a breath.

  Whatever there was between them was just getting stronger. She wasn’t a woman who waited around for something to happen. This…she wanted. She nipped his bottom lip a little harder than necessary.

  His eyes darkened to deep blue with no green. “What are you doing?”

  “Giving up on the talking.” Pressing her body against his, she kissed him again.

  With a low growl, he kissed her back, taking over. Her mind spun and settled, going quiet as her body flashed wide-awake and heated.

  * * * *

  So many thoughts bombarded Ronan that he couldn’t catch just one. Her soft lips were beneath him, and her stunning body was flush against him. She’d put herself in his hands. On purpose.

  Another growl shook him and he kissed her harder, sweeping his tongue inside her mouth. She tasted of wine and woman, an irresistible combination. This was a mistake—he wasn’t fully in control—but he didn’t give a shit.

  She’d kissed him.

  He slid an arm around her waist, lifting her off her feet and bending her back. She moaned, and the sound slid down his throat and landed in his groin. Hard. Rock-fucking-hard. Keeping hold of her, he moved easily toward the bed, warning bells clanging in his head.

  The marking on his hand burned hotter than ever before.

  He set her down at the edge of the bed and released her mouth, trying to engage his mental faculties.

  She snagged hold of his shirt and tugged it up, all but forcing him to duck his head or be choked. The shirt flew across the room.

  Her smooth hands caressed his chest and she murmured something in approval.

  He shot both hands into her hair, tangling his fingers and drawing her head back. “Faith. Wait a minute.”

  She blinked, her pupils dilated and her lips a rosy red from his. “What?”

  His mind blanked. Her scent, woman and wildflowers, wound around him. Through him. “I’m not in control.”

  “Good.” She smiled, a siren’s image. “No control here. Just feel.”

  He’d wanted this since the first second he finally touched her after all these years, but he wasn’t making himself clear. “I’m not a casual male. Not with you. Ever.”

  “I understand,” she said, running her hands down his abs. “But we’re not mating, so keep your brand to yourself. This is just us and just tonight. All right?”

  He’d tried to explai
n, and he wanted tonight more than his next breath. More than any breath. “I understand. I just hope you do.” He released her hair and caressed her breasts through her shirt, grabbing the bottom and lifting it over her head.

  Her breasts sprang free. Full and firm with pretty pink nipples. He touched her, rolling them, leaning in to take her lips again. Finally. Faith here with him. He deepened the kiss, wanting to be gentle, but craving her to the point of insanity. She fumbled with his jeans and released his zipper, sliding her hand inside to caress him.

  His knees nearly buckled. He grasped her hips and lifted, tossing her back on the bed. She landed with a soft chuckle, using her elbows to inch her way to the top. Keeping her in his sights, he shucked his jeans and then pressed a knee to the bed, moving up her until he could remove her jeans.

  Then he took a moment. “You’re beautiful,” he said, running a hand across her abdomen. “Everything I could’ve dreamed and more.” Her skin was soft and supple with strength beneath.

  She breathed out and reached for him, sliding her hands over his shoulders. “You’re amazing. So much strength.”

  If she only knew. Soon, he’d regain his full power, and then she’d see all of him. For now, he’d be gentle with her. This first time had to mean something, even if it was only to him. He kissed beneath her jaw, licking and nipping, moving down her slender neck to pay homage to her breasts.

  He sucked one hard nipple into his mouth, enjoying the soft sounds of pleasure she made.

  His cock pounded in pain and he wanted to be inside her. Now.

  Yet he took his time, playing with her other breast, tapping his fingers down to her sex. She was wet and ready for him. Tight. He slipped one finger inside her, and she arched against him with a small gasp.

  God, she was fucking perfect. Never had anything in his life been sweeter.

  She dug her nails into his chest, pulling him toward her. “Now, Ronan. Get the edge off. We can play later.”

  Play? Hell yeah, he’d play later. For now, he moved to appease her. Bracing himself with his elbows, he positioned himself at her sex, trying to push in. The woman was tight.

  He’d prepared her and she was wet and willing. But her body was so much smaller than his. He had to slow himself, working in very small increments to get inside her. The strain to his control threatened to overwhelm him, but he would not hurt her. Ever.

  Finally, her body allowed him entrance.

  She widened her legs and wrapped her fingers over his shoulders, her eyes dilating.

  He paused. For his entire life, for as long as he still had a life, he’d never forget the sight of her. Deep chocolate eyes, hair spread over the pillow, delicate features. So soft and sweet. Passionate. “I never thought I’d be here. With you,” he rumbled. “After I agreed to the shield, I thought this—you—were out of my grasp.”

  Her eyes softened. “I’m right here.”

  Yes, she was. He pushed deeper inside her, taking his time, allowing her smaller body to adjust to him. She moved against him, urging him on, her soft gasps echoing in his heart.

  Finally, he eased all the way in, coming as close to ecstasy as a killer like he would ever reach. She was hot and wet…and she surrounded him. He was finally home. His body rioted with the need to move until his biceps shook with the effort, but he held still, savoring the moment.

  She kissed him gently, sliding her tongue along his lips.

  The growl that rumbled up from his chest was a sound he’d never made before. Ever.


  Faith could barely breathe as Ronan kissed her, his tongue playing with hers. He was inside her, all of him…somehow. So much of him surrounded her that he was everywhere. His cock stretched her in ways she hadn’t imagined, melding pain and pleasure, touching nerves she hadn’t realized existed. And she was a doctor.

  Even so, the look in his eyes. . . possession and promise.

  Her heart caught and she paused. No. This was just here and now. A way to get them both out of their heads. She kissed him back, pushing worries away.

  Then she ran her hands down his chest, around his ribs, and over his lean back. His body was truly amazing. Beyond human. “Ronan,” she murmured against his mouth, lifting her knees on either side of his hips. “Now.”

  He smiled against her mouth, and the feeling wandered down to her heart and tried to take hold.

  Then he rose up, grasping her hips and gaining leverage. Taking his time, he withdrew and then pushed back in, igniting every nerve she had along the way.

  Never in her life had she imagined such completeness. He overwhelmed her with sheer size and strength, and she couldn’t help but revel in it.

  A knock sounded on the door.

  No, no, no. She grabbed his arms, trying to keep him inside her. “Ignore it.”

  He nodded and pulled out to shove back in. Electricity zapped through her. She gasped and arched against him, taking more. Her nails dug into his skin and she scraped, enjoying the low growl that rumbled from his chest.

  An immortal’s growl was the sexiest thing ever.

  Or so she thought until he drove deeper inside her. He started to move faster, harder, keeping a tight hold on her hip to give him access.

  She arched her neck and his mouth was instantly there, fangs lightly scraping over her jugular. The decadent feeling almost pushed her into an orgasm. She moaned and turned her head, granting him better access. What would it be like to be bitten—

  His fangs slid in, somehow hitting a nerve connected to every other nerve in her body. Fire lanced through her and she jerked.

  The knock came louder. “Ronan? We have a problem,” Ivar called.

  The fangs retracted and Ronan licked the wound clean. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” He pulled out of her and rolled off the bed, frowning when she gasped in protest. No. “What?” he bellowed, standing next to the bed fully aroused, fury lining his face.

  “We’re not secure. There are signs that the area has been scouted lately. I’ve been surveying the perimeter, and we have to get protections in place right now. I need your help.”

  Ronan grabbed his jeans from the floor and yanked them on, wincing when they hit his dick.

  She sat up, still panting. “You can’t seriously be thinking of leaving right now.” She was two seconds from a phenomenal orgasm, and her body was starting to hurt. Her stomach even ached.

  “Security comes first.” He shot a hand through his hair, brushing it back. Arousal and anger combined on his high cheekbones, making him look deadly.

  She was never going to get laid. “I don’t believe this. I really don’t.”

  He sat on the edge of the bed and began pulling on his boots.

  “Oh, God.” She shook her head. “Wait a minute. I mean, I didn’t even think. I’m a doctor, for Pete’s sake.”

  “What?” He laced up the first one.

  “Protection,” she whispered, as if saying it any louder would make her worry too real. “We didn’t even think about protection.” While it was doubtful a centuries-old vampire who’d lived alone in a different dimension had contracted any sort of disease, there was still the concern about conceiving a baby. Thank goodness they’d been interrupted. “We didn’t protect against pregnancy.”

  “Oh.” He looked at her over his shoulder, his gaze lightening. “Vampires can only impregnate our partners after being mated. You’re safe.”

  Relief filled her. Then irritation. So from her point of view, there was no reason to stop. “Ronan. You’re going to get blue balls.” She felt like she had blue balls. That everything down there was blue. Frowning, she sat up and clutched the sheet to her chest.

  He turned around to lace up his other boot. “It’ll be worth it in the end. You’re everything I hoped, Faith,” he said.

  She sobered, her gaze on his bare and tattooed back, his words so
mehow making her feel vulnerable. When he’d been inside her, she’d felt taken over and safe. Now, struck with his size and strength, she felt small. Delicate. Human.

  “I apologize for the interruption—again. This is getting tedious,” he growled as he finished the laces and stood.

  “No kidding,” she muttered, her clit throbbing.

  He turned toward her, caressing her cheek and rubbing his thumb across her bottom lip. “I wonder,” he mused.

  “What?” she whispered, focusing on his eyes, which were a deep green now.

  “You keep yourself so distant normally. It is nice to see beneath the shields,” he said thoughtfully. “You lost your parents young, and then your sister was injured. Is that why you keep yourself apart? Afraid to lose again?”

  Okay. He was seeing way too much. She shook her head. Her body hurt, damn it.

  “How did your parents die?” he asked, his fingers gripping her jaw.

  “Car wreck after bowling one night. Grace and I were at home,” she said. Maybe there was a good showerhead in this place that could befriend a girl.

  “And Grace?”

  She swallowed, a familiar ache grabbing her chest. Her body started to relax and let go the hope of an immediate orgasm. “Two years ago, a burglar broke into her apartment and attacked her. She fought back, but she didn’t win.”

  Ronan stilled. “Is he dead?”

  She bit her lip. “No. The police never found the guy. I check with them every month or so, and nothing. If she wakes up, then she can tell them who it was. Or at least describe the guy.” Her stomach hurt.

  “I will find him,” Ronan said, his voice low. “I give you my word.”

  She couldn’t help but grin. “I think your plate is full with finding your family, taking down Ulric, locating the Keys, and securing the Lock.” Her body still throbbed for him.

  He didn’t return the smile as he grabbed his shirt off the floor and pulled it over his head. “Yet I will avenge you and your sister. On my life.”


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