Vampire's Faith (Dark Protectors Book 8)

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Vampire's Faith (Dark Protectors Book 8) Page 33

by Rebecca Zanetti

  “What?” she challenged, not moving an inch. For the first time in her entire adult life, she felt free. Wild and protected. She was smart enough to know that freedom came from him. From being mated to him—tied to him on a level she could barely comprehend. But her instincts were good. And this male, this deadly immortal, needed to be himself with her. When he didn’t answer, she sighed. “If you’re done threatening me, I’m going to go sit with my sister.”

  “You need to sleep.” His teeth clenched. The roped muscles up his arms visibly tightened.

  “Nope.” Poor vampire-demon immortal deadly hybrid. She bit her lip. “Ronan?”

  He moved then, the snapping of his control confirmed by another growl. He lifted her by the arms with no effort, raising her until they were face-to-face. “Why are you challenging me?”

  Because he needed it. Whether he understood or not, they had to get things settled between them. Him coddling her and hiding his nature wasn’t fair. His raw strength shot desire through her veins. Her panties dampened. “Because you’re boring me,” she murmured. Just how far was too far with him?

  His expression smoothed out. Those otherworldly eyes morphed from green to blue and then the deep gold.

  Her breath caught. Instinct warned her to flee, as if she could, but his eyes fascinated her.

  Easily holding her aloft, he tilted his head to the side. Studying her. “You know, I don’t think you’ve taken me seriously since the very beginning.” His gaze turned thoughtful while his jaw remained determined. “Must’ve been the shoes.”

  Those ridiculous shoes. “I take you seriously,” she murmured, aiming for just a bit of self-preservation. “I saw you destroy Omar.”

  “Yes.” His tone remained gritty—almost hoarse. “Yet you don’t fear me.”

  Her eyebrows rose. “That’s good, right? We’re mated.” Her heart hammered against her rib cage.

  “There’s a fine line between fear and respect, Faith Cooper. I’ve been avoiding one result while sacrificing the other.”

  She cleared her throat, trying to concentrate. Her entire body was on fire and the marking on her lower back, his marking, pounded through her lower half. “Put me down, Ronan.”


  She planted her hands on his arms and pushed down. It was like trying to shove a steel beam. “Seriously. Don’t be a dick.”

  “There it is.” He leaned in until his nose was almost touching hers. “New rules for Faith. One, no swearing. Two, no mistrusting. Three, you fucking stay where I tell you to stay.”

  “You just swore,” she returned, leaning in until their noses did touch.

  He nodded. “Yes. I swear and fight the wars. You do not.” His breath brushed her lips.

  She leaned in and kissed him, indulging herself.

  He paused, his eyes darkening. “A lesson it is, then.” He swooped in and kissed her, taking over. Finally. She kissed him back, putting every emotion she had into it. He spun her like he had before, removing her borrowed sweater. Her bra and panties flew across the room a second later.

  She tugged on his shirt, needing to feel all of that smooth, hard muscle. He ducked so she could take it off.

  Then he moved and she found herself on the bed, facing the painting on the wall. “Hey.”

  His big hand caressed down her back and over her marking. Sparks flew through her body as if firecrackers lived inside her skin. She gasped and arched, her abdomen rippling. She tried to turn around, to see him, but he held her in place.

  His fingers found her. Hot and wet—way too needy. She may have mewled. His thumb ran across her clit and her thighs trembled. The sound of his zipper releasing rasped through the air. So that’s where his other hand had gone. Then the press of his thighs against hers caught her awareness.

  He was perfect.

  His fingers continued to play and he leaned over her, his breath hot on her ear. “There are a lot of ways to teach a lesson, sweet girl.”

  She blinked. Words. Was he saying words? “Hmmm.”

  He palmed her sex. All the feeling rushed right to where his hand held her. A sharp crack filled the air a second before she realized he’d slapped her ass. Pain spread out, heated and sharp. She arched her back. “Ronan.”

  Crack. More heat. His fingers continued to torture her, keeping her right on the edge. She moved against him, sweat dotting her forehead. Three rapid slaps hit her butt, almost sending her into an orgasm.

  His fingers prevented that.

  Her body rioted, needing more. She gasped, riding his fingers. God, she was so close. He palmed her again and she dropped her head, gasping his name.

  He released her.

  She caught her breath, waiting in place. Was he finally—


  He slapped straight up, hitting her clit with unerring accuracy.

  She cried out, an orgasm starting. He pinched her clit, stopping the progression.

  “No,” she gasped.

  He bit her earlobe, the sensation of pain melding with all the other. “Make no mistake, Faith. This is just step one in taming you.” To emphasize his words, he slapped her clit again. The words should piss her off, but all she could think about was that orgasm drawing near.

  He licked the shell of her ear and she trembled. So much need.

  “Say the words, Faith. You will not swear.” He teased her clit again.

  She bit her lip. “No damn swearing.” Who the hell needed to swear? “And I’ll trust you.” She’d already decided that one on her own.

  “I’ll take the trust. Maybe forget about the swearing.” He slipped a finger in her, brushing against her G-spot. Her body jerked in hunger. “The important rule is number three. Stay where I put you.”

  That one was tougher. She liked her—he pinched her clit. “Okay,” she moaned. “I’ll stay, you know, there.” Wherever the fuck there was. She didn’t care. Not anymore. He could go off and fight all the Kurjans he wanted. She was out of the intrigue game. “Ronan.”

  He grasped her hips and shoved inside her with one hard push. Pain and pleasure mixed together until she couldn’t tell them apart and didn’t care about trying. He powered into her and she shut her eyes, ecstasy taking her over. She started to climb again, her entire body throbbing as he hammered harder.

  Then he stopped.

  Ah, man. Her head dropped. “Ronan,” she gasped. He was the only thing in the universe.

  His fingers dug into her hips and his cock pulsed inside her. Stopping had obviously cost him. He nipped her ear again, his fang running along the edge. “One more thing, Faith.”


  The hard slap to her ass shocked her eyelids open. Tremors started deep inside her. “You’re mine. I want the words. Now.” He slapped her again.

  The primitive words should’ve bothered her. At least a little. But in this new world, with how she felt, they made sense. “I’m yours, Ronan. Always will be.”

  His breath caught behind her. She smiled, even in pain.

  Then he tightened his hold and thrust into her, increasing his speed. “I’m yours, too, Doc. I promise.” He went deeper than before, taking everything she had and making her feel completely safe for the first time ever.

  She cried out his name as she broke.


  Ronan awoke slowly, feeling better than he had since returning to this earth. He reached for his mate and then frowned at finding her side of the bed empty. The sound of her breathing caught his attention. He turned to find her in the chair, watching him, her gaze unreadable.

  She’d put on his T-shirt from the day before, but her scent wafted around him. “Faith?” he asked, partially sitting up.

  She smiled, her lips a pretty pink and her brown eyes clear. “Morning.”

  He sat all the way up and studied her. Curls cas
caded down with her hair free. She was the most stunning woman in the world. “Are you all right?” He might’ve been too rough on her the night before.

  She nodded and drew her knees up so she could hold them. “Yes. I wanted to tell you that I do trust you.” She pushed hair away from her face. “Even without a damn orgasm looming.” Her grin brightened the entire room, and her trust brightened places in him he’d feared would always be dark. Who cared if she swore so long as she trusted him? Damn, she was cute.

  He opened his mouth to speak and a sharp rap echoed on the door. “What?”

  Ivar poked his head in. “The kid is doing worse. More convulsions, and he’s not coming out of it. Do we call his family or not?”

  Ronan shoved himself from the bed, uncaring of his nudity. Should they call Garrett’s family? The Seven was supposed to be a secret.

  Faith bounded to her feet. “How long does he have?” she asked, obviously going into doctor mode.

  Ivar shook his head. “Not long. He’s too pale and his heart rate has slowed.”

  She bit her lip. “It’s crazy, but…”

  “What?” Ronan dragged his jeans on, his heart heavy. “We’re at crazy. What do you think?”

  She pushed her hair away from her face. “What if we use the phenobarbital to put him into a coma? If it’s a last chance, I can try to reach him.”

  Ronan paused. He thought it through. “Is there any danger to you?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t see how. But if we do this and it doesn’t work, he’ll die.”

  “He’s dying anyway,” Ronan said grimly, grabbing her hand. “Let’s see what you can do, Doc.” His heart beat rapidly as he led her to Garrett’s bedroom. Even though he’d been warned, he wasn’t prepared. The young immortal was deathly pale and his chest was barely moving. “Shit.”

  Logan remained at the bed, looking almost as bad. “We have to call his parents. Talen and Cara need to be here.” Pain filled the male’s voice.

  “We have an idea,” Ronan said, reaching for the nearest syringe and filling it. “How much?”

  Faith gave him the directions, explaining to Logan what they were doing. “I’m just guessing, since he’s a vampire. It’s ten times the amount to take out a human.” She paused, looking at Logan. “I know Ronan is his family, but so are you. Is this what you want?”

  Logan nodded, his gaze desperate. “It’s our only chance.”

  She injected Garrett, and his body slumped almost instantly. Then she took the chair next to him and laid her head on the bed, holding his shoulder. She exhaled and her body went still. Then, silence.

  Ronan moved toward her. “Faith?”

  She didn’t answer. He ran a hand down her hair, reassuring himself that she was all right. Had it been a mistake to let her go in? He eyed the silent immortal on the bed.

  This had better work.

  * * * *

  Faith opened all her senses and eased inside Garrett’s head. This was so much easier than it had ever been before. Was it because she’d mated Ronan and was becoming immortal? Perhaps her gift would increase, and she could help even more people.

  “Garrett?” She reached out with her mind.

  Lights flashed around her, and she found herself on a rocky hill with fire all around. Holy crap, this was new. She’d never actually seen anything before inside someone else’s head. She’d only been able to whisper encouragement. “Garrett?” she called again.

  The vampire jumped out of the fire and rolled, his clothes smoldering. “Faith?” He looked around wildly. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  She faltered. Even the heat felt real. “I’m here to take you back.”

  His chin dropped. “Great. Which way?”

  She looked around, panic making her feet twitch. “I don’t know.” Then she looked up, and her brain seized. “What the—?” Three suns bore down on them.

  Garrett moved closer and pinched her bicep.

  “Ouch,” she said, yanking her arm back. “Why?”

  He frowned. “Figured you weren’t real.”

  “I am, but we’re not really here,” she said, not understanding any of this.

  Garrett sighed. “I know. I figure something interrupted the bonding ceremony, and my body went into one dimension while the rest of me went in another.”

  That made as much sense as anything. “How do we get back?”

  He winced. “I’ve learned a lot in the hours I’ve been here—most of it by accident and just experimenting. We can move from dimension to dimension by creating an invisible door and walking through. The problem is, some of the dimensions try to kill you.” He looked around. “Can you get back by yourself?”

  She closed her eyes and tried to return to the bedroom. The heat continued to bombard her. “No.” Her eyelids opened and her eyes widened. She was stuck here. In this odd dimension. Her knees wobbled and her stomach flipped over.

  “Then our bodies will die,” Garrett said grimly. “I don’t know about you, but I’d rather keep traveling through dimensions just in case we find a good one.” He moved toward her and stood by her side. “Let me go first, and if it looks okay, come behind me.”

  This was crazy. Totally nuts. “Okay?”

  He swept his hand out, and several portals opened. “Pick one.”

  She pointed to the middle one and then followed him through. This world was full of ice and snow. Something howled in the distance and the hair rose along her neck. Garrett opened more portals. “You’ve been doing this for days?” she asked.

  He nodded. “I figure it’s like teleporting in slow-motion. But who the hell knows.”

  They went through about fifteen dimensions and barely escaped something that looked like a rabid Snuffleupagus. Garrett was definitely weakening and Faith’s legs were starting to ache. She swept her arm and opened a series of portals.

  “Garrett!” Somebody called from the far left opening.

  Garrett’s eyes widened. He hesitated and moved through it. Faith scrambled to follow. She landed on a beach next to a pink ocean.

  An adorable little girl stood in the sand, tapping her white sandal. The girl from the screen: Hope. Little Hope Kayrs-Kyllwood. Her pretty blue eyes were anxious, and she shook her head, crossing her arms. “Uncle Garrett. What are you doing?”

  Garrett paused and then grabbed the little girl for a hug. “Hope.” He leaned back, horror crossing his face. “Are you stuck here too? Oh God.” He held her close and looked around frantically. “Don’t worry, sweetie. We’ll get you out of here.”

  Hope sighed. “Oh, Uncle Garrett. Boys are so dumb.”

  Faith coughed and tried to sound reassuring. How was any of this possible? “Hope? I’m Faith.”

  The girl smiled. “I know.” She looked back at her uncle, settling comfortably in his arms. “This hasta be a secret. Just like you being a Seven.”

  Garrett straightened. “Wait a minute. How do you know—”

  Hope rolled her eyes. “I know lotsa stuff. Probably more than you.” She leaned in and pressed one little finger to her pink lips. “We hafta keep secrets.”

  Garrett shook his head. “I can’t keep secrets from your mom.”

  “You hafta. For a while.” The girl swept her hand out, and a sparkly portal opened. “That will get you home, but it’s gonna be hard. You hafta go.”

  Garrett looked around. “Can you get out?”

  “Yes. Hurry up. Mama is bringing me ice cream.” The girl started to fade right from his arms and then disappeared.

  Garrett shook his head, his face slack. “I was not expecting that.”

  Faith nodded and moved toward him. “I say we go through that portal.” If Hope was the Lock, whatever that meant, maybe she had found a way for them to get home.

  “We have nothing to lose.” Garrett grabbed Faith’s hand and leape
d through.

  * * * *

  Ronan shook Faith again, frustration eating through him. He couldn’t awaken her. This had been a colossal mistake. It had been nearly five hours, and she hadn’t so much as twitched. “Faith. Wake up.”

  She jumped up with a shriek.

  Garrett leaped out of the bed at the same time.

  Ronan pivoted, putting Faith behind him. What was happening?

  Garrett looked around and dropped to his ass. “Faith?”

  She leaned around Ronan, her fingers digging into his ribs. “Was that a fucking brontosaurus?”

  So much for the no-swearing. Ronan turned and yanked her into him, his heart feeling like it had left his body for too long. “Are you okay?” He leaned back to study her.

  She smiled, the sight beautiful. amber-colored eyes, dark hair, stubborn chin. Smart and steady…and all his. She looked at him, delight in her eyes, her mouth curving in a gentle smile. “I’m starving.”

  “Me too,” Garrett said, standing and hugging first Logan and then Ivar. “Shit, man. That bonding stuff hurts.”

  Ronan’s shoulders sagged. “It surely does.” His relief was so great he nearly started babbling. He looked at the young warrior. “Garrett, welcome home.” The kid had survived.

  Garrett grinned. “Boy, do I have a lot to tell you.”

  Ronan nodded, his chest filling. “After you eat.” He wrapped an arm around Faith’s shoulders. If he didn’t get her alone for a few moments, his head was going to explode. “We’ll return in a few moments.” Holding her tight, he led her through the house to their bedroom.

  She yawned and trooped alongside him. “I need to check on my sister.”

  “She’s still resting comfortably,” Ronan said, shutting the door behind him. “I was starting to think I’d lost you.”

  She turned to face him, tilting her head back. “The whole experience was crazy. I’m excited to tell you about it.” Her nose wrinkled. “Then I want to draw what I saw.”

  His chest calmed. Faith was safe and right here with him. He pushed the hair away from her face. “I just need a moment. We were interrupted earlier, and I want to make sure you know that I love you.” He placed her hand over his chest. “You beat here and always will. Everything I am or will ever be is yours.”


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