Harper's Finale

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Harper's Finale Page 14

by F. C. Clark

I pour three mugs of coffee, the third for my delicious husband who is missing in action. He’s probably buying a small country, locked away in his office.

  ‘Jerry will be fine. I have planned the perfect meal for tonight.’

  ‘I know he’s dreading it.’ Rosie is devastated that her husband and son are at odds.

  ‘We’ll all be here to make things easier. Besides, when Barney is around everyone seems normal. Jerry will count his blessings.’ We giggle at Barney’s expense, though he would agree.

  ‘You’re my saving grace. Honestly, I would be lost without you.’

  ‘We all would.’

  I turn at the sound of Luke’s voice. He’s sitting on the stool at the island. Christ, that man has stealth in his DNA.

  ‘Breakfast.’ I pass him his plate and coffee. ‘Luke, don’t forget Adam will be here for dinner tonight.’

  ‘I have a late meeting. I may not make it,’ Luke says, reading paperwork.

  ‘What?’ I snap.

  He glances at me.

  ‘Kate, I need to get on. Call me when you’re home and we can prepare dinner,’ Rosie says, not looking remotely worried about Luke’s announcement, and disappears in the direction of the laundry room.

  I take the stool next to him.

  ‘Are you seriously not going to be here tonight? I promised Rosie. Don’t let her down, Luke.’

  ‘I have a meeting that could run over. I will try to make it, but I can’t promise.’

  ‘Then you shouldn’t make promises you can’t keep.’ Feeling sick and irritated, I stand.

  ‘Have you already eaten?’ he asks.

  ‘Yes.’ No! I head to the office and gather the new drawings I have been working on. Luke follows me and goes to his desk, where he picks up his black blazer and briefcase.

  ‘Ready?’ I can feel him watching me.

  ‘Yes,’ I reply and head to the hall, where I put on my black riding coat.

  We make our way outside. Max is waiting alongside the Bentley. I slide into the rear as Luke follows me.

  ‘Kate, don’t sulk,’ he says.

  I turn to face him. ‘I’m not, and for your information I’m choosing not to speak. There’s a difference.’ Of course I’m sulking! Christ, he brings out the worst in me.

  ‘Fine. I’m a great fan of silence.’

  Bastard. Of course he is.

  The journey is fairly quick – and quiet. When we arrive at Sutton Global, Luke and I step out and walk into the building. Fortunately Luke carries some books for me, so there will be no hand-holding today. We arrive at the fortieth floor in silence, which is killing me.

  ‘Hi, Stella,’ I say.

  ‘Morning, Kate, Luke.’

  ‘Stella,’ Luke says sternly. Boss-man Sutton has entered the building.

  I head straight into my office and slam the door. I remove my coat, place my books on the table and begin to pace. It’s no good. I need to clear the air. Ever since Russia, I struggle with unfinished business. That’s what made me flee to Sandbanks in the first place – oh, and speaking to Matthew Williams. Not only is he George Williams’ son, who may be involved in Katenka’s death, but he also had an affair with Luke’s ex-fiancée!

  I burst into Luke’s office. He is leaning against his desk, looking at his watch.

  ‘Not bad, baby – you waited four long minutes.’

  ‘What? Oh my God, you infuriate me.’ I turn on my heel, refusing to indulge him.


  Of course I stop.

  He takes my arm and walks me to the sofa, pulling me to his lap.

  ‘I’m teasing you.’ He smiles.

  ‘No, you weren’t… You did actually time me.’

  ‘Yes, and you were four minutes.’ He chuckles. ‘Like I said, I have a meeting tonight, but I will try to finish early. Please don’t undermine me in front of our employees.’

  ‘Oh, for Christ’s sake, Luke, Rosie is not an employee! She treats you like a son. Seriously, you need to remove your head from your arse.’

  ‘Do I now? Thank you for pointing that out.’

  ‘You know what I mean. They’re not just employees. If anything happened to either of them, how would you feel? Besides, I asked you about the meal before I planned it, and you told me you were available.’

  He holds his hands up in defeat. ‘As I said, I will try. You have my word.’




  ‘Are you OK?’

  ‘I feel sick,’ I announce.

  ‘Did you eat this morning?’ He runs his hand up and down my nylon-covered legs.

  ‘No. I wasn’t hungry.’

  ‘I asked if you had eaten, and you said yes.’

  ‘And I asked you to dinner and you said yes.’

  ‘Kate, drop it. I said I will try. I love you,’ he says. ‘You need to eat something, OK?’

  I nod.

  ‘I have some good news.’


  ‘Our honeymoon is booked for the end of next week,’ he says.

  ‘Is it?’ I smile.

  ‘I thought that would please you. I checked your schedule with Tanya as I wanted to surprise you. We fly next Thursday.’

  ‘Am I OK to fly, Luke?’

  ‘Yes. We need some time alone.’ His hand rests against my stomach.

  ‘Perfect. I can’t wait.’

  ‘Your next scan is when we return.’

  ‘Good. Oh my God, I need to think about packing – I need lots of bikinis. Luke, I want to tell the Harper Jones crew about the babies, but we should tell Stella first.’

  ‘I agree.’

  ‘I’ll go and get her.’

  ‘Not yet. Kiss me, baby.’

  When we tell her our news, Stella looks at us with tears running down her cheeks. She must have mixed emotions. Stella is infertile, and it must still weigh her down.

  ‘Stella, I said two babies… I’ll need your help when I come to work. Just don’t tell Luke that I’ve stolen you.’

  He looks at me, understanding I’m trying to involve her.

  ‘I think we need a crèche.’ Luke takes my hand.

  ‘I am so thrilled for you, although I am surprised,’ Stella says.

  ‘That makes two of us. So not only will you be Luke’s PA, my friend, but you will also be Nana Stella at work.’

  ‘Oh Kate, I can’t wait.’

  ‘Remember, ladies, I am trying to achieve global domination here…’ Luke smiles.

  ‘Luke, you make me laugh… I can’t wait to see you walking around with a baby in your arms.’

  ‘You might need to brush up on your multi-tasking skills,’ I say and lean over to kiss his cheek.

  ‘You never normally complain.’


  ‘OK. So, lunch in my office, Stella. The Harper Jones crew will be here and I know I’m far more interesting than my husband.’

  Finally the Harper Jones team are back together. Today feels even more special in light of recent events. I love watching Mr Jones brim with delight as we deliberate his sketches and turn them into reality. After a two-hour discussion we make a unanimous decision on the direction and the pieces we will create for Mrs Gold’s charity fashion show in New York: a summer collection that captures timeless elegance using updated versions of Mr Jones’s designs.

  Though we are using Jones Tailors to create the pieces, Mr Jones also has orders to fulfil for his personal clientele. As we have so much work ahead and a tight deadline, we’ve taken on two new seamstresses and a tailor. Maria informs us that our website is up and running, and she will keep it updated. Valerie contacts models in New York she has previously worked with, to check their availability. I plan to ask Barney if he’s willing to model for us. He is a da
ncer and he has a perfectly chiselled face. Being over six foot, modelling is already part of his repertoire.

  Tanya and I confirm hotels and flights. We’ll take Luke’s private jet and he’s asked that we stay at the Four Seasons. Luke will be in Dubai so I’m going solo – well, sort of. Max will chaperone me. Since Russia, I really don’t mind. I’ve requested adjoining rooms for Mr A. Maxwell and Miss V. Simmons. Tanya smiles. Perhaps she agrees with me that they’d be good together.

  When lunch is delivered, everyone stops for a much-needed break, and, as agreed, Stella joins us. I drag Luke in so he can announce my pregnancy. As predicted, emotions run high. The team are delighted for us, although they are concerned for my well-being, especially after the car accident at Sandbanks…

  I look at my watch. Two o’clock. The only people in my office are Mr Jones and Valerie. However, I decide to send Valerie home with much more fashion paraphernalia than she can carry. She will need help with it. I call in Max to save the day on his black stallion – actually, my black Bentley. He can give her a ride home.

  Closing my office door behind me, I sit on the pink sofa with Mr Jones. Whenever we are alone I remember just how much I miss our time together, and I think back to when I worked for him. Pre-Luke, of course. How simple my life was back then.

  ‘You look lost, Mr Jones.’ I slump in the chair next to him.

  ‘Not at all, perhaps lost in amazement. We both seem to have achieved our dreams.’

  ‘Good things come to good people. Besides, you’re super-talented – and what a crime it was to see your artistic talents locked away. I still remember the day you showed me your collections of books – it feels like yesterday.’

  ‘So much has happened since you left Jones Tailors, Kate.’ He takes my hand.

  ‘I know. I’m so excited. Every time I pick up one of your books, I find a new design I love.’

  ‘I want to know how you feel, truthfully,’ he says.

  ‘About the fashion show, or the fact I’m pregnant?’

  ‘The pregnancy and the accident.’


  He flashes his best Mr Jones glare.

  ‘You know what I mean. I didn’t plan this, so to say I was surprised would be an understatement. I was shaken up after the… accident. And I was worried that it would affect the babies. I have my twelve-week scan booked for when I get back from my honeymoon, just before we fly to New York. It sounds crazy, but I’m too frightened to get excited.’

  ‘You will be fine. Mother Nature is marvellous. I can still see some bruising on your face, though.’

  ‘It’s almost gone, and my eye doesn’t hurt. You should have seen the state of me.’

  ‘And you should have contacted me so I could have helped you.’

  Oh, crap! ‘To be honest, I slept for days. There was nothing you could do, but what we’re doing now is exactly what I need.’

  He smiles.

  ‘I’m going to be a mum,’ I say.

  ‘You will be fine. You and Luke are strong individuals. I think your babies will be fortunate to have such interesting parents.’

  ‘Interesting – really? Luke and I are far from interesting. You know he drives me mad. How the hell will he cope when our children push his buttons?’

  ‘Yes, but you testing him and a child pushing boundaries are very different. First, you should know better and, second, pushing boundaries is how children learn.’

  I reach for his hand. ‘Why do you always make sense? I could do with a Jones book on how to solve dilemmas. OK, so we do have a couple of things to discuss for the show.’

  ‘Tell me. ’

  ‘I thought at the end of the show when we make our grand entrance we should both wear a black three-piece Jones Tailors suit – what do you think?’

  His face comes alive. ‘I like the idea very much.’

  ‘Good. We also need a suit for Barney. I’ll send him to the tailors to get measured. Last, I’m planning a scavenger hunt for Luke’s birthday. Any chance you can make him a new suit too?’

  ‘A scavenger hunt?’ He smiles. ‘And I assume he will be looking for you?’

  ‘Spot on. What do you think?’


  I’ve thrown up in the bathroom. Early pregnancy is the pits. I lie on the pink sofa and close my eyes for what feels like a few seconds.


  My eyes open. Luke crouches beside me.

  ‘Are you OK?’

  I sit up. ‘I’m tired.’

  ‘You look pale. Did you eat lunch?’

  ‘Only crisps. I couldn’t face anything else, and I was sick earlier.’

  ‘Crisps! You need to eat more than that.’

  I read his dark eyes. ‘What’s wrong?’

  ‘I have something to show you.’ He holds his hand out. I take it and stand.

  He flashes a warm smile at me.

  ‘I know that look, Sutton.’

  ‘Trust me.’

  He walks me across the hall and opens the door to his office.


  ‘Katarina.’ He comes towards me, his arms out. ‘How are you?’

  ‘OK. What are you doing here?’

  He folds me into his arms and I rest my face against his chest. My dad is with me – why does this feel so right? We barely know each other, yet there is a connection between us. Ivor releases me and gestures for us to sit. Luke joins us.

  ‘When did you get here?’ I look at Luke. ‘How long have you known that Ivor was in London?’

  ‘Ivor called me this afternoon,’ Luke says.

  ‘I arrived this morning. I wanted to speak to Luke before I made contact with you, as we agreed. We had some matters to discuss.’

  ‘Like what?’ I snap and look across to Luke.

  ‘Your safety,’ Luke fires back.

  ‘Is that right? So what happened in Russia with that Chekhol man? Is there still a bounty on my head or did you kick his arse? I know you wouldn’t be here if—’

  ‘Kate, leave it.’

  ‘What?’ I glare at Luke.

  ‘You look better than you did when I last saw you.’ Ivor deflects the question.

  ‘I feel better, but what happened to him?’

  ‘Some things are better left alone,’ Ivor says.

  ‘This is one of those times you need to back off, Kate.’ Luke watches me closely.

  ‘Remember our “don’t shut me out” conversation? This is one of those times,’ I reply.

  Luke rubs his jaw then stands and walks to his desk. He returns with a brown envelope and places it on the coffee table, then sits facing me.

  ‘If you want to remember conversations, then perhaps you will recall that I told you the truth was ugly.’

  ‘Luke—’ Ivor tries to defend me.

  ‘No!’ Luke looks at Ivor. ‘Your daughter does not like to be told no.’

  I sit back and fold my arms.

  Luke slides the envelope towards me.

  ‘You have two options: you either trust me and put this to bed or you look in the envelope, but once you look you can’t take back what you see. Do you understand me?’

  ‘How bad can it be?’ I ask.

  ‘Imagine the worst, Kate, and times it by ten.’

  I hesitate. Do I trust him? What does the envelope hold? I can’t take any more. I make a decision, and silently slide the envelope back to him.

  ‘Ivor, we have some news.’ Luke looks at me. I’m still speechless. ‘We are expecting twins.’

  Ivor laughs. Oddly, it’s the first time I’ve heard him laugh.

  ‘Katarina, this is wonderful news.’

  ‘I’m still getting used to the idea.’

  ‘How long are you planning on staying in London?’ Luke asks.

p; ‘Until tomorrow morning.’

  ‘Oh.’ One bloody day!

  ‘I only visited to see how you are, and to talk to Luke, but I will return.’

  ‘When?’ I ask.

  ‘I have business in Russia that needs my attention, and you need to rest… Katarina, I would like to meet your parents. Luke agrees with me.’

  ‘Oh, did he? Looks like you both have it sorted. Was this during a male bonding session?’ I’m pissed off. Is Ivor trying to get Luke on his side?

  ‘I want to be involved in your life, not hidden from your parents,’ Ivor says.

  ‘Kate, we have our own family coming into the world. It’s not fair to bring them into a family of lies,’ Luke says.

  ‘I guess.’

  ‘I will make contact with them soon,’ Ivor says.

  ‘Wait! Mum doesn’t know you’re not Harry’s dad. As you know, we thought Malcolm had an affair with Katenka, which wasn’t true, but we decided to bury the story. So, she’ll assume you’re Harry’s dad… now there’s a whole new world of lies.’

  ‘We need to safeguard Malcolm and Susan,’ Luke says.

  ‘I will stick to your story unless you tell me otherwise,’ Ivor says.

  ‘Thank you. So, since you’re only here for the day, does that mean you can come over this evening for dinner?’

  Ivor looks at Luke.

  ‘Oh, Luke won’t be there. He has a meeting.’ Poetic justice, Sutton.

  ‘Yes, I would like that.’


  He runs his hands through his silver hair. ‘You are like your mother in so many ways.’

  ‘I miss her. That’s stupid.’ I take a deep breath. ‘I wish I could touch her hair… See her just once. Oh my God, I sound crazy.’

  Ivor takes my hand. He understands it’s the simple things you miss, even if you never had them.

  ‘Kate, why don’t you show Ivor your collection for New York? Your daughter is quite the designer,’ Luke says, giving me time to recover.

  ‘Katarina, you are a resourceful young woman.’

  ‘I agree,’ Luke says.

  Ivor follows me to my office. Luke watches from the doorway before he closes my door.

  ‘Please.’ I point to the sofa.

  I sit next to Ivor. ‘This is all a bit – I’m sorry, but you being here seems like… well, I’ve been waiting for you since we met.’


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