Uniquely Unwelcome (The Shadow World, #1)

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Uniquely Unwelcome (The Shadow World, #1) Page 8

by Brandy Nacole

  “Yeah, okay.”

  I walk over to my car, checking to make sure there’s nothing I need. I take a quick look in the trunk. I guess I won’t need all the camping gear I brought. I put some of the smaller weapons in my backpack, wishing I could take more. Once satisfied there’s nothing I have forgotten, I pick up my bags and walk back to Danika’s car.

  After putting my bags in the trunk, I open the back passenger door.

  Ethan protests, “I’ll ride in the back.”

  Before I can object, he’s in the back with the door closed. Oh-kay.


  I watch the trees pass my window, the brightness of the day shining through the thick brush, as we drive away from the Covenant. Looking past Danika, I can now see the glint of the ocean through the trees. The scene instantly takes me back to last night. The way the moon, waves, and wind made me feel calm and completely at peace. It was such a wonderful moment. I wish I could go back to that moment and freeze time, with Addie there beside me. I would be there visiting her instead of trying to find her. We could sit with our feet dangling over the cliffs, laughing and talking about this or that.

  I could get used to the empty, pale room I had the night before if it meant I could see Addie, safely, every now and then. Sneaking out to the cliffs on a nightly basis doesn’t sound so bad. Of course that’s if the Covenant would allow me to visit. My thoughts flash back to last night again, and the trouble I had sneaking out to begin with.

  “Hey, why are the dorm windows sealed shut? Isn’t that a little dangerous?” I ask Danika.

  Danika glances over at me for a brief moment. “What do you mean? The windows aren’t sealed.”

  “Well, last night I tried going through my window but it wouldn’t open. I had to go back through the main exit.”

  “Oh that,” Danika says dismissively as she turns her full attention back to the road. “That’s just a little bit more magic. The curfew is midnight, and a magic seal locks all the windows. That way the students have to go out through the main door.”

  “Yeah but what if there’s a fire or something. Doesn’t that seem a little dangerous?” I can’t imagine all those students filing out the front door while the building was burning down.

  “The seal will break if the students are in danger. They’ve been tested several times to ensure that.” Danika glances in her review mirror, maybe trying to see Ethan’s reaction. I wonder if her feelings for him are mutual. Has she been secretly reading Doggy 101 to understand more about him?

  “Wow. It seems like magic can do anything,” I say in awe. The things I’ve learned in the last twelve hours or so have left me in wonder. I can’t even begin to imagine what else there is to learn. Not to mention how to use it.

  “Not anything,” Danika mumbles, looking grim now. I wonder if that grimace is directed to something or someone specific.

  The conversation turns to silence. I want to pursue the ‘not anything’ comment but don’t. I know I don’t like being questioned about things I don’t want to talk about. Maybe Danika’s the same way.

  After a long drive, we finally arrive at the airport. Danika goes through the security only gate, taking us straight to the plane. I start to speak up but don’t. I’m sure she knows what she’s doing and wouldn’t draw unnecessary attention.

  When we board the plane, I come to a halt, stunned. I grew up in a modest, knick-knack filled house. I didn’t live in filth until I traveled alone. During those times, I stayed anywhere I could find shelter, which sometimes included hay barns or caves. But never have I experienced this kind of clean-cut luxury.

  Instead of standard plane seats, there are four suede stuffed chairs centered in the cabin. Along the walls there are long couches, which Danika informs me pull out into beds. The overhead cabinets are made of beautiful mahogany wood. A flat screen TV hangs on the front wall where all can see.

  We store our luggage and soon the plane is airborne. After leveling out, the captain gives the all clear to move around the cabin. Danika and Ethan get up at the same time, blocking each other’s path. They do a small aisle dance before Ethan steps aside and gestures for Danika to pass. Blushing, she tucks her hair behind her ear as she says thanks. She then disappears up front with the pilot. Shaking my head, I get out my iPod and settle in with a book.

  After a while Ethan comes over and wants to know what happened with the Elders. I re-cap everything the Elders told me. Ethan takes everything in with a focused intent until I mention the tongue-less humans. His face twists with disgust.

  “Why would they have tongue-less humans?” Ethan looks sick to his stomach.

  “I have no idea but hopefully we’ll find out,” I say, feeling disgusted myself. I shiver at the thought of having that brutality done to me.

  “That’s just so—so—” Unable to find the right words, Ethan shakes his head as he looks down.

  “Yeah, I know. I can’t even imagine.”

  I start trying to roll up my tongue, thinking about what it would be like without it. No taste buds, no way of communicating, the empty hole in my mouth. Ethan catches me playing around with my tongue and looks at me like I’m an idiot.

  “What?” I ask him.

  Ethan shakes his head at me with amusement. “Nothing.”

  “Well, anyway whatever is going on it’s pretty bad. God knows how many have died because of these injections. They must be pretty intense if a Witch can’t withstand them.”

  I think back to what the Elders had said about Cate. How her body couldn’t handle the pain she was in and just gave out. Another shudder goes through me realizing how many could have gone through this.

  “I know. When we get our hand on this sick bastard I’m going to—just—” Ethan pauses, looking for the right words.

  “Bring the wrath of a thousand deaths as we cut out their tongues, and slap them in the face with it, while we laugh in mockery,” I finish.

  Ethan gives me a wicked half smile. “Something like that.” After a moment, Ethan loses his cocky spirit and his shoulders slump with defeat. “That’s if we even find this maniac.”

  “Don’t worry, we will. I’m not giving up until we do.”

  My words are filled with strength and determination, a determination I feel down to my bones. I clutch the crystal around my neck, concentrating on the hum of energy coming from it. I would never be able to live with myself if I knew we gave up. I would constantly be wondering if Addie was dead or alive. For me, there is no stopping until we find out where everyone is and why they were taken.

  “So, did you find out where all the Witches were kidnapped?” Ethan asks.

  I start to answer honestly but decide to bring some life to this doom-and-gloom atmosphere. “Oh no! I totally forgot to ask,” I say, feigning ignorance.

  “What?” Ethan looks at me with disbelief. “How could you forget? We could have seen if there’s a pattern to the kidnappings.”

  “See that’s why you should have gone with me. I can’t remember everything you know.” I shrug my shoulder as I try hiding the smile that wants to come out. I’ve never had the chance to prank Ethan, and although this is a lame prank compared to the one’s he’s pulled on me, I’ll take it.

  Ethan looks absolutely furious, though. Jeez, the guy can be so uptight and panicky sometimes. “Yeah, but that’s common sense. That’s general information that could have lead us to—”

  “I’m just kidding.” I burst out, interrupting him before he bursts a blood vessel or goes all wolfy on me. “I got all the locations.” I place my hand over my heart with mock hurt. “Your lack of faith in me hurts.”

  “Why would you joke about something like that? This is serious you know.” Ethan quickly recovers from his panic and is back to his usual dull, angry self.

  “Really? I thought I was traveling around with you for kicks. You know, to make up for lost time.” I know if this doesn’t stop soon it’s going to get rough.

  “Why they think you’re the chick for the job i
s beyond me.”

  Oh yeah, it’s going to get rough. Not only did he disqualify me from being able to do this, but he also called me a chick. Yes, I’m a girl and proud of it. However, I’m not some poor helpless “chick.” Ethan sees me move but I’m still faster than he is. I grab his arms, pulling them into a twist behind his back, as I push his face into the back of the seat in front of him.

  “I’m just a chick, huh?” I make sure to elaborate on the chick part by putting a little more pressure on his wrists.

  “Let go, Racquel.”

  Ethan twists his body to try and get out of my hold, but my grip on his arms won’t allow it.


  I can feel his body start to shake as a little tremor runs up his arms to his hands.

  “Say you’re sorry.” I don’t release my hold, although a slight fear starts to bubble. What if he phases?

  “I’m not apologizing. Let go. Now!” But I don’t let go, and after another few tense moments, Ethan gives in. “Look....I didn’t mean it the way it sounded, okay? You’re not some helpless chick, obviously.”

  Ethan doesn’t apologize per say but it’s as close as I’ll probably get. I let go of his arms and stand my ground. Just as suspected Ethan whips around, his face full of fury. Just as he starts toward me, I grab the list out of my back pocket and dangle it between us. “Here’s the list. Are you going to shred it or read it?” A broad smile plays across my face, knowing I got him.

  Ethan’s tense jaw flexes, his eyes narrowed with anger. After a moment of fuming, he snatches the paper from my hand, giving me a hard look before he looks it over. “These are pretty widespread.”

  “I know. I wish we had a world map so we could mark them.” If we had a visual to look at, we could track a pattern better.

  Danika opens up the cockpit door and enters back into the cabin. As she sits in the chair I had Ethan up against moments ago, I tell her our current hitch. “When we land we need to find a world map.” I inform her.

  A curious look crosses over Danika’s face as she gets up and walks to the back. Now where’s she going? I turn around to see Danika digging through a cabinet in the back above the mini fridge. I make out some herb jars and a candle before my view is obscured by none other than a freaking map.

  Danika walks back toward us, map in hand. “We keep them everywhere. You never know when you might need to scry for something.”


  I reach across the aisle and snatch the paper back from Ethan as Danika unrolls the map. I mark each location and look it over. Nothing. Everything’s too widespread. Unsatisfied, I roll the map up and put it in my bag.

  “We may want to get some rest. I made a couple of phone calls. We’ll be meeting with the Vampires as soon as we land. It’ll be night time when we land and we may not get another opportunity to rest for a while.”

  “Do you know where to go?” I ask her.

  Danika stands, stretching with a yawn she says, “Yes. Now get some rest. I will be in the back in the private room.”

  At the mention of a private room, my body perks up. “And how many of these private rooms are there?”

  Danika stops midway to the back. She turns with an apologetic look on her face. “I’m afraid only one.”

  I want to ask why she thinks she’s so special to get it but don’t. She’s been more than helpful. Plus, I know some of that attitude is because I’m so tired. The pullout couch-bed proves to be just as comfortable as any luxury bed, as I wriggle my body into the soft plush fabric.

  Ethan flips on the TV as he stretches out on the other couch. My belly starts grumbling as an image of a juicy hamburger slides across the screen. The last time I ate was this morning, and even then it was only a few muffins. I am definitely going to need some food soon. My thoughts stay locked on the thought of food as I slowly drift off to sleep.


  I jump up off the couch as cold hands touch me. Danika is standing across from me, terrified. Her hands shake at her sides, her eyes wide. Taking a glance down, I can see why she’s so freaked. My body is crouched like I’m fixing to pounce. My sharp Vampire fangs are extended, and a low growl escapes from deep in my throat.

  “Sorry,” I say, straightening my body. I sit back on the couch, resting my elbows on my knees as I try to control myself. I can feel my fangs retract as the growl dies in my throat. “You scared me.”

  Danika continues to stand at a safe distance. After telling me we are descending, she backpedals to her seat, her eyes wary. I just keep terrorizing that poor girl.

  Danika reaches behind her to shake Ethan’s leg. Instantly he’s alert from her touch and is sitting up. I find the buckles on the couch and strap in. As we descend I look at the twinkling lights below us. The glow of street lights seems to extend forever over the horizon, making the city look never-ending.

  When we land, Danika is quick to exit the plane. Unlike Ethan and I, she had stored her single bag in a cabinet by the door. As I’m reaching up for my bag in the cabinet above, Ethan gasps.

  “What happened to your back?” I go rigid, dropping my bags to pull my shirt down to cover my scars.

  “Nothing,” I mutter as I turn, not wanting to explain what happened.

  Ethan’s right behind me though, not taking the privacy hint. “I saw—”

  Swiveling around, I cut my eyes at Ethan, silencing him. “I said, it’s nothing.” My voice is hard with warning.

  This is something I don’t want to discuss, especially with him. I spin around and exit the plane. Ethan follows a few moments later looking perplexed but doesn’t say anything else.

  We get in the limo waiting for us. This is a new experience for me. I’ve never traveled where everything was so easy and luxurious. When I traveled alone, there was a lot of walking and waiting.

  Sofia is absolutely amazing. The glow of the street lights illuminate some beautifully sculptured buildings. I’m sure in the daylight you can see more of their beauty but this is enough for me. The streetlights not only light up the buildings, they also make it easier for all the people out on the streets to see. It is quite obvious that Sofia has quite the nightlife.

  The booming of music and laughter rings through our deathly silent car. Ever since we left the airport, everyone has been quiet. Ethan glances at me every so often, probably still wondering about the scars on my back, but doesn’t say anything. Danika breaks the silence by phoning the driver and telling him where to go. I hear her say something about an Art Museum.

  After she hangs up the phone, she explains. “That’s where the lair is,” she explains.

  “At an Art Museum?” I ask, skeptical. Yeah, sure most of the Vampires are probably the original artists and I’m sure most of them are old enough to be in the museum themselves, but still.

  “Yes and no. They set their headquarters underneath the museum. You see the museum was originally a palace, built in the late 1800’s. The Vampires didn’t move in until the early 1900’s. After a servant from the palace was turned, he went to join the clan downtown where the lair used to be. Wanting favor with the Sire, the servant explained the palace’s security and how he thought it would be wise for them to hide under human security and Vampire security both. The Sire took his advice and with the Witches help, they moved in underneath the palace.

  “After several years of being under the Sire’s command, the servant grew tired of his ways. He had lived under human rule while he was human and realized he would have to live under another’s rule for eternity. He killed the Sire and many of his followers. He is now the Sire of the entire Vampire Coven.”

  Interesting. “What’s his name?”

  “Lord Aldrick. When we meet with him, this is what you will call him. Do not call him Sir, Mister, or any other name. You address him as Lord Aldrick.”

  Mental note: no matter how stupid you may think calling someone Lord is, do it anyway.

  Soon we arrive in front of an elaborate building. A sign in front of the buildin
g that’s lit by ground lights proclaims it to be the National Art Gallery. The beautiful building is sprawled out in the darkness surrounded by a luxurious garden that fills most of the grounds. Its grand arches, light dandelion exterior, and exquisite design makes one feel as if they are still looking at a palace and not a museum. I can just imagine the royal life one would experience living in a place like this.

  As we pull around the building, I scope out the security. There are a few humans walking around the grounds, while security cameras scan the entire area. I wonder how we’re going to get to the lair without being noticed.

  I try finding the entrance to the lair as we circle around the complex, but my vision is blurred by hedges that spiral around a tall iron fence. Every ten feet or so there are tall concrete pillars, covered in ivy, connecting the iron fencing posts. So where does the hidden door lie?

  “The door, or should I say elevator, is in the third pillar to your left.”

  Danika gestures to the pillars outside the window.

  I look at Danika questioningly. “How did you know—”

  “What you were thinking? Easy, you are very curious yet a cautious person. I notice how you take in your surroundings and you never like being surprised. So it only stands to reason that you would want to know the basic information so you know what to expect.”

  Well, she’s right. There for a minute I was worried she could read my mind, which she could be covering up with a simple observation. Better make sure. Danika. Danika, can you hear me? Hello? You know you Witches think you’re so superior when in fact you’re so stupid….Hmmm no reaction.

  Even if she could read my mind, she wouldn’t blow her cover by remarking on childish banter. Now I just feel childish myself.

  We pull up to the curb not too far from the pillar Danika indicated. As we start to exit the limo, I notice once again that Ethan is not following. “So you don’t feel like going to this meeting either I see.”

  “It’s not that. I want to go but I can’t.” Ethan’s flexing his jaw as he looks out the window with worry.


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