Rose, Tara - Behind Blue Eyes [The Doms of Sybaris Cove 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Rose, Tara - Behind Blue Eyes [The Doms of Sybaris Cove 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 7

by Tara Rose

  They both chuckled, and Jeff resumed smacking her ass. “You know? That’s not a bad idea. I think I’ll have to remember to bring this with me next week.”

  Alaina wiggled her ass, which earned her more chuckles from both men, and harder smacks than before. Soon, though, it really started to hurt, and not in a fun way. She was about to call a safeword when Jeff stopped.

  “I think you’ve had enough, hon. Your ass has bruises coming out already.”

  They unfastened her cuffs and helped her off the bench, then carried her to the bed and took turns holding her on their laps, stroking her hair and back. She hadn’t expected that. The cuddling was something she’d imagine from a lover, not a fling. But she relaxed into their arms and enjoyed it anyway. It didn’t matter what happened on Monday. She was here now.

  Taj held a bottle of water to her lips, and she drank the entire thing. Then he handed her a second one. “You took a lot for your first time.”

  “Did I? Was I good? I mean did I do all right? Hell, I don’t know what I mean. I can’t even think right now. I have no clue what I’m doing here. But you two are so experienced. Please tell me I didn’t look like a noob.”

  “You did a fabulous job.” He sat next to her, smiling in a way that made her pussy wet all over again. “We are both so proud of you right now.”

  “We really are,” said Jeff. “You were perfect.”

  “Thank you. I feel so peaceful. So free. Like I’ve just had a whole body massage and a day at the spa.”

  Taj glanced at his dick, which looked ready to explode. That was the first time she noticed that both men still had on their condoms. “You’re not that relaxed, are you? Am I going to have to do myself?”

  She laughed out loud. “No, I promise neither of you will have to do yourselves. But may I please use the bathroom first?”

  “Of course.” As she stood and started to walk away, Taj smacked her right ass cheek, hard. “But I’m holding you to that.”

  She turned around and kissed him, rough and deep. When she released his mouth, she glanced from one man to the other. “I want you both in my pussy again, and in my ass. And I want one in each hole at once. Can we try that? Please?”

  The looks on their faces made her feel wanton and sexy. Jeff smacked her other ass cheek. “Yes. Now get the hell in there and take care of what you need to. Move it!”

  She giggled and scooted away, feeling happier than she’d ever felt in her entire life.

  Chapter Eight

  When she emerged from the bathroom, they’d opened the French doors, and a fragrant, warm breeze filled the room. They’d also turned off the lights that had previously been on, and lit candles dotted the top of the dresser, reflecting off the mirror. They both sat on the bed, side by side, and it was obvious they’d been talking about her, but she didn’t mind.

  Taj patted the bed and she crawled on top, lying on her back and stretching. They smiled at her and Taj moved on top of her, capturing her mouth in a molten kiss. He trailed a line of liquid fire with his tongue down her neck and over both breasts, then he sat back on his heels and slipped his dick into her pussy.

  She clung to his arms, smiling up at him, wondering how she could have waited this long to do something about her lust for these two. When he pulled out, Jeff took his place while Taj played with her nipples.

  “Are you ready for this?” he asked softly.

  She nodded. “Yes. I really am.” It was difficult to speak while Jeff fucked her because another orgasm was close.

  “Have you had anal before?”

  “I have.”

  “And did you enjoy it?”

  “As long as there was plenty of lube.”

  Jeff pulled out and picked up a large bottle, grinning. “Will this do?”

  She let out a loud sigh. “I’m sure it will.”

  “Turn on your side, love.” She did as Taj asked. Had he just called her love? That was sweet. She had no idea these two were so gentle and loving. She hadn’t pictured them that way at all.

  Jeff caressed her sore ass cheeks, and then he slowly slid a warm, wet finger into her asshole. She moaned and closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation of fullness. It had been so long since she’d had a cock anywhere, that each experience tonight felt new, but at the same time there was none of the trepidation or even fear that she’d felt when all of this was actually new.

  He teased the walls, gently stretching them, and then when he pulled out his finger she felt the tip of his dick tease the opening. Taj stroked her face and hair, whispering words of encouragement as Jeff slid his cock into her asshole. Once he was all the way in, Taj moved closer to her hips, lifted her top leg, and carefully slid his cock into her pussy.

  The way both men moaned told her they hadn’t expected the sensations either. To say it felt exquisite wouldn’t have done it justice. The fullness and stretching sensations from both cocks so close together took a few moments to get used to, but once she did, she knew that she wanted to do this with them again and again and again.

  They moved together, and then alternated, getting used to each other’s rhythm, and making jokes about how they could feel each other’s cocks inside her. “Does it bother you?” she asked.

  Jeff caressed her hair and back. “Not at all. Are you all right? Please tell me you like this.”

  “I love it. It’s heavenly.”

  “It is. I love it, too.”

  “So do I,” said Taj. “I’ve never felt anything so fucking incredible. We have to do this again. All the time.”

  She could live with that.

  The men changed places, after Jeff put on a fresh condom, and this time Taj reached around and played with her clit while Jeff teased her nipples. She reached over and grabbed fistfuls of the comforter as yet another climax began to build. How many could a woman actually have in one night? She had a feeling she was about to find out.

  “Christ, she’s so fucking tight in here.” Taj’s voice sounded like he was on the verge of losing it, and that fueled her arousal even more.

  “Not exactly loose in here right now either, dude.” Jeff smiled into her eyes. “Are you all right?”

  “Yes. Love it.” She couldn’t speak. She could barely think. As they continued fucking her and caressing her clit and breasts, the orgasm washed over her, slowly this time. Her moans became a continuous sound, punctuated only by their cries of pleasure as each man came in quick, jerky thrusts. Everything hurt now, but she didn’t care. She wanted this to go on forever.

  When they each finally pulled out and removed their condoms, they took turns holding her in their arms, stroking her back and hair. All three of them were covered in sweat. One of them retrieved more water, and Alaina once again drank two bottles. She was going to float away by morning, at this rate.

  That thought produced a few halfhearted giggles, but they were silenced by soft kisses from each man. She snuggled against Jeff’s body in front and Taj’s behind, and drifted off to sleep, praying that when she woke up, she wouldn’t find this evening had been nothing more than a dream.

  * * * *

  Alaina woke in the middle of the night to the sound of thunder. Lightning flashed, but it came several seconds after the thunder. She smelled rain, and the warm breezes from last night had turned cool. The French doors were still open, and the candles still burned.

  She crawled out of bed and closed the doors, leaving the candles lit so she could see, then padded into the kitchen to make sure they’d closed the doors leading to the deck. Those were also still open, so she shut them. After she used the bathroom, she returned to Jeff’s bedroom and snuggled up between them once again, listening to the soft sound of rain hitting the roof.

  It hadn’t been a dream. It was real. Her ass hurt inside and out, her pussy was sore, and her arms and legs ached from being in the same position, cuffed to the spanking bench for who knew how long. She seemed to have lost all sense of time and space. Did it matter? She knew the one thing that did matter. The
reality of sex and play with these two hadn’t come close to her fantasies.

  Would they really spend the weekend with her, doing this? And what would happen Monday morning? Would they each forget about this and go on as if nothing had ever happened? Isn’t that what she’d wanted last night? Just one time. That’s what she’d said. Had she said that out loud? No. She had not. But what if that’s all they wanted?

  “Fuck.” She hadn’t meant to whisper it out loud into the darkness. She listened, but both men were still sleeping, so that was good. Alaina stretched out on her back as the thunder and lightning drew closer. They’d be awake soon anyway, unless they were the kind of people who slept through thunderstorms. She’d never been able to.

  What the hell had she done here? She’d told them the worst secret of her life, and she’d given her body to them in every possible way. Could she really trust them this much? A bit late now to be worried about that, isn’t it?

  Why did this have to be so fucking complicated? Why couldn’t she simply turn off her damn mind and enjoy it? They’d given her no reason to believe they’d hurt her as Alex had done. And they certainly wouldn’t risk damaging her position at work. They valued her as a fellow employee, and it was clear that Jeff didn’t side with his sister. She had nothing to worry about.

  She’d enjoy this weekend, and then she’d return to work and do her job. That’s what she had to do. It would be all right. It had to be.

  “Hey, there. Did the thunder wake you, too?”

  She opened her eyes, turned her head to right, and smiled up into Taj’s face. “Yes.”

  “I love rain at night. Come on.” He crawled out of bed and she followed him into another bedroom. “He uses this as a guest room for those rare occasions when a friend visits the island. Come out here with me for a moment. This balcony faces north, so it rarely gets the wind and rain. We can enjoy it that way without getting soaked.”

  She followed him out onto the balcony and stood watching the rain, with the mountains as their backdrop. He put his arms around her from behind, and she leaned into his warm, muscled body. This was so romantic. The rain beat down on the roof, and she heard a slight hiss as it hit the ground. Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed, but he was right about the exposure. The storm was coming from the south, so all they felt was a slight spray from the breeze.

  “Isn’t this wonderful? How can anyone want to leave this place?”

  “Do you ever think about it? Leaving, I mean. Do you think about trying to?”

  She felt him shake his head. “No way. I believe in the curse. Jeff isn’t entirely sure he does, but he won’t risk leaving either.”

  “Then he probably does believe in it. He just doesn’t want to sound superstitious.”

  “Yeah. I think that’s it.”

  “I think it’s creepy. I mean I can’t imagine being stuck somewhere because you have to be, as opposed to choosing to stay.”

  “That’s a good point. I grew up believing I didn’t have a choice.”

  “And I’ve been everywhere.”

  “I know. I read your résumé when you started.”

  She turned in his arms so she could see his face. “Was that a line you two fed me last night? That you’d fantasized about me all this time? It’s okay to tell me the truth. I’d prefer it.”

  Taj gave her a look so intense that she thought she’d crossed a line for a second or two. “It was no lie. We have. And I’ll tell you one more thing right now, Alaina Renee Pembrooke. You have a decision to make by morning.”

  Her heart beat so loudly she was sure he could hear it as well. “What decision is that?”

  “You have to decide whether this is a one-time thing, or if you want to do this for real.”

  She struggled to keep breathing. “Define what you mean by ‘for real.’”

  “I mean do you want to be our sub and our lover, our once-in-a-while, no-strings-attached work buddy with benefits, or something else entirely? Because Jeff and I don’t do anything half-assed. We each need it spelled out and crystal clear.”

  She swallowed hard as lightning flashed again, illuminating the dark, serious look on his gorgeous face. “What do you two want?”

  “I can only speak for myself, but I’m also fairly certain Jeff wants the same thing. We want it all. We want to train you as our sub. And that means you learn it from the ground up, and it means you are in that role twenty-four seven. Even at work. We’d never do anything to jeopardize your job, but we don’t want you part time.”

  She hoped this wasn’t a dream. But at the same time, so many questions competed for attention, she wasn’t sure which one to ask first, so she blurted them all out at once. “How do you know that already? How do you know Jeff will go along with it? How do you know he won’t mind sharing me with you in and out of the bedroom? What if I can’t do this? What if I’m too damn stubborn and pig-headed to be a sub? What if I’m too ambitious? What if Sallyanne finds out? What if the CEOs find out?”

  Taj pulled her close and chuckled, deep and sexy. “Oh my God. You’re still wound too tightly. I can see we have our work cut out for us this weekend. That means I need more rest, and it might mean I’ll need to ice my balls and my dick.”

  She couldn’t help but laugh at that image, but his words also helped to relax her a bit. Just the fact that he found her funny instead of crazy was a good sign right now. “I’m sorry. But this is so unexpected. I’ve fantasized about you two for so long now, that the reality has me blown away.”

  “In a good way, though, right?”

  She glanced up into his face. “Yes. In a perfect way.”

  His smile sent her heart fluttering. “Then we’re off to a great start.” He kissed the top of her head. “The storm seems to be weakening. Let’s go back inside and get some more rest. We’re both going to need it.”

  He was right. She realized that the rain had changed to more of an intermittent pattern, and she hadn’t heard thunder for a few moments. “Will you and Jeff talk about this in the morning?”

  “Yes. After we make love to you again, of course.”

  She shivered at his words, then took his hand and followed him back inside. Once they were in Jeff’s room again, Taj blew out the candles and then they crawled into bed, where he pulled her into his arms.

  Chapter Nine

  Saturday morning, Alaina woke to the found of loud, off-key singing and the smell of fresh coffee. The singing she could do without, but the coffee called to her. She followed it to the kitchen where Taj was freshly showered with damp hair, and wearing nothing but a towel.

  He grinned. “Good morning. I need to run back to my house and get some things, but I made coffee. Try to ignore Jeff. He thinks he’s ready for Nashville. When he finishes with the Kenny Chesney songs, he’ll move onto Keith Urban and Luke Bryan.”

  “He’s ready for something, but I’m not sure it’s the Grand Ole Opry.”

  Taj laughed, then he kissed her quickly as he brushed past her. “I’m going to get dressed and run back to my house. It’s just down the street.” He stopped, frowning. “Wait a minute. You don’t have anything here either.” His gaze traveled over her naked body. “And as enticing as you look right now, it wouldn’t be fair to ask you to go out on the lake with us today stark naked.”

  “Lake? Slow down. I haven’t had coffee and you both are showered and have your day planned already. What time is it?”

  He pulled her into his arms, and memories from last night washed over her, bringing with them his words. Had he meant them? Had they already talked?

  “Jeff and I have been up for over an hour. I told him what you and I talked about last night, and he’s in total agreement with what I want. We decided to let you sleep instead of waking you up for sex. We’d like to take you out on the lake. It’s just a sailboat, but we thought it would be nice to talk about everything in the fresh air, and maybe catch some fish to fry. What do you think?”

  “I think it sounds heavenly. But you’re right
. I need to run home for a moment.”

  “Not a problem. Get dressed, walk with me to my house, and then I’ll run you into town. By the time we get back, he’ll have food made.”

  “But we’ll miss the rest of his singing.”

  Taj laughed, and then he kissed her. He released it all too soon, so she followed him into the bedroom where they both put on the clothes they’d worn last night. “How did these get in here? I thought we left them in front of the TV.”

  He inclined his head toward the bathroom. “Mr. Neat and Clean brought them in.”

  She grinned. “Oh, I see. So are you telling me your house is messy?”

  “Let’s just say I’m a bit less worried about putting things back where they belong than he is.”

  She finished dressing. “Should we tell him where we’re going?”

  He shook his head. “We won’t be gone long. He’ll figure it out.”

  The walk to Taj’s house took less than five minutes, and once they were in his Jeep, she turned around to admire the bright coral color of the roof tiles, trim, and shutters. “I hope I get to see the inside one day.”

  “You will.”

  He parked outside her condo complex, and she ran inside to grab hair products, makeup, and as many clothes as she thought she might need for the weekend. She remembered to grab her birth control pills, iPad and its charger, plus her phone charger at the last minute. When she emerged and slid inside the passenger seat, placing the bag at her feet, he raised his brows.

  “That was fast. And that’s it? I expected you to take a half hour at least, and come out with a suitcase.”

  She laughed. “That is a very sexist thing to say, but you’re so damn cute I’ll forgive you. Do you think Jeff will mind if I use his shower when we get back?”

  “Not at all. He’ll be busy making breakfast by now.”

  “Good. I’m starving. And I really need coffee.”

  “Coming right up, my lady.”


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