Rose, Tara - Behind Blue Eyes [The Doms of Sybaris Cove 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Rose, Tara - Behind Blue Eyes [The Doms of Sybaris Cove 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 10

by Tara Rose

  “One question only.”

  “Should I get dressed again now?”

  Both men chuckled this time. “Yes,” said Taj. “We all should, unless we want delicate parts sunburned by tonight.”

  “You’re doing very well,” said Jeff, as both men watched her pull her clothes back on.

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  Each man had only removed his shorts, so they put them back on now, and then the three sat in the same chairs where they’d been earlier. Taj put a new worm on the end of his pole, and placed it back in the catch. Jeff took bottled water out of the cooler and passed it around. As Taj watched Alaina drink hers, he imagined how easy it would be to do this every weekend with her and Jeff.

  He would make it happen. He had to. He’d waited so long to find someone like her, and he wasn’t going to let her get away.

  * * * *

  Jeff closed his eyes and wondered how the hell he’d gotten so damn lucky. This was what he’d fantasized about for so long now that it was difficult to believe it was real. The island and its paradise he took for granted. It was all he knew. But having a woman look at him the way Alaina did, or give herself completely to him as she’d just done for him and Taj…that wasn’t something he’d ever experienced. And he’d begun to believe he never would.

  But she was real. What she’d just let them do to her was real. And how she could even sit right now was beyond his comprehension, but he wasn’t to argue with it. If he wasn’t half in love already, he’d eat the damn bass he’d just caught raw. Now if he could only make sure he didn’t fuck this up for him or for Taj, he’d be ahead of the game.

  The trust she’d shown them still blew him away. He wasn’t going to do anything to make her regret that. And the first thing he needed to do Monday morning was take his idiot sister aside and tell her to back the fuck off of Alaina. She was the best VP who worked for Sallyanne, and the sales associates under her were the best team they had. That wasn’t Sallyanne’s doing. It was Alaina’s. And if she couldn’t see that, he’d go to Asa again and demand he do something once and for all about Sallyanne.

  He wasn’t going to let his dimwitted sister fuck up this company, or harass Alaina about something that was dead and buried. Sallyanne could fuck Alex Nesfield from now until doomsday for all he cared. But their relationship had nothing to do with Alaina, and his sister needed to drop it for good.

  He reached over and caressed her left shoulder, which earned him a tender, sated smile in return. God help him. This woman had already crawled so far under his skin that there was no way he could let her go. Never. He wanted her forever. He would find a way to make that happen for him and Taj, because he knew without asking that Taj was just as into her. It showed in his eyes, and in every move he made toward her.

  That was fine with Jeff. He and Taj had shared everything from the time they’d been toddlers. Sharing this beautiful woman as a lover and a sub was the most normal thing in the world for them. Jeff would gladly do that. He would make it happen.

  Chapter Twelve

  Alaina was so excited when she finally caught a fish on her pole that they almost lost the big blue catfish. Jeff had caught a buffalo fish earlier, and while the guys said that one and the bass would make more than one meal, she wanted to catch one as well.

  Once they had all three fishes in the second cooler, they headed back to shore. It was late in the afternoon, and she was starving. They’d drunk all the bottled water they’d brought along, and eaten the fruit and cheese they’d packed in the first cooler with the beer and water, so it was time to head back regardless. But Alaina was thrilled that they were returning with a fish caught among each of them.

  Her ass was still on fire, but she didn’t care. Each time she remembered what it had felt like to lean over the chairs and take her swats, and then been fucked like she’d never been fucked before, her pussy tingled and her nipples hummed. Forget palm trees, waterfalls, and deep blue water. The real paradise was how these two made her feel.

  Once they were back in Jeff’s house, Taj cleaned and cut up the fishes into manageable pieces while she and Jeff grilled vegetables out on the deck. When a flock of ducks flew overhead, making so much noise she couldn’t hear what Jeff had just asked, Alaina laughed. “Birds of paradise?”

  He chuckled. “Don’t you have ducks in California?”

  “Sure, but there’s a lot of other noise. You don’t notice them as much.”

  He shot her a sideways glance. “Think you’ll ever go back home? I mean to live, not to visit.”

  She stopped what she was doing and gave him her full attention. “No. I live here now. Why would I leave?” Why would I leave you and Taj?

  “You might get bored.”

  “Jeff…I mean Sir…I won’t get bored with you two. It’s not possible.”

  The relief in his eyes nearly made her cry. “You don’t have to call us ‘Sir’ when it’s just like this. Us doing things together. Only during scenes or when we’re punishing your pretty ass. Times like that.”

  “I really am okay with that. With what you two did on the boat. Just so you know. I earned it. I know I did.”

  “You surprise us both. I mean because you’re so willing to do this and enjoy it so much.”

  “It’s been a secret fantasy for years.”

  “I had no idea.”

  “I tend to keep my secrets to myself.”

  He nodded, and she glanced around at the beauty below them once again. What would it be like to have all this, but know you could never leave it? Never see anything else? “Do you wish you could leave? I mean not to stay away, but just to see another place?”

  “Absolutely.” He hadn’t even hesitated, which made her sad for them both. “I want to see snow, and Fifth Avenue, and pine forests, and the wide open plains of Nebraska.”

  “I’m sorry you can’t. At least, not in person anyway.”

  “If we could figure out more about the curse, we might be able to break it.”

  “Taj said he wasn’t sure you actually believed in it.”

  “I’m not sure I do. But knowledge is power.”

  “How much do you know about it?”

  “Not much. Nothing is written down. Taj has one old piece of paper with one of the only clues we’ve ever been able to find.”

  Taj walked out onto the deck, carrying a platter with raw fish steaks. “These are ready for your grilling expertise.”

  “Great. I’ll be right back. Going to get the right spices and stuff for them.”

  Taj placed the platter on the table and gathered Alaina into his arms, kissing her neck. “Thank you again for today. It was paradise.”

  She shivered at the tone in his voice. “Thank you. Both of you. And it’s funny you mentioned paradise, because Jeff and I were just talking about the curse. He said you have a clue to it.”

  Taj released her embrace and turned the vegetables over to grill the other side. “I do, although we aren’t sure what it means. It’s at my house.”

  “Any chance of seeing it?”

  He nodded. “Sure. We’ll walk down there after dinner if you want.”

  “Okay. Thanks.” She bit her lip. “Um, that wasn’t topping from the bottom again, was it?”

  He laughed. “No. Not at all. And thank you for making sure it wasn’t.”

  The meal was fantastic, and as they ate, she asked them questions about their childhood. There wasn’t much she hadn’t already known about them, but she did learn that Jeff’s love of country music had started when they finally got cable and Internet on the island. He’d accidentally found the Country Music Channel and was hooked from that point on.

  “How on earth did your fathers and grandfathers do so much business without the Internet?”

  “The same way everyone else did,” said Jeff. “Mail order and phone lines. We had those, and we had fax machines. But it was a bear getting the fiber optic lines over here. Lots of red tape, and I’m sure money changed hands.”

p; “We take so much for granted in our world, don’t we?”

  “I don’t think anyone means to,” said Taj. “It’s just that when you grow up with something, you forget it wasn’t always available.”

  After they rinsed the dishes and started the dishwasher, the three walked down the street to Taj’s house. Alaina loved the inside of it. It was messy, but not trashed. It merely looked lived-in. And she admired the Taino culture prints on the walls and the bold colors in his decorating. “Did you do all this? I mean did you plan the colors and fabrics?”

  He chuckled. “I didn’t plan it. It just happened. I said oh, I love that color. I think I’ll use it to paint the kitchen. Or I saw that picture and thought, that would look good in my bedroom.”

  She nodded, watching his face as he spoke. “Okay. I get it. You go with the flow.”

  He winked. “You should try it sometime.”

  “I’m working on it, Sir. May I please see the clue you have on the curse now?”

  “Since you asked so nicely, yes.” He walked over to the far wall in the great room and pushed aside a print whose design she didn’t recognize to reveal a wall safe. “Now that you know where this is, you’re sworn to secrecy. Only Jeff knows this exists.”

  “I’m honored, Sir.”

  He dialed the combination, then opened it and took out a piece of paper in a plastic sleeve. He carried it over to the coffee table and laid it on top so they could all see it. “It’s from my paternal grandfather, Mendo Durante. He was Iago’s eldest son, and he married Betty Raleigh, one of Williams’s daughters. That’s one of the ways our two families became connected by marriage, and eventually by blood.”

  “Did he leave it to you?”

  Taj shook his head. “I found it among his things when he died, and took it before anyone else saw it. I’m not even sure it means anything, but as far as I know, it’s one of the few clues we have.”

  Alaina tapped it. “May I read it?”

  He nodded. “But don’t take it out of the plastic.”

  The first few paragraphs were written in English, but the phrasing suggested it had been written in the 1950s or 1960s. The syntax reminded her of ads from that era that she’d studied in one of her marketing classes. It was convoluted, as though someone had written down his or her thoughts either while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or had been writing them down so fast they hadn’t bothered to edit them. They simply had wanted to get them on paper.

  But the gist of it was that they’d had a vision about a demon who had been conjured by several natives of this island to help them rid their people of the men who had brought greed and decadence to their island. The demon had asked for a boon in return for this favor, but Alaina couldn’t make out what that boon was. As soon as this boon was mentioned, the remainder of the words were written in a different language. It actually changed from that one word, right in the middle of a sentence, all the way to the end.

  She pointed. “What is this? I don’t recognize it.”

  “I don’t know. And neither does anyone else I’ve shown this to. We can’t find the words in any language.”

  She glanced up sharply. “Do you mean to suggest that he or she just started writing in another language? An unknown one? That is too creepy.” She hugged herself as a breeze blew through the room.

  “No shit.” He placed the paper back in the safe and locked it again. “Some days I’m not even sure I want this in my house. But I don’t want to trust a bank safe deposit box to something so important.”

  “Who else have you shown it to?”

  “I had handwriting and history experts flown in several years ago, in secret. They took photographs of it, but none of them can figure out what the rest of it says.”

  “Thank you for showing it to me.”

  “You’re welcome.” He glanced toward Jeff. “Do you want to stay here tonight, or return to your place?”

  Alaina glanced at the print that hid the wall safe, and Jeff chuckled. “I think Alaina would rather return to my place.”

  Once they were back in Jeff’s house, they settled in front of the TV to watch the rest of the movie from the night before. Alaina nearly fell asleep several times, and each time she jerked awake it was to find that either Taj or Jeff were sleeping as well. Finally, the three climbed into Jeff’s bed and lay in the dark. She snuggled against Taj’s warm body from behind and Jeff’s in front, and drifted off to sleep with a smile on her face.

  * * * *

  Sunday morning, after Jeff had once again made them coffee and a delicious breakfast of pancakes with blueberries, fresh fruit, and sausage, Alaina started the shower and stepped inside. She’d just finished rinsing the shampoo out of her hair when both men surprised her by stepping inside with her.

  Jeff pulled her into a tight embrace. “You said you were on the pill, right? Because I hate trying to put on a condom when my dick is wet.”

  She giggled. “Yes, I am on the pill.”

  Taj stroked her arm, sending shivers up and down her spine. “So are you all right if we don’t use them in here?”

  “Oh yes, Sir. I sure am.”

  Jeff kissed her, sending shock waves of desire racing through her body. Everything still hurt, but she didn’t care as his tongue worked its magic inside her mouth. When he released the kiss, he trailed his tongue down her body, stopping to lick each nipple gently, and then he backed her up against the far wall, and asked her to sit down on the built-in bench.

  He knelt in front of her and spread her pussy lips, then told her to keep them open with her fingers. She did, and then he grabbed her hips and pulled her pussy toward his mouth. She cried out as he licked and sucked her clit, and within seconds an orgasm began to build.

  Taj moved next to her and bent down to lick and suck her nipples, alternating that with rolling them between his thumbs and forefingers. She was out of her mind with need, and when the climax crashed over her, she tossed her head back and forth, never wanting it to end.

  Jeff stood, and then he lifted her to her feet, turning her around, and told her to bend over. She gladly did so, and was rewarded with his bare dick inside her pussy. “Oh…God that feels so fucking incredible without a condom on you.”

  “Then I’ll never wear one again.” Jeff kissed her back and sore ass cheeks as he fucked her, slowly and gently, and when he pulled out, Taj took his place.

  Taj fucked her carefully as well. “Thank you for this. You have to be sore, so we’ll be careful. Thank you.”

  “Thank you both. You’re so incredible. I can’t get enough of you, even when I hurt.”

  “We can’t get enough of you either.”

  They took turns, and by the time each man came, she had come a second time as well. They held her close, stroking her hair and back, and then she poured some of her shower gel into her palms and washed them. Every square inch of them, in turn, delighting in the feel of their muscles underneath her fingertips.

  They both washed her at the same time, and she was moaning and writhing against them within minutes. They moved her toward the bench again and she sat down, knowing what they wanted to do, and so damn excited about it that she didn’t think she could stand it.

  Taj pushed his dick into her mouth first, and he held her head still with both strong hands. She let him. She loved it so much when they did this. As he fucked her mouth roughly, she reached down and rubbed her clit.

  “Oh fuck…that is so sexy.” Jeff’s voice sounded like he was on the verge of exploding, and that spurred her on. She spread her legs wider and slid a finger inside her pussy, then used the thumb of her other hand to rub her clit.

  A quick glance to her left would have made her smile if she could have done so with Taj’s cock in her mouth, because Jeff was pulling on his dick to beat the band. His eyes were glazed over, and it was the sexiest thing she’d ever seen.

  Taj cried out and pulled out of her mouth, letting go of her head to take his dick into his hands. He splashed his cum all over he
r face and chin, and she moaned, not bothering to wipe it off.

  “Oh fuck me sideways. Can I do that, too?”

  She nodded. When Taj moved aside, Jeff pushed his cock into her mouth, and she kept playing with her pussy because she was close to coming. Taj sat on the floor next to her and watched, breathing hard, but with a look in his eyes that sent her heart fluttering.

  She came first, crying out as loudly as possible with her mouth full, and then Jeff pulled out and stroked his dick until he came on her breasts. Both men moved her under the water, kissing her neck, thanking her again and again, and washing their cum off her body.

  When they emerged, they crawled back into Jeff’s bed and fell asleep again. Alaina had never been so happy. She wished they could blow off an entire week of work and just stay here.

  Chapter Thirteen

  They spent the rest of Sunday walking along the street on which Jeff and Taj lived, hand in hand. Both men pointed out various homes of family members on this hilltop as well as others. Then they drove downtown and went into The Lady of The Night to have a drink. Alaina had a Hurricane, and the men each had an imported Spanish beer called Estrella Galicia.

  “Is that what I drank on the boat?” she asked. “I recognize the label.”

  “Yes,” said Taj. “We love this stuff. Justin and Laila have it flown in, and then we buy some directly from them.”

  As they watched people milling about, either in the bar or out on the street, shopping, Alaina realized how much fun it was simply to sit and do nothing. Had that been their grand plan this afternoon?

  They caught her smiling at them, and Jeff reached across the table to take her hand. “Are you having fun? Isn’t this nice?”

  “It’s perfect.” She mouthed the word “Sir,” knowing that they probably wouldn’t want her addressing them that way in such a public place. Although on this island it hardly mattered. Most people were in the BDSM lifestyle, and the ones that weren’t simply accepted it as part of the culture. A sudden image of Alex spanking Sallyanne, or of her kneeling before him in submission rose in her mind, but she pushed it away.


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