Gone Unnoticed: A Kate Reid Novel (The Kate Reid Series Book 3)

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Gone Unnoticed: A Kate Reid Novel (The Kate Reid Series Book 3) Page 21

by Robin Mahle

  Jameson turned to Kate. “You’re right. It was already furnished, according to the landlord. We’ve got no computers, no papers, not much of anything. But we can run prints and determine if any match-up to Druseburg or Kovac.”

  “Or Richard Mercer,” Nick said.

  “Who’s Richard Mercer?” Jameson hadn’t been privy to the information Nick obtained from his contact at Interpol, but was quick to be filled in on the interesting news.

  “All right, then. Let’s collect some prints and we’ll go from there. If we can tie Mercer to either of our guys, we might just be able to enlist the help of Interpol.”

  » » »

  “Without Vito or Toma, I have to recruit someone else to find the girls for me.” Stan Kovac raised his hand and scratched his shaved head, which was already revealing a five o’clock shadow.

  “Maybe we just need to take care of this shit ourselves,” Corbett replied. “I’m telling you, nobody’s reliable anymore.” He walked to the dining room table and pulled out a chair. “The Arranger’s going to be calling in a few days, looking for more assets. If we don’t have anything, well, let’s just say the man in charge has no concept of forgiveness. You’ll be gone, I’ll be gone, and they’ll find another couple of schleps to replace us. So I suggest we get our shit together and fulfill the order.”

  Kovac pressed his cigarette into the ashtray and exhaled the final puff of smoke. “This whole thing’s turning out to be a giant pain in my ass.” He sat down at the table. “I got the cops chasing my tail. Can’t go back to the diner, can’t go home. Where the fuck am I supposed to go, Jim?”

  “We need to scope out a few places tonight. Figure out if they’re worth revisiting tomorrow to get what we need. I gotta couple of guys I can call. They’ll give me some idea who’s invisible. Then, you can just go back to your hotel. Let’s get this done before these guys decide they doesn’t need us anymore.”

  Corbett pushed back and got up from the table. “Get your shit together. We’re leaving now.”

  The streets and gentlemen’s clubs were usually the best place to scope out an asset. Having little to no family was usually preferred and that could be ascertained with just a few questions. Determining the legal status was the next step. It was generally pretty easy to tell if an asset had legal identification. It usually started with a question like, “Are you sure you’re not underage? I don’t believe you; let me see your driver’s license.” And while a driving license wasn’t that difficult to get a hold of, it was the address they were looking at. If there wasn’t a driver’s license, the next step was almost unnecessary.

  And finally, the accent. Most of the communities were divided up by ethnicity. Seemed people preferred to hang out with those who shared a common background. The bartenders at these fine establishments could often be counted on to inform them as to whether or not a certain area was heavy with immigrants from a particular place.

  Armed with all that information, determining who would make a suitable asset wasn’t that hard. The hard part was in getting that asset alone long enough to take her.

  » » »

  Nick drove Kate back to base and the belief that they would find something of value inside Corbett’s former residence had evaporated along with the clouds as the sun burned through them.

  “Hey, thanks for coming down with me this afternoon. I’m sure you could’ve used the time to study.” Nick didn’t look at Kate as he spoke. Instead, he kept his eyes on the road and a tense grip on the steering wheel.

  “You wanted me to prove myself and that’s what I’m doing.” This was Kate’s attempt at easing the tension. She’d known Nick long enough to see when he was approaching the end of his rope on a case. He had almost reached the frayed end today.

  “I was wrong to say that before, Kate. You don’t need my help. You were able to work through the problem on your own.”

  “Only because of what happened with Gregor. And that was because you wanted me on the case.”

  “You put your life in danger, and I’m not okay with that.”

  “Maybe so, but it taught me what I needed to learn in order to get past the problem. I’m not saying that it’ll be smooth sailing from here on out in my training. I’m just saying that I was faced with something real and it forced me to find a solution, not shrink away.”

  Thinking about that night brought Nicola to mind. With Kovac still on the loose, she was afraid for her. “I’m worried about that little girl, Nick.”

  “I know, but Kovac would be foolish to show his face right now. Everyone is looking for him and Corbett. We’ll get to him before he has a chance to get to the Bjurics.”

  “Martin Druseburg’s dead; who’s to say someone won’t get to them?”

  Nick turned toward her for a moment, but didn’t speak. She was right and she knew he’d seen that too.

  “ID please,” the guard asked Nick as he pulled up to the entrance of the base. The man examined Nick’s credentials and quickly returned them, signaling his authorization to raise the gates.

  The tree-lined, single-lane road wound its way up to the base and it only became apparent that it was a military facility on the final approach, remaining obscured from view along most of the path.

  “I’ll give you a call if I hear anything.” Nick checked the time on his dashboard. “The cafeteria will still be open. You should get yourself some food. You must be starving.”

  The sound of a vibrating phone arose from the center console of the SUV. Nick shifted a few papers out of his way and dug out the device. He raised an index finger to Kate, suggesting that she wait a moment. “Agent Scarborough. Yes.” Nick went quiet, but his expression seemed to indicate that something had happened, something good. “Thank you, Inspector. I’ll be sure to keep you posted. Goodnight.”

  Nick tilted his head and a thin, tight smile played on his lips. “That was Inspector Montrose. He said Richard Mercer booked a flight to Richmond—for tomorrow. We’ll trail him. Find out where he’s going and who he’s meeting.” He hit the steering wheel with his palms in triumph. “Jesus. Finally.” Nick returned his attention to Kate.

  “I’d like to come with you,” Kate asked, knowing it would put more pressure on her schedule.

  “I’ll find out when he’s due to arrive and get back with you. You might have to cut your day short. Will that be a problem?”

  “No.” It might be, but she wanted to go. Mercer would lead them to James Corbett. She wasn’t about to miss that.

  “Okay then. I’ll shoot over the details when I get them.”

  “I’ll see you then.” Kate closed the passenger door and nodded her goodbye.

  » » »

  The moment Kate walked into the field office, signs everywhere pointed to the fact that this was going to be a major operation. Several agents could be heard coordinating efforts with local authorities, surveillance equipment was stationed at the ready for the field teams, and she was the only one who hadn’t yet been given a job to do.

  She began to approach Scarborough and Jameson. “Is there anything I can do?”

  “Kate, glad you’re here. We’ll be saddling up in the next thirty minutes or so. Mercer’s flight arrives at six p.m., so I’d like you to help Agent Jameson prepare to head out. You ready to do this?” Nick replied.

  “I’m ready.”

  “Come on over with me,” Jameson said. “Let’s get you up to speed.” He led the way over to Agent Vasquez, who would be monitoring communications. “Agent Vasquez, have we coordinated with the TRU on surveillance support yet? We need to be up and running within the hour.”

  “Yes.” She began to punch commands onto her keyboard. “They’ll have the secure support online shortly.”

  Agent Jameson appeared to notice the slightly confused expression Kate was wearing. There were so many facets of the Bureau she had yet to understand and it was clear TRU was one of them. “Have you had an introduction to this yet, Kate?”

  “No. I’m afraid not. Is
it that obvious?”

  “Don’t worry. I wouldn’t expect that you’ve been exposed to this in your training yet. The TRU is the Technical Response Unit. They’re a part of the OTD, the Operational Technology Division.”

  As he began to explain, Kate recalled just how difficult it could be to keep all of these different departments inside the Bureau straight. It was an intricate web of sections, divisions, and units touching on every aspect of criminal activity inside the United States, and they all supported one another in their specialized capacities.

  “They provide surveillance, support, and secure communications,” he continued. “We need their help to keep our field operatives safe and ensure that no one outside the command center knows the position or directives being given to run an effective operation.”

  “So what will happen once the teams are in place,” Vasquez began, “is that we’ll utilize the electronic surveillance support to keep tabs on not only our guys, but on the suspects as well.”

  “Kate, you’ll be riding with Agent Scarborough and me. We’ll be tailing Mercer in hopes that he will lead us to James Corbett and possibly Stan Kovac. Once we get our sights on those three, we’ll take them down. However, it’ll be our field operatives running the show from the ground. Scarborough and I will monitor, but only engage if necessary.”

  Neither one had any intentions of allowing Kate to find herself in harm’s way. She was to observe from a training perspective while the big boys handled the fight. This wasn’t something with which she was completely on board. Understanding that she was not a full-fledged agent, Kate had already become involved to the extent that the outcome mattered a great deal to her. She would see Corbett and Kovac go down for what they’d done to those girls and make sure Nicola stayed safe.

  » » »

  A slight tip of the plane’s right wing and the descent had begun. Mercer, full black hair and refined features, locked his tray table back into position. The window offered a spectacular view of the city that reflected the lowering sun’s golden rays. But Mercer wasn’t there to see the sights the city had to offer. He was landing in Richmond to do business and, with his profile, that was already a risky proposition.

  He’d been appalled by the near total breakdown of not only the chain of command, but the organization itself, thanks to the debacle of his wealthiest client and the attempts at cleaning up the mess that Corbett had made. Others were beginning to talk and Mercer had no choice but to fix the situation or put an end to it. Much more was at stake than Corbett could possibly realize. This was an organization with ties to a great many important people, none of whom could afford having the FBI snooping around their businesses.

  The wheels skidded against the runway, bouncing and jarring him and the flight attendant. Mercer now waited for his corporate jet to come to a full stop. His intent was to return by midnight, if not sooner, and head back home to London. Being in this country too long brought with it many risks and Mercer didn’t like to gamble.

  The automated gangway extended to the small plane and the attendant opened the door for Mercer. “Enjoy your stay, sir.”

  He grunted, hoisting his leather bag over his shoulder and stepping onto the enclosure.

  Mercer emerged onto the concourse and proceeded to the south exit, where a car waited for him.

  “I have visual,” the agent broadcast to the team through a small wireless headset as he spotted the target from inside the terminal. He began to trail Mercer from a safe distance.

  Another team member was sitting on a bench just outside the south entrance, scrolling through his cell phone, seemingly oblivious to the world around him. However, he too waited to acquire visual on the mark.

  Kate was in the car with Agents Jameson and Scarborough. They were waiting for the go-ahead to tail Mercer to his next location. She’d been close to danger more times than she could count, but this was different. Even as she tracked Hendrickson down, he was ultimately the one who found her, not the other way around. Now Kate was operating as the hunter. It was a strange sensation; exhilarating and terrifying. But she had Scarborough to fall back on. It wouldn’t always be that way. Not once she was a full agent. She would be the one leading the team, or taking her part to ensure the team accomplished its goals.

  “He’s heading your way. Black Cadillac Escalade. Sole passenger,” one of the operatives announced over the secure frequency.

  Nick started the engine. “Here we go. Black Escalade.”

  All eyes were pointed in the direction in which the vehicle was expected to arrive. Kate’s heart pumped faster. She stared out the right side of the windshield, around Jameson’s shoulder.

  “There he is,” Jameson said.

  Kate spotted him too. A sleek black SUV rolled along the dual lane roadway and Mercer was inside. The man who she believed ordered the abduction and enslavement of countless young women was approaching them.

  Inside the car they waited, until finally, the subject sped past them. They were shadowed beneath an overpass at the airport’s exit and, after a few moments, Nick pulled out onto the same roadway.

  He radioed the others. “I got him. Heading westbound onto SR 195 now.”

  They trailed him for several more minutes. “Where is he going?” Kate asked.

  “Don’t know yet. We’re heading into the suburbs. He’s probably already arranged the meeting and won’t want to waste any more time. If he stays the night, I’d be surprised as hell,” Nick replied. “We just need to be patient.”

  “We’ll wait to see if he meets with Corbett and/or Kovac,” Jameson began. “Firstly, to draw them out and secondly, to establish a connection between them. According to the communications between Corbett and Druseburg, no one really seems to know for sure if Mercer is the man in charge. The name was tossed around, but Corbett’s main point of contact comes from a man only known to him as the Arranger. Apparently, rumblings from others in the operation suggest that it is Mercer who calls the shots. And, thanks to Inspector Montrose at Interpol, his name raised a red flag. What we really need to see is them in action.”

  “You mean we have to wait for them to actually kidnap someone?” Kate asked.

  “No. We just need to see them together. I’d like to bag all three of them in one fell swoop.” Nick looked at Kate through the rear view. “That’s the ultimate goal.”

  “He’s pulling into that parking lot,” Jameson said. “Hang back.”

  “Suspect has pulled into the parking lot of the strip mall located on Stratford and N. 42nd,” Nick relayed to the team.

  Another car pulled alongside the black Cadillac and although it was difficult to see, it appeared each had rolled down their windows to converse.

  “Shit. We need ears on them, damn it,” Nick said.

  » » »

  Jim Corbett waited for Mercer to roll down his window. As it slowly descended, the man inside didn’t look thrilled to be there. Then again, neither was Corbett. He’d suspected that this was the man in charge, but it remained unclear what would happen to him for having this knowledge.

  Corbett had the requisite number of assets. They were in Kovac’s hands and he hoped there wouldn’t be any more fuck-ups. He had to assure Mercer that he had things under control.

  “Do you have them?” Mercer asked from inside the car, his face masked in shadow.

  Corbett surveyed the parking lot, noticing the odd car coming or going. It wasn’t a particularly busy row of shops, partly the reason for the rendezvous location. Still, he wanted to be sure there were no eyes fixed on them. “I do. Just as you asked.”

  “And who is handling the cargo at this moment?”

  “Same person we discussed earlier. I’ve got everything under control, sir.”

  “I’m sure you do. I’ve already had to take care of one problem you let fall out of your hands. Don’t make me handle another.”

  “That won’t happen.” Corbett was growing tired of offering assurances to the Arranger and now to the head of this o
rganization, and wanted to get the hell out of the parking lot. He knew the man was referring to Druseburg’s death, but failed to believe that it had been a result of his mishandling of the situation. Martin Druseburg may have been loaded, but his money made him careless. That carelessness allowed his girl to take her own life with the drugs he used to make his time with her more pleasurable. The guy was a borderline addict himself and Corbett knew that, but still, he’d taken it upon himself to clean up the mess. And that was what he was doing until Mercer decided to take over. It was the only reason the man was here right now.

  The more he thought about it, the more pissed off he became. Unloading the cargo was Corbett’s only priority and they were wasting time.

  “All right. I have a colleague who will take them off your hands. I’m just here to ensure a successful transition. I don’t want to lose faith in you.” Mercer rolled up the window.

  “Of course, thank you sir.” Corbett raised his own window and retrieved his phone. “We’re on our way. They’d better be ready. The handoff is tonight.”

  » » »

  “He just called Kovac.” Vasquez radioed Nick with the information that’d come through on the Stingray simulating a nearby cell tower that had picked up the call.

  “We’ll follow, but do you have a location on Kovac? We can send our guys out ahead of them.”

  “425 N.W. Harbor St.,” the agent replied.

  “We’re on our way.”


  Dusk was settling as the teams continued to follow James Corbett and Richard Mercer. A call had been made to Detective Garrett updating him on the situation, but the details would be handled by the feds. This was not a time for heavy-handedness.


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