The Creature - Book Two of the Marcus II Series

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The Creature - Book Two of the Marcus II Series Page 5

by Bonnie Somerville

  Nicola sighed. She didn’t like what was being said but she did eventually agree to at least listen to their ideas. She wanted her daughter and her grandchildren to come visit and maybe someday Kaley would come home to live. She knew that was not an option the way things were now. “Tell me your ideas.” Nicola said. Rachael took a deep breath. “The first thing I would like to see is a full time permanent Doctor. Ideally we would like to train a couple of young people from here to apprentice and eventually become the resident Doctors.” Nicola didn’t say anything. She just looked from Kaley to Rachael and back again. Before Nicola could say anything Kaley continued from where Rachael left off. “We would like to build an aqueduct system much like the one in Cambridge Landing. This will not only supply the village with fresh water but will also be used to irrigate the fields, this way more food will be able to be grown with less work. In the future when the community grows the infrastructure will already be in place. The project will take a lot of bodies to accomplish and I want to say up front that some outside workers will be needed to assist us both from a technical stand point and from a purely manpower stand point.” Kaley explained.

  Still Nicola didn’t say anything, she just sucked air between her teeth. Kaley continued once more. “Thirdly the housing situation here is a serious concern. The houses you have here are over populated and in need of repair. There will need to be a number of new houses built over the next couple years as well. Clearly you haven’t had the resources or manpower here to accomplish this yourselves. I think an exchange of some sort can be negotiated with Arklow and The Landing to enable us to accomplish all these tasks.” Kaley took a deep breath and looked over at her lover for some emotional support. Rachael took her hand, the worst part was over or at least the first hurdle. “I don’t want you to give us an answer now. I think you need time to consider everything I’ve said. Do you have any questions?” Kaley concluded.

  Nicola who had sat quietly for the entire proposal finally took a deep breath. She knew that the argument for updating the village was sound and there was no denying any of what Kaley had said. If Dori’s Cove were to grow and to thrive they needed at the very least to accept the help that was being offered. The part that worried her the most was the influx of strangers into the village and exposing her people to that kind of intense scrutiny. She would do almost anything to spare them being judged for actions they had no part in. “I want to know if you’ll be here during the building of these projects?” Nicola inquired. Bingo! Kaley knew this was what Nicola was going to use as a way to get them to be nearby for at least the next few years. “Ma, as you know Rachael has responsibilities which include her travelling extensively and I have been travelling with her. It’s one of the reasons I’ve been able to be here as much as I have in the past few years. My place is with my wife and that is where I want to be. That is not going to be part of the negotiating process. You must do this because it is best for everyone, not just because it is best for you.” Kaley said sternly. Nicola huffed. Kaley continued, she smiled and looked her mother in the eye. “We’ll be here as much as possible. I want my child to know where I came from and to know all her family.” Kaley said gently. Nicola seemed reassured. “I also want to build a small place for us here in The Cove once all the other housing issues have been addressed.” Kaley offered. That is exactly what Nicola wanted and needed to hear. “Ok I think this would be a good place to stop for now. I think I need to take a nap and maybe you can make contact with the Elders and see if they have any serious concerns that we can address now before we get to the official proposal stage.” Kaley suggested.

  Kaley and Rachael took a nap together. Their discussion with Nicola had been emotionally draining and they needed time to recharge. When they awoke Kaley’s thoughts immediately went to her mother. She heard Rachael take a deep breath signifying that she was also awakening. “Did you get any rest?” Rachael said her voice hoarse. “Ya, a little but I feel good though. Cuddling with you always relaxes me.” Kaley said. She reached around Rachael and gave her a squeeze. “What are you thinking about?” Rachael asked. “I was thinking about my Ma, something happened today. My mother had a funny look on her face. I’m not sure what it means yet but I intend to find out.” Rachael returned the squeeze. “You do that but try not to discuss the negotiations directly. You did a magnificent job by the way. I didn’t know you were so good at proposing ideas, I might employ you more often.” Rachael gave Kaley a warm hug. “The only reason I did so well was because I know exactly what to say to my Mother. I’m sorry Rach but I have to pee and then I want to go have a talk with Ma. After dinner I want to visit with Eno. Would you like to go with me this time?” Kaley kissed Rachael.

  When Kaley came out of her mothers’ bedroom where they’d been napping she found her mother sitting in her favorite chair on the porch. Kaley pulled up a chair beside her and took her mothers’ hand. “I love you Ma. I’m really glad to be here before the baby comes. Next time we’re together we might not have as much private time together. Everyone will be fussing over the new baby.” Kaley said half-jokingly. “I’m very proud of you daughter. It was no secret that I didn’t want you to move away but you’ve made a good choice. Rachael is a very good person and she loves you.” Nicola said. “Yes Ma I love her too… very much. We have built a good life together and I’m happier than I’ve been in my whole life.” Kaley looked at her mother who nodded. “Then that is all that matters. I know how hard it is for you in the city. How are you making out living in The Landing?” Nicola inquired. Kaley sighed. “It is a bit of a challenge at times but we travel a lot and when we’re in Cambridge Landing we take off to my tree house in the forest whenever we can. Rachael wants me to be happy so we go whenever I feel the need to get away.” Kaley reassured her mother. Nicola nodded again, Kaley thought about bringing up her mother’s change in attitude but they were getting along so well she didn’t want to ruin the moment.

  She thought of another topic she wanted to bring up. “Ma what do you know about the people who live outside the city?” She asked. “People? What people?” Nicola responded. Kaley scratched her head. “I need you to be straight with me Ma please. I know there are people who are not part of the community but look like they could be related to us. They have the same complexion, similar hair and eye color. Who are they and where do they live exactly?” Kaley said bluntly. Nicola’s forehead creased and she placed her first finger to her lips. “Why are you asking?” Nicola responded. Kaley took a deep breath. “I need to know the truth. I want to be able to help them as well. Will you please help me?” Kaley said calmly. Nicola chewed her lip. She was obviously struggling with what and how much to tell her daughter. “Kaley, maybe you should ask your Aunt Loki. She knows much more about it than I do.” Nicola finally said. Kaley turned her head quickly and looked at her mother. What does Aunt Loki have to do with all this? “Ma what are you talking about?” Kaley was trying very hard not to lose her temper with her mother. Getting information out of her was like extracting teeth. “Don’t look at me like that. I’ve never seen them so I’ll just have to take your word for it that they look like us. The last time I heard someone speak of them was when I overheard Loki talking about them with Catherine but that was many years ago. I don’t know how many there are or where they are. Go ask Loki.” Nicola said abruptly. Kaley knew that was all the information she was going to get out of her mother.

  After dinner Kaley found a backpack and put a couple t-shirts and shorts in it and added some baked goods she knew Eno would enjoy and wouldn’t have in the forest. There wasn’t much point taking fruit, nuts and edible flowers were things she could gather for herself. Out in the forest Kaley sat on a log and waited for Eno. Somehow Eno always seemed to know when someone had entered the forest. Kaley was attuned to the forest but Eno had something else going on.

  Eno came up so quietly even Kaley could hardly detect her. Kaley smiled. “That was very good Eno. I could hardly hear you. I know you made noise before to let me
know you were out here.” Kaley said. Eno came over and sat next to Kaley. Kaley noticed she was very clean. “Oh I see you found my secret waterfall. When I was a child I used to go there and stand under the falls for a long time. It was like I was washing the city off of me. I still feel like I need to do that but now just being in the forest works too.” Kaley reached into her bag and took out a hair brush. She started with just doing the ends of Eno’s hair but eventually she was able to go from top to bottom without upsetting her. “When I was a little girl my mother used to brush my hair, it always felt so good. It was our time together and we would talk about everything. Did your mother ever do that with you?” Kaley inquired. Eno looked away with her face slightly screwed up like she was trying to remember. Kaley kept brushing as she talked. “I brought you some clothes. Don’t worry it isn’t anything too confining. You’re a young lady though and you should try to cover yourself a little.” Eno frowned slightly. “I know … it’s ok for you to wander around the woods like that but if you’re going to visit me in the village you should try to at least cover your lady parts. It’s just what people do, do you understand?” Kaley asked. Eno nodded. “We’ll be leaving here soon. We had to talk to the Elders about building new homes and other things but we’re almost done now and I want to go back home before I have my baby, it’s getting close to my time.” Kaley informed her. Eno reached out and touched Kaley’s belly. Kaley put her hand on top of Eno’s. She moved Eno’s hand over to the side where the baby was kicking. “Here feel this.” Kaley said. Eno smiled. “Two.” Kaley frowned slightly. “What did you say?” “Two” Eno repeated. “You think I’m having twins like Clover?” Kaley smiled. “What makes you think that? I would be just as happy with twins as long as they are healthy. Wouldn’t Rachael be surprised? That would make my Ma very happy too.” Kaley chuckled thinking how her family and friends would react.

  When Kaley came out of her reverie she remembered she wanted to give Eno the clothes. She reached into her backpack for the shorts and T-shirts. She helped Eno put on the shirt and then showed her how to tie the shorts drawstring. Kaley looked her over and decided all she needed was a pair of sandals to round out her summer attire. “You look beautiful Eno. No one would look twice at you wearing that outfit. You could walk into any town and blend right in. When I have the baby I won’t be able to come out to the forest to visit you for a while. Will you come to my house and visit me and the baby?” She pleaded. Eno held up two fingers. “Fine will you come visit me and the babies?” Kaley corrected. Eno looked at Kaley for a few moments debating the idea of actually entering the town. Eventually she nodded her agreement. Kaley pulled her into her arms and hugged her tightly. “Good I’d miss you if I didn’t see you for a couple weeks.”

  Rachael was feeling pretty good about the progress that had been made concerning the upgrades for the village. It was going to be a significant change so it was important that things didn’t move too quickly to give people the opportunity to adjust. It was important that the community not become overwhelmed with all the change. Rachael was pleased, all things considered. “You look pleased with yourself.” Kaley said over a cup of tea in the lounge at Nicola’s house. “I want to formalize the plan today so we can go home. No offence but just since we’ve arrived I’ve noticed a change in your size and condition. Don’t get me wrong I think you’re gorgeous but it worries me that you might end up giving birth here and without a Doctor on hand and frankly that concerns me. I love you so much Kaley and I don’t want anything to happen to you or the baby.” Rachael replied.

  Kaley looked at Rachael, she definitely was a Nervous Nelly especially when it came to this pregnancy but Kaley also knew that she was right in this instance. She was getting huge and although she didn’t want to admit it she was having quite a time trying to get around and needing more and more rest. On top of that she too was getting restless to head home. She knew she was showing signs of nesting and it was time to go. “So you’ve decided to go have you?” Nicola said as she stepped through the threshold into the kitchen from the lounge. “Yes Ma, I think its best.” Kaley said matter-of-factly. Nicola knew she was right, as much as she wanted her to stay. This was one time when being isolated made her a little angry. “Ma please sit, there is one other important thing I want to discuss with you before we go.” Kaley said motioning to a chair next to her. Nicola sat down without saying a word. Her normally feisty defiant attitude had changed since their arrival. “Ma I want to offer to any couple who want to have a family the option of going down to The Landing for insemination. Before you say it I know you’re concerned about losing more people to the south but I think the changes we’re implementing will keep people here. It’s a good thing and people will want to be part of it.” Kaley said hopefully.

  Nicola didn’t even make a fuss, she just nodded and that concerned Kaley. Her mother was not the kind of person to take things lying down she usually needed to be dragged kicking and screaming. “Whatever you think is best Kay.” Nicola said softly. Kaley turned to Rachael and said. “Rach, can you give Ma and I a few minutes?” Rachael got up and kissed each one on the cheek and left the room. “What’s going on with you Ma? You’ve not been yourself. Frankly when you don’t give me a hard time and kick off an argument I get worried.” Kaley confided. Nicola looked at her daughter and smiled. “I’ve just realized that I can’t fight change honey. It’s coming with or without me. The young people here deserve a future and that is something the Elders have been afraid of. I think it’s time I retired and let someone younger lead this village. The Cove needs a new young leader that can embrace the changes and make them happen.” Kaley examined her mothers’ features. “This community needs stability during this time of great change. They need to know that in spite of the huge steps they’re making into the unknown that there is still going to be a strong foundation of leadership. They need YOU to do this! They love and respect you. Please don’t make any rash decisions while I’m gone.” Kaley begged. Nicola thought about it for a second and then nodded before saying. “How did you get so wise? Seems like just yesterday you wanted to live in the forest and live off the fruits of the forest. Now you want to make the village bigger. I’m having trouble reconciling the old you with this new one.” Nicola joked. Kaley smiled. “I’m different now Ma. I’m an adult woman who is bringing a new life onto this planet and I want it to be the best it can be for that child. I need you to help out and do your part and stop all this I’m too old for change nonsense. I’m going to have my baby in The Landing and then I’ll bring her back to visit you or better yet you come to The Landing yourself to see the baby and me. Come to see how the aqueduct and irrigation systems work and I want you to have a meeting with Catherine, she’s been wonderful to me, she really has. I want us to move into the new stage of The Cove side by side, arm in arm. I could use your strength and I know when you set your mind on something you’re unstoppable.” Kaley said with great pride in her voice. Nicola’s eyes filled with tears. “I’ll try.” Nicola promised. Kaley patted her hand. “Good then it’s settled. I want to be able to tell my child when she gets older that it was her grandmother who brought about these wonderful changes to Dori’s Cove and she will be proud.” Kaley said. They hugged for a long time. It was funny that Kaley was giving her mother a pep talk instead of the other way around. Kaley stood to leave but stopped short. “Ma, I have my eye on that piece of land on the edge of the forest, the one that overlooks the river. Any chance I can have that spot set aside for my cob house?” Kaley asked hopefully. Nicola’s smile lit up her entire face. “I’ll see what I can do, I have some influence.” ~

  Chapter Five

  With all the arrangements completed and their proposal agreed upon Rachael and Kaley boarded Catherine’s surrey and headed toward home. She couldn’t help but think it wasn’t a minute too soon and that baby felt ready to join the world. Kaley was feeling proud for helping with the negotiations. It hadn’t been her job but she had a vested interest in the successful outcom
e and made it happen. Rachael’s presence had seemed almost redundant once Kaley entered the fray. Rachael didn’t mind one bit, she was more than happy to let her handle her mother. The most important thing was that they were successful and that the residents of The Cove would benefit greatly.

  They drove half the day holding hands and talking. Rachael noticed Kaley squirming a few times trying to find a comfortable position. She decided this was as good a time as any to take their lunch break. Kaley pointed to a spot off the road a ways and in the shadow of the forest proper. Rachael took their picnic basket out and put it in a shady spot under the trees. After finding a secluded spot to relieve herself Kaley washed her hands and found Rachael. “Eno why don’t you come join us, we have plenty. Please I want you to come meet Rachael properly.” Kaley said. Almost immediately Eno stepped out into the open. Rachael who was sitting on the ground looked up to see Eno properly for the first time. She went to get up but Kaley held her wrist tightly preventing her so Rachael acquiesced. Eno came closer keeping her eyes on Rachael. “It’s ok you’ve seen Rachael before. She won’t hurt you. You have my word. Kaley handed Eno a sandwich. Eno accepted it but still looking around a little weary. She sat a short distance away and wolfed down the sandwich.


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