The Creature - Book Two of the Marcus II Series

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The Creature - Book Two of the Marcus II Series Page 7

by Bonnie Somerville

  Chapter Six

  Shortly Rachael came into the room to check on Kaley. Eno was lying on a blanket on the floor beside the bed. “Hi sleepy head” Rachael said quietly to Kaley. “Where is Eno?” Kaley said looking around worriedly. Rachael pointed to the floor. Kaley looked startled then smiled. Just then there was a commotion at the front door and excited voices. Viva had stayed in case she was needed and it was her they heard along with another louder voice… Loki. As Loki stormed into Kaley’s bedroom Eno jumped up looking completely startled. “What the hell happened, Kaley are you ok?” Loki demanded. Kaley was just about to answer when she caught the look of pure terror on Eno’s face. Kaley went to reach out to Eno to reassure her just as Eno ran for the door, bumping into Loki in her haste as she tried to squeeze past her and out the door. “Wait Eno, don’t go!” Kaley shouted. “Rach go after her and bring her back.” Kaley shouted. Rachael had been standing there with a confused look on her face but Kaley’s words made her spring into action. “What the hell is going on here?” Loki demanded. “Aunt Loki, where have you been?” Kaley asked. “I had to check on a few things. What was that thing doing in your house?” Loki demanded. Kaley squinted at her. “That” Kaley said. “Was my friend Eno, she’s going to be staying here for a while until she gets on her feet.” Kaley explained. “Oh no it’s not!” Loki bellowed. “Loki you have some explaining to do right now. Get a chair and have a seat.” Kaley ordered.

  Loki paced back and forth a few times rubbing her chin while her eyes darted around the room. “I couldn’t find her, I’m sorry Honey.” Rachael said as she reentered the room. “You can’t let IT stay here!” Loki spat. “She’ll stay if we say SHE can stay Loki. Kaley has had a rough night and I don’t want her upset. Am I making myself understood?” Rachael said leaving no room for discussion. Rachael went into the other room and brought back a stool for Loki to sit on. “I’ll go see if I can find her. You two need to talk. Loki sit!” Rachael pointed to the stool. “Try the clearing where we met her before and wait quietly there for a while.” Kaley suggested. Loki continued to stand until Rachael left the room. “Aunt Loki, we’ve found out some disturbing information after finding Eno in the forest some time ago. We spoke to Mother and Catherine and both of them said we needed to talk to you. I need you to tell me about the People in the forest.” Kaley explained. Loki shook her head and pursed her lips. “I’m not going to discuss this with you.” She said. Kaley squinted. “Yes you are! You’re going to tell me where those children came from and why they ended up living in the forest alone.” Kaley said staring at her. “I don’t think so.” Loki said getting up to leave. Kaley continued in a gentle voice. “Auntie I need to know about my people and you’re the only one who has those answers. Please help me understand.” Kaley pleaded.

  Loki plopped down onto the stool and let out a loud sigh. “You shouldn’t let them stay in your house... especially since you’re so close to delivery, they’re feral. They’re unpredictable and can’t be trusted.” Loki scoffed. “Loki, where did those children come from? Catherine said they lived with you but they weren’t yours.” Kaley said reassuringly trying to coax answers out of her temperamental old Aunt. Loki shuffled again. “I found them in the forest. They were living alongside the Pendek.” Loki said. “Where did you find them Auntie?” Kaley asked. “About thirty miles or so northwest of Dori’s Cove.” Loki informed her. Kaley thought for a moment. “Where are their parents? Is there another settlement or homestead out that way?” Kaley continued. “There is no settlement and I didn’t see any adults, I only saw the Pendek and Kubu.” Loki admitted. Kaley was starting to get impatient. “I don’t understand Loki, what is it you aren’t telling me?” Kaley asked. Loki stood and answered angrily. “Don’t you get it Kaley? You know that damned Conrad Drummond manipulated the DNA of the Pendek and humans. He was insane. My grandfather told me that Conrad spliced strands of Pendek DNA and attached them to human strands. He not only used human test subjects as donors but also as surrogates unbeknownst to them. It was the only way to ensure the continuation of the colony on Marcus II, or so he thought.” Kaley sat up straighter. “Are you saying you know for a fact that he mixed humans with Pendek? Is that why I have such unique features, because I’m part Pendek… because I’m part animal?” Kaley said extremely alarmed.

  Loki went over to Kaley and patted her cheek with her hand. “It’s more than that darling. Most of the genetic samples brought from Terra were lost, there weren’t enough samples left to do much of anything. Conrad did have an abundance of Pendek DNA. He didn’t just swap chromosomes from Pendek with some of the human samples but he used all the human samples in his experiments.” Loki explained. Kaley frowned. “There is no evidence that people outside The Cove have had their DNA manipulated in such a way.” Kaley thought out loud. Loki sat on the edge of the bed. “Nevertheless Kaley, it’s true. You know I was trained as a geneticist, I know it’s true. Why do you think I live away from the city? I don’t want to be the one to tell them that we all and I mean ALL are related to the Pendek.” Loki looked away and stood. “What does this have to do with the children in the forest Auntie?” Kaley asked. Loki chuckled. “Conrad was a slick bastard alright. Granddad said that Conrad created some creatures in the beginning of his experiments with more Pendek chromosomes in their cocktail. In the beginning Pendek females were used as surrogates until his research progressed far enough along to use humans as incubators. By then he’d reduced the amount of Pendek DNA used to create what we know now as The People. When the Pendek specimens went berserk and escaped several had already given birth to mutants while others were pregnant. There is no way of knowing what resulted from those early experimental subjects or their offspring. We don’t know how much human DNA was actually used or if they could be called people at all.” Loki explained. Kaley started to get up. “Do you think Eno and The Lost Children are offspring of those original test subjects?” Kaley asked. Loki nodded.

  Now it was Kaley’s turn to hold her head in her hands while tears welled up in her eyes. Loki put her arm around her favorite niece. “They aren’t salvageable Kaley. There was not enough human DNA in them to allow them to be called people. They’re humanoid and maybe in a few thousand years they’ll develop into us but I don’t think they’re anywhere near that yet. You have to let them go, they aren’t your problem.” Loki tried to reason. Kaley shook her head. “You’re wrong Loki. I know Eno is an intelligent young woman. She shows no sign of being Pendek, no more than I do. She sat on my couch and drank tea with Rachael. You must have made a difference in their lives Loki. Eno seems well adjusted in spite of being raised by a cantankerous stubborn miserable old cuss like you. She’s sweet and wonderful and I’m determined to help her and them… and you’re going to help me!” Kaley demanded. Loki stood once more. “I don’t think so, I don’t want anything to do with them.” Loki sneered. Kaley’s voice went flat. “Then we have nothing further to discuss.” She said. “I think it’s best if I stay with Catherine for the time being.” Loki stated. Kaley nodded agreement. She couldn’t look at her Aunt any longer. ~

  “I just saw Loki carrying her stuff over to Aunt Kitty’s house.” Rachael said upon her return. “Good, we had a big fight!” Kaley said. “I heard some of it.” Rachael said as she straightened Kaley’s blanket. “Did you find Eno?” Kaley asked. “No, I’m really sorry Kaley. I went to the clearing like you told me and waited like you said but she never came out.” Rachael looked apologetic. “She called her an animal! She’s no more an animal than I am.” Kaley said contemptuously. Rachael leaned over and hugged her wife. “I’m sorry to tell you this honey but she’s just a crazy old lady.” Kaley chuckled. “Aunt Loki has always been there for me. Even when my Ma and I weren’t getting along I could always talk to Loki.” Kaley explained. Rachael sat beside Kaley pulling her into a warm embrace. “I don’t know what to tell you.” Rachael said. Kaley pulled away from her slightly. “I’m so pissed off at her. All I can think of right now is where Eno ha
s gone. What if she never comes back?” Kaley buried her face into Rachael’s shoulder. “She’s not an animal.” She mumbled, her face still buried in Rachael’s neck. “I know she’s not, Loki is nuts I thought we established that. There is a way to find out how much human and how much Pendek DNA are in the children from the forest. We could take samples and have it tested and compare that to your family. Maybe my cousin Jaaza or Steph could do it.” Rach suggested. Kaley looked up. “Loki said all the colonists carry Pendek DNA to some degree.” Kaley informed her. “I know I heard. So fine then we could use anyone’s DNA to compare to the Children. We would need some samples of pure human DNA as a control. We do have three Terrans here on Marcus II. I don’t think we would have any trouble collecting samples from them.” Rachael speculated. “What if we find out the amount of Pendek DNA is different than mine? Will we still be able to integrate The Lost Children into the greater community? There is a chance that each one could have a different amount if what Loki said is true about Conrad’s experiments. I’m so confused I don’t know what to do.” Kaley said wringing her hands. They cuddled for a while longer. Kaley's ’ears perked up. She lifted her head from Rachael and sat up straight as did Rachael. “What’s up?” Rachael inquired. Kaley smiled and looked toward the doorway to the lounge. Eno was standing there, a hand on either side of the doorframe. Kaley held out her hand. “Come here Eno, she’s gone now. I won’t let her hurt you.” Kaley said smiling broadly. Eno moved quickly to Kaley and she pulled her into a powerful hug. “I’m so glad you came back, if you hadn’t come back it would have broken my heart. Oh sister, my hormones must be working overtime tonight.” Kaley said as tears rolled down her cheeks. Rachael rubbed her back reassuringly. “Not animal” Eno said. “We know you’re not an animal Eno, don’t we Rach?” Kaley said. Rachael smiled. “Absolutely, you’re a beautiful young woman who just happened to have a rough start in life.” Rachael stated. She ran her fingers through Eno’s hair. She too had come to love this endearing young woman.

  Reluctantly Viva had gone home to sleep. She wasn’t sure what all had gone on during the evening at Rachael and Kaley’s house but she knew whatever it was had made Loki move her things to her Mother’s house. Catherine and Loki had been childhood friends and had asked Loki on numerous occasions to stay indefinitely. She was the only one who could handle Loki and her eccentric tendencies. Viva was concerned for Kaley, she knew that emotional upheaval could bring on early delivery but Kaley was strong. She knew Kaley was stronger than most women both physically and emotionally.

  Upon her return the next morning she was pleased to find Kaley’s friend Eno had also returned. She seemed sweet and shy and gorgeous but she kept that particular opinion to herself. It wasn’t professional to ogle women but she was human and she couldn’t help but notice. She had felt a spark of attraction to her when their hands had touched. Even now when she thought of her she felt her heart start to race and localized vascular throbbing in her genitals. Viva smiled to herself, only a Doctor would describe being horny like that. No wonder she was single.

  She’d heard some of the argument Kaley had with Loki and she wondered what it all meant. There was a time not long ago when she heard her cousin Romi’s Terran girlfriend Sara asking about the Pendek. Sara had been interested on a personal level in the legends about Conrad and his unorthodox research but for whatever reason she had not pursued it. If some genetic testing needed to be done to The Lost Children then Sara would be the perfect person to do it. She had no vested interest in the outcome and she was a scientist with access to the latest equipment, plus her training was more up to date than the local geneticists. Fortunately the researchers had brought all the latest teaching material necessary to update all the Sciences on Marcus II. It would however take some time for them to catch up. If and when she was asked to do any genetic testing she would ask if Sara could be enlisted to help.

  It didn’t take long for Kaley and Rachael to summon her to their house for a discussion. The next day she had headed back over to the house hoping to see Eno again. Eno had returned only moments after Viva had left, the previous evening. It was a beautiful day and the walk was very enjoyable indeed. Viva had been working overtime lately after her young assistant had been sent to Arklow to help when their doctor was injured. Luckily The Landing had several very good nurse practitioners who were able to easily shoulder some of the responsibility.

  Rachael met Viva a few yards down the road as she approached the house. “Welcome Cousin, hopefully there won’t be quite so much excitement today.” Rachael said. She guided her into the house where Kaley and Eno were sitting talking. Kaley had explained to Eno that she wanted Viva to examine her to see if there was anything out of the ordinary about her that would help with their investigation. They also needed to make sure she was perfectly healthy if she was going to be in close contact with the impending newborns. That is what it had become to Kaley, a mission to prove once and for all that Eno wasn’t an animal. “Kaley is feeling much better today, please come in and make yourself at home.” Rachael gestured toward the sofa where Kaley sat. “I know you heard some of my argument with Loki yesterday. She has turned the return of Eno to us into a challenge for me. We intend to prove one way or the other that Eno and The Lost Children that live in the forest should be brought home if they are willing. I would like to be able to offer that option to them without reservation. I don’t want anyone questioning their presence.” Kaley stated. “We want to start the process with a non-invasive medical examination. Eno has agreed to let you have a look at her and give her a physical exam, making note of any irregular findings. We would like to start now if you’re agreeable.” Kaley explained to Viva.

  Viva took a deep breath. She was very excited to be part of such a project. This was just the kind of project that a true scientist would love to sink her teeth into. The other part is that she was excited about being so close to Eno and that was completely out of her hands. She just hoped her desire didn’t become too apparent. “Well Kaley I’m certainly willing and I would love to be part of such an exciting endeavor. If what Loki suggested is true we should be able to detect it. Shall we go to the clinic?” Viva asked. “No” Kaley said sharply but softened her tone before continuing. “I think Eno would be more comfortable here in our home. Also I would like to keep this investigation under wraps for the time being.” Viva stood. “Fine, I brought my bag. Shall we get started?” Rachael excused herself and Kaley got up to go into the bedroom to lie down.

  Viva noticed the look of fear on Eno’s face. “Would you like Kaley to stay?” Viva asked Eno who nodded vigorously. Kaley stopped and came back and sat on the couch with her feet on a stool. Viva closed the door and window coverings. She cleared the table and brought over a couple hard wooden chairs. She asked Eno to sit in the chair while she examined her eyes, ears, nose and mouth, throat, gums and glands. Luckily Viva had been treating Kaley for some time so she was very familiar with what was normal for someone of her unique eye color and skin pigmentation. She asked her to disrobe and checked her from top to bottom, from her hair follicles to her toe nails, posture and musculature. When she was done Viva asked Eno to put her clothes back on. She ran a diagnostic tool over her that would scan inside her body making sure the organs were healthy and in their proper place. The only thing she found was that her heart was on the opposite side but that occurred occasionally in humans. Kaley watched and when Eno started to look uncomfortable she stood and held her hand.

  When Eno had dressed Kaley asked. “So what’s the verdict Viva? Was there anything in your examination that makes you think she isn’t the same as us?” Kaley asked hopefully. Viva washed her hands and went into the kitchen to make some coffee. She brought a tray back with her. Kaley tried to be patient. “Please Viva, what have you found?”Kaley asked. Viva smiled at Kaley’s impatience. “Aside from her Situs Inversus I haven’t found anything out of the ordinary. Everything seems to be perfectly normal and within normal parameters. I found no malnutri
tion or signs of disease or anything that would prevent her from joining any community she wished.” Viva took a sip of her coffee. Kaley and Eno smiled broadly and sipped their coffees as well.

  At dinner in the dining tent Kaley brought Eno. She was greeted and introduced to many of the town’s residents. Eno was starting to look a little overwhelmed so Kaley asked Viva to join them thinking that would make Eno feel more comfortable. Dinner went well, the addition of Viva helped dispel Eno’s anxiety. “Eno how many other people are living in the forest without contact with our cities?” Viva asked looking Eno in the eyes and smiling. Eno shrugged. After a few more bites she tried again. “Who was your best friend growing up?” She tried a different tack. “Neves” Eno answered. “Have you seen her recently?” Viva asked. Eno shook her head. “Do you know where she is now?” Viva continued gently. Eno shook her head again. Kaley who had been watching the exchange chimed in. “Does she live northwest of The Cove?” Kaley asked. Eno just looked puzzled, she had no concept of direction in the traditional sense. Finished her meal Kaley pushed her plate away. “Eno. Why were you living alone in the woods if there are other people like you in the north?” Viva and Kaley noticed Eno was visibly uncomfortable with all the questions so they gave them up for now.

  Just as Kaley was about to excuse herself from the table and go back to her cottage Loki came to the table. Viva took hold of Eno’s arm to reassure her that she was with friends. “Would you like to go for a walk in the forest with me Eno?” Viva suggested. Eno had her eyes glued on Loki but turned when Viva spoke. Realizing Viva was giving her a way out of this uncomfortable encounter she readily accepted the invitation. She very much liked Viva and hoped she could spend more time with her. Eno nodded her acceptance but looked to Kaley for confirmation. “It’s ok Eno, I’ll see you later back at the house. You have fun with Viva and Eno you take good care of her.” Eno smiled and nodded. The two hurried off. “What do you want Loki?” Kaley said impatiently. Rachael tried to get up and leave but Kaley stopped her. Loki sat down and put her hands out on the table in front of her. “I want to see how you are and I want to apologize.” Loki said. Kaley took a deep breath. “Loki I don’t have the energy for this right now. I’m fine but I’m really pissed off with you. That was a terrible thing to say and she heard you. I don’t know if or when I’m going to forgive you.” Kaley said this very calmly. “You asked me what I know and I told you. Maybe I shouldn’t have offered my opinion but you didn’t see what they did to my house. They tore it up when they left.” Loki said looking chastened. “Maybe they tore up your house because you took them away from their families and never showed them any love or compassion.” Kaley said snidely. “I didn’t kidnap them. They were being raised by the Pendek and Kubu. I took good care of those kids and they turned on me.” Loki’s voice started to get loud and when she realized she lowered it once more to just above a whisper. “They were children and they needed love that’s why they tore your place up. They were angry with you. You can really be a piece of work sometimes.” Kaley said bluntly. Loki narrowed her eyes at her niece. “Why would you say such a thing? You weren’t there. How the hell would you know how I treated them?” Loki said indignantly. Kaley leaned in and whispered looking her Aunt straight in the eye. “You didn’t even give them proper names… you gave them numbers.” Kaley said. Loki’s face dropped. Rachael who had remained silent during this exchange frowned not understanding. Kaley turned to Rachael. “She named them Eno and Neves, that’s just one and seven backwards. That’s just pathetic, I’m going home now. Good day Loki.” Rachael helped Kaley up and they walked slowly arm in arm back to their house in silence.


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