The Rest of Forever: A Guardian Angel Paranormal Romance

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The Rest of Forever: A Guardian Angel Paranormal Romance Page 2

by Carrie Pulkinen

  “Believe me, I can handle you. And, you’re not my boss.”

  “Close enough.” He shrugged and rose from the table. “Have a nice lunch, ladies.”

  April glared at his backside and ignored the warmth pooling below her navel as he strode confidently from the room. She’d show him. Her kids were going to ace that exam if she had to stay up all night preparing her lessons.

  Too disgusted to eat, she threw the rest of her lunch into the trash and picked up the stack of tests. “You see what I have to put up with?”

  “Is there a lot you haven’t covered?” Janice took one of the exams and flipped through the pages.

  “Not really. But it’s the principle. I think he does this crap just to get on my nerves. He’s out to get me, Janice.” She snatched the test out of her friend’s hands and slammed it down on the stack of papers.

  Janice laughed. “I think he likes you.”

  “Oh, please.” She rolled her eyes and waved off the comment, though the thought did send a tingling sensation shooting through her chest.

  “I’m serious. No man focuses that much attention on a woman unless he’s interested. And I think deep down, you like him too. Not that you would ever admit it to yourself.”

  Janice didn’t know how right she was. April had already come to terms with her attraction to Damian. As much as she hated herself for it, she liked him. His abrasive exterior had to be a mask. She wondered what he was like underneath that mask as much as she wondered what he looked like underneath his Dockers and Polo shirts. Then there was the dream...

  Could he really be interested in me? April shook herself. She couldn’t let her mind go there. Not when Jared was about to propose.

  “I do not like him. And even if I wasn’t engaged, I still wouldn’t go for a guy like that.”

  “Right, because who would like a guy like Damian? He’s cute, smart, available...and you’re not engaged.”

  April grinned and rose from the table. “Not yet.”

  * * *

  Damian knew April could handle it. He’d only added a few things she hadn’t covered, and she could teach them to the kids in a day. She was an amazing teacher, and he admired her drive and devotion to the kids. But he also loved watching her temper flare. The fire in her emerald eyes sparked to match her flaming red hair. The way she glared at him and turned up her nose when they passed in the hall. She hated him.

  At least, he hoped she did.

  He needed to get away from the woman. He was feeling things he shouldn’t be feeling. Things he hadn’t allowed himself to feel in so many years. Whenever she narrowed her sparkling eyes at him, he felt something stirring in his soul. A slow burn that would eventually incinerate him if he wasn’t careful. He couldn’t wait for these last three weeks to be over.

  Although, teaching wasn’t the worst job he’d ever had to stand in for. He enjoyed the kids, and teaching them about world history—the real events that actually happened—was enthralling. He was going to miss this job.

  He sighed as he picked up his bag and locked his classroom door. April was going to miss this job too.

  He needed to ease off and let her have fun with her last three weeks of teaching. Her life was about to change dramatically, and he still hadn’t figured out how to tell her. She was different from the others. Stubborn. But it was part of being a Guardian, and he’d figure out a way. He’d done it hundreds of times. And he’d do it hundreds more.

  Only, he wasn’t doing a very good job of earning her trust. He’d saved her life at least a dozen times, but she’d had no idea it was him. He’d done a damn good job with her, in his own opinion. She’d turned out to be a good person deep down, and that’s what really mattered. Her obsession with designer clothes and that loser boyfriend wouldn’t matter in a few weeks.

  In a few weeks, he could wash his hands of April May Carter, and move on to his next Charge. Still, he wondered about the wedding talk he heard at lunch. Could she really be engaged to that bozo? He’d cheated on her so many times, Damian lost count. And he knew for a fact the jerk had a fling going on with a legal assistant at his office.

  Well, there was one way to find out for sure. April had probably already left the school, so he jogged out to the parking lot and climbed into his Mustang. He drove back to the condos, just to keep up the charade, and parked next to April’s car. Then he glanced around to be sure no one would see. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath and slipped into The In-Between.


  April dropped her purse on the bed and dashed straight to the closet. It was only four o’clock, and Jared wouldn’t be home for another two hours. But she was bubbling with excitement and too hyper to sit around doing nothing. She pulled out her new Versace dress and spun around on her toes before she laid it on the bed. The dress was basic black and hit her a few inches above the knee. It had spaghetti straps and a black floral pattern embroidered on the material. She’d driven to Dallas to get it, so she had to be the only girl in town that owned one. And that made her giddy.

  “Tonight’s going to be perfect.” She held out her left hand and wiggled her ring finger. What type of ring would he get her? She hoped for a princess cut, but she wasn’t going to be picky. She’d appreciate whatever he picked out—as long as it was big and sparkly.

  Dancing into the bathroom, she looked in the mirror. Her hair had fallen flat, and her makeup looked dull. A quick shower and blow-dry would fix that. She styled her hair, put on some makeup and her favorite Heavenly perfume. Then she smiled at her reflection. She looked like a million bucks. There was no way Jared would be able to resist her tonight.

  His key jingled in the door, and she squealed with delight that he was home at five instead of six. He must have been as excited about the night as she was. She pranced into the living room and stood with one hand on her hip as he opened the door. “You’re home early,” she said in her most sultry voice.

  “Hey, babe. You look nice.” Jared dropped his briefcase on the couch and pecked her on the cheek as he brushed past her to the bedroom. “You going somewhere?” he called over his shoulder as he opened the dresser drawer.

  “Of course I am, silly.” April giggled. He was still putting on the charade, and curiosity spun through her mind. What amazing evening could he have planned?

  “Where are you going?”

  “Don’t you mean, ‘where are we going’?” April slinked to the bedroom and put her hand on the doorframe, trying her best to strike a sexy pose. Her smile faded when she saw Jared in blue jeans and an LSU T-shirt.

  Her heart sank as she realized his plans weren’t up to her expectations. Well, she could do casual. She’d throw a sweater on over the dress and wear flats instead of heels. No big deal. “I guess I’m a little overdressed.”

  Jared shrugged. “Depends on where you’re going.” He brushed past her again on his way to the door. “I’ve gotta get out of here if I’m going to make it before tip-off.”

  April furrowed her brow. “Jared, I thought we were spending the evening together.”

  “Well, I guess you can come if you want. But I thought you hated basketball.” He slipped on his jacket and put his keys in his pocket.

  Her heart raced, and her hands trembled. Tears welled in her eyes, but she would not cry in front of him. She was stronger than that. “Basketball? The biggest day of the year is about basketball?”

  “Well, yeah.” Jared grinned. “It’s the final game of the college playoffs. LSU’s gonna kick ass tonight.”

  She was being dumped for a basketball game, and she could hardly control the emotions that swirled inside her: anger, disappointment, humiliation. She didn’t trust her voice, so she spoke in a whisper. “Jared, it’s our anniversary.”

  “Aw, man. Is that today?” He put his arm around her and squeezed. “I’m sorry, babe. We’ll celebrate it tomorrow, okay? How about I take you to Bob’s Bar-B-Que and you can get one of those loaded baked potatoes you love? How’s that sound?”

  April straightened her spine and forced a smile. “Fine. Just peachy. Enjoy the game.”

  “Thanks, babe. Happy anniversary.” Jared loped out the door.

  “Right back at ya.”

  He’d be back. This was all part of the charade, and in a few minutes he’d walk through the door and tell her what the real plan was. He’d done the same thing on her birthday last year—pretended like he forgot, when he’d really planned her a surprise party. Tonight would be the same. It had to. He wouldn’t have forgotten their anniversary.

  Or would he? He’d blown her off for basketball before, so she shouldn’t have been surprised. But on their anniversary? That’s inexcusable.

  She waited by the door for five minutes, but he didn’t come back. He was going to draw it out. That was okay. She’d wait. She perched on the edge of the couch, trying not to wrinkle her dress, and turned on the TV. After flipping through all two hundred channels, she settled on watching the Ghost Hunters marathon on Syfy. She wasn’t sure what she believed about the afterlife, but the show was interesting enough to hold her attention.

  She made it through one hour-long episode before it hit her. Jared wasn’t coming back. He’d chosen basketball over her. He’d rather be out with the guys than on a date with his girlfriend. Her stomach churned.

  She slouched back on the couch, no longer concerned about the dress. Had Jared even mentioned their anniversary recently? Could she have conceived this whole idea of a proposal in her head? No. He must have mentioned it. She played their conversations of the last few days through her mind, but she came up with nothing. Did she imagine it?

  The first tear slid down her cheek. Jared forgot their anniversary. He wasn’t going to propose tonight, or probably any other night. The floodgates opened. She was an idiot.

  With her head in her hands, she curled up on the couch and sobbed. How could he do this to her? After everything she’d done for him. Everything she’d tried to be for him. She cooked, cleaned, did his laundry. She put up with way more crap than she should have. Her entire life centered around this man. But she couldn’t lose him; she couldn’t be alone.

  Her sobs turned into cries of sorrow, and she wrapped her arms around herself as if she’d fall apart if she let go. A feeling of warmth seemed to envelop her as she lay there on the sofa, reminding her everything would be okay. She would get through this. She always did.

  * * *

  Damian’s heart broke right along with April’s. As much as he loved to watch her temper flare when he ragged on her, he hated to see her hurt. Why was she so dependent on this guy? She was stronger than that. She didn’t need that cheating bastard in her life.

  She didn’t know Damian was there, watching her from The In-Between. She couldn’t feel his arms around her as he comforted her. He took a deep breath and sighed. She smelled delicious. Like flowers with a hint of vanilla. It was a scent he could wrap himself up and get totally lost in.

  Scent and hearing were the only senses that remained fully intact in The In-Between, a dimension just outside the Earthly Realm. She couldn’t feel him holding her, and he couldn’t feel her body wrapped in his embrace. He was nothing more than a ghost in her world. A fleeting breeze. A sense of comfort. He couldn’t feel her, but the desire to experience her body pressed to feel her warmth envelop him...had him aching with need. Heat surged through his body, and he groaned.

  He had to push those thoughts out of his mind. He was her Guardian, and she was his Charge. Nothing more. His mission was to protect her, to comfort her. And right now, she needed him to do his job.

  Though doing his job was a lot easier before she met him. She really was nothing more than a Charge to him before he crossed over and started interacting with her three months ago. But the moment her emerald gaze had locked with his, and her pink lips curved into that sensuous smile, something inside him stirred. He’d seen her smile thousands of times, but that particular one had been for him, and he would never forget it.

  “You don’t need him.” Though she couldn’t hear his words, the message still registered in her subconscious. He’d guided her through many heartbreaks and difficult decisions in her life by whispering in her ear, just as he did now.

  “You’re smart, capable, and beautiful, April. Don’t let him get you down.”

  She sat up and wiped the tears from her face. She took a shaky breath, and with a look of determination, she marched to the bedroom. Damian started to follow, until he heard her dress unzip and fall to the floor. He’d give her privacy. Besides, seeing her naked would only stir up more emotions he didn’t want to feel.

  She emerged wearing jeans, a T-shirt, and that same determined look. She’d heard his message.

  She swung her purse over her shoulder, and with trembling hands, searched for her keys. “I’ll show him. I’m just gonna march my happy butt right up to that bar and give him an ultimatum. Either he’s going to marry me, or...or else!”

  “Don’t do that, April. Leave him alone tonight.” Her plan was bound to backfire, and he couldn’t stand seeing her in any more pain. She needed time to think. In nearly thirty years she still hadn’t learned hasty decisions were always bad ones.

  “You know what you need? Food. You need to drive to Whataburger, and get yourself a big, juicy burger. Those always make you feel better.”

  April sighed. “Who am I kidding? That’ll never work.” She pulled out her keys and opened the door. “Whataburger, here I come.”

  “That’s my girl.” Damian breathed a sigh of relief. He was lucky to have a Charge that actually listened. He didn’t know how the Keepers did it with Charges that were normal humans. Some of them listened. Some of them didn’t. They could merely make suggestions and hope the Charges followed. He chuckled. April was anything but normal.

  Just to be sure she didn’t change her mind and follow through with her catastrophic plan to find Jared, he trailed her to the restaurant. Once she was safely inside with the burger in her hands, he decided to do some reconnaissance from The In-Between. Following someone else’s Charge was against the rules, but some rules were made to be broken.

  He closed his eyes and pictured Jared in his mind so he could Jump. In an instant, Damian dematerialized and found himself standing in the middle of a sports bar. Peanut shells littered the floor, and the smell of stale beer and cigarettes assaulted him as he made his way past the giant flat screen to the table Jared and his buddies shared.

  He shook his head. He never understood the draw of bars. People drank pints of alcohol to dull their senses and slow their reflexes. What was the point?

  As he approached the table of men, he noticed Jared’s Keeper standing behind him. Eric was a good friend, though Damian kept him at arm’s length like he did everyone else. Eric’s last Charge had lived in Southern California, and he’d picked up the surfer boy image.

  “Dude, how goes it?” Eric ran his hand through his chin-length blond hair.

  “Three more weeks, man. Just three more weeks.”

  “I’m stuck with this dude till he croaks.” Eric nodded toward Jared and shook his head. “He never listens.”

  “Well, you’ve only got what? Fifty more years, max? Hang in there. It’ll fly by.” Damian slapped Eric on the shoulder. Since both men stood in The In-Between, Damian felt his hand land on Eric’s back—a sensation he never felt when comforting April.

  Eric was cool enough to let Damian nose around in his Charge’s business. Other Keepers would have reported him by now, but not Eric. He was lucky to have such good friends in the Angelic Realm.

  “Uh oh. Here she comes.” Eric jerked his head toward a tall blonde slinking up to the table. She wore a shirt cut down to her navel, and she had legs up to her earlobes.

  “I’m outta here, dude. I’ll be back when the game’s over to try and convince him to go home. Later.” Eric closed his eyes, and in a mist of sparkling, gold light, he vanished.

  “Aw, hell.” Anger surged through Damian’s core when the woma
n slid onto Jared’s lap. She played with his hair and kissed his neck before she nibbled his earlobe. Jared obviously enjoyed the attention as he ran his hands up and down her body. Damian watched them cuddle and down beer after beer as they watched the game. Well, Jared watched the game, anyway. The blonde spent her time watching Jared and stroking his crotch under the table. Did this guy have no shame?

  April was in tears, curled up on the couch when Damian had found her, and he was mad. No...he was pissed. His temper had gotten him into trouble on several occasions, and he was lucky he was in The In-Between or the punch he threw at Jared would have knocked him out cold. Instead, his fist flew right through Jared’s head like a ghost passing through a wall.

  Damian was fuming with nothing solid to take out his aggression on. His hands balled into fists. His teeth clenched together with an audible click. He needed to hit something...hard. And he couldn’t do that in The In-Between.

  He checked in on April, who was sound asleep in her bed. Alone. The tear stains on her cheeks told him she’d cried herself to sleep, and he berated himself for not being there to comfort her. If he hadn’t been so concerned with spying on her ass of a boyfriend, he would have known she needed him. His own emotions overpowered hers, and that didn’t do her any good. He needed to get his head together and do his job.

  He’d never been so involved in a Charge’s life. He was letting the little things get in the way of the big picture, and that wasn’t helpful for anybody. What was it about this woman that absorbed him so? It didn’t matter. He was going to shape up, complete his mission to help her cross over, and move on. Just like he always did.

  But she looked so peaceful when she slept. Almost angelic. Her skin glowed softly in the moonlight, and the tiny whimpers that escaped her throat as she breathed gave him chills. What would it feel like to be curled up in that bed with her? To feel her soft curves pressed to his body and run his fingers through her silky hair? He allowed himself to lean in and take one last breath of her intoxicating scent. Deeply buried emotions stirred in his core, burning to unearth themselves and wreak havoc on his heart. He closed his eyes and Jumped.


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