The Rest of Forever: A Guardian Angel Paranormal Romance

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The Rest of Forever: A Guardian Angel Paranormal Romance Page 5

by Carrie Pulkinen

  Confusion clouded her expression, and she whimpered. Her chest rose and fell erratically as she gasped for her breath. “Damian?”

  “Yeah. It’s me.” He brushed her disheveled hair away from her face and trailed his fingers down her cheek.

  She looked down and back into his eyes. Then she threw herself into his arms and cried. He held her as she clung to him, wave after wave of sobs flowing from her trembling body. She climbed into his lap and pulled her knees to her chest, as a small child would do in her mother’s arms.

  He stroked her hair and rocked her, doing everything he could to ease her pain. It killed him to see her like this. Pain and burning anger ignited inside him. How could he have let this happen to her? He should’ve been there sooner. Should’ve felt her sooner.

  When her sobs slowed, she inhaled a deep, shaky breath and blinked up at him. She wiped the tears from her eyes and forced a tiny smile.

  “Thank you.” The fragile whisper was barely audible.

  “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” He pulled her away from his chest to examine her face. A large, purple bruise had formed on her right cheek, and she winced when he touched it.

  “I’m okay. He punched me a few times; that’s all.” She shrugged and struggled to her feet, still clutching her blouse together at her chest.

  How could she brush it off like it was nothing? “That’s not all. He tried to rape you. We’ve got to call the police before he wakes up.”

  She looked at the body lying on the floor, and fresh tears welled in her eyes. He pulled her into a firm embrace and turned her away from the attacker. Her body trembled as she clutched his arms and buried her face in his aching chest. The sweet scent of her hair tickled his senses as he kissed the top of her head. She fit perfectly in his embrace, as if she were made to be in his arms. How many nights had he dreamed of holding her? But not like this. Not because he’d let her get hurt. A fresh wave of anger broke in his heart.

  She pulled from his embrace, and her shirt fell open as she wiped her eyes, revealing the delicate dip of skin between her breasts. He forced his gaze to her face.

  “Here, take my shirt.” He unbuttoned it and slipped it off his shoulders.

  “Oh, I can’t do that.”

  “Sure you can. I’ve got an undershirt.” He smiled and held it out to her.

  She slipped it on, but her hands trembled so much she couldn’t manage the buttons.

  “May I help you?”

  She nodded.

  He carefully closed each button, pulling the shirt as far away from her chest as the material would allow. One bump of a man’s hand against her breast would probably send her into another fit, and he couldn’t watch her go through that again.

  “There. Do you think you’re okay to go out and talk to the police? I can stay with you a little longer if you’re not.”

  “No, I’m ready. I just want to get this day over with.” She straightened her spine and pulled on the knob, but the door didn’t budge.

  He reached up and undid the latch that locked the door. Without making eye contact, he swung it open and gestured for her to exit. Hopefully she wouldn’t notice it had been locked.

  “How did you get in here, if the door was locked?”

  Damn it.

  “Uh, it wasn’t locked when I came in. The latch must’ve closed itself when the door slammed shut.” It was a lame excuse, but it was the best he could come up with. With any luck, she’d buy it.

  She narrowed her eyes and gave him a questioning look before shrugging and shuffling out the door.

  He stayed with her as the police arrived, though Janice took over comforting her. The bar manager calmed down the crowd and kept an eye on Greg until the police took him into custody.

  He hated watching her relive the horrific experience as she explained what happened to the officers. Her sobs and trembling voice broke his heart. He wanted to take her in his arms and tell her everything would be all right. That he’d stay with her always and keep her safe.

  But she wouldn’t want that. She’d politely smile and turn away, and he’d make a fool of himself. She couldn’t stand to be in his presence. He’d made certain she would feel that way.

  He gave the police his statement, and tried to convince April to go to the hospital. She refused the ambulance, muttering that she was fine, so he helped Janice walk her to the car. With April safely inside and buckled, Janice closed the door and turned to him.

  “Thank you so much. You got there at just the right time.”

  “Would’ve been better if I was a few minutes earlier, but I’m glad I could help.”

  Janice grinned. “First you kept her from getting run over in the parking lot. Now you saved her from being raped. What are you? Her guardian angel or something?”

  He let out a nervous laugh. “Something like that.”

  “Well, she’s got someone up there looking out for her.”

  You have no idea.

  “Anyway, I better get her home. Thanks again.” She dashed around the truck and got inside.

  April rolled down the window and stuck her head out. “Damian, your shirt.”

  “Keep it. I’ve got plenty.” He waved as Janice backed out of the parking lot and watched until the taillights disappeared in the distance.

  * * *

  April sat silently on the ride home. She’d been violently attacked by one of Jared’s closest friends, and he might have killed her if not for Damian. She was damn lucky he came in when he did. Such a whirlwind of emotions spiraled inside her—relief, fear, embarrassment, anxiety—she didn’t know what to feel.

  When they got to April’s condo, Janice parked the truck and took her inside. The house was just the way she’d left it. Yesterday’s mail was still on the counter, and her discarded jacket lay across the tan leather sofa. The flat panel hung on the wall, and the remote peeked out from between the couch cushions, where she’d left it the night before. Everything was the same, except for her.

  She’d never had her purse snatched, much less been beaten and almost raped. And by someone who was supposed to be a friend. Cold shivers ran down her spine. She felt different somehow. Older. Violated. Would anything ever really be the same?

  “Here’s an ice pack. Put it against your cheek, and I’ll find you something to eat.”

  She took the ice and lowered her aching body to the couch. It stung at first, but the cold soon dulled the throbbing pain that shot through her head like bullets in a firing range.

  “Thanks, but I’m really not hungry.” Her stomach churned too much for food.

  “You’ve got to eat something. You don’t want your body to go into shock, do you?” Janice handed her a small container of chocolate pudding and a spoon. “Just eat this, and I’ll leave you alone.”

  April smelled the pudding and scrunched up her nose.

  “C’mon. Give it a try.”

  Janice wasn’t going to let up until every bit of that pudding was in her stomach, so she dunked in the spoon and licked at the velvety treat. It was delicious, and she must have been hungrier than she thought. Before she realized it, the container was empty, and Janice looked at her with a smug smile.

  “When are you going to learn I’m always right?”

  She exhaled and put the bowl and spoon on the coffee table. “Maybe some day. But don’t hold your breath.”

  Janice folded one leg underneath her and looked at her with a somber gaze. “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “Not really...I mean...I can’t believe it was Greg. That somehow makes it worse. Is that weird?”

  She wrapped her arm around April’s shoulders. “Absolutely not. You thought you could trust him, and he betrayed you.”

  “Yeah. Jared’s gonna be pissed when he finds out.”

  “He should be. His friend tried to rape his girlfriend. He should kick Greg’s ass. And if he doesn’t, I’ll kick his ass. Did you get ahold of him?”

  “I called twice, but he didn’t answer. I left a
message, so he should be calling back soon.” April rested her head on Janice’s shoulder. “I just don’t know who I can trust anymore.”

  “Well, you know you can trust me. And you know who else? Damian. He tore Greg up.”

  She smoothed his shirt over her stomach and tingles ran up her spine. Could she trust him? His personality had done a 180 from the day before. He’d laid into Greg like he was defending his own girlfriend. Then he was so kind and gentle with her. His gaze never left her as she talked to the police. The way he looked at her...she saw more than sympathy in his eyes.

  Of course, Jared would’ve done the same thing. Wouldn’t he?

  “You know what’s weird? Greg locked the door before...and when Damian and I went to leave, it was still locked. Damian said it was open when he came in, and the latch must’ve closed when the door slammed shut.”

  “Sounds logical.”

  “I don’t know. I had this weird feeling he was lying—that he was hiding something. Listen to me. I must’ve hit my head harder than I thought. Like Damian could’ve gotten through a locked door. It’s not like he can walk through walls.”

  “It’d be pretty cool if he could.”

  She looked at the clock and checked it against her watch, letting out a sigh of disappointment. “Jared’s late.”

  “Doesn’t that happen a lot?”

  “Yeah, I was hoping he’d come home so we could talk. I don’t know, I think I’m going to lie down while I wait for him.”

  “Do you want me to stay till he gets here?”

  “Nah. I could use some alone time, if you don’t mind.”

  Janice patted her friend on the back. “Of course I don’t mind. But, I’m just a text away if you need me.”

  “Thanks, Janice.”

  When the door clicked shut, she curled up on the couch and closed her eyes. She was beaten and bruised. Her body ached, and her head throbbed. She tried to clear her mind, but thoughts of Damian kept intruding. How he saved her. The way she fit into his arms like he’d been holding her all her life. How safe he made her feel. He sure didn’t act like he hated her today. He acted almost like...he cared.

  Don’t be ridiculous.

  She chuckled at herself. He’d probably be back to his same old annoying self at work tomorrow. And she was looking forward to that. After the day she’d had, she could use a little normal.

  She dozed off on the sofa and woke with a start when Jared slammed the front door. She sat up and rubbed her eyes.

  With his fists clenched and his jaw rigid, he stared at her. He was livid.

  “Tell me why I just had to bail Greg out of jail.” His voice seethed with anger, and his narrowed eyes glared at her. Surely he wasn’t mad at her.

  He stomped toward her, and she recoiled into the cushions. “He tried to rape me.”

  “You’re full of shit, April. He was trying to teach you a lesson. You shouldn’t have been dancing out there like a stripper. You deserved it!”

  She gasped and raised her hand to cover her mouth. No one deserved to be raped. “I wasn’t dancing like a stripper. I was just having a little fun with Janice. could you say that, Jared?”

  “He wasn’t going to hurt you.” He grabbed her by the arms and shook her. “What the hell’s your problem? Huh?”

  “He held a knife to my throat.” She tried to hold back the tears, but it was no use. They streamed down her cheeks, and she sucked in a breath.

  “A little pocket knife. You made a huge mess out of nothing. Now he’s gotta go to court. Do you know how that looks, when a lawyer gets in trouble with the law?”

  “He beat me.” She had to force the words out through clenched teeth. Why was he doing this to her?

  “You brought it on yourself. Where’d you get this?” He grabbed the top of Damian’s shirt and twisted it in his hand, pulling her off the couch. “This is that guy’s, isn’t it? The one you work with?” He shoved her back down and clenched his hands into fists. “You’ve got something going on with him, don’t you? You’re cheating on me.”

  “No! Jared, I would never.” Her heart sank, and heat coursed through her veins. How could he accuse her of such a thing?

  “Save it. I’m getting outta here.” He stormed into the bedroom and rustled around. When he emerged, he carried a duffle bag in one hand and his keys in the other.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Out. I can’t stand to look at you anymore.” He swung open the door and slammed it behind him with such force a picture fell off the wall.

  She sat there—unmoving—staring at the door.

  Did that really just happen? Did Jared actually blame her for Greg’s actions? He and Greg were friends, sure, but the bruise on her face was proof enough he’d hurt her. How would Jared have reacted if he’d seen it happen, like Damian did? Would he have defended her? Would he have plowed into Greg without thinking twice? Would he have held her and wiped away her tears?

  If the way he just acted was any indication, she knew what the answer was. Now what was she going to do about it?

  * * *

  How could that low-life idiot have treated her like that? What the hell was his problem? No doubt he was heading back to that blonde bimbo.

  Damian couldn’t stand seeing her curled up in a ball, crying on the sofa. She deserved so much better.

  He lowered himself next to her and wrapped his arms around her fragile frame. “It’s not your fault. You didn’t do anything to deserve it. You’re a beautiful person, and you deserve so much more. Don’t listen to him, April. Leave him.”

  With his encouraging words and comfort, it wasn’t long before she sat up straight and wiped the tears from her eyes. She looked at the clock and shook her head.

  “No use staying up and worrying over it. I might as well go to bed.” She dragged herself to the bedroom and fell face-first onto the mattress. Groaning, she worked her way under the covers and curled onto her side.

  “It’s not my fault, Jared. You’ll see.”

  Damian lay on the bed behind her with his arm across her body. God, I wish I could feel her. The memory of the way she fit in his arms tightened his chest, and he yearned to feel her warmth again. To feel her soft curves pressed against his body. She could’ve used some real affection. But as much as he wanted to give it to her, it wasn’t his place. He’d have to settle for comforting her from The In-Between.

  She took a few deep breaths and slowly drifted to sleep. The tension in her body relaxed, and her pulse slowed to a steady, rhythmic beat. Rest was exactly what she needed to chase away the fear and guilt that must’ve been coiling inside her. To be betrayed by someone who was supposed to love her. He couldn’t imagine what she must’ve been feeling.

  Well, yes he could...

  He breathed in her intoxicating scent and closed his eyes. He was getting in too deep, and he needed to get away.

  But as the last of the tension left her body, she exhaled and whispered, “Damian.”

  Hearing his name dance from her lips made his heart lodge in his throat. Was she dreaming about him?

  “I’m here, April. You’re safe.”

  A soft moan vibrated from her chest, and she nestled her head into the pillow.

  She couldn’t possibly be dreaming about him, could she? He’d tried so hard to make her hate him. What dream could possibly be twirling through her mind? She was sound asleep, and he knew it was safe to leave her alone.

  But he stayed.

  As much as he hated to admit it, he liked holding her, whether he could feel her body pressed to his or not. There was nowhere in the universe he’d rather be. And he desperately wanted to hear her whisper his name again.

  Get it together, man. It’s not gonna happen.

  The sun set, and soft moonlight filtered through the window, giving her skin an angelic glow. Even with her tear stained cheeks and disheveled hair, she was magnificent. The soft rise and fall of her chest, her gentle breath, her fragile posture. He could’ve held her

  But he needed to leave. To get away from her before his thoughts went any farther down the path he’d been avoiding all this time.

  He pulled his arm from around her and prepared to Jump. She moaned and reached to the place where his arm had rested moments before.

  “Please don’t leave me, Damian.”

  He froze, his body paralyzed in anticipation, and swallowed down the lump in his throat. Did she sense him? Did she know he was there with her? No, it wasn’t possible. Charges felt comfort from their Guardians, but they never knew why.

  “Damian, please.”

  Liquid warmth flowed from his core, out to his limbs. His heart raced at the sleepy sound of her voice. He imagined it was how she’d sound in the morning, after a long night of lovemaking.

  But he could not think about her that way. There was no way in hell he’d ever fall for a Charge. Not if he could help it.

  But if she needed him to be there with her, he had to stay. It was his job, after all. And though he needed more rest than The In-Between could provide, he’d stay with her all night if she needed him to.

  He draped his arm across her soft skin—wishing he could feel it—and inhaled her sweet scent. If he wasn’t careful, this woman would be the death of him.


  When the alarm beeped, April’s eyes fluttered open. She didn’t remember setting it last night, but she must’ve done it during her oblivious trek from the sofa to the bed. As she sat up and stretched, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d slept so well.

  She swung her legs over the edge of the bed and smiled when she realized she still wore Damian’s shirt. She lifted it to her nose and inhaled the warm cinnamon scent that always made her body tingle.

  She’d had some vivid dreams that night—all of them about him. From innocent cuddling to steamy sex, she’d been with him all night in her mind. It should’ve disturbed her, but it didn’t. Surely it was just her subconscious working through his sudden change in personality. He’d saved her life. It was natural for her to have some feelings for him now. And they’d probably fade as soon as she saw the real Damian. He couldn’t compare to the one from her dreams.


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