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The Rest of Forever: A Guardian Angel Paranormal Romance

Page 15

by Carrie Pulkinen

  He chuckled at the nervous look on her face. “Took you long enough.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest and shifted her weight. “I don’t do small spaces.”

  “That’s right, you’re claustrophobic. Sorry about that.”

  He Jumped to a spacious pasture in rural Ireland. Saturated with vivid green, the rolling hills went on for miles. Sheep, thick with wool, grazed on the sweet grass, and the sound of waves crashing into a distant shore reminded him of home.

  April appeared behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. “Gotcha.” An electric jolt rocked through his body, shocking away the pain his last Jump had caused.

  “Not for long.” He pulled from her entrancing grasp and turned to face her.

  Her lips curved into a kissable grin. “You can’t hide from me.”

  I don’t want to. Good Lord, she was beautiful with the look of sheer determination in her eyes. She was going to be an amazing Guardian. She was already an amazing woman.

  “We’ll see about that.” He Jumped again and appeared on a secluded beach on a small island off the coast of Australia. The cloudless sky and fine, white sand made the scene picturesque. Pristine. He sensed April finding him, and before she appeared in front of him, he slipped into The In-Between.

  When she arrived, she looked around in confusion. She hadn’t learned to sense the difference between The In-Between and the Earthly Realm. She knew he was there, but she couldn’t see him. She turned around in a circle, her hand covering her brow to block the glare, but he was nowhere to be found.

  Sunlight glistened on her fiery red hair as the breeze blew it over her shoulder. When she looked out over the crystal blue water, her breath caught. She was a vision of beauty standing in the sand, admiring the wonders of nature.

  The curve of her slender neck made his mouth water. Her scent mixed with the salty air caused his head to spin. His heart skipped a beat, and blood rushed to his groin. He couldn’t help himself.

  He appeared before her, pulled her into his arms, and kissed her. She gasped from the initial shock, but she slid her hands over his shoulders and let him in.

  He was setting himself up for heartache, but at that moment, he didn’t care. April was all that mattered, and she was in his arms. The aching need to hold her transformed into an unquenchable desire to be inside her. To be part of her. He cradled her face in his hands and kissed her like the delicate treasure she was.

  Then, in one swift jump, she linked her legs around his waist, throwing him off balance. He fell on his back on the sand, and April fell on top of him. She bit her bottom lip and looked into his eyes. The feel of her supple curves pressed against him drove him wild with need. Her tongue slipped out to moisten her lips, and he groaned.

  It was too much to bear. He couldn’t control himself. Using one hand for leverage, he placed the other one on her back and rolled her over. She spread her legs, allowing his pelvis to settle between them, and she moaned softly when he pressed his arousal into her.

  He needed to stop. He knew he did, but he couldn’t. She tasted too good. Smelled too sweet. Lying beneath him with a smile on her lips and wet sand in her hair, she looked too damn sexy. He wanted her.

  He teased her, brushing her lips with his tongue. She grinned and caught his bottom lip between her teeth. A fire ignited inside him, a burning need he’d never felt before. He had to have her. As he leaned in to take her mouth with his, a chilling wave crashed over them, drenching them both in salty water.

  Her eyes widened with shock as she sputtered the water from her mouth. She laughed, and the moment was gone. He stood and helped her to her feet, both of them gasping from their laughter. She squeezed the water out of her hair and furrowed her brow as she looked at him.

  “Why can’t I change my clothes?”

  “Because we’re on Earth. We have to be home to do that.”

  “Huh. I’ll race you there. On your mark, get set, go!” She disappeared.

  He shook his head and ran his hand through his dripping hair.

  Well, Damian. What are you going to do now?

  * * *

  April changed her clothes and sat on the sofa. She didn’t really want to race him; she wanted a moment alone to gather her thoughts. That kiss was intense, and this time he initiated it.

  Could he be falling for her? Did she want him to? Surely what he did on the beach wasn’t out of duty. Her lips quirked into a smile. Damian had feelings for her, whether he would admit it or not.

  His bedroom door opened, and he stepped out wearing faded jeans and a white T-shirt. Though he wore the same outfit almost every day, she never tired of seeing him in it. He looked good no matter what he wore. He’d look even better in nothing at all.

  A shy smile curved his lips as he hesitated in the doorway. He ran his fingers through his hair and shoved his hands in his pockets. “Hey.”

  “Hi there.”

  He shuffled to the couch and sat next to her. Chewing his bottom lip, he stared at his hands folded in his lap.

  He was obviously trying to think of something to say, but all she wanted to do was kiss him again. His nervousness was endearing; she was finally seeing behind his mask, and she liked what she saw. She placed her hand on top of his, and he looked at her.

  “Did I pass the test?”

  He grinned and placed his other hand on top of hers. “With flying colors.”

  “So, what next?”

  “I guess we need to lay down some ground rules. Answer any questions you have.”

  The warmth of his hands encasing hers made her head spin. She’d had a million questions to ask that morning, but now all she could think about was the beach. “Okay. What are the rules?”

  “We talked about one of them last night. You can’t appear to people who knew you as a human. When you Jump, you have to be sure no one sees you. But if they do, you can wipe yourself out of their memories. We can practice that when it happens. And the most important one to remember is that we serve our Charges. It’s our duty to keep them safe and comfort them. Duty must always come first.”

  She shrugged and folded her leg beneath her. “Sounds simple enough. Is there anything else?”

  “That about covers it. Do you have any questions?”

  There was one. The question that had been burning in the back of her mind since he told her about Micah and the Fall. The question she knew he didn’t want to answer, which made her need to know even more.

  “Who’s Juliet?”

  All expression dropped from his face, and he stared right through her. He sucked in a breath and shot off the sofa. “Right, well I’m going to talk to Mira about getting us a Charge. I think you’re ready. Don’t you?” He reached the door in three long strides and turned the knob before she could speak.

  “Wait. I have one more question.” If he didn’t want to talk about Juliet, she wasn’t going to push it. Not yet.

  He sighed and turned to face her, his jaw clenched tight, his hand still on the knob.

  “When I first got here, and you were arguing with Mira about me being a Guardian. You said I couldn’t be because you Guarded Trusten. Did you mean my grandfather?”

  Damian’s posture relaxed, and he took a step toward her. “Yes. Would you like to meet him?”

  “Really? My grandpa is here?” Though he died before she was born, she’d heard so much about the man, she felt like she knew him already.

  Damian smiled. “Yes. He’s a Keeper. Do you want to go see if he’s home?”

  “I’d love to.” She took his outstretched hand, and they Jumped.

  Damian knocked on the white door, and April bounced with excitement. She was finally going to meet the man her Nana loved so dearly. The man April compared all others to, though she’d never met him. What would she say to him? When the door opened, her heart lurched into her throat, and she ducked behind Damian’s large frame.

  “Well, hello Damian. To what do I owe the honor of your visit?”

“I’ve got somebody who wants to meet you. April, meet your grandfather.” He stepped beside her and put his hand on her shoulder.

  She was speechless. With wavy, dark brown hair and deep, chocolate eyes, Trusten was a far cry from the wrinkled old man she’d expected to see. “Grandpa?”

  His warm smile put her at ease, and she took a step toward him. “Nana told me so much about you. I just can’t believe I’m actually standing right in front you. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Ah, April. The pleasure is all mine. Won’t you come inside? Both of you.” He stepped out of the doorway for them to enter.

  She glanced at Damian, who nodded, and she entered her grandpa’s house. The interior was white, just like everything else there, and a leather sectional was situated in the center of the living room.

  “Please, sit down. I knew this day would come. That one of my grandchildren would become an Angel. And since Damian is still with you, I presume you must be a Guardian. Can it be?”

  April settled onto the sofa with Damian by her side. He put his hand on her knee and smiled like a proud teacher.

  “Yes, she is. The first of her kind.” He rubbed her leg, sending warm shivers up her body.

  “I feel like I already know you, Grandpa. Nana talked about you all the time. She loved you so much. Did you know she never remarried? She said the memory of you was all she needed.”

  “She’s a strong woman. How is she doing these days?”

  “Eighty-three and feisty as ever.”

  Trusten took a deep breath, and a smile of reminiscence spread across his face. “She always was a lively one. So, tell me about you, April. How are you faring in the Angelic Realm?”

  “Oh, I’m doing good, I guess. I haven’t gotten a Charge yet, but Damian’s been teaching me the ropes.”

  Trusten’s gaze fell to Damian’s hand on her knee, and his smile widened. “Damian was my Guardian. Did you know that? Oh, my Charge needs me. I’m afraid I’m going to have to cut our visit short. Come back and see me, will you?”

  “I will.”

  They rose from the couch, and Trusten hugged her tightly. “He’s a good man, April. Hold on to him.” He stepped back, waved good-bye, and disappeared.

  She would love to hold on to Damian, if she could ever make him hers. As she followed him out the door, he turned to her and ran his fingers through her hair. Her knees went weak, and she wanted nothing more than to throw herself into his arms. Did he have any idea what his touch did to her?

  “I have to go talk to Mira and Paul. Will you be okay on your own for an hour?”

  “I guess. Can’t I go with you?”

  He smiled and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. “No. We’re kinda in charge of assigning all the Charges and making sure things are running smoothly. You know, since we’re the oldest and all. We have to talk shop.”

  “Oh. You’re a very important Angel.”

  “I’m not that important. I’d rather not be on the council at all, but I don’t have a choice.”

  Her fingers twitched. She hesitated to touch him, but she glided the back of her fingers down his cheek. “It’s okay. I’ll be fine.”

  He caught her hand in his. “I’ll be home in one hour. I promise. And then we can see about getting ourselves a Charge.”

  “Sounds great.”

  She expected him to vanish, but he just stood there looking into her eyes. He trailed his fingers up her arms and cupped her face in his hands. His gaze traveled from her eyes to her mouth, and he leaned forward, placing a tender kiss on her lips.

  Her heart pounded in her chest as she opened her mouth. His sweet cinnamon taste made her mouth water for more. And when his tongue brushed hers, she trembled.

  A soft moan of protest escaped her throat when he pulled away, and he smiled. She started to speak, but he put a finger to her lips.

  “One hour.” Then he was gone.

  She stumbled out of her grandpa’s yard and onto the path that would lead her home. Why was he doing this to her? If he didn’t stop, she might end up falling in love with him. She chuckled at herself and shook her head.

  Might? Come on, April. You’re already on your way.

  She needed to talk to him. To figure out what he wanted and why he was being so darn fickle. He couldn’t just kiss her whenever he wanted and then turn around and gripe her out. They needed to set up some boundaries. But first, she had some business to attend to.

  * * *

  Damian stood outside Mira’s door, unable to make himself knock. What was he thinking, kissing her like that again? He wasn’t thinking, and that was the problem. Being with her felt so right, he couldn’t help himself. But he had to. He was a broken man, and April deserved to be with someone whole.

  He took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Mira answered immediately.

  “I was wondering if you were going to stand outside all day. Come in and tell me what’s on your mind.”

  He hesitated before he crossed the threshold. It was silly. Mira knew more about him than anyone. And if there was anybody he could share his secrets with, it would be her.

  Stepping inside, he glanced around. Potted plants sat on tables in every corner of the white room. Lush, green ivies hung from baskets near the massive window, their long, leafy tendrils cascading down the glass. Mira placed a bouquet of fresh-cut wildflowers in a vase and smiled at him.

  He ran his fingers through his hair and shoved his hands in his pockets. “Where’s Paul?”

  “Oh, he’s out making the rounds. Checking in on the Keepers.” She laced her fingers together and studied him. What was she looking for?

  “What brings you here?”

  “I think April’s ready for her first Charge. For our first Charge. Do you have someone for us?”

  “Indeed, she is ready. And I have someone in mind. He’s two years out. You’d be relieving another Guardian who’s on double duty.”

  He sucked in a sharp breath. He’d have to spend two more years with April. Two more years of her living in his home. Two more years of spending every single day with her. He didn’t know whether to jump for joy or run away screaming. He swallowed, and the corners of his mouth curved into a smile.

  “But that’s not the only reason you came. What else is on your mind, brother?”

  “That was it. I’ll let April know we can get started.” He took a step back, but Mira’s gaze held him.

  “If getting a Charge was the only reason you came, you would have brought her with you.” She sighed as she glided toward him and rested her hand on his shoulder. “You can talk to me. You know that.”

  She saw right through him. He did want to talk, but he had no idea where to start. He couldn’t sort his own feelings out, much less explain them to her. Where did he begin?

  She leaned against the table and folded her hands. “You’ve told her everything?”

  “Yes. She can Jump. She can find a Charge. I told her all the rules. She’s ready.”

  “And about Micah?”

  His skin crawled. “Yeah. She knows about that.”

  “And Juliet?”

  His jaw snapped shut, and his hands instinctively clenched into fists. “You know I don’t talk about that. Not to anyone.”

  “How can you expect her to love you if you won’t be completely honest with her? Relationships need a strong foundation of trust. You of all people should know that.”

  He crossed his arms and gazed at the floor. “I don’t expect her to love me.”

  “Why not? You’re in love with her.”

  He opened his mouth to deny it, but he couldn’t form the words. Mira was right. He did love April. He was completely and unconditionally in love with her. But she deserved better. “So, warn me away. Tell me I shouldn’t get involved with her, like you did with Juliet. Tell me she’ll break my heart.”

  Mira smiled sadly and shook her head. “I can’t tell you that this time, brother.”

  “Why not?”

ause it isn’t true.” She had cautioned him to stay away from Juliet, but he hadn’t listened. Mira was connected to every Angel in the Angelic Realm; she could see inside everyone’s hearts, and she knew Juliet’s wasn’t pure. He’d thought he loved her enough for the both of them. He’d never been more wrong.

  He paced her living room, wringing his hands, his insides tying in knots. “She deserves better than me. If I wasn’t good enough for Juliet, how can I expect to be good enough for April?”

  “April is not Juliet. You’ll do well to remember that.”

  “What do I do, Mira?”

  “It’s not for me to tell you. If you can admit to yourself that you love her, you have to make a choice. If you want to be with her, you need to tell her everything. How you feel, your past. Everything. Let her decide if you are enough for her. Or, if you prefer to spend the rest of your existence alone and miserable, you must tell her you aren’t interested. And stop leading her on.”

  He raked his fingers through his hair. Alone and miserable or the rest of eternity with the woman he loved. And all he had to do was tell her the truth, then she could decide for herself if he was worth her love. “That’s not much of a choice. I’m going to tell her. I’m going to tell her everything. Thanks, Mira.”

  He straightened his spine and marched out the door with purpose. He was in love with April. His heart sprinted at the thought of making her his. Of spending every night with her wrapped in his arms. Of her warm, naked body pressed against him as they made love. He could finally shower her with all the love and attention she deserved—if she would have him.

  He took the long way home, trying to figure out exactly what to say. He didn’t have to tell her about his past yet. He didn’t want her to be with him out of pity. No, he could just profess his love, hope that she felt the same, and save his heart-wrenching memories for another day.

  When his house was in sight, he picked up the pace. His limbs couldn’t carry him to her quickly enough, so he Jumped to the front door. Adrenaline coursed through his veins, and his heart beat in overdrive. This was it. He was going to do it. He was going to tell April he loved her.


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