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Charmed Page 5

by Alexa Riley

  I groan as I think about it, and Charlie laughs as she already knows what I’m thinking. She always does. She wiggles her finger at me to come closer. I lean down even more. Her lips go to my ear. “You don’t have to choose. I’m already pregnant.”

  My cock goes fully hard at her words. I can already see her round with my baby, her breasts filled with milk. I pull back and place our daughter in her arms. She takes her. Before she can move I’m picking her up, cradling her in my arms as I carry them both out of the building. I hear people laugh and cheer. Many of them are used to me doing this.

  “Someone is getting lucky,” Andrew says as he opens the car door with a laugh.

  I’m more than lucky.


  Taking Her Turn

  By Alexa Riley

  Kingsley and Mina are newlyweds and everything in their life is perfect. Everything except one little thing.

  Kingsley loves his wife so much that it drives him crazy. He’s too big, too strong, too obsessed with her. So much so that he has to hold back. He ties her down to keep himself in control and won’t allow himself to let go.

  Mina loves her husband, but she knows he’s keeping part of him away from her. He’s broken his tightly held control only once and it was the best night of her life. Now she’s got a plan be the one on top, and there’s nothing he can do about it.

  Warning: Find out what happens when an alpha unleashes a shot of pure, hot dominance. Spoiler’s filthy.

  To Britney, bitch.

  Chapter 1


  I try to concentrate on the task at hand and go over the shipments on my board. But no matter how hard I try, my eyes keep roving to the clock as I move through the warehouse checking things off my list. Normally I don’t check order inventory as they get loaded onto the trucks, but I needed something to keep me busy. I’m helping out on the floor this morning with the hope that time will fly by. So far it’s not working.

  Most of the time I’m locked away in my husband’s office. The only time I ever go down on the floor is if he’s at my side or I’m seeking him out. He’s always worried that I’m going to get hurt. Once I suggested I learn how to drive the forklifts so I could use them if extra help was ever needed. The look on his face had me changing the subject. If he could he would wrap me in bubble wrap and keep me locked inside our home. Don’t get me wrong, I love my husband’s overprotective nature, but sometimes it’s a little much.

  If he knew I was down on the warehouse floor doing this right now he’d be pissed. I smile at the idea. Maybe part of me isn't doing this out of boredom or a need to help out. Maybe I’m doing it because I like to get him worked up. I love to test his self-control, and I’ve never in my twenty years seen someone who had as much control as my King.

  Kingsley went out of town yesterday afternoon. A new company is interested in using Kingsley Shipping as their new warehouse holding center and delivery company.

  I knew it was a big deal because King doesn't like traveling anymore. Or at least that’s what I have kind of picked up on. He used to travel a lot before I came along. He’s only been away twice since we’ve been together. Each one was only one night away. Not even a full twenty-four hours.

  He wanted me to go with him on this trip, but I talked him out of it. I knew this one was a big win for Kingsley Shipping. So big we’d be opening another warehouse and expanding even more, something the little town of Elton needed. I wanted him to stay focused and not rush back to the hotel to be by my side. Or worse, make me go to the meetings and dinner and drinks after with more shop talk. He’d growl at any man who looked at me and cause a scene. I know my husband too well.

  The men at the Kingsley warehouse will hardly even look at me when they talk to me because of him. How can something be adorable and annoying at the same time? I have to bite back a smile thinking about it. God, I love that man.

  My body still tingles when I think about the last time he went out of town. When he came home I was already asleep on the sofa waiting for him. I was barely awake and he was ripping the clothes off my body like he was starving for me.

  He devoured my body and owned every part of me. He took me over and over again until I passed out, unable to move. It wasn't anything like how we normally have sex. Our sex has always been soft and sweet. So sweet sometimes it makes me cry. I don’t think anyone would have looked at King and thought he was a sweet and tender lover.

  He might own and run a multimillion-dollar company, but King is always getting his hands dirty. He’s gruff. He loves being out in the factory working on the trucks. Getting his hands dirty. You can tell from the rough texture of his hands he doesn't sit in an office all day. He never wears a suit unless he has to, preferring to be in jeans, steel-toe boots and a work shirt.

  His chocolate-brown hair is always a little messy, his beard is long and rough. People usually think he’s a lumberjack because of how big he is. He’s easily twice my size, and he’s built like the trucks he often works on. I love my big hairy husband and I understand why he always handles me with care. He’s afraid his size and strength could hurt me, but I know he never would.

  That man loves me more than anything. Heck, that was clear after only knowing him a week. The first day I walked into the Kingsley Shipping warehouse he was on me. I came in asking about the ad needing someone to get his office organized. I was hired on the spot before I barely got two words out. He wouldn't let me out of his sight. He even talked me into going home with him the first time because he said he needed his house organized, too. I didn't get much of a tour that first night. The only part I saw was his bedroom.

  But he wasn't alone in being head over heels. When I looked into Kingsley’s dark blue eyes I got lost that first day, too. He could have talked me into going anywhere. It didn't take much for him to get me in his bed and then share something with him I’d never shared with any other man before.

  It wasn't even a week later and he had a ring on my finger. He made me Mrs. Kingsley Washington as fast as he could. I went from living with my parents to living in this giant warehouse that King had renovated and made his home. You could fit five of my childhood homes into the place.

  My life has completely flipped and I love it all so much. But there’s something still hanging out of my reach, something I’ve been craving since that night my King woke me up on the couch. It was a need for me unlike anything he’d shown me before and I want it back. For the first time ever he lost control and he wasn’t so delicate and careful with me. I want it again, but he refuses. He keeps telling me it was a one-time slip. I’m craving his primal touch, but each time he’s pulled me into his arms since then it’s been soft and sweet. I see his control just on the edge in his eyes as that savage strength starts to take over, but it never stays.

  Maybe another night away would get him to break again. My nipples harden at the thought. I squeeze my legs together, trying to control the heat that rushes between my thighs. I need my King.



  by Alexa Riley

  Aurora Adams has had everything in her life regimented. She’s been made to eat certain foods, wear certain clothes, and only do what her mother allows…all for the sake of her dancing career. Life is lonely and cold, but she doesn’t have a choice. When her mother decides to send her away for a year of training it’s just another blow to her already fragile heart.

  Noah Hill has never had passion for much in his life. But one look at Aurora and his world ignites. From the moment he sees her on the stage, he knows she has to be his. When her mother stands in the way, he has no other choice.

  Will Aurora finally have a chance to break free, or is she trading one cage for another? When temptation leads to devotion, maybe the truth isn’t so important.

  Warning: He’s a billionaire set to kidnap the ballet dancer he sees on stage. What could possibly be any more wonderful!? Get your buns ready because we’ve got you covered!

yright © 2017 by Author Alexa Riley LLC. All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, email to [email protected]

  Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

  Edited by: Aquila Editing

  Cover Design: Perfect Pear Creative Covers

  To the bottle of vodka that inspired this story…



  I’ve never been a fan of the arts. Museums, plays, operas…all of it just sounds so exhausting. But sometimes they are a necessary evil. Especially in my line of work. A client and his wife are in town for a deal, and she begged for tickets to the ballet.

  The ballet. Could that be any more pretentious? I want to roll my eyes at having to admit that I’m going along with them. But she wouldn’t take no for an answer since I got such good tickets.

  I should have known better than to rent the whole box. Next time I’ll just get two tickets for an easy way out.

  Tonight I have no choice, and I toss back another Scotch in the limo as we pull up to the front of the theater. At least if I’m going to be here I’m going to have a few drinks to get me through.

  We are escorted to the box, and the couple sit close, looking over the edge and smiling at one another. I sit in the back next to the curtain hoping that if I fall asleep while the performance is going on, they won’t notice.

  We order drinks, and I slip the waiter a hundred, telling him to make mine a double and don’t let it get empty.

  By the time the curtains fall, I’m done with niceties and thankful for the darkness. I sit back in my chair and pray it will be over quickly. I can probably catch the tail end of the Mets game if I sneak out after the intermission.

  When the music starts, the lights are still low, and a soft blue glow appears on stage. A lone ballerina stands with her back to the audience, with her hair down. It strikes me as odd, because they’re usually in those tight buns at the top of their head. But long dark hair falls down in waves as her arms slowly rise over her head.

  The music remains low, almost chilling as only the strings are playing. The blue glow fills the stage now, and stars appear all around her. Twinkling lights shine against her long legs as she raises one leg above her head and holds it there.

  Her body turns, and her chin is dipped down, so I’m unable to see her eyes. But the lights brighten and the music becomes louder as she unfurls her body and stretches her arms wide.

  She raises her chin, and for a brief moment, I swear she looks right at me. Her piercing blue eyes bore straight into mine, and she pauses. It’s so fast, I don’t know if anyone noticed, but it was there.

  The drums begin, and dancers from all around the stage join her now. The music grows and the lights brighten as the brunette beauty is lost in the crowd.

  I squeeze the glass in my hand so hard it shatters, and I look down at the mess I’ve made. My client and his wife look back to me, but I grab a napkin and wrap my hand in it. I quietly tell them to finish the show, and excuse myself.

  There’s a large cut across my palm which probably needs stitches. I knot the napkin tighter as I make my way down the back stairs and to the exit.

  Several security guards try to stop my progress, but once I show them my injury they let me pass. Before long I’m at the stage entrance and off to the side in the shadows. From where I’m standing I can watch the dancers walk on and off the stage.

  It doesn’t take long for me to pick her out of the crowd.

  I spend the next two hours with my eyes on her as I try to keep my hand from bleeding. But as the show comes to a close, the rag I have around my hand is soaked and I’m too lightheaded to stand much longer.

  I text my driver and meet him at the rear exit then have him take me to the emergency room. I have to let the frustration of not being able to see her go so that I can get this taken care of.

  Besides, it’s not like I won’t see her again. I grabbed a playbill on the way out, so I’ve got her name.

  Some people have told me I have an obsessive personality. That when I want something, I will stop at nothing to get it. That when something has my attention, I have tunnel vision.

  I smile as the needle and thread go through my hand and think that everyone was wrong. One look at Aurora Adams and I was beyond obsessed.

  But I like to think of it as devotion.

  Chapter 1


  Can a person love and hate something at the same time? How can something be the very misery of your life, but the thought of not having it is just as unbearable?

  I slip down the stairs of my parents’ home, with one location in mind. But like always I pause when I look over at the refrigerator. The padlock is firmly in place.

  My mother’s perfect kitchen looks odd, with big locks nailed into the wood cabinets and the looped chain that holds the refrigerator door closed. It’s sealed so no one can get in. No one but her. I don’t even know why she bothers. It’s not like she keeps much in there anyway. Anything worth wanting.

  Still, the pang in my stomach reminds me that I’m hungry. It makes me feel like taking anything I can get my hands on. Grabbing the lock, I give it a little pull, but nothing happens. I feel the lump in my throat and I push it away. This isn’t new. I should be used to this. I release the cold lock from my hand, and the metal hits the stainless steel of the refrigerator. I cringe, praying it didn’t wake my mother.

  I wait a second, holding my breath, but hear nothing. Letting out a sigh of relief, I head toward the back door, slipping out into the cool night air. The dampness of the grass makes my feet a little wet.

  I stop and look at the little building that at one time felt like everything to me, the place my mother had built because she finally loved me. She saw something in me that was worth loving for the first time. I’d made her proud. For a time, at least.

  Sometimes I can’t get out of that place fast enough. And other times I sneak in to be alone.

  I open the glass doors and walk in, sitting down on the cold hardwood floors of the dance studio. I stretch, trying to make my muscles not feel so tight. They ache from being overworked, and what I really need is sleep. But my mind won’t let me have it. The pain in my muscles and the hunger that lingers from missing dinner bite at me.

  I know the only thing that will give me peace is if I dance. It’s the only thing that makes everything else melt away. To dance for myself. To not think about the performance I have tomorrow. It’s when I feel most free. No one here to yell at me and tell me I’m doing it wrong. That my feet aren’t right or that I’m not trying hard enough.

  When I dance for myself I don’t care about any of that. I feel the music and let it take me. I fall into a world where there are no pressures to be something I don’t want to be, to live up to impossible expectations, no matter how hard I try or how hard I work. It’s never enough for her. But in these small stolen moments, it’s enough for me.

  And that’s all that matters. Until she wakes up.


  Full Length Novels: For Her Series

  Everything For Her

  His Alone

  Claimed… Coming March 27th 2018

  Novellas in the For Her Series

  Stay Close

  Hold Tight

  Don’t Go

  Single Titles

  The Virgin Duet

g the Beast

  My New Step Dad

  Their Stepsister

  Snow and Mistletoe

  Ps. You’re Mine

  Trailer Park Virgin

  Guarding His Obsession

  Beauty in Winter



  Growling For Mine

  Holding His Forever

  Tempting the Law

  Paid For

  Shielding Lily

  Wanting My Stepsister

  Stealing Christmas

  Paying Daddy’s Debt

  Her Touch


  Flight Risk

  Taking What’s Owed

  Unexpected Claim

  Runaway Mail-Order Bride

  Thankful for Her

  Home For Christmas

  Til Death Do Us Trope

  Keeping Her Warm

  Be Mine… Or Else

  Double the Ache

  Taking Her Turn

  Charmed… March 2018

  Bundled Series

  Cowboys and Virgins

  Buy Me Series Bundle

  Innocent Series Bundle

  Halloween Treats

  Ghost Riders MC - Complete Series

  Forced Submission Bundle Books 1-3

  Forced Submission Bundle Books 4-6

  The Princesses

  Fairytale Shifters Bundle

  The Breeding Series





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