Sadistic Sherlock (Ward Security Book 4)

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Sadistic Sherlock (Ward Security Book 4) Page 17

by Jocelynn Drake


  And then Dom was entering his body. Letting Abe get used to him in slow increments. Again, Abe found himself holding his breath. It felt different, and his hard-on lagged a bit, but Dom felt so good against his back and his breath on Abe’s shoulder made him shiver, and he loved the strong hand splayed over his belly as the man held him.

  He liked this. He liked it a lot.

  And once his body adjusted to the invasion, he found “a lot” didn’t come close to the right description. He began moving with him and he reached back to touch Dom’s hair, remembering the head wound at the last moment. So he reached down and back, clasping Dom’s hip and the feel of those muscles moving under his skin made his cock surge back to life so hard, it started to ache. He wanted to grab it but didn’t want to let go of Dom, especially when his hips started moving faster and he made these hot grunting noises.

  “Oh fuck, I like this,” he breathed.

  “Thank God, because I think I want to live in here.” He groaned and punched his hips again, still being careful, but obviously enjoying himself.

  Abe couldn’t stand it and he grabbed hold of his dick and began to stroke, not even close to the same rhythm as Dom, and he didn’t give a shit because everything, all of it, felt so damn good.

  He wanted Dom to live in there.

  He had just enough time to smile with that thought before his orgasm slammed into him without warning. Dom hit his prostate right then, and he shot in spurts every time it was hit. He was pretty sure he was going to lose his ever-loving fucking mind.

  Abe turned and bit his pillow as he just kept spilling all over the bed.

  “Jesus, Abe. Shit. Shit. Shit.” Dom chanted faster as his hips stuttered a couple of times; then his teeth clamped down on Abe’s shoulder and Dom moaned long and hard into his skin.

  Moments passed with them breathing hard.

  “You okay? Abe?”


  Laughing, Dom laid his sweaty forehead against the back of Abe’s neck. “Like I said before. We found something we’re really good at.”

  Abe moved his face so that it was no longer smashed into the pillow and huffed a laugh. “We get any better and it’s gonna kill me.”

  “Mmm…can’t let that happen,” Dom said, kissing along his neck and down his shoulder. “I’m hoping we get to spend a lot of time doing this in the future.”

  Abe’s eyes slid shut and he smiled. “Lots and lots of time,” he murmured.

  Dom shifted behind him and Abe could feel him carefully withdrawing from his body. Abe winced. He was definitely going to be a little sore later, but he had no regrets. He could easily understand Dom’s expression of pure bliss when Abe had fucked him. Staying on his side, Abe watched as Dom walked to the bathroom to dispose of the condom. The water came on and a minute later, Dom returned with a damp washcloth and a hand towel.

  “We could jump back in the shower?” Dom said as he held out the washcloth.

  “Later. I need to stretch out and eat that sandwich you made me completely forget about.”

  Dom grinned as he jumped back onto the bed and picked up the plate of sandwiches. Abe finished cleaning up, dropping both the washcloth and towel on the floor, and sat up against the pillows. He stomach growled loudly at the sight of the sandwich, angry at him for choosing sex over food, but Abe didn’t give a damn. He was happy to choose Dom first every time.

  A low moan rippled from Dom around a mouthful of ham and bread. “You make a mean sammich, Abe,” he said after swallowing.

  “Not as good as those sandwiches we had with Trent, but it’ll fill the hole until the chili is ready,” Abe conceded.

  “Those were damn good sandwiches,” Dom agreed with a nod. “I need to text Trent. Get him to tell me the place he ordered them from. And the name of that mustard again. Good stuff.”

  Abe took another bite of his sandwich to hide his smirk. Only Dom would think to text a freaking A-list celebrity for the name of a mustard and a sandwich shop. It really was no surprise that he’d fallen so hard for this man. He hadn’t stood a chance.

  The mention of Trent got Abe’s mind turning to an idea he had earlier. Something more than a little crazy and a whole hell of a lot dangerous. Probably stupid too. And a little illegal. But it could mean freeing Dom of his brother once and for all.

  “You know that idea I had percolating in my brain?” Abe hesitantly started. “You think Trent would be up for giving us a hand?”

  Dom’s hand stopped in midair as he was about to place the last bite of sandwich into his open mouth. Muscles tensed for a second before Dom lowered his hand and looked at him. “Actor Trent?”


  “Is your idea crazy and dangerous?”


  Dom stared at him for a second before nodding, his face breaking out in a wide grin. “Then yes, I think he would. He seemed a little jealous of my effective defenestration of his stalker and is looking for a little real-life action.”

  Abe looked down at the last couple of bites of his sandwich, no longer feeling quite so hungry. “Don’t worry. I think my idea is gonna have plenty of action.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Abe wanted to smack himself as he walked through Washington Park in the waning sunlight three days later. The film crew that had set up in the park the previous week was now gone, and the green space was largely back to its usual beauty. There were a few families crossing the area, but it was mostly adults strolling through, on their way to the restaurants and bars that filled Over-the-Rhine. His pulse was racing, and a cold sweat had broken out across his arms as he slowed his pace the closer he got to the chosen meeting spot.

  After leaving Dom at Royce’s, he’d stopped by his house and quickly changed clothes before driving to downtown Cincinnati. The entire time, he had at least one person from Ward Security murmuring in his ear. By the time he left his house, he’d picked up a tail. It wasn’t the same car he’d spotted the one day he’d met Shane and Quinn for lunch. This was an SUV with the windows tinted so dark he couldn’t see the occupants. He didn’t know if James was in that SUV, but he was counting on the fact that James knew exactly where to find him now.

  “Abe! Hey Abe!” called a voice that was so close to being Dom’s. Close, but the difference was like needles in his ears. That voice was a little rougher, a little sharper in its edge. It didn’t carry the love he could feel emanating from Dom, and it was all he could do not to flinch.

  “That is not me, sexy,” Dom whispered to him through the tiny earwig buried deep in his ear canal. He wanted to reassure Dom that he wasn’t fooled. That the voice would never fool him, but he couldn’t risk it. Instead, he plastered a smile on his face and turned toward the man who had Dom’s face.

  “There you are!” he called back, throwing his hands up. “I was beginning to think you’d forgotten.” As James approached, he noted a little hitch in his step as if he was slightly thrown by Abe’s words, but it never showed on his face.

  As much as it killed him, Abe had to admit that there was a startling similarity between Dom and James. They had the same build, the same walk, the same wide grin, but the most glaring difference was in their eyes. They might have the same shade of green, but there was nothing warm and gentle in James’s eyes. Only malice and cold calculation. This man he would never mistake for Dom, but for the next hour, he had to pretend if he was ever going to save Dom’s life and possibly even his own.

  “Sorry, Abe. Traffic was worse than I’d expected,” James said with a little shrug. “Unfortunately, I just got a call from the office.”


  “Yeah, um…I need to head in to help with something, and I was wondering if you’d come with me and then we could go out.”


  James’s hand clamped down on Abe’s upper arm as he started to argue. The man leaned forward for a kiss, and Abe fought not to clench up. He had to act natural. If he didn’t kiss
James, then the man would know that he was faking. He could do this for Dom.

  Just before James’s lips reached his, a blessedly familiar voice cried out.

  “Dom! Abe!”

  Abe’s head snapped up to see Trent briskly walking across the park toward them. He was dressed in a pair of dark jeans that nicely accentuated his powerful legs and a loose shirt. A ballcap was pulled low and a pair of dark sunglasses helped to hide his face. The damn actor had absolutely perfect timing.

  “Hey!” Abe said, catching himself before he could shout out Trent’s name. They were still in a very public place, and they couldn’t risk drawing a mob of fans to the man. But the sudden distraction was enough for James to loosen his hold on Abe’s arm, so he could pull away.

  “Are you guys ready for a great dinner and a little dancing?” Trent asked when he was standing next to Abe. Trent pulled off his sunglasses, giving James a good view of his face.

  “Holy shit! Trent Elrige!” James said on a gasp.

  Abe winced, but Trent just gave a sarcastic laugh, covering up James’s unfortunate lapse. “Oh, ha ha, Dom. Don’t start that shit again after everything we’ve been through. You’re the one who called me about tonight.”

  Abe nearly snorted. This acting shit was harder than he’d expected, but Trent…Trent was amazing. He couldn’t remember if the man had won an Oscar yet, but he’d definitely deserve one by the end of the night for the way he was flawlessly ad-libbing.

  “Of course,” James quickly said. “I just thought you’d feel more at ease if someone was acting like an adoring fan.”

  Trent slipped his glasses back on and smirked. “Nah. I can enjoy one night as just a normal guy. No fans, please. Just friends.”

  “Nothing but friends here,” James quickly said.

  With that, Abe did roll his eyes, though he was facing Trent so James couldn’t see it. If this guy was an expert con artist, then he was thrown off his game with the presence of Trent. Not that Abe could really blame him. If he hadn’t had dinner with Trent already, he’d probably be stumbling as much as James or worse.

  “Dom was just telling me that he’s been called into the office,” Abe said.

  Trent winced. “Oh, that sucks. Is it a new job?”

  “No, just some paperwork.” He paused and his grin grew. “But you both could come with me before we go out to dinner. Trent, you could check out where all the bodyguards train and meet. That could be useful for a future role, right?”

  “Sure, I’d love to see Ward Security. I’ve heard so much about it,” Trent easily agreed.

  Abe chanced a glance over at James and the man was practically bouncing in his excitement. And why wouldn’t he be? Not only did he have Abe in his clutches, which would break his brother as he wanted, but he also had his hands on one of the hottest actors in Hollywood. This had to be a freaking dream come true for the con artist.

  “Get ready,” Dom whispered in his ear, and some of the tension eased from his shoulders. He didn’t know where Dom was, but he was watching over him, keeping him safe. And even though he was technically in James’s clutches, Abe still felt safe.

  Yeah, get ready, he thought, for a day in the life of Dominic fucking Walsh.

  “Trent Elrige! I’m gonna fucking kill you!”

  “What the fuck?” James muttered as they all turned to stare at the large man in a dark hoodie pulled up to obscure his face. He looked like a mountain.

  “How many stalkers do you have?” Abe said, backpedaling into James.

  “Too many,” Trent grumbled.

  The enormous man pulled a gun from behind his back and started to wave it in their direction. Some people screamed and scattered in various directions. Abe tried not to wince and mentally prayed that they had a couple of minutes before someone called the cops. Abe had met Sven Larsen only once before, but he was a truly frightening figure without a gun. He certainly didn’t want the bodyguard to go to jail for brandishing a weapon in public.

  “Jesus!” James shouted. Abe saw him start to reach behind him for what he was sure was a gun. He couldn’t let him pull a gun on the other man. The “stalker” was a Ward Security employee, and he couldn’t risk James hurting him.

  “No, there are too many people here. Someone could get hurt,” Abe argued.

  James looked at him for a second like he’d lost his mind. Yeah, not the best argument when someone was barreling down on them with a weapon, but it was all he could think of.

  “There!” Trent pointed toward a black BMW sedan parked nearby. “That’s my car with my driver. Run! Hurry!” As he shouted, Trent gave James two hard pushes, knocking him off balance so that he was moving toward the car, if only to steady himself. Abe started running ahead of them, certain that James would follow to keep him under his control.

  “Trent! I’m going to get you! You can’t escape me, Trent!” the stalker continued to shout, following after them.

  Abe reached the car first. Jerking open the rear door, he dove inside. He kept scooting until he was seated behind the driver. A pair of bright blue eyes met his in the rearview mirror and winked at him. The man’s normally curly brownish-blond hair was pulled tightly back at the nape of his neck and he was dressed in a dark suit, but there was no mistaking Noah Keegan. Abe had been lucky enough to meet Noah when he’d popped by Ward Security once before. When they’d cooked up this scheme, Rowe had assured him that he’d get his guy with the gun off the street before the cops arrived and that his best driver would be behind the wheel. He’d just never expected it to be Rowe’s own boyfriend.

  But there was no time to say anything. The front door was thrown open, and Trent tumbled inside while James followed Abe into the rear. Doors slammed shut.

  “Drive!” Trent shouted.

  Noah stomped on the gas and the car leaped forward in a squeal of tires and the sharp smell of rubber on asphalt. They were thrown back in their seats as the BMW darted into traffic. As soon as they could move, they glanced behind them to see the giant man leap into an SUV and start after them.

  “I need you to lose that man, Drew,” Trent instructed. “He’s trying to kill us.”

  “Yes, sir,” Noah replied in a low, steady voice as if it was a command he heard frequently from his clients.

  The engine roared and the BMW powered down Race Street toward the heart of downtown, and then the car turned left twice, heading north again. They went a few more blocks before Noah made another left, taking them closer to the interstate highway. Abe knew that Quinn was in Noah’s ear, directing him away from any cops that might be in the area, while Gidget and Cole were focused on keeping the lights changing in their favor.

  “Who the hell is this guy?” James snarled as he looked over his shoulder again toward the SUV that was still following them.

  “Another crazy stalker,” Trent said with a blasé tone, as if this happened to him every day.

  “I thought I took care of your stalker.”

  Trent scoffed and adjusted his seat belt. Abe did the same, while James remained without his. Abe wasn’t going to tell the man to buckle up. Let him take the chance of going through the windshield.

  “I have more than one stalker,” Trent said.

  “Maybe we should call the cops,” Abe offered.

  “No cops!” James shouted. He took a deep breath and continued in a normal voice. “I’m sure that Trent’s driver can lose this asshole. When we are safe, then we can discuss calling the police.”

  “Sounds like a good plan to me,” Trent said,

  Abe looked out the rear window and frowned. The stalker SUV was still there, but behind it, he spotted the same SUV that had followed him from his house. It had to be the rest of James’s crew. That was to be expected.

  Glancing up again, he saw Noah meet his gaze and give a quick nod. They made another left, and the light changed directly behind them. Noah zipped up and down several side streets, leading them farther and farther away from downtown Cincinnati, into an industrial section fil
led with railyards and old warehouses. The road was rutted and bumpy, but Noah didn’t slow the car.

  “Where the hell are we? Where are you taking us?” James demanded. He leaned forward, glaring out the windshield and then twisting around in his seat to glower out the back window. The stalker SUV, as well as the tinted SUV, were both missing.

  “A special meeting zone we pre-arranged when I arrived in the city,” Trent replied. “Another car is going to be waiting for us there. We’ll switch cars and then we can head back to my hotel or out for the evening. The stalker won’t be looking for the new car.”

  “No, we can’t do that,” James cried.

  “Oh, that’s right. You have to go back to Ward Security,” Abe said.

  “Of course!” Trent said. He shifted in his seat to look into the rear at Abe and James. “When we get the new car, we can head straight to Ward.”

  James shook his head, looking utterly lost for a second. “No, I…I need my car. The paperwork Rowe needs, it’s in my car.”

  “Oh, okay. When we meet up with the new driver, then we’ll head back and switch to your car. From there, we can go to Ward. It’ll be easier to report the stalker from there,” Trent easily said.

  “Yeah…yeah, that’ll work,” James murmured, his voice so low, he was almost talking to himself.

  Abe’s stomach nervously churned and bubbled. The rough ride didn’t help to settle his stomach or slow his pulse. So far, everything was going exactly as they had planned, but they were quickly nearing their final destination, and that was where everything could blow up in their faces. Abe was all too aware of the gun that was still hidden somewhere on James’s person. He wanted to get that away from James, but he’d yet to think of a way to get it that wouldn’t raise James’s suspicions. That damn weapon was one of the few things they couldn’t control, and it gave James the power to end a lot of innocent lives.

  He strained to hear anything other than the roar of the car engine and the frantic beating of his own heart, but there was no one talking to him over his earpiece. No updates. No reassuring words. They’d warned him that contact would be kept to a minimum so as not to risk catching James’s attention, but even with Noah in the car with them, Abe was starting to feel very alone and out of his element. It amazed him that Dom could do such a dangerous job and keep such a positive attitude the entire time.


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