Ellis: A Best Friend's Little Sister Shifter Romance (The Johnson Clan Book 3)

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Ellis: A Best Friend's Little Sister Shifter Romance (The Johnson Clan Book 3) Page 6

by Terra Wolf

  The car pulled up in front of my house. Ellis got out and opened my door for me the way he always did. He walked me up to the step, but instead of going inside, I turned around to face him. “I’m going inside now, Ellis. Maybe I’ll see you later. I had a really nice time tonight.”

  Faster than the eye could see, he flew at me and kissed me. He pressed me so tight I could barely breathe. His lips sucked the air from my lungs. Before I knew it, I got all tangled up in him. I couldn’t keep away from him. Some force stronger than both of us drew us together.

  His hands ranged all up and down my back. He nestled his warm fingers around my neck under my hair, and my whole spine sagged into his embrace. I couldn’t stop myself when he touched me like that.

  His other hand glided down my back to the arch where my ass rounded outward. He squeezed me against him until I moaned in open desire. I wanted him so much, but I couldn’t have him.

  His cock swelled against my dress, and he rubbed it back and forth. My tissues unfurled their swollen petals, and my juices wet my panties. If only I could take him inside and forget everything else, he would make everything all right again, at least for a little while.

  I tore myself out of his embrace and gasped for air. “I’m sorry.”

  He eased me back to stare into my eyes. “Let’s go inside. We can do this better there.”

  I shook my head. “I can’t. I’m sorry. It’s not that I don’t want to.”

  He cocked his head to one side. “Then what is it?”

  “It’s just that....” Even I didn’t understand what it was. Why couldn’t I let myself get close to him? Why did I have to keep coming up with excuses to hold him at a distance? He could be the one, my mate! “It’s just that.... after what you told me....”

  He frowned. “What about it? I thought telling you would bring us closer. I wouldn’t have told you if I thought it would drive us apart.”

  I seized his hand. “It has brought us closer together. That’s what I’m trying to say. It seems like...this thing between us.... I don’t know what I’m trying to say. It’s fragile right now. It’s delicate, and it needs protection. That’s what I’m trying to say. I don’t want to do anything to endanger it.”

  He stiffened against me, but he didn’t let go. “We’ve done it enough times. Doing it again won’t hurt us.”

  I had to laugh at that, but there was nothing funny about this. “We did it before I knew this about you. I never knew you cared about me the way I cared about you. I thought it was all just a good time to you. Now I find out it wasn’t. I don’t want to do anything to endanger this. Just for tonight, let’s kiss and say good night. We can come back together later, and we’ll be that much stronger.”

  He gave me a quick peck. “Are you sure about that?”

  I nodded.

  He moved back and slid one hand down his stomach to his cock. He squeezed his package, and his abs contracted to thrust his hips toward me. “So, what am I supposed to do with this?”

  I bit back a smile. “Save it for me.”

  When I kissed him this time, the passion flared hotter than ever. Did I really think I could turn him away on my doorstep? He mouthed me to a raging inferno. He crushed my ass in one big hand and tormented my sensitive mound on his cruel spike. Oh, if I could only get at that thing, I could satisfy all my deepest desires. I never wanted anything as much as I wanted that.

  He quit before I did. He pushed me back and left me standing on my doorstep cold and alone. His fingers trailed off my hand. “Until next time.” He kissed my knuckles. “Sleep tight.”

  I could only stand there staring at him while he yanked the car door open, fired up the Porsche, and motored down the street out of sight. A thousand doubts and fears plagued my brain. I should have let him in. I should have spent the night with him. I should have told him everything.

  What could I really tell him, after all? I didn’t really know for sure. I couldn’t see him again until I knew for absolutely, positively sure where we stood.

  I fumbled with my keys. My hands shook, and I missed the lock more than once. When I finally got the door open, I went straight to my bedroom. I took off my dress and put on my old pajamas. I wadded up my hair in a knot on top of my head and went into the bathroom.

  I took off all my makeup before I dared look at myself in the mirror. No masks. No decoration. Just me, myself, and I. I stood there regarding myself in the mirror. I had to face myself as myself. I couldn’t hide from myself at this moment.

  I opened the medicine cabinet and took out the cardboard box. In bright letters emblazoned across it, I read those fateful words, Home Pregnancy Test. I had to know the truth. I had to know before I ever laid eyes on Ellis Johnson again.

  I couldn’t stand there staring at it all night. I tore it open, got out the dipstick, and sat down on the toilet. I put the stick on the counter and went into the bedroom. I turned down the bed and switched off my phone. Whatever the result, I would need some quiet time alone after reading it to take stock of my life. I had to face tomorrow with my head up, whatever the outcome.

  No matter what I found in that bathroom, my life would change. I couldn’t go throwing myself away anymore. I had to move in the future with sure, certain steps. I had to get absolute clarity on what I was doing and do it without flinching.

  I sat down on my bed and gave myself a pedicure. Ellis’s presence haunted that bed. I brought him home with me, even when he drove away to the other side of town. I would curl up in that bed, put my arms around him, and tell him my darkest secrets. I would kiss him and rest my head on his chest. He would comb my hair off my face and rub my back.

  Why did I ever think I could live my life without his protective presence? Why did I think I was better off without this touchstone guiding me and filling my life with meaning? Is this what having a mate really felt like?

  The clock on my bedside table registered twenty minutes. The results would certainly but up by now. I put away my pedicure set and rubbed my eyes. I was already half asleep. Even as I stepped through the bathroom door, a deep inner knowing filled me with the light of truth. I knew what I would find before I picked up the test.

  It was positive.



  “Vegas, baby!” Sam and Brayden waved their arms and shouted through the windows of the first-class Lexus I rented for this weekend getaway “Come on, Ellis!” Brayden shouted. “We’ll be late.”

  I slammed the trunk. Half a dozen groomsmen crowded the seats as I slid into the driver’s seat. “Late! Are you crazy? We’re leaving three hours early. If we leave right now, we’ll have all that time to wait before the bachelor party.”

  “Well, we don’t want to miss anything.” Sam did a little dance in his seat. “Vegas, here we come!”

  I threw the Lexus into drive and checked the traffic on all sides. I pulled out into traffic. “Where are the girls?”

  A little Toyota Celica skidded around the corner. One glance showed me Helena behind the wheel. Julia sat at her side, and Mckenna and another bridesmaid crowded into the back seat. Loud music thumped through the open driver’s window.

  Mckenna glanced back at me, and I lifted my fingers off the steering wheel to give he a subtle wave. She turned around fast so I couldn’t see her face, but I didn’t have to see to know her cheeks burned when she saw me. They always did. Why did I make her so nervous? I just might get a chance to sneak off with her again this weekend. My bear roared at the thought.

  Another car rolled around the corner, and about a dozen bridesmaids flopped from windows. All three cars headed out of town. The Lexus glided down the freeway. I used the guys’ excited chatter to cover me while I planned out how I would spirit Mckenna away from her friends. It shouldn’t be too difficult. Once the alcohol started flowing, no one would notice if somebody disappeared.

  The guys fired questions and jokes back and forth, but I drifted a thousand miles away. I floated in her arms. How long did I have to keep up th
is game of cloak and dagger? Why couldn’t I just come right out and have her without worrying about somebody finding out?

  Of course, I couldn’t come right out and have her at Brayden and Julia’s wedding, but my thoughts ranged a lot farther than the Las Vegas casino. I could get her, no problem. The real question was getting her and keeping her.

  She presented as much of a conundrum as anything else. Did she want me or not? One minute, she threw herself at me in all her desperate erotic passion. The next minute, she avoided me. I wasn’t such an emotional cripple that I couldn’t recognize the signs.

  Ever since the night she refused to let me inside her house, she found reasons to keep away from me. No more helping out with the wedding plans. No more rides in the Porsche. I was going out of my mind.

  The cars trundled up to Las Vegas, and everybody unloaded. Julia tried to say something to Brayden, but Sam cut her off. He pointed back toward the girls’ car. “You go over there. You’re not supposed to see the groom until you meet him at the altar.”

  All the girls hooted. “Listen to him! We’re staying at the same hotel thanks to Ellis. We can’t exactly pretend you don’t exist.”

  Sam herded Brayden and me away. “Come on. Let’s get our rooms. We can have some fun while we wait for the party to get started.”

  Brayden looked around. “Where are all the naked hookers?”

  I had to laugh, but I stopped myself when I spotted Mckenna watching me. I stood at the reception desk inside the lobby and flashed them my card. Owning a chain of hotels was nice. The perks were great, our place would be amazing inside the Shyft Vegas. I caught Mckenna looking at me, and I turned away. I took out my phone and tapped the screen with my thumb. Nothing to see. Just checking my phone.

  Meet me later?

  My heart pounded in my chest. Would she do it? Her every instinct would tell her not to, but her burning need would drive her to it. I didn’t have to look around to see her punching her phone.


  I knew it. Go for a swim in the pool?


  Was she watching me from the front door right now? Was she getting wet thinking about it? I headed up the elevator to the eleventh floor with the other guys. They laughed and joked about the strippers they would get up to Brayden’s bachelor party.

  The guys crowded out of the elevator and the bellhops took their luggage into the rooms. Sam called from his door before he went inside. “Meet in Brayden’s room in five minutes. I’ve got a bottle of tequila so we can get this party started!”

  Perfect. I couldn’t have planned this better. I closed my room door and unzipped my suitcase on the bed. I slipped off my pants, pulled on my swimming shorts, and put my pants back on. I sent another text.

  On my way down now.

  My guts burned from adrenaline coursing through me. I stole a peek out the door. If I met anyone I knew, they would never know what I was up to.

  Another text came back. Getting in the elevator.

  I raced downstairs and out to the pool. I had to get there before her. I shucked off my clothes. My thumb flashed over my phone screen. Sliding into the hot tub. Wish you were here.

  That should make her giggle. Getting out of the elevator. Which way is the pool?

  I need you in these bubbles right now.

  Found it. Taking off my clothes.

  My heart stopped. Taking off her clothes—where? I leaned over the hot tub’s concrete side and poked my phone with a dry finger. Where are you?

  Behind you.

  I whipped around, and my eyes widened when I saw her in a bikini. She stepped down into the hot tub, and the foamy bubbles surrounded her in delectable steam. A ferocious grin spread across my face, and I moved in on her. My naked muscles enclosed her in all my power, and she gave herself over to me.

  What did we come to Vegas for, if not for this? What happened in Vegas, stayed in Vegas. Right? Why not? All my excitement flared to life, and her legs slithered around my chiseled bulk. The water closed us in a slippery envelope. She slid across my skin, and I stroked the bubbly water all over her. Our lips closed in a passionate kiss that would never end.

  Her body responded to me hotter and faster than I could ever believe. I had to have her. She carried a part of me inside her I could only get by coming together with her. Getting together with her in the hot tub only consummated something that happened a long time ago.

  She didn’t want to let herself go, but once she did, she embraced it in all her glory. That inner mystery shone from inside her like some mystical star. It made my life worth living. She would share it with me, just as soon as she stopped kissing me and throwing herself on the hard cock inside my shorts.

  I burrowed one hand under her top and tugged the knot free. I released her breasts into my grasp, and they floated on the roiling surface straight into my mouth. My other hand discovered the seam where her bikini bottoms draped around her hips. I inched inside to pinch her ass and ease her tighter onto my lap.

  I never wanted to be anywhere else but locked with her in this eternal embrace. I never wanted any woman’s hands on my skin but hers. She hitched her pelvis forward to jab into me. Her bikini scrunched out of the way, so she sat down bare on my lap.

  I flexed my biceps against her ribs to haul her in close. My tongue lapped hotter around her mouth and brought all the steaming juices gushing from her insides. I clamped one hand over her breast and chewed her nipple between my teeth.

  She wet my hair with her damp fingers raking through it. Every inch of her skin showing above the water glistened and flashed bright and wet. I hungered for that skin in my mouth. I had to get near her. I had to get nearer than the water all around us.



  In an instant, he slid his shorts down. His rock-hard cock gouged between my inflamed tissues, and the lubricating wetness welcomed him in. The intensity of my feelings for him married in a seamless ecstasy with the blazing desire smoking in my core.

  He hesitated there, but my crazy lust wouldn’t me sit still. I hopped on his cock in all my animal madness and sat down to drive it into my deepest recesses. Ellis threw back his head with a roar. His arms tightened to two iron straps around my ribs until I couldn’t stand the strain, but his throbbing cock pulsed inside me to drive me into the stratosphere.

  I bucked my hips against him. Both his hands clamped around my ass to pound me against him. The next thing I knew, his teeth closed around my nipple again. Oh, Jesus! I couldn’t stand it. He turned me on so much I had to inhale him into myself. His cock slotted so nice and tight along my channel I never wanted to let it go.

  He cradled my head behind my neck, and my spine whipped back and forth from the devastating penetrations rocking through me. I panted for every breath.

  “Oh, yes. Oh, yes.”

  He blistered little love bites up my chest, along my neck to my chin, but I didn’t notice. I only knew the comfortable fullness of his stiff cock exciting all my pleasure spots to raging rapturous bliss.

  I planted my feet on either side of his hips to widen my legs even farther. My thighs burned from the effort, but nothing could stop me now. I hit him as hard as I could to make the water splash out of the hot tub. Where did he end and I begin? How could I experience this bliss with him, only to walk away?

  I had to keep coming back for more. I had to keep taking him deeper and harder and longer. I had to climax again and again on his dripping shaft. I couldn’t live without it. He completed me as no one else ever could. He touched a part of me so deep I never knew it was there.

  Oh, he was ten times sweeter every time I gave myself to him. Those arms, that cock, those lips, those teeth biting me—I could never get enough. He hugged me behind the ass and followed my natural movements until I slammed my hips into him.

  He didn’t have to do anything but sit there and nail me. I wanted it so bad I did all the moving for both of us. Oh, please God, let it keep going like this and never stop. Let me die right no
w, as long as I can die with him inside my puffy pink hole.

  My ass ached pounding against his thighs. Nothing satisfied my itch but to thrust into him, to rock and roll and sob in beautiful fulfillment. Let it be his cock that gives me pleasure. Let it be his fingers indenting my flesh and his mouth sucking on my sensitive tits. I could lose everything else, but not this.

  I beat faster and harder. Nothing could stop me. My whimpering sobs turned to lusty cries and finally to shrieks. I would destroy him if I kept this up, but before I could think, I collapsed across his shoulder screaming to the skies.

  If anybody heard us, I never knew. I only had eyes for him. As soon as my screams of ecstasy hit his ear, he couldn’t hold back. He exploded against me and through me. He filled me full of his salty cocktail. He emptied his nuts into my pussy.

  I no longer pounded him to oblivion, so he had to pick me up and float me on the waves to beat against my quivering ass. I cried in his ear, but it was all over. In a few seconds, the intoxicating heat of climax enfolded us in one seamless cloud of beauty.

  He pried my head back to kiss me. “Hey.”

  A satisfied smile broke across my face, but I couldn’t open my eyes. I flopped in his arms, and my skin glowed bright and wet and smooth. “Hey.”

  “Let’s put our clothes on and go to the bar for a drink.”

  My eyes snapped open. “What? That fast?”

  He snorted. “Don’t tell me you want to do it again.”

  I ran my fingers through my hair. “Are you seriously telling me you want to stop at just one? What’s the matter? Aren’t you feeling well?”

  He laughed. “I’m hot now. I mean, the hot tub is making me too hot. Let’s get a drink. If you really want to do it again, I’ll take you to my room.”

  I eyed me sidelong. “Brayden would hear us if we went to your room.”

  “And Julia would hear us if we went to yours. Get your clothes on. Now that I’ve got my rocks off, I want to have a drink with you like two civilized people.”


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