Term-Time Trouble

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Term-Time Trouble Page 2

by Titania Woods

  Sooze took a seed cake and leaned towards Twink. ‘Right, do you want to hear my plan? What I think we should do is –’

  ‘Sooze, maybe we shouldn’t,’ said Twink worriedly. ‘You heard what Miss Shimmery said.’

  Sooze’s mouth dropped open. ‘But we can’t just let Jasmine Branch get away with this. You saw them! We have to do something.’

  Twink squirmed. ‘I know – but –’ She broke off, glancing across the table at Sili. The silver-haired fairy quickly made a show of talking to Zena, but Twink knew she was listening to every word – and that she’d be more than happy to do the prank with Sooze if Twink didn’t.

  ‘I’m not sure if you should, Twink,’ put in Bimi. ‘I think Miss Shimmery meant what she said.’

  ‘Oh, don’t be such a wet leaf!’ snapped Sooze. ‘Come on, Twink, just one little prank. What harm can it do?’

  Bimi’s mouth tightened. ‘Yes, but it won’t stop at one, will it?’ she pointed out. ‘Because then they’ll play a prank, too, and then you’ll play another one, and then –’

  Twink felt a rush of irritation towards Bimi. She sounded like Twink’s mother! And in front of the whole table, too. ‘All right,’ she said, before she could change her mind. ‘I guess just one prank can’t hurt.’ She heard Bimi sigh, and hastened to add, ‘But that’s really all, Sooze! We don’t want to get into trouble.’

  ‘One prank. That’s all,’ said Sooze solemnly. ‘Cross my wings and hope to fly!’


  Chapter Two

  Two weeks later, Twink thought that she really should have known Bimi would be right. For of course the pranks hadn’t stopped at just one. She’d been an idiot to ever suppose they would!

  First Twink and Sooze had cast a fairy dust spell on Jasmine Branch’s oak-leaf caps, so that they wouldn’t come off no matter how hard the fairies tugged. Then a few of the Jasmine fairies had retaliated by turning Peony Branch’s pixie boots into gnats that had buzzed all over the branch, refusing to be caught.

  Other pranks had followed, each more inventive than the last. The rivalry between the branches became more good-natured as it went on, with each striving to play the most outrageous prank yet. Neither branch would have dreamt of giving the other away – they were having far too much fun!

  It was becoming difficult to think of excuses, though. ‘What is the meaning of this?’ Mrs Hover, the matron, had demanded just that morning, propping her hands on her ample hips. ‘Where are all your thistle combs?’

  The Peony fairies had quickly stifled their giggles at the sight of the snail shells sitting on their bedside mushrooms. How had the Jasmine fairies managed that?

  ‘There was a bad batch of fairy dust in class yesterday!’ said Sooze, her eyes wide and innocent. ‘I must have brought some of it back with me without realising it, and it got loose. Can you change them back, Hovey?’

  Mrs Hover had done so, grumbling to herself as the fairies exchanged relieved glances. They had got away with it, thought Twink – but how much longer could they expect to? They were sure to get caught soon. But they couldn’t stop now; Jasmine Branch was one up on them!

  ‘Shh!’ hissed Sooze over her shoulder. ‘We’re almost there!’

  The great tree was dark and still, its branches filled with sleeping fairies. Despite her misgivings, Twink’s spine tingled as she and Sooze glided silently downwards in their nightclothes.

  Sooze landed on a ledge beside a closed door. Twink touched down at her side, fluttering her wings. The cluster of white jasmine blossoms that hung over the door swayed slightly.

  ‘Ready?’ whispered Sooze.

  Twink nodded. ‘But Sooze, this really does have to be the last one – agreed?’

  ‘Of course!’ said Sooze impatiently. ‘Now let’s get on with it.’ Reaching into her pocket, she carefully drew out some blue powder. ‘Do you have the fairy dust?’

  Twink fumbled at a small pouch on her hip. Yes, the fairy dust that she had sneaked out of class that afternoon was still there. It sparkled as she drew out a pink and gold handful.

  She cupped the fairy dust in her palms. Sooze poured the blue powder on to it and stirred it about with her finger. Immediately, the pink and gold dust changed to a bright, shimmering blue that seemed to dance in the moonlight.

  ‘What now?’ Twink whispered.

  Sooze frowned, tapping her wings together. ‘Um . . . I’m trying to remember the words.’



  ‘You haven’t forgotten them!’ cried Twink.

  ‘No, I remember. Now, concentrate!’ Shutting her eyes, Sooze put her hands over Twink’s and chanted, ‘Fairy dust and blueberry flakes, turn them blue before they wake!’

  Sooze eased open the door and motioned furiously. Twink flung the dust into the branch. She had a fleeting glimpse of a dark room with a cloud of sparkling blue dust drifting through it, and then Sooze popped the door shut again. ‘Come on, let’s get out of here!’

  The two fairies leapt upwards, winging their way back to Peony Branch. A wild giggle welled up inside Twink. Playing pranks was great fun, there was no denying it. And Jasmine Branch had quite a surprise in store for them tomorrow!

  It was even better than Twink had expected. When the Jasmine fairies flew into the Great Branch for breakfast the next morning, there was first a surprised murmur – and then peals of delighted laughter echoed across the Branch. The school twisted on their mushrooms, straining to see.

  The Peony Branch table spluttered with mirth as they caught sight of the sheepish fairies. ‘Oh, Sooze!’ cried Sili, clapping her hands over her mouth. ‘You and Twink are brilliant! Look at them!’

  ‘That – is so glimmery.’ Zena wiped tears of laughter from her eyes.

  Pix shook her head in admiration. ‘How did you ever think of it, Sooze?’

  Sooze shrugged modestly. ‘I don’t know. I just thought they’d look better with blue noses, that’s all.’ She smiled at Twink. ‘Right, Opposite?’

  ‘Right!’ said Twink. Oh, she had never seen anything so funny! The Jasmine Branch fairies all sat red-cheeked at their table, trying desperately to pretend that nothing was out of the ordinary . . . but each and every one of them had a bright blue nose!

  ‘Well, I think it’s stupid,’ snapped Mariella, flipping back her silvery-green hair. ‘And if we all get into trouble for it, it’ll be your fault, Sooze.’

  ‘But at least you know better now than to run off and tell on us, don’t you, Mosquito Nose?’ pointed out Sooze with a wicked grin. And it was true that once Mariella would have done exactly that, but she had learned her lesson too many times to be tempted now.

  The pointy-faced fairy glared at Sooze, and then turned away with a haughty sniff to whisper in Lola’s ear. Lola smiled, but didn’t look very happy. And Jax, sitting alone at the end of the table, had a glower on her face that was practically set in stone.

  Twink noticed that Bimi hadn’t said anything, either. She leaned towards her friend. ‘Bimi, you do think it’s funny, don’t you?’ she whispered.

  Bimi smiled, but her eyes were troubled. ‘Of course!’ she whispered back. ‘But Twink, it’s just going to keep on and on, and you know that the two of you are bound to get caught soon –’

  ‘Your attention, please!’ announced a loud voice. Looking up, Twink saw with alarm that Miss Shimmery was hovering above the platform . . . and that she was looking directly at them.

  ‘The Jasmine Branch fairies appear to have something wrong with their noses,’ observed Miss Shimmery dryly. The school started to snigger again, but the expression on the HeadFairy’s face stopped them. Silence fell over the Branch.

  Miss Shimmery beat her wings together sternly. ‘I have no doubt that if I ask them how their noses became blue they’ll tell me they’ve encountered a bad batch of fa
iry dust – which, by a worrying coincidence, has also happened to the Peony Branch fairies several times over the last few weeks.’

  Twink gulped. Oh dear! They obviously hadn’t been as clever in fooling Mrs Hover as they had thought. She smoothed her hands anxiously over her peony-petal uniform.

  ‘I am extremely concerned about this rogue fairy dust that’s causing so many problems,’ continued Miss Shimmery. ‘Twink Flutterby, I should like to see you in my office directly after breakfast to discuss the matter.’

  The HeadFairy floated serenely back down to the teachers’ table. Twink felt the blood drain from her wings. Her? But what about Sooze?

  Her friends obviously had no more idea what was going on than she did. They stared at her wordlessly, horror written on their faces. Bimi looked worried, but thankfully didn’t say anything. Twink didn’t think she could have borne to hear ‘I told you so!’ just then!

  ‘Well, I suppose it was pretty easy to work out that there was a prank war going on,’ said Pix finally. ‘But Twink, why does she want to see you?’

  Twink shook her head. ‘I – I don’t know.’

  Oh, it wasn’t fair that she should get into trouble if Sooze didn’t! Yet how could she tell Miss Shimmery that without being a tell-tale? And what if Miss Shimmery told her parents? Twink’s wings slumped miserably at the thought.

  All at once Sooze leaned across the table and squeezed Twink’s hand. ‘Don’t worry, Opposite,’ she said. ‘It’s my fault, not yours – and I’ll go along with you and tell her so!’

  But when the two fairies flitted nervously into Miss Shimmery’s office after breakfast, the HeadFairy shook her snowy-white head. ‘Just you, Twink. Not Sooze as well.’

  Sooze didn’t move. ‘But I need to explain! You see, it’s not Twink’s fault. I –’

  A slight smile appeared on Miss Shimmery’s face. ‘Thank you, Sooze, but I’m aware that it’s not entirely Twink’s fault. Please go on to Fairy Dust class now.’

  Sooze licked her lips. ‘But –’

  ‘Close the door as you leave.’ There was no mistaking the firm tone in Miss Shimmery’s voice. Sooze flew off reluctantly, looking over her shoulder.

  Twink’s wings felt icy as she stood alone on the ornate petal carpet. The last time she’d been in this office was three terms before, when she had befriended a wasp named Stripe. She had been certain then that she’d be expelled, and she didn’t feel much braver now.



  Miss Shimmery sat at her mushroom desk and folded her rainbow wings behind her back. ‘Now then, Twink. It’s quite obvious that there’s a prank war going on between your branch and Jasmine Branch.’

  It didn’t seem to be a question, but Twink nodded anyway. ‘Yes, Miss Shimmery,’ she mumbled. ‘But – but it wasn’t completely our fault. They –’

  The HeadFairy cut her off with a wave of her wing. ‘I’m not interested in who started it, or who’s done what to whom. I don’t mind a few good-natured pranks, but it’s all got a bit silly now, and I’ve had enough. Mrs Hover says it’s going to take half the morning to get those noses back to normal.’

  Twink squirmed where she stood. Oh, why hadn’t she listened to Bimi? ‘Yes, Miss. We’ll stop now,’ she whispered.

  Miss Shimmery considered her keenly. ‘I know you will. Because I’m putting you in charge of Peony Branch.’

  Twink’s mouth fell open. ‘You – you what?’ she stammered.

  ‘You’re in charge,’ repeated Miss Shimmery. Her voice was grave, but there was an unmistakable twinkle in her eye. ‘You see, Twink, I think both the Peony and the Jasmine fairies are old enough now to work this sort of thing out for themselves, without the school having to get involved. And just to make certain you do, I’m putting one fairy in charge of each of the branches. If there are any further problems that occur this term – and I mean any further problems – then that fairy will be directly responsible for them.’

  Twink fell into a horror-struck silence. She was meant to be responsible for Sooze? But how on earth could she make Sooze do anything? The lavender-haired fairy did exactly what she wanted!

  ‘But . . . why me?’ she asked finally.

  Miss Shimmery smiled. ‘I have my reasons, but I think I’ll let you find them out for yourself.’

  ‘Oh,’ said Twink blankly.

  Miss Shimmery laughed and stood up. ‘You can go now, Twink. But remember what I said. I don’t want to hear another word about any trouble from Peony Branch. If anything comes up, I expect you to deal with it yourself!’


  Chapter Three

  ‘Really?’ Sooze’s eyes lit up. ‘But that’s glimmery! If you’re in charge, that means we can get away with whatever we like! We can have midnight feasts every night! We can have flying pillow fights! We can –’

  ‘Sooze, no!’ cried Twink. They were sitting with the others in the second-year Common Branch, sprawled about the fire rocks – enchanted rocks that glowed warm in winter and cool in the heat of summer.

  ‘Don’t you see?’ she went on. ‘I’m the one who’d get blamed. It’s not fair.’

  ‘That’s right, Sooze,’ said Pix. ‘In fact, we’ll have to be doubly good, just to make sure that Twink stays out of trouble. Right, everyone?’ She glanced at Bimi, Sili and Zena, who all nodded seriously.

  Sooze stared at them, aghast. ‘Doubly good? When Twink’s in charge? Are you all mad?’

  Twink saw Bimi start to say something and then stop, her face flushing angrily. Twink knew she was thinking how irresponsible Sooze was being – and for a change, Twink was beginning to see what she meant!

  She took a deep breath and tried again. ‘Sooze, look. If –’

  ‘Well, we’ll at least do one more prank, though? Right?’ Sooze hopped up on to a fire rock, looking at Sili and Zena for agreement. They hesitated, glancing doubtfully at each other.

  ‘No!’ burst out Twink, flapping her wings. ‘No more pranks. I mean it, Sooze.’

  Sooze’s eyebrows shot up, and Twink’s heart sank. She usually went along with whatever Sooze said – what would her Opposite think of her now?

  But finally Sooze gave a sulky shrug. ‘Oh, all right, Great Leader. Anyway, we definitely won with the blue noses, didn’t we?’

  ‘Definitely!’ agreed Twink in relief.

  The next step was to talk to the Jasmine Branch leader, and this, too, proved easier than expected. Miss Shimmery had put a quiet, thoughtful fairy called Taya in charge, and she was just as eager as Twink to call an end to the mischief.

  ‘I just wish that we’d had a chance to play one last prank on you,’ she said cheerfully as she and Twink touched wings to seal their promise. ‘We had a glimmery one!’

  Twink grinned. ‘It’s just as well you didn’t. Then we would have had to play one last prank on you.’


  Bimi smiled broadly when Twink told her the news. ‘Oh, well done you! I have to say, I’m glad it’s all over with now.’ The two fairies were flying to Dance class, enjoying the sun on their wings as they skimmed across the field to the ring of enchanted mushrooms near the wood.

  ‘Me too,’ admitted Twink, banking to avoid a ladybird flittering past. ‘Like Miss Shimmery said, it all got a bit silly, I suppose – but still, I wonder why she put me in charge?’

  Bimi looked surprised. ‘Well, why not? You did a glimmery job!’

  Twink laughed. ‘You’re mad! Anyway, I’m just glad there won’t be any more trouble, now that the pranks are finished. Being in charge of Sooze isn’t much fun!’

  ‘Quickly, girls, quickly – everyone else is here!’ Madame Brightfoot clapped her hands from the centre of the circle as Twink and Bimi touched down. Her dramatic purple hair was piled atop her head, and her silvery cobweb robe sparkled as she moved.

  ‘Today we learn a new dance!’ she announced. ‘A very, very special dance.’

  The fairies all held their breath, wondering what the new dance would be. Madame drew herself up regally and announced, ‘Today . . . we shall communicate with the earthworms!’

  Oh. Twink’s wings sagged in disappointment as the Peony Branch fairies grimaced at each other. Communicating with earthworms didn’t sound very exciting!

  ‘Ooh, glimmery,’ whispered Sooze. ‘We can hear about how thrilling it is to tunnel around in the dirt.’

  Madame scowled as a giggle swept through the class. ‘Enough! Petal position, quickly.’

  As the fairies moved into a circle and clasped hands, Madame flitted to the centre and patted her hair into place. ‘You must listen hard during this dance – the worms will sound very faint at first. You might hear the thoughts of the fairies on either side of you as well, but ignore them. Concentrate on the worms!’

  Twink glanced curiously at Jax, who stood on her right. The spiky-haired fairy’s usual scowl became even more pronounced at Madame’s words. She didn’t look pleased at the idea of anyone reading her thoughts.

  Just then a slight commotion caught Twink’s attention. Across the circle, Lola had left Mariella’s side, slipping in between Pix and Zena.

  ‘Lola, where are you going?’ hissed Mariella.

  Lola’s cheeks were rose-petal red. ‘I . . . I just felt like a change, that’s all.’

  Mariella gaped at her. ‘But you always stand beside me!’

  Lola looked at the ground. ‘I know, but . . .’ Her voice trailed off, but she stayed where she was. Mariella’s eyes narrowed.

  ‘Hush, we are starting!’ called Madame, clapping her hands. ‘Wings touching, everyone.’

  As Twink opened her wings so that they touched Bimi’s wingtips on her left and Jax’s on her right, she thought that she’d seldom seen Mariella look more incensed. Fancy Lola standing up to her!


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