The Taming of the Vamp (The Murdoch Vampires Book 2)

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The Taming of the Vamp (The Murdoch Vampires Book 2) Page 17

by Jaye Wells

  “Would you have any objections?”

  His breath was coming faster now, even as he tried to maintain his nonchalant façade.

  “I wouldn’t mind it one bit,” I said, playing along.

  “And, if I did this?” I asked.

  His eyes flared as I took hold of his package.

  “Is that all right with you?” I queried innocently.

  He swallowed hard. “Uh-huh.”

  Chuckling, I continued to caress him. His other hand came up, giving him two handfuls of breast.

  “Gabby?” His voice was thick, along with his member.

  “Yes, Callum,” I said, looking him straight in the eye.

  “I’m going to fuck you now.”

  Oh goody!

  Before I could say it aloud, though, he swooped in and claimed my lips.

  The next few seconds were a blur, lost in a tangle of lips and tongues and fangs. I wanted to swallow him whole. Consume him.

  This time it wasn’t my sexual drought making me ravenous. It was all Callum—his expert tongue, his heady scent, his roving, possessive hands.

  I grasped the back of his head, taking a handful of hair as I angled for leverage. He grabbed a handful of my own hair and thrust his tongue deeper.

  We fell on the bed into a heap of tangled limbs. The frame creaked in protest, but we didn’t care. We were too busy fighting with buttons and zippers. I finally gave up on his second button and ripped the shirt open, revealing his smooth, muscled chest. Crisp golden hairs winked at me in the light, inviting me to play. I started by laving his nipple with my tongue. He groaned and squeezed my ass, urging me on.

  His other nipple received the same treatment. Before I could explore further, though, he flipped me over. Our eyes met, burning into each other. He pushed up my shirt and yanked down my sheer bra. Soon he was making me groan too.

  I felt like a cat, wanting to climb all over him while purring in delight. My hands roamed his body, exploring every contour.

  He moved on me restlessly, as if wanting to touch all of me at once. And oh, how I wanted him to. His hand reached up under my short skirt as he kissed me again. He didn’t bother teasing me.

  Instead, he ripped off my panties and threw them over his shoulder. Shoving the skirt up over my hips, he pulled away from my lips to survey the territory he’d uncovered.

  I prayed he would go exploring with his mouth there too. The goddess must have been listening because in an instant he did. His warm, wet tongue made me writhe even as I pressed myself into his mouth. His fingers thrust into me and I cried out.

  I was crazy with the wanting. Begging aloud for mercy. Then, mercifully, I shot out of my skin before plunging back into my body.

  When I recovered some of my wits, Callum was staring at me with pure male satisfaction. Smiling, I pulled him to my mouth and kissed him hard, tasting my own essence.

  It was my turn to flip him over, not bothering to rearrange my clothing. His khaki pants were tented and radiating heat. Making quick work of the zipper, I released his cock. A bead of moisture glistened on the tip. Using my hand, I spread it around as I tested its girth.

  With my tongue, I traced the rigid lines of his shaft. He jumped a bit when I nipped him with my fangs, but settled down when I followed it with a tongue swirl.

  After torturing him for a few moments, I took him into my mouth. He grabbed my torso, urging me to swing my body around. Soon, his mouth was once again bringing me back to climax. I worked faster, trying to get him there too.

  Time stopped for an instant as we both hovered on the edge. Finally, we tumbled over together, moaning into each other.

  I’ve heard mortals need time to recuperate after le petite mort. And don’t get me started on the whole condom choreography they have to endure. Poor things.

  All vamps had to worry about was getting pregnant, but since females only had three fertile times a year, it was pretty easy to plan around. Plus, males could tell when we were in heat, so to speak. So there was no awkward discussion needed. In other words, we were cleared for takeoff.

  He had me on my back before the aftershocks started. I grabbed his face and brought it to me as he plunged. His mouth muffled my excitement as I finally felt him hard and strong inside of me.

  Callum reared back to increase the tempo. He smiled, his fangs flashing and sweat trickling down his temple. The image was so endearing and erotic I almost came right then.

  I wrapped my legs tighter around his hips, wanting to absorb him into me. He lowered himself onto my chest, even as he added a little swirling motion to his thrusts.

  Nuzzling my face into his neck, I inhaled the combination of aroused male and blood. His mouth found my neck too. We writhed together, delaying the moment.

  Finally I couldn’t stand it anymore. We both bit at the same moment.

  The world went black with pain for a second. Then bright white light burst on the inside of my eyelids. His blood was chocolate and whiskey and sex combined. The taste mixed with the ecstasy of pleasure-pain as he fed, and the feel of his cock slamming into me was almost too much. I was drowning in the pleasure, sure I was going to die right then. But I couldn’t stop. The connection was so complete it felt as if I lived within his skin.

  Another explosion, this one rocking me to my core, thrust me to a whole other metaphysical plane. I swear I saw the face of the goddess smiling at me before I slammed back down to earth.

  Callum’s harsh breath in my ear was the first sound I heard. He swallowed hard and kissed me on my cheek. My mind was a kaleidoscope of thoughts, never really settling on anything coherent. I felt rejuvenated. Brand new.

  Neither of us moved for a long time until my arm, which was trapped between us, fell asleep. I shifted slightly, trying to get feeling back in the offending limb. Callum didn’t move. He must have fallen asleep, I decided.

  “Callum?” I whispered.



  I wiggled a little bit.


  “My arm’s asleep.”

  He lifted slightly, looking at me with half-closed eyes. I freed my arm and shook it.

  “Your pillow talk leaves a lot to be desired,” he said, grinning.

  I chuckled.

  “Hmm,” I said, wrapping both arms, despite the pins and needles, around his neck. “How about: Oh, Callum, I finally feel like a woman?”

  He laughed. “Better. But you forgot to mention my manly proportions.”

  He shifted his hips to poke the aforementioned proportions against me.

  “Well, they are definitely manly, and . . . er . . . quite proportionate.”

  He nipped at my lips as punishment for my impertinence.

  “I guess I should move, but you make a great pillow,” he said with a sigh.

  “That’s okay, you make a decent blanket,” I said.

  While I was enjoying the banter, it felt like we were both avoiding the fact we’d just had wild monkey sex and what it meant. Not that I felt like going into overanalyzation mode when I had a very sexy man on top of me, but it was there, hovering on the fringes.

  “Uh-oh. What’s the frown about?” he said.



  “Okay, you’re right. I was starting to think. Maybe you should distract me.”

  He groaned and rolled off me. “Woman, you can’t be ready again.”

  I smiled. He was so full of it. Being a vamp meant he could do it all night long, and we both knew it.

  “So do you want to start talking or should I?” I asked innocently.

  He rolled back onto me so fast he almost knocked the breath out of me.

  “You wanna be on top this time?”

  No more talking was required as I saddled up and prepared to ride my stallion into the sunrise.

  Chapter Sixteen

  A tickling sensation on my nose woke me up. Without opening my eyes, I scratched it. A few seconds passed. Another tickle. This ti
me I swatted at it. I must have overshot my aim because my hand smacked something that wasn’t my face.


  I opened my eyes to see Callum rubbing his own nose.


  “Remind me to duck next time I try to wake you,” he said.

  I stretched like a cat, enjoying the delicious lethargy of postcoital bliss. While I rubbed against the warm male body next to mine, my mind focused on Callum’s words.

  Did he mean what he said? Would there be a next time?

  He kissed my forehead and sighed as his hand groped for my breast. He sure wasn’t acting like a man with regrets. I decided to play it casual and see where the morning took us.

  “Listen, as much as I’d like to go for round number five, I think you’d better get back to your room before everyone wakes up,” he said into my hair.

  I sighed, not wanting to move. Callum’s warm body was the perfect antidote to the chilly autumn morning. But he was right. We’d agreed to keep things under wraps. Goddess knew I didn’t need Kira shooting me death looks over my morning coffee.

  “What time is it?” I mumbled from my place in the crook of his neck.

  “It’s just after six.”

  I groaned again for good measure. We had finally passed out around four a.m., wrapped around each other.

  “Okay, I guess I’ll get up,” I groaned.

  As I started to rise, though, he pulled me back down. His lips found mine, but I protested, not wanting to scare him off with my funky morning breath. He laughed at me and proceeded to give me a morning kiss I’d not soon forget.

  “Now, go before I decide to forget my mother is three doors down the hall.”

  Reluctantly, I pulled away. Before I could make it far, though, I felt a smack on my ass.

  “Hey, what was that for?” I said with mock indignation.

  He grinned, looking boyish with his disheveled hair and sheet-creased face.

  “Just thought I’d help you wake up a little more,” he said.

  I shook my head at him and reached for my clothes, which had eventually landed on the floor during our second round the night before.

  Memories of the night flooded my mind, making me smile as I struggled to clothe myself with dignity. Not an easy feat with a sexy man watching my every move from his perch on the bed. He lay there with his arms behind his head, looking like a sultan among the rumpled sheets and pillows.

  “You look pretty pleased with yourself,” I said, pulling my tank top over my head.

  “I was just thinking I was right,” he said, with a wicked gleam in his eyes.

  “I’m almost afraid to ask. What were you right about?” I said, standing with my hands on my hips.

  For some reason I couldn’t stop smiling.

  “About you being a screamer.”

  I picked up a discarded pillow from the floor and threw it. Bulls-eye! He pulled the pillow from his face with a ferocious frown.

  “Gabby, do you need another spanking?” he said, slowly rising and coming toward me.

  I squealed, something I never did, and ran. He caught me just before I reached the door. He swung me around, laughing, and swooped in for another kiss. I’ve never laughed and kissed before, and I decided I’d have to do it more often.

  When he finished, he pulled back slightly.

  “I had fun,” he whispered, his mouth so close it tickled my sensitive lips.

  Little Callum was hard against my hip. I realized then that he was naked, while I was fully clothed. For some reason, it turned me on all over again.

  “Me too,” I said.

  I took advantage of the angle and took a peek south—enjoying the manly landscape.

  “Good. Now get going. If my mother sees you she’ll know what’s up.”

  “’Cause I’m wearing the same clothes from last night?” I asked.

  “That and the fact your tank top is on inside out.”

  I glanced down to confirm, and sure enough the damned thing was on wrong. My cheeks warmed as I realized I had been so busy staring at Callum earlier that I couldn’t even dress myself.

  “Don’t worry. I like it, especially since you forgot to put on your bra, too,” he said.

  Heaving an exasperated sigh at my absentmindedness, I stalked over and snatched the bra off the picture frame it was hanging from.

  Callum was chuckling as I walked past him. He grabbed my arm.

  His hand came out from behind his back with a scrap of black lace hanging from his index finger.

  “Your panties too.”

  I tried to grab them, but he was too quick.

  “I think I’ll keep these, if you don’t mind,” he said. “They’ll be my hostage. If you ever want to see them again, you have to come again tonight.”

  Swooping past him, I opened the door. I glanced over my shoulder to where he stood waiting for my response. Just before I closed the door, I gave it to him.

  “Trust me, Callum. We’ll both be coming tonight.”

  Three hours later, I padded down the stairs feeling great. After I’d gone back to my room, my bed beckoned me. The nap and a shower afterward made me feel like a new woman.

  Of course, the ten orgasms I’d had the night before hadn’t hurt either.

  The scents of coffee and bacon enticed me into the dining room. I swung open the louvered doors and stopped dead in my tracks. Callum, Kira, and Hannah all stopped what they were doing to look up at me.

  Until that moment, I hadn’t really thought about how difficult it might be to maintain my cool in front of others about sleeping with Callum. I mean, a woman didn’t have multiple rounds of mind-blowing sex with a man one night and then casually eat breakfast with his mother the next morning. At least, I’d never done it.

  “Raven? Are you all right, dear?” Kira said, looking concerned.

  Great, so much for playing it cool, I thought, realizing I’d been standing there for several seconds with my mouth hanging open. My eyes shot to Callum, who grinned and winked at me from behind his coffee mug.

  “I’m fine, I just hadn’t realized I’d slept in so much later than everyone else,” I said lamely, motioning to the nearly empty plates in front of them.

  Continuing into the room, I took a seat across from Callum. That was my first mistake. Now I’d have to look at him the whole meal and try to pretend I hadn’t seen him naked as recently as three hours earlier.

  Avoiding his gaze, I reached for the coffee pot and filled the mug next to my plate to near brimming. Hannah hovered around the table making sure everyone had plenty to eat. When she touched my arm, I jumped—spilling coffee all over my plate.

  “Shit!” I yelled, jumping up to avoid the hot liquid.

  “Oh my, you’re jumpy today,” Hannah said, tsking at the coffee stains on the white table cloth.

  Swiping at the beads of coffee on my jeans with a napkin, I fought to keep my cool.

  “Sorry, I just didn’t sleep well.”

  Callum cleared his throat. I looked up at him, which was my second mistake.

  The bastard was laughing at me. Luckily, I didn’t think anyone else noticed since they were too busy cleaning up the mess. He quickly covered his mouth with his napkin when I narrowed my eyes at him.

  Even as I grew more frustrated, I couldn’t help the smile that threatened to expose itself. He was too damned cute sitting there. His white T-shirt with the Murdoch Biotech logo on the pocket stretched across his broad shoulders quite nicely—the same shoulders I’d clawed in ecstasy hours earlier.

  His eyes held mine, and it was obvious he was thinking about last night too. The spell was broken as Hannah bumped into me as she cleared away the coffee-splattered dishes.

  “I’ll just get you another plate, Raven,” she said, and went back to the kitchen.

  Her interruption was a relief. Our secret wouldn’t remain one for long if we kept staring at each other like two dogs in heat. I shook myself as Kira retook her seat at the head of the table.

>   “Kira, I’m sorry.”

  She waved my apology away. “No harm done. Lack of sleep tends to mess with one’s coordination.”

  I nodded and retook my seat, avoiding Callum’s gaze as much as possible.

  “Hannah told me the disposal was still broken. I do hope you weren’t so worried about that you couldn’t sleep.”

  I had been taking my first, much-needed sip of coffee as she asked. Barely managing not to choke, I managed to swallow slowly, formulating my response. Finally, I decided to lie through my teeth, hoping Callum would play along.

  “I was just so disappointed he couldn’t fix it. He said the entire unit needed to be replaced.”

  “Well, dear, I’m sure we can wait a couple of days until he can come back with the replacement. How long did he say it would be?”

  My mind raced. How was I going to explain to Kira that the plumber wouldn’t be back ever since he probably didn’t even remember being there after Callum cleared his mind. My eyes shot to Callum for help.

  “Mother, I got here just as the plumber was telling her about his fees. They were outrageous. I think we should get a second opinion.”

  “If you think that’s best, dear,” she said, looking completely oblivious to the fact we were both lying through our teeth. “I’m sure we can find someone more reasonable.”

  Hannah came back in carrying the new plate and utensils for me. I murmured my thanks as she placed them in front of me.

  “Hannah, do you have the number of any other plumbers?” Kira asked her household manager. “Callum said the one yesterday was trying to charge too much.”

  Hannah’s eyebrows knitted. “That’s impossible. I’ve used Hank for some time. He’s always been quite fair.”

  Callum and I shared an uneasy look, wondering if we’d been caught.

  “Perhaps with you. But maybe he sensed Raven was not knowledgeable about such things and tried to make some extra money,” Callum said.

  Hannah looked unconvinced. “I highly doubt it, but if you think we need someone else to come out then we can. If you want, I can talk to them so we’re sure to get a fair deal,” she offered.

  I should have felt relieved that we’d gotten away with covering up Hank’s brush with becoming my meal, but my pride stung. I didn’t want Hannah or Kira thinking I couldn’t handle something as simple as negotiating a fair price with a mortal serviceman.


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