My Ex's Little Sister (Alphalicious Billionaires)

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My Ex's Little Sister (Alphalicious Billionaires) Page 8

by Lindsey Hart

  “If you were my daughter, I’d be proud of you. Just like you said, it’s badass to be able to take all that pain.”

  “Hell yes, it is. And thinking of you as my dad is kind of disgusting. That kind of ruins the mood.”

  Rhett grinned to lighten the serious somber air that hung over the car. He didn’t like seeing Bella’s smile so forced and sad. “And here I was going to ask you to call me daddy when you went down on me.”

  “Went down on you? That’s pretty confident. What if your dick is ugly and I don’t want to put my mouth anywhere near it?”

  “Is it ugly? This is technically round two, so unless you had your eyes closed the entire time, which I’m actually sure you didn’t, then you already know what it looks like.”

  Bella’s lips pursed. Her eyes glistened. “Maybe it’s not ugly. Or crooked. Or weird or anything like that. Maybe it’s a perfectly passable dick.”

  “Just passable?”

  “I said perfectly passable.”

  “What you should have said was-”

  “That it’s huge, the biggest I’ve ever seen or had, flawless, amazing, incredibly hard, ultimately astounding, so awesome it could rule the world and singlehandedly impregnate women with a single glance.”

  “That’s disgusting.”

  “Okay, sorry. Your dick is actually just mediocre, and I faked the orgasms. All three times.” Rhett started a protest, but Bella winked at him. “Okay, that’s no better. I like how you assume I’m just dying to go down on you here though.”

  “Aren’t you? Haven’t you been thinking about my cock all day, ever since I walked into your shop and got you all hot and bothered at work?”

  Bella’s lips thinned out, but her eyes were still laughing at him. “Hot and bothered? People actually say that now?”

  “I say it.”

  “I wasn’t hot and bothered. I don’t get hot and bothered and if I did, it would never be at work.”

  “Are you hot and bothered now?”

  She glanced around. “Well, we are in the middle of nowhere. We both know this is wrong and that it’s not going to go a single place after tonight. There’s this illicit, casual, stolen aspect of this that makes it all a little more exciting if I’m going to be honest. And the fact that this is a rental and even though the seats are leather they’re still going to need a good wipe down after this, or a hose out at the nearest carwash, I guess that’s kind of a little bit hot.”

  “Just a little?” Rhett’s entire body was telling him that it was way more than just a little. He literally felt like he was drowning in a lake of fiery desire. The interior of the car was so hot that the windows were practically fogging up and all they were doing was talking.

  “Yeah. Just a little.” Bella glanced at the backseat. “Maybe it’s you who should go down on me. We kind of skipped the whole foreplay part the first time around.”

  “We kind of did.”


  “Who says this isn’t going anywhere? After tonight?”

  “Out of all the things I said, you’re really going to dwell on that?”

  “Just wondering. I could always keep flying down. You could come to Phoenix. We could have hot internet and phone sex.”


  “He’d probably be best left out of this.”

  “You’re probably right.”

  Silence settled over the car. Rhett thought he really did hear a cricket chirp from somewhere in the distance. The moonlight filtered into the car. The wind rustled the trees to the left.

  “You know what, fuck it.” Bella unbuckled her seatbelt and lunged across the car.

  It was a good thing he was ready because instead of letting her slam into the steering wheel or the shifter in the middle, he caught her in his arms and she fell into his face, or more specifically, his mouth, instead.



  Rhett had a really nice mouth. He had nice lips. A nice tongue. A nice everything. And he knew how to use it.

  The kiss was so different than anything they’d done back at her hotel room. She wasn’t going to say it was sloppy, because it didn’t even come close, but this… this was nearly brutal. Brutally wonderful. Rhett’s mouth was firm and unyielding, doing something that felt pretty close to claiming hers, that was- if she wanted to be claimed.

  Which she didn’t.

  There was no room to be claimed by Rhett, or by any man. Every single time she’d fallen for someone, it ended up a disaster because every single man was always wrong or inappropriate. It might as well have been a syndrome. Wrong fucking man disease, and she’d caught it early on in life.

  One large warm hand cradled the back of her neck. That hand held her face to Rhett’s while he devoured her. Devoured was the right word, and god, she liked it. Correction. She loved it.

  His tongue lashing hers, caressing hers, stroking hers, sending all sorts of shivers up and down her spine. And straight to her lady bits.

  Bella wasn’t sure what was going on with Rhett, because he broke the kiss and stared at her, panting. Her eyes flicked downwards, to the bulge in his jeans, and okay, maybe she did know what was going on with him.

  “Backseat?” It was framed as a question but sounded more like a breathless, husky command.

  “Is that an order? We’re really going to do this?”

  “Not unless you want to give the house a try after all.”

  “I…” her eyes flicked around the property. The grass was probably six feet tall. If they lay down on it, they’d probably get lost. Then there was always the chance there were snakes or mice in it, and she was honestly terrified of both. Not the nice pet store kind. The unknown, wild, biting kind. Or spiders. God, Bella hated spiders. Both the wild and not so wild varieties.

  “Do I need to convince you?”

  “How would you do that?” Her voice was thick and dusky. Maybe she liked the sound of Rhett trying to convince her.

  “You don’t want to know. Maybe I made my money selling sex toys and I know a few ways of getting the job done.”

  Bella blinked. It was hard to keep a straight face when at the moment the word sex toys sounded completely erotic and terribly naughty coming from Rhett’s lips. The air in the car was so thick and charged it could probably light up that house, and she was willing to bet the place had been dark and without power for a very long time. All they were missing were the wires and a way to bottle it. Give or take. She wasn’t an electrician.

  “Well, if you did, I highly doubt you have one on you right now.” She gave him a once over. “Unless you’ve stashed it up your ass. In that case, I would be very, very tortured.”

  “You haven’t seen my trunk.”

  “Is that a pun?”

  “It might be.”

  It seemed that they were locked into a staring contest. She didn’t want to be the one to break first, but why not? She’d already made the horrible decisions to a, save Rhett from that church, b, have sex with him after, c, to give him her address when he showed up unannounced like a stalker at her work, and d, to get in this car with him and drive all the way outside with the express intent of torturing each other in all shapes and forms.

  She had a chance to use common sense.

  She didn’t want to then. She didn’t want to now. Maybe it was overrated. Her parents always told her to use her head when she was little. Her mom always said to use common sense and her dad told her to listen to her gut.

  Therefore, it was perfect to go against both of those.

  Her hand fumbled with the door latch until she sprung it and tumbled out into the still hot, a little moist and sticky, not as charged, summer air outside the car.

  She dove into the backseat like her life depended on it. She wasn’t sure who set the better record since Rhett was halfway in when she dove back there, and they ended up mashing together in a way that was half sexy and half clumsy.

  Bella managed to slam the door shut behind her and Rhett slammed his
when they both realized that so far out in the country, it wasn’t the mice or the snakes they had to worry about, it was the mosquitoes and they were definitely out for blood.

  “That was close,” Rhett said. “Mosquitoes are as bad as vampires in a swarm.”

  “We don’t have any wooden stakes or bug spray.”

  Rhett slapped at the one mosquito that had managed to make it inside. The annoying whine stopped immediately. He wiped his hand on his jeans. “How’s that for a turn on?”

  “I must say I’m soaking wet.”

  “I must say I’d like to taste that.”

  Bella’s stomach pinched at the raw desire in Rhett’s eyes. She barely managed to keep her voice level. There was no way she was going to break first. “I must say that I would like for you to like to taste it.”

  Rhett’s lids lowered. His eyes turned dark and smoky and holy shit, Bella knew she’d pushed him to a brink she didn’t realize he had. He was breathing hard and raspy, completely unnatural. He somehow managed to yank his shirt off in one smooth motion.

  It was a challenge for her to keep her mouth shut. Bella actually swiped a hand up to her lips to check for drool. Luckily, she was only drooling on the inside. And spontaneously ovulating. She was pretty sure there was an eighty-eight percent chance that she was now carrying Rhett’s baby through some kind of osmosis conception, even though he wasn’t actually really even touching her.

  Because yeah, his chest was that good.

  She really hadn’t taken the proper amount of time at the hotel to appreciate all that muscle and smooth bronzed skin. He lived in Phoenix after all and his skin looked like it. The moonlight hit it just right and wow, he looked like a cross between a statue and a male porn star. Did male porn stars even have chests half that good? Maybe that’s how Rhett really made his money. Bella’s crotch region throbbed. It still remembered that he had a cock worthy of it. Porn status, that was.

  His muscles, sleek and long and utter perfection, were totally her thing. They’d be any woman’s thing. He didn’t have any ink on his arms or chest, obviously, since he was a tattoo virgin up until, like, four hours ago, but his skin was utter perfection. And yes, tattoos definitely were her thing.

  A smattering of hair dusted a set of pecs that were so incredibly sexy she probably was drooling for sure after looking at them. Of course, that hair resumed around Rhett’s naval and trailed lower, down into his jeans.

  God, she wanted to run her mouth down that glory trail, or whatever the hell they used to call it, right under those jeans until she found her prize.

  Rhett shifted and their eyes met, and she flushed when she realized that he knew what she was thinking. He shifted, treating her to a front row show where all that sleek muscle moved and shifted under his glorious skin.

  If she was wet when she was in the front seat, now she was totally soaked. Her dress probably was too. Her nipples were definitely cutting through it and she hoped that he’d just hurry up and make the first move, so she didn’t have to embarrass herself and resort to begging.

  She nearly groaned. All she could think about was Rhett’s hands on her legs, spreading her open, his mouth on her…

  He shifted just a little, probably just trying to get comfortable in the cramped space and she reacted instantly. Her back slammed against the car door. A hard exhale escaped her lungs and a little gasp of surprise broke free from her throat.

  Rhett’s eyes darkened. “You’ve never done this before, have you, backseat virgin?”

  “At least I’m not a tattoo virgin,” Bella shot back.

  Rhett glanced pointedly at his jean-clad thigh. “I’m no longer one of those.”

  “Yeah- well- how do you know that I’m a backseat virgin? Maybe I just don’t like to kiss and tell.”

  “I probably like that more,” Rhett said, after a moment’s consideration. “Let’s just go with that.”

  Rhett’s warm hands, strong amazing hands, landed on her bare skin right above her knees. Bella shivered. She reached out and grazed equally warm solid muscle somewhere near his shoulders. It was like grabbing iron, a wall, something that shouldn’t have been so damn solid. It was like warm steel, that’s what it was.

  Those hands blazed a path of glory right up to her panties. Bella stilled and her mind went a little blank. Her inner wanton started a chant that went something along the lines of please touch me, please lick me, please, please, please…

  When Rhett’s hand grazed her panties, Bella’s hips thrust shamelessly up into his touch. He glanced down at her, amusement clearly written all over his face. “This is going to be fun. Real fun. I plan on taking my time with you. Making this last.”

  “You’re going to torture me?” Bella gasped breathlessly. God, she hoped that’s what he was going to do.

  Rhett nodded. “I told you that’s what I had planned. Did I say that out loud or did I just think it?”

  “I’m pretty sure you said it out loud. I just wasn’t sure that I believed you.”

  One finger started a slow exploration over the soaked cotton fabric. “You’re actually a good girl, aren’t you, Bella? Black cotton panties. I was expecting something along the lines of red lace.”

  “Are you disappointed?”

  “Never.” That crazy wonderful finger of his slipped under the edge of her panties and caressed her soaking wet folds. Bella gasped and her hips bucked upwards again and that was before Rhett even danced over her clit. “You were right about these being soaked. Why don’t I take them off for you?”

  “Does that pick-up line ever actually work?” Bella’s hips lifted all on their own as Rhett’s finger tucked under the edge of her panties. He slipped them off deftly, pulling them to her knees, then down her legs and off her feet. She watched in near horror as he threw them up to the front. “What if we don’t find those after?”

  “Relax,” he scoffed. “It’s not like it’s a panty eating black hole up there.”

  “So, it’s different than your mouth.” Bella had honestly no idea where that snarky response came from. She enjoyed watching the fleeting second of shock on Rhett’s face before he bent his head.

  “You’ll pay for that.”

  “Will I?”

  Bella gasped as he answered her with his tongue. She moaned like she’d never had a guy go down on her before, and honestly, it had been quite a while, but that wasn’t exactly the reason there seemed to be a damn rainstorm going on between her legs.

  Rhett was good. Like, really good. He had more talent in his little finger, okay, his tongue, than most people had in their whole bodies.

  “You taste like honey,” Rhett ground out, breath warm against her clit.

  “Why do people always say that?” Bella gasped. “I hate honey.”

  “Alright. You taste like- like the sweetest milkshake, or fresh rain, or heaven…”

  “As long as I don’t taste like day-old socks or moldy cheese than we’re good.”

  Rhett snorted without raising his head and the puff of breath tickled her who-ha in a way that shouldn’t have been pleasant. He went back to what he was doing before, and god… his tongue. Where the hell did he learn to use it like that?

  He explored her folds, lapping at her like she really did taste like something sweet and delicious and he was starved for it. He danced over her entrance and her clit but stayed away from giving her too easy a way out.

  Not that it mattered. She was already halfway to coming from a single lick.

  What Rhett was doing at the moment had her hard and hot and straining. If that wasn’t enough, he whispered something against her overheated skin that sounded very much like, “Lord, I love eating your pussy.”

  Bella was all out of witty things to say. Her brain had pretty much turned into a pile of useless mush that was good only for sending signals to her joy zone that she was about two and a half seconds away from coming so hard it turned her inside out.

  Actual thoughts were pretty much impossible as Rhett started tracin
g a pattern from her top to bottom and back. He danced over and around her clit, applying just a little more pressure, a little lick there, a small suckle here. He knew what he was doing. He knew he was fucking good at it.


  He couldn’t not know when she was currently writhing under him and gasping and moaning and digging her nails into his too soft skin and the rock hard muscle below. She was basically riding his face and he kept right on going, using his tongue as a weapon of pleasure. Maybe he really did make a fortune selling sex toys. Ones shaped exactly like his tongue. Probably called it the instant O.

  That perfect tongue swept to her opening and when Rhett plunged inside, the whole Instant O made perfect sense, because she went off like a light switch. The orgasm caught her by surprise. It came out of nowhere, the pleasure so swift and intense it ripped through her, threatening to tear her in half.

  Bella tried panting through it. She wasn’t aware that it was what she was doing but she found herself with her mouth hanging open, struggling for breath. It was a damn good thing Rhett hadn’t done that to her standing up or she would have been where she was at the moment, boneless, leaning up against the car door, on her ass.

  Rhett glanced up at her and actually had the nerve to wink. “That good, huh?”

  “You- must- already- know- it… is,” she panted back. The self-satisfied smirk was back big time. Oh, he definitely knew it was good. “You’re not very humble- are- you?” Bella really wished she could catch her breath. And that Rhett would stop staring at her like he’d enjoy diving back into eating her out for another twenty minutes. Not that she’d mind. No, she wouldn’t mind that at all.

  Rhett ignored her question. Instead, he stroked his thumb over the brightly colored plumes of the peacock that took up most of her thigh. “I like this.”


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