James Ross - A Young Adult Trilogy (Prairie Winds Golf Course)

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James Ross - A Young Adult Trilogy (Prairie Winds Golf Course) Page 46

by James Ross

  “I’ll do more than that.” Nada knelt between her legs and grabbed each one of Roxie’s ankles powerfully. With a firm grip he spread her legs wide so that she was flat on her back, bent at the waist, feet pointing to the cabin ceiling. He forced her right leg to bend at the knee until her foot grazed his face.

  Nada’s heart pounded faster. The booze removed any inhibitions. He forced her big toe into his mouth and sucked as hard as his mouth would allow. Quickly his tongue moved across and through each toe the saliva oozing from his mouth.

  “Oooh. That feels vonderful,” Roxie submitted.

  Nada sucked on her second, third, fourth and little toe. Roxie writhed and arched her back. “You like that, Babe?”

  “Mmm,” she moaned.

  Still gripping her ankles intensely Nada licked the top of her right foot, around the ankle bone, over the length of her arch and across the bottom of her foot. Roxie squirmed again with pleasure. She reached forward barely touching his belt. Nada inched closer. Skillfully she undid his buckle and unsnapped his jeans.

  Roxie reached for Nada’s underwear. Firmly she tugged it downward ripping the fabric. His manhood sprang forward. Nada groaned.

  Nada spread Roxie’s legs wider as far as his arms could reach. He dominated every move. His mouth nibbled at her calf. He slobbered on her leg placing wet kisses wherever his lips would travel. Roxie arched her back more. Nada kissed the inside of her knee. “Ooooh,” she moaned deeper as his tongue touched another erogenous zone.

  Just as quickly Nada twisted her legs slightly and shifted his oral attention to the inside of her opposite thigh. Slowly he kissed upward toward her pubic area. Roxie squirmed again teasingly hoping her body language would suggest where she wanted his full consideration.

  Nada’s manhood poked skyward. She reached for him and caressed firmly. Nada blew gently in the direction of her pubic area. Roxie wiggled, forcing her mound into his face.

  The male impulses went on hold. Nada wanted to heighten the desire of his lover further. He withdrew his mouth, making Roxie’s craving grow more heated. As he pulled back he slowly moved the tip of his tongue around her vaginal area ever so slightly making contact. In the dimly lit sleeper the moist area glistened. “Come on,” Roxie pleaded. Her gasps hardened him further.

  Kneeling between her legs Nada threw both of Roxie’s legs over his shoulder. He cupped both hands under her buttocks and forcefully pulled her to his face. Roxie thrust her pelvis upward making contact with his mouth. Only the back of her shoulders and neck made contact with the mattress.

  Roxie enjoyed minute after minute of bliss as Nada focused on her most erogenous area. She moaned as his strategic kisses made their mark. Moments later, spent, Roxie murmured, “Your turn.”

  The nurturing nature of a healthcare worker and skillful lover took over. Playfully, Roxie became aggressive. She pushed Nada to the mattress. Then she tugged his jeans and underwear past his knees, finally pulling the clothing off of his ankles.

  On all fours she crawled above her man. Roxie’s breasts hung above Nada’s manhood gently making contact as she kissed his chest. Slowly she allowed the full weight of her body to lie atop Nada as she kissed his neck, his ears and his lips. Her heavy breathing was a signal that her burning desire had returned.

  Once again Nada cupped his hands over her buttocks pressing her hips closer to his. Roxie lifted her breasts off of his chest slightly and gazed into his eyes. She stroked her fingers through his hair heightening his libido.

  It was time.

  She reached down between her legs and guided Nada into her. As if riding a horse Roxie had mounted him. Briefly Roxie gasped at the size. Instinctively she eased all of him into her. “Oh, Babe,” he moaned. “That’s so nice.”

  After becoming more comfortable with his girth, Roxie intuitively thrust harder and harder. With each push Nada went deeper and Roxie went faster. For over thirty minutes she took control climaxing repeatedly, her wetness soaking his thighs and the mattress.

  Roxie’s moans of pleasure reverberated through the cabin. Ultimately she wrestled every drop of fluid from Nada’s body. Once again he sighed, “Oh, Babe.” He took a deep gulp of air to catch his breath. “That was incredible.”

  “I’ll say,” she whispered. She kissed his lips passionately. “Vould you do something for me?”

  “After that?” Nada sighed. “You bet.”

  “Take care of me. I’m scared.” Roxie paused. “Give me a ring.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  “Whatcha got there?” Nada asked as Opur carried his putter in one hand and searched over and around the work bench for a tool. The two of them had time on Saturday morning to spend together as Rayelene took the minivan shopping.

  “This is a putter that J Dub gave me,” Opur said, proud of his new club. “The guys told me to take good care of it.”

  Instantly Nada recognized the change in his son’s speech. “You don’t stutter anymore,” he said. “What happened?” He had been gone so much that he was missing his son growing up.

  “J Dub says that I’m more relaxed.”

  “You weren’t before?”

  “I guess not,” Opur explained to his dad. “Mom says that I was too unsure of myself.”

  Nada chuckled at the coincidence. For years he had insisted to Rayelene that their son would grow out of it once he gained some confidence. “So what happened to change all that?”

  “J Dub says that it was golf.”

  “Really? What makes him say that?”

  “Yep. He said that the minute I started swinging a club he could sense a feeling of calmness overtake me,” Opur said as he repeated what he had overheard in the clubhouse.

  “How would he know?” Nada persevered.

  “J Dub says that he could tell by my body language.”

  “What is he, some sort of guru of life?”

  Opur shrugged. “What’s that mean?”

  “You know . . . expert,” Nada blurted.

  Once again Opur shrugged. “I don’t know. But he says that you can learn a lot about life from the game of golf.”

  “Like what?” Nada asked. He had never swung a club and had far more interest in a carburetor and a cylinder block than a 5-iron or a putter.

  “Patience. Respect. Honesty. Things like that,” Opur said as he repeated some of the principles that J Dub had been instilling in his pupil. “And not to cheat.”

  The innocent statement was like a dagger to Nada’s heart. He was speechless and fumbled over himself as he searched for something to say. “Let me grab a beer and we’ll take a look at that club,” Nada said as he headed for the storm door and into the kitchen. “Do you want something?”

  “Nah. Just something to clean my putter with,” Opur said. He went back to searching for tools at the work bench. He found a rag, an old can of chrome polish and some ArmorAll.

  Nada returned with a beer in hand and searched for a way to help his son. “What are you gonna do with all that stuff?”

  Opur grabbed the ArmorAll. “I can put this on the grip.” He popped the top off of the bottle and sprayed it on the leather. “J Dub said that it will soften it.”

  Nada grabbed the rag and turned the bottle of chrome polish upside down. When the rag was moist he applied it to the shaft. “Maybe this will help out some of the rust spots.”

  “J Dub said that we can put a new shaft in it if I start missing putts.”

  Nada’s efforts were futile. “I don’t think we’ll have much luck rubbing this rust out.” He grabbed his power drill and searched for an attachment. Then he put a circular, coarse piece of sandpaper on the drill. “But maybe we can buff the blade and polish it up.” He placed the shaft of the putter in a vice and tightened the hold. Nada turned on the drill.

  “Don’t get the side where that tape is,” Opur cautioned.

  “What’s that doin’ on there?”

  “J Dub gave it more weight.”

  “What for?”

Opur shrugged. “I don’t know. He told me but I forgot. But I started making more putts.”

  “Then we’ll leave it on there,” Nada said as he finished the task at hand. He looked around for a different kind of polish. “Let’s put some of this on there to make it shine a little.” He poured some brass polish onto the rag and applied it to the putter head. Two minutes later the blade glistened.

  “That looks like new!” Opur shouted.

  Nada looked at the club. “I don’t know about that, but it sure looks better than it did.” He belted down the rest of his beer. “Now let’s go and get the present I bought for your mom.”

  “What’s that?”

  “It’s a surprise.” He headed for the dump truck that was parked on the gravel driveway adjacent to the garage. “Hop in.”

  Nada drove through the middle of town. Life in small town America had changed in the last decade. The hardware store, pharmacy and grocery store were boarded up as the trek to MooseMart took the shoppers off of Main Street and to points beyond. He pulled into the parking lot of the trucking company.

  “What are we doing here?’ Opur asked.

  “This is where I’m picking up your mom’s present.”

  “What did you get her? A truck?”

  “No.” Nada turned the engine off and exited the cab. “Come on, it’s around back.” The two walked around the side of the white frame house that had been converted into an office for the trucking company. A bright red corvette stuck out like a diamond on a diva’s ring finger. “What do you think?”

  “You got her that?” Opur walked up to the car and admired the shine as it sparkled in the sunlight.

  “It’s twenty years old but she’s wanted one ever since high school.”

  Suddenly Opur looked disappointed. “Where will I ride?”

  “Next to your mom!” Nada exclaimed. “It’s for both of you when I’m out of town.”

  Opur’s mood picked up as quickly as it had gone away. “Cool!” He walked around to the passenger side.

  “Go ahead. You can get in it,” Nada said.

  Opur opened the door and climbed into the passenger seat. “All the kids will love this!” He put his hands on the dashboard and fiddled with the stick shift.

  Nada hopped into the driver’s seat. “Let’s take a spin. I want to have it in the driveway before she gets back.” It took a couple of tries but the engine finally turned over. Nada revved the motor before placing the car in gear.

  “All the kids will want to get in this!” He rolled down the window and placed his arm on the top of the door. “Can we take the top off?”

  “It comes off but I want to leave it on for now. Maybe we’ll go out for another test drive after your mom gets home.” Nada backed the car out of the parking spot, drove through the gate, hopped out of the car to relock the chain fencing and climbed back into the car for the drive home.

  Within ten minutes the pair drove into the driveway. “Mom is gonna love this!”

  “I hope so, but we still have some things to do with it.”

  “Like what?”

  “I got a new set of tires for her but I can’t pick them up until three,” Nada explained. He parked the corvette on the gravel driveway where his truck normally sat and headed into the garage. “You can help me.”

  “Do what?”

  Nada handed Opur a square block of wood. “We’re gonna take the tires off of it and get it ready for the new set. Take that and place it next to the car.” Nada grabbed two similar blocks and followed.

  “What are we gonna do with these?”

  “When I get the car jacked up and the tires off of it we’ll wedge these underneath the frame.” Nada opened the trunk to retrieve the jack and crowbar. “That way when we get the new tires all we’ll have to do is put them on and she’ll be ready to roll.”

  Opur watched as Nada popped off the hubcaps, loosened the lug nuts and used the jack to raise the car up off the ground. He wedged the blocks of wood under the frame and popped off each tire.

  “That didn’t seem too hard to do.”

  “Changing a tire is nothing if you learn the right way to do it.” Nada turned and went back to the trunk. He retrieved a canvas bag.

  “What are you doing now?”

  “This is a car cover. We’ll put this over the car so she won’t know exactly what is here when she gets home.”

  Opur smiled at his dad. It didn’t seem like anything escaped his mind. “You know as much about all of this as J Dub knows about golf.”

  “You just kinda pick it up along the way. I’ve been around it since I was a little boy ’bout your age.” Nada unfolded the cover and handed one end to Opur. “Here, take it to the other end.” The two covered the car and admired the job they had completed.

  “She won’t know what that is,” Opur said. “We’ve got one more thing to do.”

  “What now?”

  Nada bent over and grabbed a tire. He rolled one over to Opur. “We need to hide these behind the garage.” The pair each rolled two tires out of sight. “That should do it. Now we’ve got time to play catch.”

  Opur wrinkled his nose. “I’d rather practice my putting.” Nada had never known his son not to want to play catch.

  “You can do that. That’s fine. I’ll go grab a beer or two and lounge around the pool.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  “I’m home!” Rayelene shouted as she opened the door to the minivan. Nada hadn’t had a chance to finish his first beer before she drove into the garage. Opur was on the rear patio putting balls across the cement trying to hit any object that he aimed for. “Can someone help me?”

  Even on Saturday morning Rayelene could hold her own with the debutantes around town. She was early thirties, kept a nice tan and loved to wear sandals to show off her perfect pedicure. She had on a tight white denim skirt and a blue jean top tied in a knot below her breasts. Only two buttons held it together. With a stomach bracelet, an anklet and bright red polish on her toenails she didn’t have to worry about men not looking her way.

  Opur was the first to reach the van. “Did you get some peanut butter?” he asked.

  “You know I did,” Rayelene answered, “with the nuts in it to make it extra crunchy.” She handed him a grocery bag. “Here.” After two trips back and forth into the kitchen she noticed the object parked on the driveway. She turned to Opur. “What did your dad get now? A new fishin’ boat or somethin’?”

  “I better let him tell you.” Opur turned and shouted to Nada. “Dad!”

  “That’s where he wants to sit all day and drink his beer,” Rayelene whined. She grabbed a twelve-pack of soda and carried it into the kitchen.

  Nada walked to Opur’s side. “You didn’t tell her, did you?”

  “No. I told her you would.”

  When Rayelene returned outside the two guys were standing by the Corvette. “Whatcha gonna do, show me your new bass boat?”

  The guys removed the tarp and in unison yelled, “Surprise!”

  “It’s what you’ve wanted ever since you were in high school,” Nada said. He was thrilled that he could offer a gift of that magnitude to his wife.

  “That’s for me?” Rayelene asked as she walked over to examine the car. “We don’t have that kind of money to spend on a car.”

  “I got a super good deal on it,” Nada said.

  “Like the shoes and the paint?”

  “Better than that.”

  “I hope so!” Rayelene yelled. “It ain’t got no tires.”

  “They cost about as much as the car,” Nada answered.

  “Nothin’?” There ain’t no tires that I can see.” Rayelene walked around the car and looked at it more closely. “My momma always told me that.”

  “What?” Nada asked.

  “She always said that if it had tires or testicles to stay away from it because they’re both nothin’ but trouble.” Rayelene looked at the car and shook her head. “It’s pretty and everythin’ but it won’t do
me any good without tires.” Nada looked at Opur and rolled his eyes. “And even if it did have tires I oughta stay away from somethin’ like this.”

  “It has low mileage,” Nada countered.

  “What kind of a dummy are you?” Rayelene asked.

  Nada looked confused. “What do you mean?”

  “I know how all those people that have cars like this operate.” Rayelene shook her head and pressed on her temples. Another splitting headache was hitting her. “They think they have somethin’ real valuable and right before they sell it they take it out and drive it in reverse.”

  “What are you talkin’ about?”

  “That’s the oldest trick in the book,” Rayelene insisted. “To take miles off it and make it worth more.”

  Nada started laughing out loud. “You don’t have any idea what you’re . . .”

  “That’s probably why it didn’t come with any tires. They wore them out taking miles off the car.” She turned and walked toward the kitchen screen door and then stopped. “Take it back. We don’t need another car, especially one that don’t have no tires.”

  “PBR, I can’t take this back,” Nada said.

  Rayelene continued to the side of the house and grabbed the hose. “We can’t afford it. What have you been doin’?” She turned on the faucet and pointed the nozzle at Nada. “Drinkin’ again?” She hit the handle and sprayed her husband with water.

  “PBR, what are you doin’?” Nada shouted as he attempted to cover up. The spray of water doused him completely. The stream kept coming at him.

  “You need to go in and sleep it off. You have to be all boozed up to do somethin’ this stupid!”

  “Sleep what off?” Nada asked, soaked.

  “That beer!” Rayelene yelled. “How stupid can you be to get a car with no tires?” She nailed him with the full force of the spray. “You must be some kind of an idiot!”

  “Mom!” Opur yelled. “We’re going to get them at three thirty.”

  “The hell we are,” Nada shouted back. “I won’t be around to see new tires go on that piece of . . .”

  “See, I told you it wasn’t any good!”

  Nada stormed into the house. Twenty minutes later he exited with two suitcases full of clothes and a military duffel bag so full that it could hardly be shut with the drawstring. “The title is in the glove box. Do what you want with the damn thing!” He threw the duffel bag over his shoulder, picked up each suitcase and walked down the street.


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