Demon Singer

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Demon Singer Page 8

by Nichols, Benjamin

  "Demoness!" Acheron's voice came floating over the stacks. Lyric shook his head Nit grinned.

  "She drives me crazy, I need to get this tie severed. Do you know anything about it?"

  Nit threw his hands up in front of him.

  "Nothing official, certainly nothing to be found in the library. The only things I've heard is it can be done. It's dangerous and at least one method calls for a bondage demon."

  "You seem to know more than anyone else."

  "Of course I do. Otherwise, what good would I be? Now, consider how often there's a call to sever a Soul tie. ... like never. This is the first I'd ever heard of it. I figured after you went and saw your parents you'd probably come to me, so I did some digging. You know how much literature there is on the Guild."

  "None. "

  "Exactly. So you can imagine how hard it is to find anything like what you're looking for. If it wasn't for some of my dubious acquaintances I'd have nothing. As it is, all I have is hearsay and rumor."

  "What about the methods that don't require a demon?"

  "The obvious, die, sing for the Composer and maybe he'll change the score and erase the tie, there was also something about discord. But that's an old, old legend and involves two brothers who tied the same Verger."

  "That won't do me much good. I've already sang for the Composer, till fatigue forced an end. I've actually heard the two brothers’ legend , but it is just a legend, sooo so far so bad."

  "So what about this demoness, is she as hot as they say?"

  "I haven't noticed. " Lyric deadpanned.

  "Liar!" Nit laughed. "I heard one of the Acolytes who saw her has been a babbling idiot, trying to write songs about his infernal love. The Masters are so concerned about him they're preparing a purging song to remove his memories from that day."

  "Nit, my mom and dad..." Lyric stopped, not sure what he wanted to say. The small man remained silent for moment then spoke quietly.

  "Lyric, you and I both know the truth about goes bump in the night. We know what's out there, and we know enough to know there is more than we can see or understand. I won't lie and say everything is okay because we both know better."

  Lyric smiled gratefully at his friend's candor. One of Nit's best qualities to Lyric's mind was his refusal to sugarcoat things.

  "I have no idea what to do. I have less than a year to sever my tie to Acheron, but the priority for me is finding my parents. The only problem there is that I haven't got the foggiest notion where to begin. I need help finding some answers."

  "I'll do everything I can, Lyric. I love Emma too."

  Lyric nodded. He did not approve of Nit's oddly strong feelings for his mother, but he wasn't worried. Nit was the straightest arrow he had ever met. There was no cause for concern, it was just... weird. Nit continued.

  "You are on the clock with this tie issue. Do you have a lead on that?"

  Lyric shook his head.

  "Not really, just the Prophet Man."

  "I'll look into that as well," the small man said.

  "Emma and Niq are the priority, Nit."

  “Of course. I’ll head over to your village and see what I can learn and discern of the who’s, what’s and where’s of it all.”

  “Just a warning, whoever took the villagers didn’t take the animals. They’ve all been slaughtered and left to rot.” Nit’s eyes widened. Lyric hesitated a moment before continuing. "You should also know this likely has nothing to do with me. My mother is the daughter of one of the four Kings, there's a good chance this is about him." Nit whistled.

  "I didn't realize you were royalty my friend."

  "I'm not; you can call my cel if you learn anything."

  "Lyyyyyyric!" Both Lyric and Nit turned at the call. Lyric sighed.

  "Thank you Nit, I'd better go find out what trouble she's caused."

  Nit laughed and hugged his friend, smacking him hard enough on the back for it to sting.

  "Easy!" Lyric complained.

  "Go in harmony my friend, and come back and tell me stories when this is finished." Nit watched his friend leave.

  Lyric found Acheron sitting on the lap of a sophomore student, twisting his hair around her finger.

  "There you are!" She said brightly, kissing the student on the head, she hopped up and grabbed Lyric's hand and pulled him toward the exit. "Get what you needed? Cause we should go. "

  Lyric yanked his hand away and turned as he heard cries for help. Acheron slid around him, blocking the way.

  "Seriously we need to go."

  "What did you do?" Lyric asked as he let himself be pushed toward the door.

  "In a nutshell, the most entertaining humans in any given library or bookstore are found in the adult section. And they are delightfully easy prey."

  More yells filled the library.

  "You killed a guy?" Lyric whispered in alarm looking back over his shoulder at the commotion.

  "They were a lovely couple, and I didn't kill them. It was their fantasy we were exploring. They'll be fine in a few days...," she continued herding him toward the door. "Maybe weeks. The lesson here is when you agree on a safe word, you should use it before things go too far."

  * * *

  "You look rough."

  "I haven't been topside in eighty three years, sir. I'm pleased to serve the Voice here."

  "You do an excellent job. A charge of mine will be coming through your hospital in the next few months or weeks, perhaps even days."

  "I'll keep my eye out, of course. How will I know him?"

  "I've marked him, you will know him immediately."

  "You've met him?"

  "Indeed," Notation's normally joyous countenance closed with a momentary sadness. "Though he is unaware, we have already shared a part in the Score." The mighty seraph smiled at his subordinate. "He will be unexpected, perhaps a bit obtuse, but he is precious to the Composer. He has a great deal of sorrow ahead of him. Take care of him, he is my friend."

  The cherub's eyebrows rose at that revelation. It was uncommon for a seraph to befriend a man.

  "Shall I deliver a message? Keep him at the hospital? How may I serve the Song?"

  "Keep him healthy and free. The Composer won't divulge more than that, so neither may I."

  "I will serve to the best of my ability."

  Notation gave her a measuring look.

  "The best of your ability right now means you need some rest. Don't neglect the fourth out of a misplaced sense of duty."

  Notation's chastising was gentle but clear. The Composer gave rest intentionally; it would be arrogant and rude to neglect it.

  "Thank you, sir."

  "It is well, dear one, go in peace.”

  The guardian angel with the gray wings went back inside her hospital, ready to do battle again with the Fallen who would soon be coming to attack the little girl in 304. The Composer had determined early in the score that this young one would see tonight’s sunset. As guardian of this hospital, it was her duty to see to it that happened. She heard them approaching the hospital. Only three of them today. She smiled. It was hardly fair.


  Lyric knew he could not stay in town. He was too much of a celebrity, something he used to seek, but now wanted to avoid because it was for all the wrong reasons. He decided to load up the car and take off. They could camp to save money. Until he heard from Nit they could stay at a campground with Wi-Fi somewhere between the school and Dacapo, then he could do his own research until Nit called.

  "Camping? Hot damn, Lover, we can share a sleeping bag and be naughty together!"

  Lyric didn't answer He simply tossed her her own sleeping bag and continued loading the car.

  "That makes it decidedly less entertaining." Black flame flared up on her hand and burnt the bag to ash.

  "Hey," Lyric complained. "That was the nice one!"

  "And you gave it to me? Lover, that's so sweet!"

  "Doesn't matter now, does it?" Lyric tossed two tents in the back off th
e car. "Don't burn anymore of my stuff, it's annoying."

  * * *

  They were in the middle of day two when Acheron grew bored with trying to seduce Lyric while he was looking for the Prophet Man online.

  "I have to leave for a while." She announced.

  "Where are you going?"

  "I need to eat, Lover."

  “I didn’t realize demons needed to eat.”

  “Demoness, and not eating won’t kill me. But it does make me super cranky. This stunning physical form you see before you requires a lot of energy to produce; not so much if I have physical material to build from.”

  “You’re not hunting anything human are you?” Lyric eyed her suspiciously.

  “When I hunt humans it’s not for food. Don’t worry about it, you’re much happier not knowing, trust me."

  With that, she vanished. He found himself missing her company for a moment before he shook his head in disgust and focused on safer thoughts.

  Toward evening, he was humming an improvised tune while gathering firewood and his thoughts turned to Acheron. As he considered the demoness, he found himself wondering what she was doing. Suddenly he experienced a sense of exhilaration, and felt the urge to chase something. As he explored these odd sensations, he realized he was picking up signals from his bond with Acheron. She was hunting and their tie was allowing him an experience no mortal has ever shared; hunting with a demon.

  Curiosity forced him to stop what he was doing, sit quietly in the grass, and close his eyes. Concentrating on seeing through her eyes, he changed his tune and followed their tie. He was surprised at how far he was traveling. Hundreds of miles passed beneath him. Eventually he entered mountains he did not recognize. Where was she, and how did she get there that fast?

  We are far north, close to the top of the world. I like it here. However, I really do not think you want to see what's coming. Her voice in his head startled him so much he stopped singing and instantly the link broke. Opening his eyes, it took him a moment to remember where he was. That was wild, he thought, standing up he bent to gather the firewood when his nostrils were assailed by a terrible stench and his world exploded, and then went dark.

  * * *

  Lyric came to with the angry stepmother of all headaches beating the backs of his eyes with a willow switch. Despite the pain, he was lucid enough to notice the smell of something meaty and delicious cooking. Staying still, he carefully opened his eyes, cursing the loud grumble In his stomach that directed his attention to the considerable amount of time it had been since he tended to it. Looking around as carefully as possible, trying not to give away the fact he was conscious he saw a small man tending a spit over the fire, night had fallen and the stranger had his back to him. Flexing his wrists, he realized he was not tied up; in fact, he was propped up by his backpack and had been covered with a blanket. As he continued his confused survey of the scene before him, something caught his eye. He squinted at a large shape in the shadows and silently cursed as it caused the throbbing in his head to grow worse. Looking back at the man tending the fire he saw he had stopped and was looking at him.

  “What happened?” He asked softly.

  The figure stood up and walked to where he lay. He tried to prop himself up on his elbows and groaned at the movement. Swift as a thought the stranger was at his side, gently pressing him back down. In surprise, he saw that it was not a small man, but a woman.

  “What happened?” He asked again, “Who are you?”

  The woman hefted a rock and pointed at his head.

  “You hit me?”

  She shook her head silently.

  “Can’t you speak?”

  Again, her head shook.

  “Did you see who hit me?”

  This time the stranger nodded.

  “You helped me?”


  “Thank you,” Lyric again tried sitting up. The woman shook her head and held him down.

  “Why won’t you let me up?”

  This time the woman pantomimed throwing up.

  “I feel fine,” he lied, and tried to sit up again.

  The woman sighed and propped him up, then quickly turned his head to the side away from her as he began to retch violently. With each spasm, he felt as if his skull was going to split apart. Once the convulsions stopped he allowed himself to be laid gently back down. Tenderly she wiped his face, smiling gently.

  “Not so fine, I guess,” he admitted sheepishly. “Why are you helping me?”

  The woman was no longer looking at him. She crouched next to him with one hand pressed firmly against his chest and gave him a quick glance that communicated very clearly he was to stay put. Suddenly she was up and moving.

  Wow, the only person I’ve ever seen move that fast was...

  Acheron came hurtling out of the trees, her beautiful face twisted in rage. The strange woman made as though to meet her head on, then ducked aside and punched her in the neck. The demon went sprawling for a moment but was immediately back on her feet and back on the attack.

  “ACHERON!” Lyric shouted even though it threatened to cause his head to combust.

  The demoness barely slowed as she looked over at him. He was shocked to see she was bloody and bruised. What the hell happened to her?

  The woman took advantage of Acheron’s moment of distraction and stepped aside, grabbing her wrist and using her momentum to flip her neatly into a pile of brush. Acheron came bursting back out, snarling and deadly. Lyric watched in amazement as the strange woman evaded each swift attack. Try as she might Acheron could not touch her. This seemed to send the demon into a frenzy and she became a blur as she amped up the attack. Now she was reaching the woman, she backhanded her ear, spinning her around with the force of the blow. As the woman spun, she brought up a boot that clipped Acheron squarely on the jaw snapping her head back. Acheron dropped like a sack of potatoes, out cold.

  The altercation took less than ten seconds. Lyric stared in shock and consternation at the strange woman. Who the hell can take out a demon in a fistfight?

  The woman walked over to him calmly and he started humming, grabbing the cadence of her walk. She paused abruptly and smiled at him. Wow, she’s really beautiful.

  Kneeling down several feet away from him, she drew in the dirt. The crude drawing showed a face, mouth open with lines coming out. Next to that was a girl's face with a smile and horns on her head. On the other side of the man’s face, she drew several stick figures with weapons. Between the stick figures and the face, she drew a shield and a sword. Lyric watched in silence as she worked. Finally, she pointed at the man with the open mouth then at him.

  “That’s me?”

  She nodded. Then pointed to the woman with horns and pointed at Acheron.


  She nodded again. This time she pointed at the sword and shield and pointed at herself.

  “That’s you? You’re a sword and shield?”

  Eager nod. She circled the picture of him and drew a line from the shield to the circle.

  “You’re my sword and shield?”

  Another nod and a beautiful smile.

  “You’re here to protect me?”

  She nodded, still smiling

  “From what?”

  She circled the stick figures and pointed at them.

  Lyric shook his head, trying to understand.

  “Who are you?”

  The woman shrugged.

  “You don’t know who you are?”

  She shook her head.


  Another shrug.

  Acheron moaned as she started to regain consciousness. The woman’s eyes flashed to the demon and she tensed for round two.

  “Wait,” Lyric said. Softly he hummed the drinking song he used to knock out the soul singers at his casting. He put enough push behind it to knock out an elephant. Acheron just shook her head and narrowed her eyes at him.

  "It'll take more than that, Lyric."

was just trying to keep you calm and rational."

  "I'm completely calm and rational, what the hell are you doing with her?"

  "She saved my life, what happened to you?" Lyric indicated her wounds.

  Acheron looked down at herself. As they watched her wounds healed, and Lyric's head ceased throbbing. Gingerly he reached up to touch the lump only to find it absent.

  "How'd that happen?" He asked.

  "Our tie. I shouldn't have gotten my ass kicked by a bunch of yetis either but being tied to your pathetic carcass makes me weaker than I thought." she waved away the question. "Who is this little bitch?"

  "Don't call her that, she saved my life." Lyric turned to the woman, "Please excuse my. ... friend." Both the stranger and Acheron cocked an eyebrow at that.

  "Why are you here?" Acheron asked Cadence.

  "She said she's here to protect me." Lyric said.

  "From what?"

  "Anything apparently, she's already saved me once. Someone tried to cave my head in with a rock. When I came to, she was here cooking."

  "Riiiight, and how do you know she's not the one who hit you?" Acheron asked staring at the woman who had returned to tending the meat. At Acheron's question, she looked back at them with an annoyed expression and stabbed her finger off to the side.

  Lyric had forgotten the large shape he had noticed earlier. The two of them walked over to examine it. As they got closer the awful stench he had smelled before being knocked out returned.

  "Goblins," Acheron said with distaste.

  "I don't get why you hate them so much. Aren't goblins demons?" Lyric asked.

  "Oh hell no! That's just a rumor they started forever ago to make humans fear them before the Veil went up. The truth is they are barely stronger than mortals and dumb as posts. They make pretty good cannon fodder. They're fearless, don't process pain and are loyal to anyone who treats them halfway decently. They do have that nifty teleporting trick, but that's about it. This many should easily overpower any human. Isn't she just a little badass?" Acheron mused looking back at Lyric's rescuer. The woman didn't look up but extended her fist and flipped Acheron off.


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