Demon Singer

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Demon Singer Page 14

by Nichols, Benjamin

  She concentrated on breaking necks and bones without breaking skin. This was getting boring. She wished she could just burn them with demon fire, but whoever picked them was smart. Brazilian fairies were fireproof.

  A sickening sound reached her ears, one she hadn't missed for two thousand years. Legion was chuckling.

  "Acheron, our pet, how delighted we are to see you! We count ourselves lucky you are present to greet our waking."

  Acheron turned to face Legion, the fairies forgotten as they flitted away, now that their work was done.

  "Legion," the demoness purred, "disgusting as always. Why don't you go back to sleep, kitten?"

  Legion chuckled again, the sound of screaming pigs echoed in his laugh, setting the demoness' teeth on edge. The massive demon hauled himself out of the ground. Trees nearby leaned crazily at the buckling of the earth around them.

  "Where is our feast?!" The demon roared with the sound of many voices. His pink, fleshy jowls quivered as his eyes flashed in anger. "Our subjects awakened us with an appetite for murder and we find nothing to kill aside from you, Acheron. Where have our children gone? We must punish them!"

  "Impolite little bastards if you ask me, they took off that way." Acheron flicked her fingers in a direction opposite Lyric's position.

  Legion turned as if to head the way indicated then stopped abruptly and looked over his shoulder at the demoness, an evil smile contorted his features as he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply through his nose.

  "Mmmmmmm, yes," the giant demon rumbled. "The blood cries out to us, Acheron." Legion's eyes snapped open, focusing clearly on her. "It demands satisfaction," he turned to face her and inhaled again. A huge finger with a jagged black nail leveled at Acheron. "It's on your hands, pet."

  Legion's smile widened, threatened to split his grotesque visage. Acheron sighed in surrender.

  "All right, little piggy, c'mon then."

  * * *

  Cadence danced away from the hellish trio's snapping jaws and clambered up another tree. One of the hounds was missing an eye; it was on the end of her sword, which had unfortunately been swallowed by another of her attackers. Luckily, she'd broken that one's lower jaw. The third one displayed a large portion of ribs on its left flank where the warrior had skinned it in passing.

  The tree wouldn't stop them, of course, but it gave her a chance to breathe. The beasts snarled and pushed at the tree, slowly ripping its roots free and knocking it down with their quarry.

  Cadence leapt from its branches onto the back of one eye. Gritting her teeth, she ignored its pelt of burning flames that blistered her skin. Skinny launched itself at her and she slid down one eye's side, letting Skinny sink its teeth into her mount. One eye howled in pain and Cadence sprung away, barely avoiding several tons of demonic flesh wrestling angrily in the dirt. One eye grabbed Skinny's flap of skin in its jaws and tore it away.

  Cadence didn't pause to celebrate; she rolled aside as sword swallower vaulted over its companions to crush her.

  Coming up to her feet, the lethal woman carried a fallen branch with her and swung it at swallower's head. The beast tried to snarl through its ruined face but it came out as a weak croak. It flinched as the cudgel connected. Ignoring the pain it advanced, prepared to rend Cadence apart with its claws and anger. It was joined by one eye, Skinny was a bloody mess in the dirt.

  To her annoyance, three fresh hounds stalked out of the trees to join their brethren.

  Cadence dropped her branch and beckoned the five hounds to attack. They obliged and the small woman disappeared beneath them.

  * * *

  Joe sent balls of Holy Light spraying into the clustering wights. Everyone he killed was replaced by three more. This was like fighting a hydra without the convenience of them sharing a body.

  Two more balls of light crashed into a knot of wights in front of him, but a searing pain on the back of his neck told him, some were attacking from behind. Casting a ball behind him, the prophet Man leapt forward and spun to defend himself. Another bite, this time on his shoulder, then his leg. He threw the Light as fast as he could but the wights multiplied faster than his human muscles could move.

  He felt mouth after mouth latch onto his body, searing pain accompanied the bites. Just as he was despairing, a sound reached his ears. Lyric!

  The soul singer came striding through the mist, singing a song that lit the air itself. All about him, the shadow Wights writhed and exploded in silence.

  Joe was immediately free of the biting, but feared help came too late. Slumping to his knees his body gave way to the toxin and he fell.

  * * *

  Acheron faced the demon without fear. She made it a point to know as much as possible about all of the heavy hitters. Legion was powerful, but his encounter with the Voice centuries ago had scarred him psychologically. One of his tricks had been separating his personalities into several vessels and running amok. The Voice forced him out of his host at the time, sending him to a herd of swine then banished him to Hell. Since then he couldn't separate his form without fleeing to Trytohn's domain.

  Acheron surged forward and dove into Legion's legs, twisting out of the way as the demon came crashing down.

  It was still early in his waking and millennia of stillness took an hour or two to work out.

  The demoness pounced on his back and grabbed his head with both arms. Drawing on the power of her river, she pulled and twisted. Legion realized what she was doing and choked out.

  "We're coming for you for this, bitch!" Then his head was separated from his body and rolling away. Acheron flared her demon fire to remove the taint of his greasy hair, and then directed it at his body. In short order the demon's corpse was ash.

  The demoness harbored no illusions. Legion would be back and he'd be pissed. There would be a reckoning down the road.

  Drawing on the tie to her Singer the demoness made for him.

  On my way, Lover.

  I'm fine now Lyric's thoughts were an interesting mess, jubilant, terrified, confused and excited. They were also far away. The demoness briefly wondered how far those asshole fairies carried her. Shrugging, she pulled back and followed the invisible strand that always led to him.

  Unhampered by the need to keep pace with slow humans, Acheron flew across the bayou. Abruptly a familiar scent assailed her nostrils and she stopped dead. Hellhounds were near.

  Tilting her head in a way she happened to know Lyric found endearing in spite of himself, the demoness extended her hearing and listened carefully. A struggle, not far away, another scent. Cadence. Her beautiful features twisted into an annoyed scowl and she began heading again for Lyric, happy to leave that annoying bitch to become dog meat.

  Her agreement with her soul singer came to mind. Angrily she adjusted course and sped to the aid of her hated companion.

  She entered a clearing just in time to see Cadence disappear in a pile of Hell Hounds. Gritting her teeth in silent protest, she leapt into the battle.

  Grabbing a handful of the first beast she reached, she yanked it off the pile and hurled it behind her. She saw Cadence on her back furiously shoving the pointy parts of the hounds at each other. Acheron grunted in respect. Obviously, her tactic wouldn't last, but it was a decent way to fight unreasonable brutes the size of cars. Focusing her demon fire, she turned another hound to ash. This got the attention of the other three. They looked up at Acheron and immediately their demeanor changed. All three slunk back, crouched low with tails between their legs. Cadence took this opportunity to scramble to her feet and assume a defensive stance beside Acheron.

  The eyes of the three cowering beasts bounced between the demoness and something behind her. Acheron didn't bother turning all the way around. She spun just far enough to send a bolt of fire into the first hound just as he leapt. He turned to ash in midair and covered Acheron and Cadence in a cloud.

  Returning her attention to the remaining three Hell Hounds, the demoness prepared to dispose of them when they turned and
silently vanished into the trees.

  Turning to Cadence, Acheron growled.

  "If you screw this up for me, I'll drag you to the pit myself and feed you to the flames."

  Cadence shook her head wearily and turned to head back to Lyric.

  * * *

  Lyric knelt beside the old man and felt for a pulse. It was thready, but present. Placing a hand on the Prophet's head, he began singing a prayer song and let that segue naturally into a healing song.

  He watched as clear liquid oozed from Joe's bite marks and immediately turned to small white puffs of mist that dissipated in the sunlight that had finally cut through the gloom.

  Joe's eyes snapped open and a joyous expression lit his features, taking away years from his face. His eyes latched on Lyric. The joy gave way to despair and his age came crashing back as his smile fled.

  "Dammit." He said softly. Then he closed his eyes and wept.


  The foursome stood together discussing what they'd learned. Acheron explained about Legion and the hassle he was likely to become. Lyric shared the sourness he'd experienced during this battle as well as some of the prior attacks. This caused Joe to frown. When Lyric mentioned the discord in the presence of the troll Joe spoke.

  "You were fighting an eighth measure soul singer, boy." Lyric saw something resembling respect in the old man's eyes. "I have no idea how you survived that, but the discord you heard may have had something to do with it."

  Lyric's stomach rolled as he realized whom he'd fought.

  "It was one of my instructors, Keith Normvy. I thought the Troll resembled his Verger, Johaus. It must have been him. Johaus is a shape shifter. That's why he could be so big. That also explains the eyes; they looked like they hated me. I don't know anyone who hates me more than Keith Normvy." He looked at Acheron. "Could that be my secret enemy?"

  Acheron shrugged.

  "So it would seem, but there's more here than can be accounted for by blaming one dickhead Singer. Eighth measure or not."

  Lyric looked at Joe. The Prophet Man held up his hands.

  "I've already given you what I had to give. This is your mystery. Right now I think you know the direction you need to go."

  Lyric nodded.


  "No, actually I was going to say you need to build Errol a new house. After that I don't care where you go."

  * * *

  "Please tell me you're kidding," Acheron stretched languorously, capturing the undivided attention of Lyric and Errol.

  "No my dear, he needs the practice and you need the discipline. Now please stop distracting these fine gentlemen and help Lyric correct his error." Joe smiled pleasantly, but there was steel in his tone.

  "I've never done anything close to what you're suggesting," Lyric protested Joe's proposal.

  "But you can and you will," Joe smiled affably.

  Cadence was attempting to clear away some of the mess that used to be Errol's house. Joe walked over to speak with her quietly while Acheron turned to Lyric.

  "All right, Lover, let's get this over with. You know what to do?"

  Lyric nodded curtly and fought down the revulsion he felt at what he was about to attempt. Turning to face the tree, he waited for Joe to escort Cadence clear of the rubble. Closing his eyes, he listened carefully for the Song. Picking up the key from a nearby bird, he began humming in time to his heartbeat. Hesitantly he explored his tie with Acheron, the dissonance he expected, but the power still caught him by surprise. It was a jolt, like sticking your tongue on a brand new nine-volt battery, only low in his gut and multiplied by ten. Reflexively he flinched away from it and stopped singing. To his dismay, a huge black ball of flame erupted between him and Acheron. It took on an odd shape, as if it was being flattened on the side nearest him. He was just deciding to feel fortunate when a large invisible truck smashed into him and sent him flying through the air to skid in a heap up against Cadence's knees. He looked up at her in a daze before blacking out.

  Lyric came to with his head cradled in Cadence's lap and four concerned faces looking down at him. His eyes found Acheron's. Scratch that, three concerned faces and one amused face with dark blood running from its nose.

  "What happened?" He sat up painfully.

  "You opened the floodgates and smashed the controls." Acheron told him gleefully. "Apparently you didn't know what to do with all that power, so you just let go of it. Problem was it had to go somewhere. Since you didn't direct it, it released itself in a burst between us. I shielded you from the fire, but the concussion kicked you square in the nuts. It was awesome!"

  "Acheron saved your life," Joe told him quietly.

  Lyric didn't bother pointing out Acheron was saving her own life.

  "C'mon, Lover, let's do it again. Your face is adorable when it has that surprised look on it...

  "when you're in the air...

  "upside down."

  Acheron grabbed his arm and hauled him to his feet. "This time, focus on your goal and direct the power accordingly. This is elementary stuff, just with a lot more juice behind it."

  Lyric remembered his third measure when he learned to manipulate objects with his song. He remembered Fishne's exhortations to "focus and release". He overheard Errol asking Joe if he should be trying again already. He didn't catch what Joe said because his eyes were closed already and he was again exploring the song of the bayou.

  This isn’t like anything else you’ve done yet. Acheron’s thoughts sounded in his head. This isn’t like any of those nasty tricks you've played on me. This is Soul Singing in the Tie 101. You have to open up yourself to me and let my power flow through you. The first step in Singing in the Tie is to use your song to direct and control the power I provide.

  He began again, seeking the cypress within the song and immediately found it. Focusing on it carefully, he again opened up to his tie to Acheron. This time he was prepared for the jolt and immediately shunted the torrent of power to the enormous tree.

  Easy, Lover. Open your eyes so you can see what you're doing.

  Lyric did as instructed and almost lost control again. The giant cypress was suspended thirty feet in the air. A tinkling laugh tickled his brain.

  Go ahead, let go again, it was hilarious the first time.

  Lyric's eyes narrowed as he kept careful control of the energy flowing from her and through him.

  Okay, you’re in control, now send it away.

  Raising pitch carefully he placed his tone forward, making it harsh and repellant. Immediately the cypress shot through the air, breaking off the tops of the trees in its path for a hundred yards before it came crashing to a stop.

  “Whoo hoo hoo!” Acheron cheered. “See what happens when you open yourself up to the good stuff?! I guarantee no seventh measure Singer could do what you just did, no matter how strong their Verger was.” She threw her arms around Lyric’s neck and planted a wet kiss on his mouth.

  “Stop it!” He shouted, shoving her away. She spun gracefully over to Cadence and threw an arm around the small woman’s waist.

  “Not bad, eh sexy?” Acheron breathed in her ear. Cadence turned to the demoness and looked into her eyes. Acheron smiled, ready to kiss her too. Cadence smiled back and head-butted her in the nose. “OW!” The demoness let go and held her nose. Lyric tensed, ready to intervene but Acheron just laughed. “You’re such a tease,” she said swaggering back over to Lyric. She shook her head and black flame flared briefly to leave her once again clean and beautiful. “All right, Lover, no one wants to have any fun. On to phase two.”

  “I feel disgusting.” Lyric said.

  “No you don’t, you feel disgusted at yourself for how much you enjoyed that.” Acheron retorted.

  Lyric flushed in embarrassment and closed his eyes again, dreading the next step. Listening closely he began humming softly, this time imposing his own Song into the space that was Errol’s house. Forcing aside his feelings of shame and revulsion, he opened himself up to
Acheron. Immediately he felt the surge of power as her will flowed along the tie into his song.

  Moving the tree was a simple matter. He simply had to join the song of the bayou and exercise his influence on it, fitting his own melody into the music and using Acheron’s power to amplify it. The next step was a completely different matter. He and Acheron were going to build Errol a new house. In order to do that he had to create, it was a completely different set of muscles and method. To create you have to open yourself up to your Verger, allow them to harmonize to your song. It is only through this harmony you can give birth to anything new. It's addictive and euphoric and many singers never bother advancing past this level. Once mastered, there isn't much a Singer can't do. Lyric's fear was the addictive nature of Verger creation. Acheron was seductive enough; he didn't want to run the risk of becoming addicted to her on any level.

  Then she started singing.

  Put smoke in a glass bottle; a brilliant green bottle perhaps. Find a way to capture sunlight and shut it in there too. Add the smell of brewing coffee, summer evening and half-remembered magic. Now hang it from the lowest branch of your favorite tree coated in sparkling ice and set it spinning. That was the sound of her voice. The voice that entwined itself around his melody.

  The surge of power he felt as their voices locked in together was completely different from the raw energy he struggled to control before. This was a shimmering flow that made him tingle from head to toe. The sensation was unlike anything he'd ever experienced. Euphoric didn't do it justice and he faced the very real desire to lose himself in the song.

  We should have sex while we do this!

  Lyric forced himself to concentrate and reject this alluring suggestion. Opening his eyes, he realized Acheron was standing beside him, shoulder to shoulder. With iron will, he focused on the task at hand. The odd dissonance that he encountered on Dacapo added a strange texture to their duet. He shifted the key to bring it into harmony, but it shifted as well. The more he contemplated it the louder it became, turning in his mind, causing pain and sorrow.


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