A McClendon Thanksgiving

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A McClendon Thanksgiving Page 12

by Sean D. Young

  Thoughts of regret flooded her as she glanced around his bedroom. How could she have slept with her best friend? Pulling the cover up to her naked shoulders, she slid down in the bed as quietly as she could so that she wouldn’t awaken Michael.

  In actuality, what she wanted to do was jump out of bed and leave before he opened his eyes. Faith knew she couldn’t do that because he would only come after her. Her eyes dropped down on Michael sleeping, so she studied him, really taking the time to look.

  Because he rested on his stomach, his right arm raised above his head, for the first time she noticed his wide shoulders, the muscles protruding from his forearms and back. He slept so peacefully and, honestly, so had she, since last night was the most amazing experience of her life.

  A man had never made love to her body and mind the way Michael had. His hands were large but gentle, touching her in places, finding her erotic zones and even making love to her mind with his words of affection. Hence the reason she was afraid it would all come to an abrupt end. What if he got tired of her like Kevin did? They had crossed the line from friendship to lovers. Even though it was truly a mind-blowing experience, she had to trust that their lovemaking wouldn’t spoil their bond. Keeping Michael in her life was of utmost importance.

  Staring down at him, she wondered what his last thoughts were as he drifted off to sleep. Hers were of him—how tender he was, taking care to be gentle with her—and of how much she appreciated him.

  She continued to stare at him until his eyes opened, his desire for her staring her in the face.

  “Good morning,” Michael said, his voice husky.

  The look in his eyes made Faith nervous, so she tried to hide it by giving him a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Good morning to you too.”

  Michael turned over, pushing himself up against the headboard. He reached out to Faith, staring hard, studying her, before pulling her into his arms. “I can tell that something’s wrong. What is it?” His lips touched her forehead; then he gently ran his fingers up and down her arms in a soothing motion.

  With a worried expression on her face, Faith looked him in the eye then closed hers. “Michael, I hope what we did last night doesn’t hurt us in the end.” She placed her hands on his chest before resting her head there.

  “What we did last night, sweetheart, was beautiful. I couldn’t have imagined it happening any other way.”

  Michael lifted her chin and gently kissed her lips. “Now, to answer your question, no, babe. What we did was make our relationship stronger.”

  “Is that how you really feel?” she asked.

  “What would you have me say? Now we’re friends with benefits,” he said jokingly.

  He waited a couple of seconds before he burst into laughter.

  Rather than laugh, Faith picked up the pillow from behind her and swung it at him. “That’s not funny.”

  Not having gone on a date or engaged in any type of relationship since she and Kevin’s breakup a year ago, Faith didn’t know how these things were done. It didn’t matter that it was Michael; she had no other experience than that with her ex-husband. She was afraid.

  Michael threw his hands up in surrender. “Okay, that wasn’t fair. I’m sorry. You know you mean more than that to me, girl.”

  “Ha ha ha,” Faith mocked, hitting Michael with the pillow again, but this time it landed on the floor when he blocked it with his arm.

  “Stop worrying about it, babe. I promise we are only getting stronger from here, building on what we already have.”

  If she agreed to this relationship, she had to make sure that Michael understood she was nothing like the woman he’d run in to in New York. That woman—who tried to do everything her husband asked and what he wanted, even when she didn’t agree—was gone. She didn’t want to get involved with someone and end up losing the person she’d become.

  “Michael, I want to make sure you understand that I love being independent and making my own choices.”

  Being controlled was one of the biggest issues Faith had had with Kevin. He never came right out and told her what to do; it was only insinuated or implied. But the results were always the same, and she didn’t want to go back to that way of living.

  Michael frowned. “Why wouldn’t you continue to be independent? I want us to be interdependent. Independent to a point, then dependent on one another.”

  Faith wanted to be sure he understood what she meant and didn’t agree now to something that they started being together. “I’m just saying I like making my own choices, being my own person and not having to answer to anyone else.”

  Michael pulled her close and kissed her forehead. “Of course, baby, none of that changes. I’m going to support and encourage you like I’ve always done. One of your strongest qualities is that you know what you want. Don’t you think I see the difference in you since your return? You have become a very strong woman and I love you for it. You know what you want and you go after it.”

  Michael caressed her shoulders then placed a soft kiss on her collarbone, causing her to throw her head back. He then captured her lips in a soulful kiss that left them both breathless.

  With that familiar sparkle in his eye that Faith was getting used to seeing, he said, “Now, I know what I want,” placing kisses on her shoulder then her neck.

  Faith wrapped her arms around Michael’s neck, pressed her lips against his in a deep, passionate kiss.

  Michael changed their position so that he could maneuver. Never breaking the kiss, Michael slid into her lush body, burying himself deeper and deeper, lifting her hips so that she could accept each powerful thrust. He wanted to hear her moan and her cries of passion fill his room.

  They made love a second and third time before they got up, showered and started their days.

  By the end of the day, Michael and Faith had spoken on the phone three times and texted each other five times, just to check in. She reminded him of the appointment she had the next day with her sister Renee who had volunteered to help her with the marketing for the boutique. She was saddened that she wouldn’t be able to stay the night with him because she really needed to complete some tasks at home.

  She wanted to work on her specialty line of dresses since she was behind schedule. She was thankful that Margaret had hit the ground running and already had two dresses completed. To think, she’d said she didn’t sew as fast as she used to.

  After preparing a light meal of shrimp and asparagus salad, Faith climbed into bed then crossed her legs, her sketch pad and pencil in her lap. With rapid strokes, she swept the textured paper, using a soft lead pencil that resulted in dark lines.

  After a while, she started seeing the drawing take shape, which made her happy. With the pencil in her mouth, she held up the image and studied it before continuing. By the time she finished, she had a sophisticated little black cocktail dress with spaghetti straps and a thin fabric belt with a square rhinestone buckle.

  Smiling from ear to ear, Faith concluded that this would be the signature garment for Made to Order by Faith. Every woman needed a little black dress.

  “Excellent,” she said aloud.

  Ripping the page from her sketchbook, she laid it to the side and started again, looking down at the image from time to time. It gave her another brilliant idea for a two-piece outfit that had the same top as the dress, but with slacks. Moving the pencil fluidly across the pages, she got to work on the second design.

  Two hours later, she hadn’t completed it yet, but her eyes were burning and her fingers had gotten stiff. Trying to complete the sketch, she continued, but her eyes drifted closed and she fell asleep.

  The buzzing of her phone, letting her know that she had a text message, startled her awake. She knew it was from Michael, so she grabbed her phone and read the message. Don’t ever doubt my love for you. Sweet dreams, darling. I can’t wait to see you tomorro

  Faith stared at the words a long time before holding the device against her chest. She was grateful to have Michael in her life, although she still had a bit of uneasiness about getting involved. But she guessed, after making love to him most of the day, it was too late.

  She glanced over at her sketches, picked them up so she could study her progress and was satisfied. Now, she had to go to the next step—making the sketch a reality—but that would have to wait for another day. Faith needed to get some sleep so she could be on time for her meeting with Renee in the morning.

  Putting her things aside, she switched off the light, eased down under the covers and went to sleep.

  The next morning at the shop, Faith opened a box of inventory that had just been delivered by UPS. She wanted to inspect the fashion jewelry, which she’d ordered from a custom online manufacturer, so the items could be entered into the computer inventory system.

  They were beautiful colorful pieces made with high-quality imitation gemstones, diamonds and pearls. She wanted to find jewelry that gave you the look of high-end pieces, without the price. The specialty boutique she worked for sold only genuine stones, and they had the clientele to do so, but she wanted to appeal to all women. Even though the stones weren’t real, the quality and construction of the items were just as important.

  Removing the plastic-wrapped bags from the box, she sat down in a chair in her office and inspected each piece, laying it on the long rectangular table in front of her. There were so many lovely pieces—earrings, bangles, bracelets, watches, necklaces—that each time she’d remove the plastic and open a velvet pouch, she was impressed. The presentation of the accessories in the store made a difference to her as well.

  “Hello, Faith,” Margaret said as she walked into the room.

  Faith had been so deep in thought she hadn’t heard Margaret come in.

  “Faith,” Margaret said, coming around so that she could be seen.

  “Margaret. You came to show me one of the dresses?” Faith asked with excitement when she saw the garment bag draped over Margaret’s arm.

  Margaret smiled brightly, so filled with pride. “Yes.”

  The satisfied look on her face got Faith excited. As soon as Margaret held up the delicate garment by the shoulders, she had to try it on.

  Faith gently took the hanger from Margaret, unzipped the bag and checked the beading around the shoulder and sleeves. “So exquisite,” she whispered, continuing to inspect the craftsmanship.

  She looked up at Margaret. “It’s a bit different than the one you made for Mrs. Barnes.”

  Margaret smiled and nodded.

  Faith couldn’t help but smile as well because the longer gown could easily be worn to a formal affair. “This is so beautiful,” she said, holding the dress up against her body.

  Faith hadn’t thought about formalwear and here Margaret had given her the perfect dress. Staring at Margaret, she thought to herself how amazing this woman was and how much she wanted to be like her one day. Faith hadn’t even started sewing her garments and Margaret had already completed her dress.

  “Thank you. I decided to do something a little different, especially since you were doing the little black cocktail dress. So, if they want something a little more formal, we can do this one. It didn’t take me but maybe a day longer to get it done.”

  Faith hugged her quickly.

  “Now, let’s see how it looks on you,” Margaret suggested.

  Faith moved quickly, unzipping the burgundy slacks she was wearing, stepping out of them and taking off the ivory- and gold-colored blouse. She was happy they were in the office behind a closed door. Margaret helped her step into the V-neck, asymmetrical evening dress.

  They rushed across the hall—to their sewing/supply room where they had a full-length mirror installed—so they could more closely inspect Faith in the garment.

  Looking down at the front of the dress, Faith noticed that the hemline made out of tulle was raised in an asymmetrical fashion and had a rolled hem—the simply elegant train swept the floor just a touch.

  Faith took both sides of the dress and twirled around in front of the mirror. She felt like the richest lady in the world and the dress looked the part.

  Smoothing the front, she looked at Margaret, who was staring at her through the mirror. “All I need are some shimmering stilettos, an upsweep hairdo, and I could go to any formal event.”

  Margaret walked up to Faith and hugged her. Both giggling, they examined in the mirror the dress still on Faith’s body.

  “You have the figure for it, my dear,” Margaret said, catching Faith’s eye in the mirror.

  “It feels good on. I can move and not feel restricted, and the garment is snug enough to show my curves without looking like my clothes are too small. I just love it.”

  Margaret smiled brightly, nodding her head. “It looks wonderful on you, sweetie. I’m so glad that you like it.”

  Margaret unzipped the dress, careful to help Faith out of it without ripping the delicate fabric.

  They walked back across the hall to the office so Faith could put her clothes back on.

  “I think I want to have a fashion show at the grand opening,” Faith said, stepping out of the dress.

  “Will you have time for that?” Margaret asked.

  “Well, maybe not a fashion show, but I want to have someone model the dresses during the grand opening.” Faith picked up her blouse and pushed her arms through the sleeves. “We’ll have to make sure our models have different body types so the customers can get a better idea of how the dresses fit.”

  Margaret nodded. “Fantastic idea. Our samples would have to be different sizes and I know several young girls I mentor at my church who would love to help us. Is it okay with you if I talk to them?”

  “That would be fantastic,” Faith said, throwing her arms around Margaret’s neck with gratitude. “Now, the question is how fast can you make at least two more?”

  Margaret gave Faith a knowing look. “I heard you the first time,” Margaret chuckled.

  Faith hadn’t forgotten that she wanted to take things slow, but this could be huge for the shop. “I know, I know, and I’m not trying to rush you, I promise,” she said, making the sign of a cross over her chest. “I’m just excited.”

  Margaret crossed her arms under her bosom. “Well, I don’t know. I must say that this one was easier than I thought. If I get started right away, maybe it won’t take long because we have all the fabric we need to make one with a different neckline, and sleeveless, and one with a round neck. They will go along nicely with the sheer cap sleeves you just tried on.”

  “Great, then let’s at least get the girls over and talk about what we want to do,” Faith said, searching for her phone, which had started beeping.

  There was a text message from Michael, simply saying I love you, Faith. He had been sending her messages almost every day now, and flowers were still coming every Monday like clockwork.

  She peeped at Margaret and wondered if she’d noticed Faith’s blushing.

  Faith stared at the blinking cursor at the bottom of the screen. What should she say? She loved Michael, yes, but not the way he loved her, and it wouldn’t be fair to him to say it “just because”. She didn’t want to deceive him in that way, so she replied by simply saying thank you.

  “Faith, dear,” Margaret said, interrupting her thoughts.

  “I’m sorry, Margaret, did you say something?”

  “I’m leaving, so I can go home and get started. I can think better there instead of staying in the back working.”

  Faith pressed a button on her phone, lighting up the screen to check the time. “I better get out of here so I won’t be late.”

  Faith rushed to get her coat.

  “Late for what?” Margaret asked, following Faith to the door.

  “I’m m
eeting Renee to get the branding done for the shop. You know, my logo, business cards, flyers and all the things I’ll need printed for the grand opening.” She slipped on her coat. “She’s been on my case about getting it done, but I just haven’t had the time. I promised her that I would come today.”

  “Well, you go on to your appointment. I’ll put the supplies back in the boxes before I leave and see you later.”

  Faith kissed Margaret’s cheek and ran out the door, headed for her appointment with Renee.

  Chapter Twelve

  Vine Public Relations was housed on the tenth floor of the Garland Building on Jewelers Row in downtown Chicago. The twenty-one-story, historic building was located in the Landmark District and was home to over two hundred medical, dental and consulting offices.

  Upon entering the building, Faith was greeted by a friendly doorman who gave her directions to the elevators and she was on her way up to the tenth floor.

  Faith watched the numbers on the steel bar over the top of the door illuminate as she climbed higher in the skyscraper. The ringing sound alerted her that she had made it to her destination, the polished stainless-steel doors opened. As soon as Faith stepped off the elevator onto the stately tiled floors, large potted plants near the elevator button and the company logo on the opposite wall greeted her.

  Already she understood the reality of the words her sister spoke about only getting one chance to make a good impression. Faith was definitely impressed and inspired with what she’d seen thus far and wanted to give her customers that same experience when they walked into her shop.

  The décor and ambiance of the office were very modern, with clean lines and bold colors, like chartreuse and orange, reminding Faith of a high-end and high-dollar firm. A set of double glass doors served as the entryway into the office space and once again the green-and-orange Vine logo made a bold statement behind the receptionist’s desk.

  Faith approached the graciously smiling, professionally dressed young woman sitting at a heavy wooden desk.


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