A McClendon Thanksgiving

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A McClendon Thanksgiving Page 22

by Sean D. Young

  “Mom, are you ready to leave?” Michael asked her, knowing the answer to the question already.

  Margaret put the long stick down beside her and looked at Michael with concern in her eyes. “What’s the matter?”

  Michael cupped her elbow and guided her out of hearing distance from the others. “I understand now what you were saying to me about Faith not being ready to get married.”

  “Really?” Margaret responded.

  “I was very selfish and now we’re going to her place so we can talk this out in private,” Michael informed her.

  “You go on. I’ll be fine. I just live across the street.”

  “Well, I’m going to leave then. I’ll see you tomorrow at the grand opening.”

  Michael kissed her on the cheek, got his jacket, jumped in his car and sped away.

  Finally, the weight of all the pain and anguish that Faith experienced the last couple of days had been lifted. When Michael had reached for her in the hallway, she went willingly into his embrace, wanting to rest her head on his shoulder. She couldn’t get close enough. The image of her naked body against his was vivid, and she yearned to make it a reality.

  With a made-up mind, Faith decided she needed to fix the brokenness of her relationship with Michael. Doing it in private was the best way. She would meet him at her place and, hopefully, by the end of the evening, she would make love to her man.

  Faith hurried upstairs to collect her things, spoke to her sisters about helping their mother clean up and left. They understood that tomorrow was a big day for her, but Renee was the only one who knew that tonight was just as important. She would always be grateful to her sister for not revealing the situation to everyone. It would have complicated things more.

  As soon as she walked into the house, she got busy setting the atmosphere for their meeting. She pulled out several candles, placing them strategically throughout the house, and turned off the overhead lights. Usher oozed through the speakers, followed by the O’Jays as they climbed the “Stairway to Heaven”. With candles flickering, music playing and wine chilling, Faith went to get ready.

  She knew they had to discuss what led to their break-up, but tonight, he would be in for a special treat. She had missed him so much. Once showered and dressed, she felt sexy, desirable and excited about what the evening held for her and her lover. Her cell phone buzzed, and she quickly rummaged through her purse to find it and answer.

  “Babe, I’m around the corner,” Michael said.

  “I’ll buzz you in the building, but my door will be unlocked, so come on in,” Faith said.

  A couple of minutes later, she hit the button and went back into the bedroom and waited.

  It was becoming clear to Michael, when he opened the door to the small flicker of flames from the candles, why Faith had instructed him to come into the apartment without knocking. He walked through the living room looking for her.

  “Babe,” Michael called out, walking farther down the short hallway. “Faith,” he called out again.

  “Back here,” he heard her say.

  Michael continued to walk the distance from the front of the apartment to her bedroom. Once he stepped over the threshold, he found her stretched out across the bed.

  “Well, look at you, pretty lady,” he said, his voice low and husky. Just seeing her in the provocative pose aroused him.

  With his shoulder resting against the doorframe, he stared at her in the silky, sky-blue, satin-and-lace baby doll. He could see her nipples puckered through the Chantilly lace.

  “Turn around, babe, so I can see the back,” he asked, his voice husky.

  Faith obliged, causing Michael to become more turned on when he saw her V-string matching panties. He knew they wouldn’t stay on long.

  “Babe,” he said, still standing against the doorframe.

  “You’ve got on too many clothes,” Faith said, beckoning with her forefinger as she invited him in.

  Michael was stunned at Faith’s forwardness and aggressive behavior, but he wouldn’t complain, wanting very much to play along with her little game. He moved farther into the room until he was beside the bed. “Why don’t you help me out of them, then?” he said.

  Faith got up and stood in front of him, giving Michael a full view of her body in the baby doll top. The material was so thin he could see her chocolate nipples through the fabric, which immediately caused his pants to tighten.

  With a sinful “I can’t wait to have you” grin, he allowed her to unbutton his dark-colored sweater, pulling at the sleeves until it came down his arms, exposing his bare chest in the V-neck white T-shirt he’d worn underneath.

  With her soft hands touching him on his chest, shoulders and hands, Michael couldn’t wait any longer. He had to feel Faith’s lips on his. He leaned forward and kissed her. She tasted so good that once Faith got his right hand free from the sweater, Michael pressed his hard chest against her soft, supple body, kissing her again.

  His arousal so strong now, he needed to set it free. “Will you help me with my belt, babe?” he asked.

  Faith’s small hands removed the buckle and unfastened his pants. With each movement, Michael became more and more aroused, anxious to love on every inch of her.

  He was fascinated by her boldness—something he hadn’t seen before, but liked it a lot since it heightened his sexual response.

  In her next move, she grabbed his pants and underwear at the waist and pushed them to the floor, his throbbing sex growing by the second. This was getting dangerous for them both—for him because he was ready to be buried deep inside her and for her because he wanted to make her scream over and over again.

  He pulled his sweater and T-shirt off, then stepped out of his pants, kicking them away. It was his turn to do some undressing.

  “Babe, it looks like you have on too many clothes.”

  He peeled the flimsy material from her body then they both stood in front of each other naked. Now Michael wanted to replace every thought in her head with pure pleasure.

  Their eyes fixed on each other before Michael flicked his tongue on a protruding nipple, causing Faith to lose her footing. He captured her in his arms and gently placed her on the bed. Michael knelt beside her, his mouth devouring hers before his hands slid lower, causing Faith to open her thighs.

  Michael skimmed her flat belly with his right hand, enticing Faith to spread her thighs until Michael could get to her very essence and the dark curls that concealed it. His finger glided between the wet folds and Michael felt Faith come off the bed as a deep moan of pleasure slipped through her parted lips.

  “Oh, babe, does that feel good to you?”

  His tongue flicked and swirled around her left nipple; the moans coming steadily.

  He watched with enjoyment as he pleasured her. He pulled her nipple deeper into his mouth, dipped his finger into her moist sheath. He wanted to be so careful, gentle with her, make her writhe as he flicked his finger against her protruding nub.

  She was ready for him, and he for her. Their lovemaking was explosive, Michael loving on every part of her body and Faith loving on his.

  After they had been as high as they could go, they curled up with each other, Michael behind Faith, spooning her warm body. His lips touched the nape of her neck as he whispered sweet words of love and devotion to her before sleep captured them both.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Faith awoke to the sensual touch of her lover. Feeling his hardness against her thigh, she smiled. The desire in his eyes when she looked in them beckoned her, but she couldn’t give in, even though she wanted to. Today was so important that she couldn’t allow anything to get in the way, but she had to admit that Michael Montgomery was a pleasant distraction.

  Faith felt his right hand caress the small of her back as they faced each other merely a breath away. She bit her bottom lip as his hand moved t
o the front, caressing the underside of her right breast. She took a deep breath, deciding to move before things got out of hand and she could no longer say no.

  When he dropped his head and captured a protruding nipple, Faith knew she was in trouble. She gently pushed at his shoulder.

  “Don’t, babe, I need to get out of here.” She pushed at him once again. “And so do you.”

  Faith didn’t think Michael heard her because she felt the tip of his tongue flick against her nipple, causing her to relax. She didn’t have to check between her thighs, she knew that her body was readying itself for him.

  Michael kissed her neck and whispered, “Let’s have a quickie.” His brows shifted up and down.

  She laughed at his tone and knew he wasn’t going to stop until he got what he wanted. Secretly, she wanted it too and found that she enjoyed making love to him.

  She closed her eyes, and enjoyed the feel of his body against hers, him buried deep inside her, as the sensations continued to take her higher and higher. Afterward, they held each other for a short while.

  “I really do have to get up now,” she said before kissing him one last time. She rolled over onto her side of the bed and sat up.

  “Thank you for indulging me,” Michael said.

  Looking over her left shoulder, “I can’t believe this day has finally come,” she said, smiling with excitement.

  Today, Faith would take her place with other entrepreneurs as a business owner. This dream had been a long time coming, and she was excited and filled with joy as she thought about all it had taken for her to get to this very moment. The hard work and tears would finally be worth it, and her future had endless possibilities.

  “Believe it, baby, and after today you will be on your way to building a brand and your business,” Michael commented, lifting his body from the bed.

  “I’m just wondering if today is going to be bananas,” she said, walking over to the dresser.

  Admittedly, choosing Black Friday for opening day was a great marketing strategy, but she was so tired from helping with Thanksgiving dinner and making love to Michael half the night. Faith wondered if she would have enough energy to last the whole day. Black Friday was one of the biggest holiday-shopping days of the year.

  Michael walked over to her. “Don’t start worrying. I think you’re just nervous, but don’t be, because you’ll have me, your family, my mother and your friends for support.”

  He turned her toward him and embraced her. “Stop worrying and get in there and get dressed,” he said, playfully swatting her behind.

  Faith opened the drawer, pulled out her undergarments and walked barefoot into the bathroom. She turned and looked at Michael before closing the door.

  Having no contact or communication with him at all had been so hard on her. She hadn’t realized how much she loved him until he was gone. She’d allowed her fears to push him out of her life.

  Faith realized she would have to have a conversation with Michael about their breakup, but she hoped it wouldn’t be today. If he did bring it up, she would promise to explain everything to him after the event was over.

  When Faith appeared from the bathroom, Michael was no longer in the bedroom, so she went down the hall. She found him in the kitchen making coffee.

  Michael placed a kiss on her lips. “You look lovely,” he said, moving to behind her ear a loose curl that had fallen in her face.

  “I wanted to wear something comfortable, but classy,” Faith said, smoothing the wrinkles in her dress. “I’m glad you got up because I’m going to need you today.”

  “I couldn’t go back to bed without you, so I thought I’d make us some coffee before we left.”

  “You know we’re going to have tons of food at the shop,” Faith reminded him.

  “Babe, we’re going to be so busy we probably won’t have time to eat,” Michael said.

  “I don’t know if I have time. I have to get to the shop so I can let the caterers in and make sure everything is in place.”

  Michael turned around, reaching for her hand. “How about I make yours to go?” he said, handing her an insulated lidded cup filled with dark liquid.

  Faith smiled at him as she gazed into his eyes. Nodding, she put it on the counter, added sugar and cream, blending them with a teaspoon before replacing the lid. “I’m going to get out of here,” she said, placing the spoon in the sink.

  “Okay, I’m going to get dressed, run home, shower and change. I’ll be there in enough time to set up before the shop opens.” He kissed her passionately, pulling her close, then released her. “I want you to know something.”

  “What’s that?”

  “My heart belongs to you.”

  Faith dropped her head and smiled, then looked up at him. “I love you, Michael.” She blinked a couple of times, feeling her eyes water. She’d finally declared her love for him out loud.

  She really had come to understand, while they were apart, what their love meant. She couldn’t buy anywhere what Michael offered her. Letting the words flow from her lips felt good.

  She exhaled loudly, standing in front of him, watching his expressions. For a moment Faith wondered if Michael believed her, so to confirm and reassure him, she went further, “Yes, I love you with my whole heart. I’ve never loved another man the way I love you. I understand…” Her voice faded because the situation was too serious to try to explain in the next five minutes.

  There was no reason to get in to this now because they would be late, so she would save the rest for another time. Placing her hand on his chest, she kissed him lightly on the lips. “We’ll talk about the rest later.”

  She picked up her coffee cup, walked out of the kitchen, grabbed her black trench coat and left the house.

  When Faith arrived at Made to Order by Faith, she was surprised at the huge sign, which said Grand Opening, draped across the front of the building. She knew it was the handiwork of Renee because she hadn’t even thought about an outdoor sign.

  Renee was sitting in her car parked in front of the building. She got out and walked over to Faith. “I hope you like it.”

  Faith hugged her sister tightly. “I love it. You could see it down the street.”

  “Good, that’s what we want, visibility, and the sign will drive people to the store just to see what’s going on.”

  Faith waved her hand. “Come on, let’s get in there and see what needs to be done.” She flicked her wrist to check the time. “The caterers should be arriving at any minute.”

  Faith removed her keys and unlocked the door. As she pushed the door open, she felt a great sense of satisfaction. This shop belonged to her; it was her baby.

  Inside, the space had been transformed into a winter wonderland, creating the atmosphere that the magic and sparkle of the Christmas season brought.

  The colorful designer skirts and blouses she’d ordered from one of her contacts in New York were hanging from the display against the wall. The mannequin looked lovely wearing one of Faith’s little black dresses. The smaller Christmas trees were covered in tiny white lights and little red and white striped candy canes wrapped in cellophane.

  Faith noticed stacked in a corner some vintage books that had some of the antique jewelry she’d found at an auction several months ago displayed on them. She hadn’t decided what to do with them, but was pleased with what Margaret came up with. The section blended well with the display of Margaret’s one-of-a-kind dresses.

  Renee walked over to her and fingered the opal necklace hanging from the top of the book. “Wow, these are really pretty. I think I want to purchase this one for myself.”

  “Of course, you can have it, but I need to find something to put in its place.”

  “Faith, I don’t want you to give it to me. I want to pay for it. You won’t stay in business if you give everything away.”

not just giving this away,” Faith said as she walked over to the register to get a small white shopping bag with the chocolate-and-green company logo on it. She dropped the necklace inside and handed it to Renee. “You’ve earned it double times over by what you’ve helped me do with the website, branding the business and getting me out there on social media.”

  Renee kissed her cheek then picked up the bag. “This is so lovely. Do you think it will go with the custom dress you’re going to make me?”

  “I think it will.” Faith smiled as she watched her sister’s eyes sparkle over her new piece of vintage jewelry that she quickly dropped into her purse.

  “Looks like Margaret has set up a table for the food, and Mom did a great job on the baskets that the girls are going to carry around. It just looks lovely,” Renee said as she inspected them.

  Faith’s stomach flips had subsided a bit and now she was filled with anticipation and excitement for what the day would bring. Having the public accept and patronize her was most important to her business.

  “Can I ask you something?” Renee moved closer.

  “Of course,” Faith replied, removing the plastic covering of the plates she would use to serve the food.

  “Are you and Michael okay now?”

  “We’re getting there.”

  “Good, because I saw you talking in the hall last night.”

  Faith eyes widened. “You saw us?”

  “Yes, but I didn’t want to say anything because I figured you guys were working things out.”

  Faith nodded. “Yes, we were.” She pulled her sister to her side. “Thanks for not telling anyone about our breakup.”

  “It wasn’t my story to tell. I figured if you wanted folks to know, either you or he would tell them.”

  “We’re good now.” Faith turned in the direction of the door just as Michael was coming up to the door of the shop, carrying his equipment.

  Faith hurried to open the door for him.

  “Hey, babe,” Michael said, planting a kiss on her lips. He observed the spacious area. “Looks great. Good job.”


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