A McClendon Thanksgiving

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A McClendon Thanksgiving Page 25

by Sean D. Young

  Faith grabbed her fur jacket and headed out the door, but instead of getting in her car, she started walking. She didn’t want to celebrate anything now, but she had asked her mother to get the families together. Everyone was so excited, but Faith was in a tailspin and the harder she tried to pull it together, the more she wondered what Kevin’s purpose was for coming into the shop.

  The other question was who told him about her shop? She was disappointed in herself because she had grown more backbone than she’d shown today, but his appearing out of nowhere had taken her by total surprise.

  Faith stopped at the little coffee shop several blocks from her boutique. She ordered an herbal tea and took a seat by the window. As she sat and stared into the teacup, she wondered if she should tell Michael. What would his reaction be? Would he try to find Kevin? That would only make things worse because he never liked him in the first place.

  If Kevin was having her followed, did he know where she lived? Would he one day just show up on her doorstep while Michael was there? How would she explain that? She felt like she was starring in someone else’s nightmare.

  She glanced up from the cup and saw a young couple sitting at the table across from hers, all hugged up. They exchanged smiles as they gazed into each other’s eyes, and all Faith could think about was that she wanted to be happy like they (were). If Kevin Harrington had his way, that wouldn’t happen.

  Faith checked her watch and she’d been gone long enough. It would be closing time soon and she didn’t want Margaret to worry, so she hurried back to the store. She had to pull herself together because she wouldn’t be able to hide her feelings from her family if she continued to act this way. The last thing she needed was Michael and her father wanting to go after Kevin.

  Sunday evening, Faith stared at herself in the mirror as she got dressed for the dinner party. She chose to wear a gray, draped jersey dress with her gray-suede stiletto pumps. She pulled out her gray-pearl-and-diamond necklace and bracelet set. She pulled out her full-length leather coat and went straight out to the car when Michael called to say that he was around the corner.

  Leaning back against the vehicle, Michael waited for her with the passenger-side door opened. “Your chariot awaits,” Michael said playfully. She got inside and he slammed the door.

  Once he got into the driver’s seat, he leaned in, wanting her to meet him halfway. He pressed a kiss on her lips. “How’s my baby today?”

  Faith smiled. “Great. How are you?”

  “I feel really good. I didn’t hear from you yesterday and when I called the shop Mom told me that you’d gone out. I didn’t call your cell, just in case you were getting supplies or something.”

  Faith had no idea that Michael had called since Margaret didn’t mention it when she came back. She was glad that he hadn’t gotten ahold of her earlier because she probably would have blurted everything about Kevin’s visit to the shop.

  It was a crisp and clear night as Faith stared out the car window at the twinkle of lights that decorated the street lamps, the houses fully decorated, all the signs of Christmas approaching quickly. Instead of doing too much talking, Faith was relieved that Michael had turned on the radio. It was playing John Legend’s “All of Me”.

  Michael reached over the armrest to caress her hand.

  She gave him a wide smile, all the while trusting that he wouldn’t detect she wasn’t herself. Yet, she still contemplated just telling him.

  He lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed her knuckles before he serenaded her by singing along with Mr. Legend, but off-key.

  When Michael released her hand, Faith looked down at the flawless diamond on her left hand and how it danced in the moonlight. It was a beautiful sight and a memory she would cherish for the rest of her life.

  As they turned onto the street of the restaurant, Faith tried to get excited when she spotted her sister Renee’s car and Jennifer’s minivan. She had to push Kevin out of her mind and not let him rule her headspace. As soon as she had that thought, another one came behind it—was Kevin following her?

  Myra met Michael and Faith at the door of the restaurant, wearing a big smile that Faith gave in return, stepping into her mother’s arms as they hugged each other tightly.

  Faith moved back. “You look pretty tonight.”

  “You do too,” Myra said, removing her own coat, showing off the ivory pantsuit she wore with gold accessories. “Listen, I arranged for a private room in the back. I think you’re going to like what I’ve done,” she said anxiously.

  Myra walked over to Michael and gave him a big hug. Faith noted that everyone in her family genuinely cared for Michael and he cared for them in return.

  Michael stood slightly behind Faith so that he could help her out of her coat. He motioned to take Myra’s as well. “I’m going to the coat check. Are you ladies going to be standing right here?”

  They nodded, and as Faith watched Michael walk away in his rust-colored pea coat and apple cap, she glanced over at her mother. Myra was watching him as well.. “What’s wrong, Mom?”

  Myra turned around to face her. “Do you know how long that boy has been in love with you?”

  Faith could feel the heat growing in her face. “Yes, he told me.”

  Myra hugged Faith to her side. “This one’s a keeper.”

  “Definitely,” Faith said.

  Soon Michael joined them once more, and he and Faith followed Myra to the private room. Faith loved the beautiful architecture of the restaurant. The archway leading to the room had a classic look with Old World charm.

  “Wow,” she heard Michael whisper when they walked into the room.

  The cream-colored walls and chairs contrasted well with the dark mahogany dining tables and wooden floors. The stark-white table linen was decorated simply and elegantly with a long burgundy table runner, silver cutlery, crystal wine goblets and burgundy-damask napkins. All the little touches of color tied the elements together so well.

  They’d combined several tables to create one long one, and there were rose bouquets, which served as the centerpieces, strategically placed down the center of the long table.

  Faith walked over and greeted everyone before Michael pulled out her chair so that she could take a seat. Faith and Michael sat next to each other. Jennifer sat at the end so she could be near the booster chairs that they’d placed on each side of her. Patrice sat next to Jennifer, and Mrs. Montgomery sat next to Patrice, leaving Myra on the other side of Faith and, of course, Russell at the head of the table.

  When Faith looked down at the fancy menu cards that were etched with their names and the seven courses that they would partake of, she realized just how much time and effort her mom had put into the occasion, pulling it together so quickly.

  She leaned over and kissed Myra on the cheek. “This is perfect, Mom. Thanks so much for putting this together on such short notice.”

  Myra pinched Faith’s cheek. “Anything for you. I wanted this to be special.”

  Faith leaned back so that Michael could lean forward. “We will never forget this moment.”

  The servers came with the champagne and poured some all around.

  Russell lifted his glass first. “It seems to me that we’ve been toasting this special lady a lot these days and I’m proud of her. Let’s celebrate Michael and Faith. May your love last until the end of time.”

  Something by the archway leading into the room caught Faith’s eye, and she hoped that the panic she felt didn’t show on her face.

  Faith reached for her water glass and noticed that her hand was jittery. She rested it in her lap until she could get the shaking to stop. She didn’t want to call attention to herself and have the family asking her a lot of questions.

  “Have you guys set a date?” Patrice asked.

  Faith hadn’t noticed that Patrice said anything until she felt Michael hunch her in t
he side. She jerked her head in his direction. “Yes?”

  “Your sister was asking if we set a date.”

  “Not yet, we haven’t even talked about when, but we will.” Faith was still preoccupied and every chance she got she would glance over in the direction of the door. “Once we do come up with a date, I’ll call you guys so you can help me plan my wedding.”

  “I hope you’re not going to be a Bridezilla,” Patrice said.

  Faith chuckled at Patrice’s remark, noting that wedding planning could be chaotic, but she was going to try to make hers as painless as possible.

  Suddenly, she saw an elegantly dressed, tall woman walk over to a man. They both followed the host into the room. Her heart pounding in her chest as they came out of the darkest part of the room into more light, she released a long sigh once she realized it wasn’t Kevin. She was elated that he hadn’t shown up to ruin her engagement dinner.

  Unfortunately, Faith had lost her appetite. She simply picked at her food, despite the delicious selection of crab legs, stuffed lobster tails, seafood gumbo, lobster boil, creamed spinach and more.

  Everyone at the table was having a good time drinking champagne with Michael. Faith hadn’t taken another sip since her father completed his toast. She already had crazy thoughts in her head; she didn’t need alcohol to fuel it.

  Once the decadent chocolate layer cake, crème brûlée and peppermint ice cream with fudge sauce had been served, they were all ready to go.

  Faith picked up her personalized menu and stuck it into her pocketbook so she could keep it for the memory. They all said their goodbyes and Faith promised she would see them soon. She and Michael were going back to her place to relax for the rest of the evening.

  On the drive home, Michael tried to keep his attention on the road, but something was nagging at him about Faith’s demeanor and actions that evening. He watched Faith and sensed that something was off, but kept his promise to Faith—he wouldn’t push her. He asked her at least once if she was okay, she said yes, so he left it alone, but knew she wasn’t telling him the truth.

  Now he was more than concerned about her because it was her idea to have the dinner party in the first place. She seemed distant, wasn’t paying attention and their families had come out to celebrate them, but she didn’t look like she wanted to celebrate.

  Michael reached over to touch Faith’s hand. “Babe, are you okay? You didn’t seem like yourself at dinner.”

  Faith glanced at him, then back out the window. “I’m fine, just tired.” She rested her head back against the headrest.

  Pulling alongside the curb in front of her building, Michael hopped out of the car first, then assisted her from the vehicle. When she grasped his hand, they felt clammy, like she was nervous. He didn’t say anything to her about it, but he would get to the bottom of whatever was going on with her once they got upstairs.

  If she really didn’t want to marry him, she should have just said so. He didn’t want to compete with her trust issues because it seemed as if he would never win.

  Michael stood slightly behind her as she unlocked her apartment door, then followed her inside, taking the key out of the lock and engaging them after closing the door.

  “Okay, Faith, out with it,” he said, trying to control the sound of his voice. He didn’t want to upset her, but right now he was the one upset. He took off his jacket and laid it across the arm of the sofa so that it could be near him if he had to leave in a hurry.

  Faith continued to walk down the hall to her bedroom, throwing over her shoulder, “There’s nothing for me to say.”

  Michael marched quietly down the hall behind her until they were in her room. He leaned against the doorjamb, watching her as she removed her coat and flopped down on the bed.

  At first she dropped her head. Then she turned in his direction.

  He didn’t like seeing her wounded, which was the only way he could describe her expression. He slid over to the bed and sat down beside her. “You know, whatever it is, you can tell me.”

  Faith nodded. “Yes, I know.”

  “Am I losing you again?”

  Faith’s eyes widened. “No, I’m fine, babe, really,” she said, laying her head on his shoulder.

  Michael slipped his arm around her waist. “I feel that you’re being distant and I don’t understand what happened between yesterday and today.” He shook his head in confusion.

  Faith still rested against his shoulder quietly, but Michael needed her to communicate with him. If they were going to make it, she would have to talk to him.

  “Babe, did something happen today?”

  Faith sat up straight and looked him in the eye. “Yes,” she said in a hushed tone of voice.

  Michael had to hold himself back from bombarding her with questions, so he only asked one, hoping that it would encourage her to say more. “Can you tell me?”

  “Why can’t I get rid of him? Why can’t he just leave me alone forever?”

  “Who are you talking about, Faith?”

  Michael didn’t like hearing about someone bothering her. Once he found out who it was, he would make sure that they didn’t bother her again.

  Faith stood, walked over to the dresser, took off her jewelry and put it away. She pulled at the hemline of the knit dress and pulled it over her head, revealing the silk slip.

  While Michael sat waiting for Faith to complete the story, he turned over the last two statements in his mind. He knew exactly whom she was talking about because it couldn’t be anyone else. He got up from the bed, walked slowly over to her and asked, watching her through the mirror, “Did you see Kevin today?”

  She looked up, into the mirror, back at him. “Yes.”

  “What the hell?” Michael yelled, his hands curled into fists. He leaned closer to her ear. “Where is he?”

  “I don’t know,” Faith responded.

  “Did something happen between you two?”

  Faith kicked off her shoes and went back over to the bed. “I know this is a shock. Can you imagine how I felt when I turned around and that bastard was standing in the middle of my store?”

  Michael watched as tears flooded her eyes, so he rushed over to her, gathering her in his arms. “It will be okay, babe. I promise you,” he said, trying to reassure her. There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for her and if he had to have a talk with Kevin, he would do that as well.

  Michael figured Faith was probably afraid, so he didn’t want to leave her alone. “I think I’ll just stay the night, if it’s okay with you.”

  “That would be fine with me,” she said.

  Michael kissed her forehead. “Well, I think we should get ready for bed. We can talk about it tomorrow.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  The aroma of bacon and sausage wafted through the air, and when Faith awakened, she sat up. She was glad she had made the shop hours on Mondays from ten o’clock to six in the evening. She needed that extra hour of sleep before having to face the hustle and bustle of adult living.

  Faith searched for her remote control so she could catch the local news since they were into the first week of December and Chicago weather was so unpredictable. She found it on the nightstand, underneath her Essence magazine. She picked up the remote, aimed it toward the television and pressed the Power button.

  As soon as the television tuned to the channel she’d selected, Kevin Harrington being led out of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in handcuffs filled the screen.

  Faith screamed as she pressed the Volume button so that she could hear every word that was being said.

  “New York financier Kevin Harrington was arrested today for helping to run a Ponzi scheme across three states that bilked thousands of investors out of over three hundred million dollars. The charges include securities fraud, conspiracy and mail fraud. He was in Chicago at the Mercantile Exchange to me
et with potential investors who turned out to be undercover federal agents.”

  Michael ran into the room and Faith pointed at the television screen. “What the hell?” Michael said, moving closer to the bed, taking a seat at the bottom. He turned back and stared at Faith. “Babe, did you…?”

  Faith shook her head. Then she threw it back and let out the haughtiest laugh she had ever uttered in her life. She had no idea that was in her, but the tears started to stream down her face.

  “I hated him for bringing me into his mess. I wanted to choke his behind so bad, but I did exactly what the FBI told me to do, let them catch him.”

  Michael’s mouth dropped. “They were investigating him?”

  “Me too, that’s how I found out what he was doing. He had opened these offshore accounts in my name, and because I travel to Paris, Milan and Italy, they thought that’s what I was doing.

  “He tried to take me with him, but it didn’t work. I had to clear my name,” she said out loud, watching the officer push Kevin’s head down so he could enter the car as they carted him away.

  Faith clapped her hands loudly as she continued to allow the tears to stream down her face.

  Michael reached for her. “Babe, now you don’t have to worry about him anymore, so don’t cry.”

  “Oh no, these are happy tears. I’m so glad they got him I don’t know what to do with myself.” Finally Faith would be able to tell Michael everything.

  “I have talked to the FBI, SEC, IRS, and, let me tell you, those folks do not play,” she said.

  “I’m so happy this day is here,” Faith said, pointing to the television, at the photo they still had on the screen. “I hope his ass rots in federal prison. I had no idea he was a criminal. I really don’t think he was at the beginning. I think he got greedy and thought he was untouchable.”

  Faith pulled back the covers. “Come here, babe,” she said to Michael. He got underneath, sliding closer to her. She wanted to touch him as she gazed into his eyes.


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