Surrender (Surrender #1)

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Surrender (Surrender #1) Page 12

by J. G. Sumner

  Kate kissed the corner of his mouth as she tenderly ran a hand over his chest. Her touch was calming; it had an almost Zen-like effect on him. As air slowly found its way back into his lungs, the tightness in his chest subsided, and his body function returned. When her kisses reached the middle of his mouth, he pulled her into his arms, taking hold of her as though his life depended on it. In a way, it did. She was the air to his lungs; the warmth to his cold, the calm to his stress, and the yin to his yang. After what seemed like a lifetime with her in his arms, she pulled back and peered into his eyes. Her normally light blue eyes were stormy and dark.

  “What happened?”

  He sat himself up, reached for Kate’s face, wiped the hair from her forehead, and planted a kiss softly on her forehead. With his hands still on her cheeks, he replied, “They know I’m alive. They have pictures of me traveling through a train station in Florence. I’m sure they’ve figured out I’m traveling with you. They must know where we are.”

  “If they do, why haven’t they come?”

  He didn’t have a good answer for that. Nor did he have an answer as to why her face wasn’t plastered on the newspaper as well. “I don’t know.”

  “We may have lost them in Siena. Maybe we did a good enough job that we’ve eluded them for the time being.”

  “The point is they know I’m alive. The cartel knows I’m alive. They’re going to be looking for me.” He let his head fall back against the chair.

  “Then we have to move swiftly. I’ll get ready now. I don’t need to see those fountains.”

  “There will be thousands of people by the time we get there. We’ll just have to make sure we get lost in the crowds. I want to make your wish come true.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. You deserve at least that much.”

  “Okay, I’ll hurry.” As she stood, her robe opened just enough, giving him a glimpse of her inner thighs. Now that he had had a taste of her, he longed for more. She was his craving, and he needed to be fed. If only things were different; if only they could spend the entire day in this room, just the two of them.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Katherine and Tony took the hotel shuttle to Barberini Square. The scenic drive was about thirty minutes as the young Italian driver took a longer route to show the hotel guests some sights. She was glad they chose to take the shuttle rather than the taxi; she was in awe of urban sprawl known as Rome. The age of the buildings was impressive, and the fact they were still standing after thousands of years was a feat all in itself. This was the city others imitated. This was the city that was supposed to last forever.

  When they got off at the shuttle stop, Tony reached for Katherine’s hand. Every time he touched her, a jolt launched itself through her body. He was a gorgeous man clothed, but naked he was Adonis. Every ounce of his tan body was chiseled to perfection.

  Tony’s touch reminded Katherine of the pivotal moment when she decided to forget about the past and surrender to the feelings she had for Tony. When she returned to the bathroom earlier, she chastised herself for not jumping at the opportunity then and there. She wanted to feel the warmth of his skin, the gentleness of his touch, run her fingers through his hair as he was penetrating her, and taste the passion from his lips. The old her would never make the first move. Proper ladies didn’t behave that way; they didn’t go out gallivanting for prey. Since she came to Italy, she’d taken bold moves. She took the trip by herself, went out on a date with a complete stranger in a foreign country, and trusted a man she barely knew. She’d already thrown caution to the wind, so why stop now? This was a chance to give in to her desires and impure thoughts, to be with a Roman god. Her Adonis was standing in the next room. Heck yeah, she was going to go for it. She slipped off her robe and checked herself out in the mirror to steady herself before exiting the bathroom.

  Tony took Katherine’s hand bringing her out of the daydream she wished could last forever. As they walked to the Trevi Fountain, she pushed through the sea of people. She sensed they were getting closer when the crowd grew thicker and it was nearly impossible to get around anyone. Tony had explained the fountain was only a few blocks from the square and she was glad she didn’t have to walk very far. The unusually hot day, along with the constant barrage of elbows in her side, made the journey less than pleasant. Sure, it was crowded in New York City, but Katherine knew the best time and routes to travel to avoid crowds. Being in a foreign city, she didn’t have that luxury.

  “Look up there.” He pointed to a concrete structure on the hillside. “That is the Aqua Virgo. It is an aqueduct that brought water for the bathhouses in the city. Its ending destination is the Trevi Fountain.”

  She looked up and saw that the arches holding the ornate structure up could rival any modern-day architecture. “Does it still work?

  “Yes, it’s one of the few that actually do. It supplies water to all of the fountains in the area. It was supposedly named after a girl who showed the soldiers where they could find springs to drink from.”

  “It’s beautiful. How old is it?”

  “About two thousand years, and most of it runs underground. It’s hard to imagine they were able to build something like that back then—especially when they didn’t have any tractors or modern-day equipment.”

  “It’s absolutely spectacular. I’ve seen dozens of buildings, statues, and pieces of art while I’ve been here, but it doesn’t cease to amaze me the magnificent art and structures they were able to build more than two thousand years ago. The fact they are still standing speaks volumes.”

  “Yes, I guess I’ve taken for granted living here all of my life, but you’re right.” Tony looked thoughtfully up at the arches.

  “Are we close to the Trevi Fountain?”

  His smile widened as they rounded a corner. A large mass of people had congregated with vendors all around. At first, she didn’t see past the commotion.

  “This is it, my dear.” He pointed to a grand baroque masterpiece.

  She studied the amazing piece of art, and attempted to understand the story that was being conveyed. There was what appeared to be Neptune with two horses; one seemed to be struggling while the other was obedient. Several other statues overlooked the scene of Neptune. The water from the fountain ran into a pool where people took turns throwing coins into it.

  There were no words to describe what she was seeing. The fountain was the most ornate and beautiful thing she’d ever seen. The history and the symbolism behind the statue left her entranced.

  “Kate…Kate…Kate!” He tapped her shoulder.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, it’s more than I could’ve imagined. It’s breathtaking.”

  “Here, why don’t you go down the steps and throw in these coins?”

  He held up two Euros which she graciously took, and proceeded down the steps. More than anything, she wanted to continue her journey throughout Italy. The country was beautiful, romantic, and Tony was showing her things she might never have seen on her own.

  The crowds were thick and it was hard to get to the actual fountain. The air was already becoming humid, but with a number of people standing and admiring the fountain, the air seemed stagnant and muggy.

  She listened as a young mom explained to her daughter about the statues on the fountain. Like any young child, she wanted very much to play in the water, and the woman struggled to keep the youngster dry.

  Instantly, Katherine knew what her wish would be. She turned with her back facing the fountain, took a deep breath, and threw the coin over her shoulder. There was a small splash as the coin burst through the surface. She took one last moment to appreciate the sight before her. When she was satisfied that she had taken in as much of the fountain as possible, Katherine pushed back through the crowd of people, and returned to Tony’s side.

  “Well, did you make your wish?”

  “Yes,” she replied happily.

  “What did you wish for?”

  “If I tell
you, it won’t come true.”

  He crossed his arms. “Who told you that?”

  “I guess its American superstition.”

  “I see. You Americans come up with some silly ideas.”

  She turned from him to get another glimpse of the fountain. “Perhaps we do.”

  Tony put his arms around her, pulling her close. She tried to imagine if Mike was here by her side, if this experience would have been as magical. Immediately, her mind said no and her body settled into Tony’s arms. This felt right. She was in a good place. If only she could say the same for Tony.

  Time seemed to stand still as she watched the tourists come and go. This was what she imagined the trip would be like when she planned it months ago. The only difference now was that she was with Tony instead of Mike.

  “Are you ready to go?” Tony whispered in her ear.

  The heat of his breath made her insides clench. She faced him and leaned up for a kiss. He responded by tenderly cupping her face in his strong hands and placing his soft lips on hers. The woodsy smell of his skin made her eager, and longing to be back in the hotel. Tony gently parted her lips with his tongue—luring Katherine into a world where only the two of them existed.

  She never wanted the kiss to end.

  Tony pulled away and searched through the crowd.

  “Who are you looking for?”

  He continued to look over the masses of people. “I don’t know exactly. Perhaps one of the men from the train station or someone who seems to be following us. It’s hard to dodge someone if you don’t know what they look like.”

  He grabbed her hand and tugged her through the crowd gathered around the fountain. Once they broke free, he brought her close and brushed the hair from her face. “I need to make one more stop before we get you to the embassy. I can’t do this alone or else I would.”

  “You’re being cryptic. What can’t you do alone?”

  “You’ll know when we get there. Come on.”

  She followed him through the back streets of Rome. Clearly, he was in a hurry. They were moving at such a fast pace she didn’t have a chance to admire the beauty of the buildings. He pushed through the crowd, dragging her behind him. He wore a big smile on his face. His enthusiasm was contagious, and Katherine soon found herself laughing out loud as she stayed in tow.

  Katherine was out of breath. “Where are we going?”

  “I told you, it’s a surprise!”

  “I love surprises.” She quickened her pace to keep up.

  “Hmmm, I seem to remember someone telling me she hated surprises.”

  “I may have lied just a bit.”

  “Good to know,” he shouted at the top of his lungs. “Guess what, world? Beautiful Kate loves surprises!”

  She smiled. “Tony, what’s got into you? You’re so jubilant. This is a side of you I haven’t met yet.”

  “The circumstances surrounding us haven’t afforded me the opportunity to be the fun guy I normally am. If we met under different circumstances, this is the guy you would’ve met. I hope you like him.”

  “Like him? This guy makes it hard for me to leave Italy—to leave you.”

  He stopped dead in his tracks causing her to bump into him. He closed the gap between them. His heart beat rapidly against her chest, he stared into her eyes with such intensity she thought she would explode from the heat building inside her. Katherine tried to catch her breath but Tony seemed to take it with each inhalation he took.

  “Kate, staying is not an option. You must go home.”

  Sadly, she replied, “I know. I just got caught up in the moment.”

  He bent and kissed her nose. “If there were any other way, I would keep you here and never let you go.”

  He was sincere. His voice, touch, and the expression on his face confirmed what she already felt. There was a connection between them neither could deny. This was more than some fling or a chance encounter. Her heart screamed this was the real thing; however, her mind said otherwise. How on Earth could she trust a man she’d only known for days, when she’d been with Mike for five years only to find out she couldn’t trust him?

  “We must go.”

  He took her hand, and they soldiered on. Their earlier exuberance had vanished. His shoulders were slumped and his smile disappeared. Instead, there was sadness in the air, and both of them felt it.

  Her time with Tony was short; only one more stop before they went to the embassy. What would she do then? What would happen? Would she go back to the same life she just walked away from? Maybe she didn’t want that life anymore. Maybe there was more out there than the privileged life she’d been leading. Now that she experienced a different culture, and met Tony, she didn’t know if she could go back to attending soirées with her family where she made small talk and pretended to be interested. It seemed so insignificant. There had to be more to life.

  “We’re here.”

  The building was small and there were cracks and pieces of the mortar falling off the walls. There was no sign, just the number 416 hand painted over the door. She looked through the window and noted the jewelry. Tony held the door and waved her through. They were quickly greeted by the owner, and Tony spoke with him in Italian for a few minutes before introducing her in English.

  The owner stretched out his hand. “My name is Luigi. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “You as well.” She extended her hand as Luigi kissed the top.

  “What brings you here today?”

  Tony spoke slow and deliberate. “My father sent me here to purchase an engagement ring. We are to get married on April sixteenth.”

  Luigi’s smile faded and his jaw clenched. Katherine’s own pulse quickened as the words computed in her mind. She suddenly doubted all her thoughts and feelings since she met Tony. What is going on? Who is he buying an engagement ring for?

  “Please excuse me. I believe I have the perfect one for you. I’ll be right back.”

  Luigi disappeared into the back of the store. Tony directed his attention toward her. “Oh my God. Kate. What’s wrong? You’re as pale as a ghost!”

  She shifted her eyes from the floor to him, “What’s going on? Who are you buying a ring for?”

  “It’s not what you think. I can see you’re nervous but there’s no need to be. You’ll understand shortly.”

  “Tony, I…” Katherine stopped speaking as the owner returned. He held a red velvet ring box and a large manila envelope. The owner placed the tiny box in Tony’s hand. He hesitated before opening it. When Tony finally did, he let out a gasp.

  “Sir, do you like?” Luigi asked.

  “Yes, it looks just like my mother’s.” Tony’s words were once again deliberate.

  The owner relaxed his posture and a large smile spread across his face. His eyes twinkled as he spoke. “I’m so happy to see you. When I read about your family, I was broken up. Your dad was my best friend growing up.”

  “Thank you. He said you had something for me.”

  “Yes. Your father wanted the love for your mother to live on. He had this replica made in hopes when they passed away, one of their sons could continue what they had built.” Tony wiped away the tears that trickled down his face. It reminded Katherine of his panic attack back at the hotel.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.” Luigi gave Tony a tissue.

  “You don’t know what this means to me. I have nothing to remind me of my family except my memories. This ring…this is the one thing symbolizing their love. I can’t thank you enough.”

  “Your father would be very proud. You boys were his world. He worked hard to make sure you could have a life after he was gone.”

  “Did he know this was going to happen?”

  “The last time he was here, he was very cryptic and I could tell he was worried. I expect he knew his days were numbered.”

  “When was that?”

  “About two months ago. He also gave me this envelope.” Luigi handed the package to Tony. �
�Your dad was a good man. When I was in my early twenties, I’d been married for only a few months. My wife got sick and I lost my job. I couldn’t afford to pay for our rent or her medical bills. I couldn’t find a job and just putting food on the table was a struggle.” Luigi shook his head. “I can’t tell you the despair that set in. Your dad was kind enough to loan me the money to pay my rent and purchase this store. It took me several years to save the money to pay him back. When I finally did, he refused; said that’s what friends are for. Because of his kindness and generosity, I was able to buy a house. I don’t know where I would be without your dad. Don’t ever question his loyalty to you.”

  Katherine stood quietly next to the door. It was uncomfortable watching the interaction between the two men. Why had Tony brought her here? He was obviously not telling her something. The desire to flee the store swept over her. Instead, she stood her ground—just like when she found Mike.

  Tony was obviously still hurting over the loss of his family. If she were in his shoes, it would have destroyed her. She thought back to when she first met him. She didn’t remember him laughing or smiling; he had been very solemn. When Katherine found him on the floor in the hotel, she thought he was having a heart attack. Instead, he was suffering from a broken heart. Her heart ached for him and her natural response was to reach out and comfort him.

  “You must go now. You must not let them find you. Your father wouldn’t want anyone else hurt from this.”

  “Thank you.” Tony put the ring in the envelope and walked out of the store. His head was down, but there was no mistaking the defeat on his face. The life was drained from his body. He looked like a rag doll held up with some sticks. Katherine quickly followed Tony into the street.

  “Are you okay?” Katherine placed a hand on his shoulder.


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