Surrender (Surrender #1)

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Surrender (Surrender #1) Page 25

by J. G. Sumner

  Kate’s dad rubbed her shoulder. She winced as a sharp pain shot into her back.

  “Everything’s going to be okay. You just need to keep resting.” He gave her a crooked smile.

  Clearly, her dad was skeptical of the advice he was providing. None of them truly knew what happened in Italy. They could see her physical injuries, but they had no clue what she saw or what went on in her heart and mind. They would never understand, but she wasn’t so sure that she completely understood.

  A heaviness crept over Kate’s eyes and forced her eyelids closed. She fell asleep with the comfort of knowing she was safe and dreaming of what might have been with Tony.



  Her Upper East Side Manhattan apartment was no longer comforting. Kate constantly felt like a visitor in her own home. The decor and furniture felt as though it belonged to someone else. When she left the hospital, Kate looked forward to sleeping on her one thousand-thread count Egyptian cotton sheets. But the moment she lay down, all she could think about was the other woman who left her mark. She had to get out of the apartment; the claustrophobia set in as the feeling of suffocation took hold of her throat refusing to let go.

  Kate took the elevator down to the lobby. Her shoes clicked on the dark marble floors. The doorman rushed to open the door.

  “Good afternoon, James.”

  James nodded. “Ma’am.”

  The sidewalk full of people was a welcome distraction. The humming of the traffic, the honking of horns, and chirping of birds were all soothing sounds. This was home. This was what made her love the city.

  Kate walked up 67th St toward St. Catherine’s Park. When she was young, her mother would always take her to this park to play. Her mom told her stories how when she was born everyone in the entire city celebrated that such a beautiful princess now occupied the Upper East Side. As a result, they named the park after her. It wasn’t until she learned the park’s name was spelled differently did she figure out her mom made the story up.

  Kate found an empty bench and sat down. Children played happily as their nannies looked on. These children may have been complete strangers, but once they started playing, it was as if they knew each other all of their young lives. She smiled in hopes of having her own children one day.

  She rubbed the side of her chest where the wound from the chest tube was still healing. Kate’s muscles were sore and throbbed from time to time but each day, the pain lessened. Still, it was a frequent reminder of the hell she went through and the fact there still wasn’t any sign of Tony.

  Kate spent a total of three weeks in the hospital before she was released. She suffered from severe dehydration, a punctured lung resulting from several broken ribs, and significant internal bruising. Her parents had brought in a psychiatrist to treat her while in the hospital; they were worried about the long-term effects the kidnapping would have on her psyche. As far as she was concerned, she was no worse for wear. That jerk beat the crap out of her, but she would live. There was nothing to psychoanalyze; he was just an evil monster.

  Agent Thompson came to visit Kate a couple of times. He had been shot in the shoulder and stomach and had lost a significant amount of blood. The ambulances were able to bring Agent Thompson, along with two other Interpol agents, to the hospital. He spent most of his recovery in the Italian hospital before he was released. Immediately upon entering the States, he arrived at her bedside.

  Kate asked if there was any news on Tony’s whereabouts. Unfortunately, when the Guardia entered the Bertalucci compound, Matteo Bertalucci was nowhere to be found and Tony was also M.I.A. The agents searched the area with helicopters and search dogs, but there was no sign of them. Thompson even went so far as to ask her if Tony was working with the green-eyed monster and perhaps they even escaped together. At first, she refused to believe such a thing could happen. However, after a month had gone by without any sign of Tony, she began to wonder herself. Was she really that bad of a judge of character? Was she the only one who felt the connection? Was Tony really trying to save her and get her to an embassy or was it all just a ploy to get the ransom from her family?

  Tears fell from Kate’s face as betrayal took over her heart. She had a big, gaping hole the size of Alaska where he was concerned. There wasn’t anything she wanted more than to look into his emerald-green eyes at that moment. The truth would be in them; she would know whether or not he was playing her.

  She stood up from the bench and pushed through the wrought iron gates back onto 67th St. Kate took the short walk down to 61st and then over to Lexington; Melissa’s Mini Cupcakes called her name. She walked inside and ordered a half dozen triple chocolate fudge and a half dozen red velvet mini cupcakes. She wasn’t normally an emotional eater, but today, she needed a little something to soothe her soul.

  Once Kate stepped out of the store, she took a bit of the sinfully delicious chocolate cake. There was nothing quite like it; the richness of the flavors and decadent cocoa made the world right again.

  She strolled down Lexington, peering in the shops. Cute outfits caught her eye in several of the windows. When she got down to 59th St, a stunning white dress called her name from the Banana Republic shop. Kate was in and out within minutes with the dress in tow. She popped another cupcake in her mouth and let the cream cheese frosting melt in her mouth before hopping on the bus.

  Something had to change; the life she was living now was lonely and boring. The Upper East Side wasn’t what it once was. Wealthy families typically took residence there and she didn’t have a family, and she no longer had a fiancé or boyfriend to even think about starting a family with—only the distant memory of what might have been.

  She got off the bus in Soho and walked around. This eclectic neighborhood was becoming a trendy hotspot for living, dining, and shopping. This neighborhood had culture and charisma. This felt like home; this is where she needed to be living.

  Kate walked along Thompson Avenue until she came upon a newly constructed building on the corner of Broome St. The corner architecture and glass windows looked very modern and were appealing to the eye. The red and black sign in the window read: ‘Now Leasing.’ She pulled on the handle of the glass door and entered the air-conditioned lobby. It was beautiful—absolutely breathtaking.

  “May I help you, ma’am?” The tall doorman with slightly graying hair and a perfectly starched uniform welcomed her in.

  “Yes, thank you. I saw a sign outside that said you were leasing. Is there anyone I can talk to about this?”

  The man smiled, showing his sparkling white teeth. He could’ve been in an ad for a whitening toothpaste. “Please, come with me. I’ll call the manager right down to give you a tour.”

  Kate approached the cherry wood reception desk. The doorman immediately picked up the phone and began talking. She looked around the lobby at the modern glass chandeliers, the oversized couches, and the gray marble tiles. The song “Pompeii” by Bastille hummed through the speaker system. Instantly, her thoughts went to Italy. She never had the chance to see the ruins in Pompeii or hike Mt. Vesuvius. Unfortunately, she doubted she would ever go back to that country.

  “Hello, my name is Jeffrey.” A blonde-haired man with a golden tan held out his hand and she shook it firmly.

  “I’m Kate. I’m interested in taking a look at your apartments.”

  Jeffrey smiled. “Fabulous. What size did you have in mind?”

  She thought about it for a minute before answering. Should she get a studio? After all, it was only her. She didn’t need anything too big. Maybe having an extra room might be nice if a friend wanted to stay over.

  “How about a two-bedroom? Do you have any available?”

  “Actually, I have one. The previous occupants just moved out last week. I’d love to show it to you.”

  “Yeah, I think I’d like that.”

  Kate followed Jeffrey to the elevators and up to the fourth floor. They stepped out onto a very modern charcoal carpet that lined
the hallways.

  “So, this is apartment 4F. It is one of my favorites. You get a great view down Thompson St. and along the skyline. All the appliances are new, and you will find all of the rooms are top-of-the-line.”

  Jeffrey opened the door and allowed Kate to walk in first. The apartment was staged with oversized comfy couches and designer furniture. She took a look around the room before rushing to the floor-to-ceiling windows. Jeffrey was right; the view was amazing. She could see herself sitting in front of the windows, drinking coffee and watching the world go by. Kate then walked into the kitchen. The stainless steel appliances were prominently displayed amongst the granite counter tops and the white subway tile backsplash. If she cooked, this would be one kitchen she would be proud to serve up a nice meal in.

  Kate moved on to the master bedroom where there were more floor-to-ceiling windows. A king-sized bed filled the room but allowed plenty of room to move about. A walk-in closet that could hold all of her shoes and then some. The on-suite bathroom had travertine tiles and his and her sinks with granite countertops. Kate was home. She didn’t even need to look in the guest bedroom.

  “I’ll take it. How soon can I move in?”

  Jeffrey’s jaw dropped. “Don’t you want to know the cost?”

  “Not especially. This is where I need to be at this moment in my life. I can assure you I can afford whatever the rent is. You’re more than welcome to run a credit check on me right now. Oh, and I’d like to keep the furniture as well.”

  Jeffrey nodded. “Ah, okay. I haven’t really experienced someone making a decision this quickly before. How about we head back downstairs to my office? I can get all the necessary paperwork going. I would say upon approval of the credit and background check, we can get you in here in about a week.”

  “Hmmm. That long?” Staying in her old apartment one more night was the last thing she wanted to do. Dread washed over her at the thought of it.

  “Well, Ms.…”

  “Anderson. Katherine Anderson.” She smiled sweetly.

  Jeffrey’s eyes grew wide. “Katherine Anderson of the Anderson restaurant empire?”

  “Yes, that’s me.”

  “Well, let me see if I can make an exception. I’ll still have to run the credit check for documentation purposes. When would you like to move in?”

  “Honestly? Tonight. I’m ready to take the next step in my life and I don’t want to wait a second longer.” Kate shifted back and forth on her feet; the excitement and anticipation were killing her. She could be sleeping here tonight.

  “Um…well…uh…This is certainly an unusual set of circumstances.”

  “Please. I promise you won’t be sorry.”

  Jeffrey pursed his lips, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. “Okay, as long as the credit check goes through and you sign the lease. You’ll have to sign a two-year lease.”

  “No problem!” Kate ran up and hugged Jeffrey. “Thank you so much. I can’t wait!”

  She filled out the required documents while Jeffrey ran the credit check. She couldn’t write fast enough, and her hand was trembling as she signed her name.

  Jeffrey walked back into the office with keys jingling in his hand. “Well, Ms. Anderson, it appears everything is in order. You’re set to move in.” His smile was crooked and cute.

  Kate jumped to her feet. “Yay! This is so amazing. I’m going to run back to my apartment, pack a suitcase, and come right back.” She ran out of the building and hailed the first cab she saw. Her future had changed for the better; life as Kate was going to be great.


  April was perhaps one of the most beautiful times of year in New York. Spring had come, flowers were blooming, and trees were bearing new leaves. Kate wandered through the streets of Manhattan. The sights and sounds of the city continued to provide a calming effect and a smile formed across her face.

  The transition to Soho was probably one of the best things she ever did. She escaped the mundane life she’d known before. She met new friends and now even had a best friend. They spent hours shopping at sample sales, tasting wine, and she came to almost every one of Kate’s food tastings. How had she missed life before? It seemed as though the lights had turned on and she could see around her.

  There was still no word from Tony. Not a day went by that she didn’t think about him. It had been almost a year since she last saw him and escaped the house in Italy. She still had no idea what his fate was. Often times, she sat on her balcony and wondered if he made it out alive. If he had, wouldn’t he have come for her? Wouldn’t he have contacted her to let her know he was safe? Maybe guilt plagued him. Perhaps Kate was never more than a pawn in his game. She would probably never know the answer. While the pain of not knowing what happened or where Tony was at was still there, it wasn’t nearly as bad as it had once been. It just proved that time could heal all wounds.

  She turned onto 5th Avenue. People bustled—everyone going in and out of stores and scrambling to get to their next destination. At any one time, she could count twenty taxis lined on the road pushing and honking their way through the maze of cars. This was life. This was what was so thrilling about living in New York City.

  Not unlike many other days, Kate found herself standing at 350 5th Avenue. She stared up at the enormous structure known as the Empire State Building. The structure was considered a pillar of the city; it could be seen from just about anywhere. What was it about this building that made Tony want to visit it so much? Why not the Freedom Tower or the Statue of Liberty? Most days, she continued walking but today was different. It was Tony’s birthday and something was pulling her to enter the building; it was like a force she wasn’t going to resist. She looked down at the heart-shaped ring on her finger and rotated it back and forth with her thumb. She hadn’t taken it off since the green-eyed monster last took it from her. Kate was relieved when she found it on her finger. She wasn’t sure when he slipped it back on. She must’ve been unconscious.

  Kate went inside and walked through the marble entryway that led to the gold replica image of the building on the wall. It certainly was a beautiful tribute to an amazing architectural feat. She’d seen pictures of men standing on top of the structure constructing it. The job seemed dangerous, and they had no safety harnesses on. In today’s day and age, the unions would have a field day with that.

  Kate continued walking until she found the short line that was waiting for the elevators. This was great; there would be virtually no wait to get up. April was typically a slower month for tourists, and she was there a little early for the people who flocked up to the top at sunset.

  Within a few minutes, she was riding the elevator to the top. When Kate exited the rickety metal enclosure, she was stunned by the panoramic view. It didn’t matter how many times she’d been on the top of the Empire State building, the view was always as magnificent and breathtaking as the first time.

  She walked to the edge of the building and peered through the fence that stood protecting the people from falling or jumping off the side of the building. She located several well-known spots throughout the city; Central Park, Rockefeller Center, and the Statue of Liberty, which was known for welcoming immigrants to the States. Lady Liberty stood proudly, weathering the test of time and continuing to welcome people from all over the world. Tony would’ve enjoyed this.

  The breeze kicked in sending a chill through the air. Winter hadn’t completely left and it continued to provide a cold bite in the afternoons. Her overcoat couldn’t compete with the breeze that decided to linger. Goosebumps covered her flesh and a chill raced down her spine.

  She pulled her coat closed and took one last look at the city before heading back down the elevator. As she turned, she bumped into a dark-haired gentleman. He was tall with a beard.

  “Excuse me. I’m so sorry.” Kate smiled politely as she looked up at the man. Her breath caught inside her chest. Had it not been for the glowing emeralds staring back at her, she may not have recognized him. A sur
ge of emotions flooded through her: anger, happiness, surprise, and excitement. She couldn’t tell which was strongest.

  “Oh my God. Tony! What are you doing here? Where have you been? What happened to you?”

  He covered her lips with a finger as he pulled her close. The emeralds pierced her eyes and mesmerized her into a silent trance. That man could have anything he wanted from her at that very moment. As he leaned in and placed his mouth on hers, she closed her eyes, savoring the warmth and softness of his lips and the smell of his skin. His facial hair brushed against her skin, tickling it. She forgot how his kisses could make her knees weak and her body swoon.

  He moved his arms down her sides and behind her back. She melted into his embrace as he deepened the kiss. Tony parted her mouth with his tongue, diving softly inside and dancing with hers. They were in unison…harmonious, as if they had been doing this every day for their entire lives.

  Kate pulled him in deeper. Her desire to take hold of him and never let go controlled every part of her body. She let him go once; she wasn’t about to let him leave again. She wanted to devour him and bathe in his touch. Time stood still; there was no one else in the world except the two of them in this very moment.

  Tony took a handful of her hair and gently pulled it, causing her to moan in his mouth. She pulled him tighter and scraped her nails along his back trying to claw her way into him. The heat from his body warmed her heart and soul. She no longer needed to run from the breeze that chilled her to the core only moments before. She was now possessed by an inferno of heat, and her desire for Tony outweighed any fear of getting burned.

  He pulled back slowly, his eyes never leaving hers. The connection never severed. “God, you’re beautiful.”

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Mi amore…Don’t you remember? This was our destiny. The Empire State Building on April sixteenth at four-sixteen in the afternoon. This is our time.”


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