Sweet Curves

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Sweet Curves Page 4

by Elisa Leigh

  “Wyatt, it’s all ready to go.” The man says, shaking Wyatt’s hand.

  “You must be Lanie. My daughters can’t stop talking about you.”

  I nod. “And you must be Tom?” I guess, thinking these two couldn’t be brothers.

  “That’d be me. You guys have a good night. I’m sure I’ll see you soon Lanie, just take care of this one okay?”

  “Of course.”

  When Tom leaves, I watch as Wyatt does all his checks and then starts the boat up. I’m sitting at the front of the boat, waiting to get moving.

  “Before we leave, you can swim right?” Wyatt asks from where he’s standing behind the steering wheel.

  I roll my eyes. “I grew up in the pool Wyatt, of course, I know how to swim.”

  Holding up his hands he smirks. “Just checking baby. Making sure I don’t need to put you in a life vest.”

  I stick my tongue out at him and then turn to look at the water. It’s been a long time since I’ve been out on a boat. My dad had one and used to bring the family out on it a few times a year. After he passed away no one took it out anymore. They ended up selling it a couple years ago. Thirty minutes into our trip Wyatt eventually stops the boat and anchors off. We’re pretty far out in the ocean where there aren’t any boats near us.

  “It’s so beautiful out here,” I say to myself.

  “It is,” Wyatt says and sits down beside me. “Wine?”


  He hands me a glass of chardonnay and wraps his free arm around my shoulders. We’re quiet for a while, watching the ocean.



  “Whenever I come out here, my problems seem a whole hell of a lot smaller.”

  “I know what you mean. It’s like you’re suddenly in the middle of something vast. Puts everything in perspective and things don’t seem that bad.”

  “Look over there.” I point at the dolphins jumping out of the water, almost as if they are flying.

  Lanie stands excitedly and walks to the starboard side of the boat and leans against the railing to get a better look. I follow her over. Standing behind her I place my hands on the rail and cage her in. Her curvy body fits so perfectly against mine. Standing a foot taller than her, I easily rest my head against hers, and the smell of her shampoo hits my nose. “You smell so fucking good Lanie,” I tell her before kissing her shoulder. She shivers, and I kiss her again, loving every reaction I can elicit from her body.

  We stand there, her leaning into my arms until the sun finally sets beyond the horizon. She turns in my arms, stands up on her tippy toes, lifts her face to mine and kisses me. When the kiss becomes more heated, she pulls away and smiles at me shyly.

  “Thank you for bringing me out here.”

  “We can come out whenever you want.”

  “Really?” Lanie asks, her face full of joy.

  “Tom let me borrow his boat tonight, but I’ve been thinking about getting one. That way there’s one at the house, but I wasn’t sure until now.”

  “Why now?”

  “Well if you love it that seals the deal.”

  “Don’t you think this is moving kind of fast?”

  I think about my answer, not wanting to scare her off, but wanting to tell her how I feel. “Lanie, I knew the moment our eyes connected you would be someone important to me. I know it’s fast, but hell if I’m fighting it. There’s this magnetic pull between us, and the longer I’m around you, the stronger our connection gets.”

  Her eyes go soft. “I know what you mean. I felt like a crazy person last night because of how bad I wanted to see you. You set me at ease like no one else can.”

  I hold her a little longer, but as dusk starts to settle around us, I know I need to get us back to the marina and dock. Time with Lanie goes so much faster, but when she isn’t with me, it’s like an eternity until I get to see her once more.

  By the time I’ve docked and done all the checks and made sure everything is good to go, the moon is high in the sky, and the stars are shining bright.

  The walk back to my truck is a much slower one, our hands laced together as we walk side by side. I can tell she doesn’t want this night to end, but I don’t want to keep her out late since she has work in the morning. Getting in my truck, I begin the drive back to her apartment, the last place I want to take her.

  “I uh... I got someone to cover my shift tomorrow, and I don’t need to go back in until Sunday.” She says nervously.

  “Is that right?” I ask with a huge smile on my face.

  She nods, and I grab her hand and kiss the top of it. “That’s the best news I’ve heard all night. Is there a reason you’ve waited so long to tell me?”

  Lanie bites her lip and looks out the window. I squeeze her hand lightly, wanting her to talk to me. “I didn’t want to assume anything, like if you had plans tonight or something.”

  I pull over on the side of the road. “Baby, the only one I want to spend time with, is you. Before you came into my life, I stayed around the house doing my own thing. The only reason I come out is to see you, otherwise, I’d be home.”

  “That makes me sad and happy all at the same time.”

  “Don’t be sad Lanie. My life is good, but having you in it makes it even better.”


  “Would you like to come back to my place for dinner?”



  “I can’t believe you made this so fast, it’s delicious!” Lanie says taking another bite of the chili I just threw together.

  “Thanks for helping me.”

  “Oh no, biggie. I couldn’t just sit there and watch you do all the work, it made me feel weird. Plus, I love to cook. I spent a lot of time with my Nana when I was younger, and she taught me how to make all kinds of things. I almost went to school for it.”

  “Really, why didn’t you?”

  She sighs. “I got my business degree instead.”

  “Business is a lot different than culinary school.” I push, wanting to know more.

  “It is. At first, I was trying to impress Leo and Lydia, my brother and sister, but eventually, I realized there was no impressing them. I had to do what made me happy and what made me happy was a whom not a what. I’m closer to my Nana than anyone else in my family, we’ve got a special bond.

  Anyway, my Nana and Papa opened the Ice Dream Shoppe, like forever ago. When he passed away, she continued running it for years. The woman loves the place, and we spent a lot of time there together while I was growing up. I decided the best way to honor her, would be to help her run it. When I graduated, she signed it over to me as a graduation gift, and she retired. It’s one of the best days of my life. Knowing she had that much faith in me, that she gave me something she loved.”

  “Everyone can see it, Lanie. The place is maintained very well and the way you treat your customers, it’s like they’re part of the family. You’re doing a great job baby.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “Side note, I love your house, it’s beautiful. And this kitchen Wyatt, it’s huge!”

  “Thank you! I just finished renovating it. I completely remodeled the kitchen and both bathrooms.”

  “How long did it take you from start to finish?”

  “I started when I got back from Iraq. I guess about a year and a half.”

  “Iraq? Were you in the military?”

  “I was in the marines. I joined right after I turned eighteen. I even graduated high school early, so I didn’t have to wait.”

  “I mean it makes sense, you just have that way about you.”

  She grabs my bowl and takes it to the sink with hers and rinses them out, putting them straight into the dishwasher. “The best way I can think to put it is you’ve got your shit together.”

  “Most men in their thirties should have their shit together.” I joke.

  “It’s more than that. I mean as soon as I walked into your house
I noticed how neat everything was. Everything has a place. While you were cooking, you cleaned as you went instead of leaving it for later. I don’t know, it’s the little things. Do you have any pictures of you in your uniform?”

  “Why, you want to see them?”

  “Of course, I do. Let’s go.”

  “Right now?” I laugh as she begins pushing me down the hall.

  “Lead the way, Sergeant Thompson.”

  “That’s Master Sergeant.”

  “Sir yes, sir.”

  “Oh my god.” I bark out laughing. “It’s this way Private.”

  She stops at the door to my office. “Are we role playing?” She asks with the most serious look on her face.

  I’m stunned. I’m confused and turned on all at the same time. Where did my shy Lanie go? She’s like some curvy tornado, running circles around me, keeping me coming back for more.

  Then she bursts out laughing. “I’m just kidding.”

  “Get your ass in here.” With a huge grin on her face, she follows me into my office.



  When he sits down at his desk, he spreads his legs wide and pulls me to sit down on his lap. It takes a minute for him to pull them up, but when he brings up the first picture of him in his uniform, I’m speechless. He looks like sex on a stick. Don’t get me wrong, he’s hot now, but there’s something about a man in uniform. Stealing the mouse out of his hand I begin browsing through all of his pictures. Some are professionally done, and others are personal photographs. I look through hundreds of photos, one after the other, learning a piece of Wyatt I never knew existed.

  By the time I’m finished looking, my panties are soaked, and I’m shifting in his lap, trying to find comfort for my throbbing clit. When I move again, I unintentionally rub against his hard cock. Unsure of what to do, I try moving away only to shift against him again. The hand he had resting casually on my thigh tightens and he groans against my ear. Goddamn, that’s the hottest sound I’ve ever heard. Turning to face him, I run my hands up his chest and into his hair then kiss him.

  Wyatt stands with me in his arms and carries me out of the room. Going down the hall, he walks into his bedroom and sits down on the bed, still kissing me. His tongue slides across my lips, teasing me to open for him. I give in immediately, wanting more of him. Needing this connection more than I’ve ever needed anything before. My core aches, throbbing, needing, wanting, something I’ve never had. With his hands in my hair controlling our kiss, I hold his shoulders and move on his lap to straddle him. I’ve never been this bold before, but with him, I don’t question it. I feel safe to do what feels good.

  His dick is hard against his leg. Rubbing my center over his massive bulge, I moan, loving how good he feels, how right this is. He groans watching my movements. “That’s it, baby, rub your little pussy on me.” He says and kisses down my neck, sucking and nibbling on some spot that makes me even wetter.

  “Wyyyat. Feels sooo good.” I moan.

  Sliding his hands up my thighs and under my dress he grabs my hips and starts controlling my movements, thrusting in tandem with me, his hard dick hitting my clit. “Lanie, let me touch you, please baby.”

  The moment I nod, he flips me to my back and pushes my dress up to my belly. Kneeling between my splayed thighs he stares at me, giving me that same hungry look I saw the first day we met. “I just want a kiss. I need some of your sweetness.”


  Then he pulls my panties to the side and swipes his tongue up my center. “Ohhh.”

  He did not just want a kiss. Oh no, he wanted something different altogether. Sucking my clit into his mouth he rubs a thick finger through my lips back and forth, and for the first time in my life, I feel empty. The need to be filled consumes me. I push forward, desire guiding my actions.

  “My needy, needy woman. I can feel how wet you are, this pussy begging to be filled. Tell me I’m the only one who’s ever touched you here.” He commands, pushing his finger inside less than an inch, only to pull it back out.

  “You’re the only one.”

  “Tell me I’m the only one who will ever touch you here.” He says and this time it’s different, he’s serious.

  My eyes snap to his, and the lust fades to a low simmer. This isn’t just lust or physical need, this is something more, something permanent. Leaning over me with his elbow resting above my shoulder, he kisses me softly, while his thumb strokes slow circles around my clit and his middle finger plays peekaboo with my slit.

  “Tell me I’m your only one Lanie, the only one forever. Give me this, and I’ll give you everything.” He whispers against my lips.

  Staring down at me he waits for me to answer. I can see it all in his eyes. I’ve known him less than a week, and it’s all right there. His devotion, his character, his needs, and his wants.

  “Do I get you forever too?” I dare to ask, putting my feelings out there.

  “Fucking always.” He moans and kisses me deeply, thrusting his finger into my pussy as deep as he can go.

  “Yeeees. Wyatt, yes.” I cry out.

  “You’re mine.” He growls, and it’s like my words unleash something inside him. Rubbing my clit vigorously he thrusts his finger, and then two, in and out of me. Seconds later I’m coming, screaming his name.

  My heart pounding, I lay there numb, unable to move or speak. Wyatt rests his head against my chest, his full weight leaning into me, and for long moments we just lay there in sweet silence.

  “Thank you Lanie,” Wyatt says eventually.

  “For what?” I ask, brushing my fingers through his hair.

  “Giving me you.”

  I hold on tight to his words and bury them in my heart where no one can reach them. This is one of those moments no one will ever be able to take away from me. Wyatt looks up and frowns, “what’s wrong?”

  I laugh. “Nothing. It was sweet, the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.”

  “Then why are you crying?” He asks, sounding mortified and wiping my tears away with the pad of his thumb.

  “Because I’m a big ol’ softy. You better get used to it too, it happens all the time.”

  “Great.” He mutters, making me laugh harder.

  He sits up, pulling me up with him and kisses me deeply, my laughter fading away. Pulling back, he rests his forehead against mine, breathing heavily.

  “I’ll be right back.” He says and walks into the bathroom that’s attached to his room. When he comes back into the bedroom, he’s changed into basketball shorts and isn’t wearing a shirt. Fuck me he’s even better looking without a shirt. Carrying a wet washcloth, he walks up to me. “Spread your legs baby, let me clean you up.”

  “Oh, I can do it.” Embarrassed by what he’s about to do.

  He quirks his eyebrow and waits for me to do as he says. When I do, he grabs my panties and pulls them off me gently and then wipes away my release. When he’s finished, he kisses me there once. Throwing the washcloth in the laundry basket, he goes to his drawer and grabs a t-shirt and walks back to the bed where I’m still laying.

  “Come here, baby.”

  Scooting to the edge of the bed, I take his hand, and he helps me to stand. Once I’m standing, he pulls my dress over my head and tosses it to the ground.

  “Fuuuuck.” He growls as he stares at my large breasts. Unhooking my bra, I toss it to where my dress landed and hold my hand out for the shirt.

  “You gotta give me a minute here Lanie. I’ve never seen anything as beautiful as you, standing here naked next to my bed. I sure as fuck pictured it a hundred times in the past week, but goddamn, the reality is a whole new level.”

  I know I don’t have a perfect body. My hips are wide, and thighs are full. My stomach is soft, while my boobs and butt bounce when I walk. I’m not what men ideally think of as beautiful, but the way Wyatt is looking at me makes me feel like a queen.

  “Lanie baby, you are beyond beautiful. It’d take me a hundred years to trea
sure every part of you adequately, and I still don’t think that’d be enough.”

  Be still my heart. He’s killing me with all of his sweet words. Finally, able to move he pulls the shirt over my head and it falls to my knees. “Now that’s a sight right there.”

  After pulling back the quilt and sheet, he helps me into his monstrous bed that I’ll have to climb up to get into. When I’m comfortable, Wyatt curls his huge body around me, twisting his legs with mine.

  “I’m sorry that was kind of one-sided.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well I got mine, but what about you.”

  “Watching you come is the most erotic moment of my existence. I came in my jeans right along with you.”

  “Oh,” I say dumbfounded.

  “Go to sleep baby.”

  After a few minutes of laying there, a thought pops into my head. He never even asked me if I wanted to go home. He just got me ready for bed, and that was the end of it.

  “Guess I’m not going home tonight.”

  “You are home.”



  I’m woken up to the best site in the world. My woman is naked between my thighs and is getting very well acquainted with my cock. Forgive me, her cock, because he belongs to her now. She hasn’t realized I’m awake yet, so I stay silent, letting her play. I only last a couple more minutes before I wrap her ponytail around my hand and watch as my hard cock disappears into her mouth.

  She stills, and her eyes snap to mine, and I nod, letting her know to keep going. “Just like that Lanie, fuck that feels so good baby.” With the slightest encouragement, her timid hold of my shaft becomes firm, and she strokes me with renewed purpose. Over and over she chases her hand down the base of my dick, sucking it hard and then soft. In time I begin guiding her, her hair still wrapped around my hand. The harder I pull the more she moans, her movements becoming erratic. There’s no way I’m going to last if this continues and there’s only one place I want my cum to be.


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