Lone Wolf (The Adamos Book 6)

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Lone Wolf (The Adamos Book 6) Page 4

by Mia Madison

  How much more can I take?

  Cait reaches me at the same time I get to my car. “Tonio wants me to go with you.”

  I don’t look at her as I beep my SUV open. “I’m okay, Cait.” I sound like I’m about to cry, so we both know I’m lying.

  “Dani. Let me come with you.” Her voice is gentle, but from the way she says it, she’s not just concerned. It’s like a request that’s almost a demand, and it hits me that she’s following Tonio’s orders. If I say no, he’s going to be unhappy with both of us.

  I tilt my head to the passenger side of the car, and she gives my shoulder a squeeze before she goes around to climb in. Once she’s belted in, I start the car and back it around to leave. This gives me a view of the compound.

  Wolf is standing where I left him, and Tonio is with him, right up in his face. Their conversation doesn’t look hostile, but it does look very intense.

  I’m not sure how I feel about that. Right now, I don’t want to feel anything. “I’m going to eat ice cream and watch something mindless,” I inform Cait.

  “Sounds good. I can hang in a different spot in your apartment if you need space.” It’s her way of apologizing for Tonio sending her with me, whether I wanted company or not.

  I feel myself smile, just barely, but it’s something. “My apartment isn’t really big enough for that. But it’s okay, Cait. I’ll be glad of the company.”

  By the time Tonio comes to pick Cait up, she and I are in a sugar coma. I made peanut butter pizookies and we topped them with tin roof sundae ice cream. We didn’t discuss Wolf or anything serious, just ate and watched decorating shows and talked about what we’d do differently than the designers.

  It didn’t stop the pain, but it’s numbed it temporarily. I’m braced for Tonio to say something about what happened, but he doesn’t. He just looks at Cait, and she looks back at him, and they have a conversation without saying anything.

  Which is seriously cool, because only couples who are really in sync with each other can do that. It makes me happy for them even as I get a twinge of self-pity.

  When they’re done silently communing, Tonio comes over to where I’m sprawled on my couch. Leaning down, he kisses the top of my head. My throat gets tight, and I grab his hand and squeeze it.

  “Bye,” Cait says as they go to the door.

  “Bye. Thanks for hanging with me.” She gives me her sweet smile, and then they’re gone.

  I turn off the tv and barely manage to drag myself to the bathroom so I can wash my face and brush my teeth before I fall into bed. As soon as I hit the mattress, I’m out.

  I’m in the middle of a dream about a team of decorators coming to my apartment and me refusing to let them in when I wake up and realize someone’s ringing my doorbell. Fuzzy-brained from lack of sleep, I stagger to the door and look through the peephole.

  Wolf is standing in the hallway, looking sexy and pissed. I’m suddenly very much awake.


  All Over Again

  I turn on the entry light and open the door. Wolf moves into me without waiting for an invitation. I get out of his way, and he comes in and shuts the door behind him. When he locks it, my heart starts to hammer.

  His eyes trace slowly down my form. I’m wearing a lavender pajama set with short shorts and a camisole that leaves very little to the imagination. I should have put a robe on, but I forgot to turn the thermostat down before I crawled into bed. The apartment is warm, so my sleepy brain didn’t think.

  When his eyes meet mine again, there’s a banked heat in them that leaves my panties damp. But now that my brain is functional, it is not on board with my body. No. It’s tired of Wolf jerking me around.

  “What are you doing here?” I unintentionally throw his question from earlier tonight back at him. It comes out harsher than when he said it.

  “Your cousin had a word with me.” He takes a step toward me and before I can think I take one back. Wolf stops, his body going tight. “What the fuck, Dani?”

  “Seriously? You can look me in the eye and say that?” I’m as pissed as he looked when he showed up. “What’s next? You screw me and then tell me you didn’t mean it?”

  His eyes flash. “Trust me, babe. I fuck you, I’ll damn well mean it.”

  My whole body spasms, and Wolf doesn’t miss it. He takes another step toward me, and this time I manage — barely — to hold my ground. “What are you doing here?” I repeat.

  “I told you. Tonio talked to me. Asked me what my intentions were.”

  At that, I can’t help rolling my eyes. “He’s my cousin, Wolf, not my father. Or my keeper.”

  Wolf keeps talking as if I hadn’t spoken. “I was under the impression that your family wanted me to stay away from you. For the sake of men I hold as brothers, and the respect I have for them, I been tryin’ to do that.”

  So Mickey was right — but that gets swallowed up by the question looming in my mind. “What exactly did Tonio say to you?”

  Wolf moves in so close we’re almost touching. “The gist of it was, he’s gonna be sorely disappointed if I leave you alone.”

  My mouth drops open and it’s several seconds before I manage to shut it. I can easily imagine my brothers and cousins telling Wolf (or any other man) to back off, but the opposite?

  “But, so you know,” he goes on. “That’s not why I’m here.”

  I blink. “It’s not?”

  “No.” He puts both hands on my waist, the heat of him branding me through my clothing. My nipples get hard. His eyes drop to my breasts, then lift again to sear me with their heat.

  “Why …” I have to clear my throat and start again. “Why are you here?”

  “That kiss, babe. Which, by the way, I wasn’t plannin’, but I had to shut you up before you said somethin’ that would get you banned.”

  I stare at him. “Banned?”

  “From Firestorm.”

  My brain tries to process this. “You ban people for backtalk?”

  “Babe,” he says with a touch of impatience. “I’m the fuckin’ president. I let you diss me in front of my men without consequences, what do you think would happen?”

  It finally sinks in, what he’s saying, and I’m suddenly thankful that he shut me up before I could call him a coward in front of the whole club. “I didn’t mean to disrespect you in front of your men. I’m … uh … glad you kissed me.”

  He smiles, and my heart stops. It’s not the easy grin he sends people, women especially, when he’s in good-ol’-boy mode. I’ve never seen this smile before. It’s slow and sexy and utterly devastating. “I am too.”

  My heart is racing, but I’m even more confused. “I don’t understand, though. You sent me away after that.”

  His fingers dig in at my hips. Sensation jolts through me, and my breath goes shallow. “The Firestorm compound is fine, generally speaking. Not where I wanted to have you your first time.”

  I get spasms. “Oh,” I whisper.

  “But, babe.” He tugs me closer. “Once I tasted you, there was no goin’ back. I woulda risked those friendships with Tonio and the others. Glad I don’t have to.”

  I swallow. Now that Wolf has stopped resisting, I’m suddenly nervous. Then he brings me fully against him, his scent like an exotic incense designed for me personally.

  Heat washes over me and my hesitancy vanishes. I want to eat him up. His mouth finds mine and I moan, melting into him.

  Wolf kisses me like nothing on earth could be more important, with an unhurried concentration that melts me. By the time he lifts his head, my whole body feels ripe and swollen: my lips, my skin, my clit. He kisses his way down the side of my neck, to the sensitive spot where it meets my shoulder, and grazes his lips over the skin there.

  His gentleness has the paradoxical effect of driving me crazy. I yank his shirt up, running my hands over the taut muscles of his stomach and around to his back. He cups the back of my neck and claims my mouth again, pouring his increased intensity into the kiss.r />
  It’s then I discover he’s been holding back. That kiss at the compound was the best one of my life, by far. But it was a peck on the cheek compared to this.

  I moan again, frantic for more of him. My hands go to the button of his jeans and he lets me unfasten them, but when I try to reach for his erection he stops my hand, lacing his fingers with mine to keep me away from him, his other hand still holding my head against his.

  When he finally lifts his head, I’m panting. “Wolf.” I don’t even try to hide the depth of my need; he can hear it all in my voice. Without a word, he swings me into his arms as though I weigh nothing and carries me to my bedroom, snapping on a hall light on his way.

  He lays me on the bed and lowers himself over me, one powerful thigh between mine. His hands pin mine next to my head before he kisses me again, giving, endlessly giving. Energy coils in my body like lightning ready to strike and I buck against him, frantic to touch him, to give back.

  “Wolf,” I beg when he breaks the kiss. “Please.”

  His tongue leaves a trail up my neck to behind my ear. He sucks on my earlobe, then nips it, making me gasp. “What kinda man do you think I am, Dani?”

  “What … kind of man?” I repeat, too dazed with lust to think clearly.

  His lips brush my collarbone, tracing it to the hollow at the base of my throat. He kisses me there, his tongue flicking out to taste me, then makes his way down toward my breasts. “More to the point, what kind of lover.”

  “Oh.” My hands are still pinned. “Um, the bossy kind.”

  “Uh-huh.” He nuzzles between my breasts, then covers one nipple through the fabric of my camisole. I whimper, and he sucks hard, every tug of his mouth shooting straight to my clit.

  When he grazes me with his teeth, my hips jerk. He does it again and I cry out, not in pain but because he’s taking me to the edge. “You wet for me?” he says in my ear, his voice a low, sexy rumble.

  “Yes.” I’m drenched. “So wet.”

  “I take you, woman, this ain’t gonna be no one-night stand, so put that outa your head.”

  “Wolf,” I whisper.

  He kisses me again, hot and hard, until I’m squirming. “I give you all of me, you gonna cut and run back to your safe little life?”


  Another kiss, nipping at my lower lip, then sucking the tiny hurt, his tongue stroking over it. When he lifts his head, it’s to say, “If I promise to take care of you, you gonna give me what I want, whenever I want, however I want it?”

  My body convulses beneath him. “Yeah,” he says, and I hear the satisfaction in his voice. “You are.”

  “Wolf …”

  “Say it,” he demands. “All of it, Dani. I want to hear you promise me.”

  “Whatever you want,” I repeat in a shaky voice, “whenever you want, however you want it.”

  “Dani.” He whispers it, and I’m not sure if it’s a question, a promise, or something else. I grip his hands as tightly as I can, trying to communicate my urgency.

  “Please, Wolf. Take me.”

  He kisses me again, hard and hungry, almost bruising. When he lifts his head, he finally releases my hands so he can grab the hem of my top and pull it up. I raise my arms above my head and he works the top off and sends it flying.

  His mouth closes over a nipple, tugging until I’m writhing beneath him. When he releases me, it’s to slide down my body, his tongue tracing a path down my belly. He hooks his fingers in my pajama shorts and panties, I lift my hips, and he pulls them down and off, tossing them aside in turn.

  Then his big hands are lifting my legs, spreading them wide, and his mouth is feasting on my slippery flesh. My hands go to his head, holding him against me. “Wolf,” I gasp. “Honey. Oh my god.”

  When he sucks my clit into his mouth, my hips arch up, pushing me against him, eager for more. He takes me right to the edge, then uses his teeth to send me flying into the stratosphere.

  His stubble grazes the sensitive skin of my inner thighs before he makes his way back up my body, settling himself between my legs and kissing me deeply. I taste myself on him and can’t help moaning again, our tongues tangling until my lips are swollen.

  I expect him to undress then, but he doesn’t. He starts all over again, his hands and lips and tongue and teeth exploring every inch of me. When he reaches my pussy, he goes down on me again, but this time he slides a finger inside me.


  Just A Woman

  “Fuck, baby,” he whispers. “So fuckin’ wet. So fuckin’ tight.” His finger strokes in and out of me, his mouth joining in to bring me right to the precipice.

  But this time, he doesn’t let me come. Not right away. When I’m close, he eases off, then works another finger inside me, his mouth still on my clit.

  He backs off again, and I let out a frantic little mew. Wolf kisses my soft folds. “Stay with me, babe. I’ll get you there.”

  He takes my clit again, then adds another finger, and I gasp as he stretches me. This time, the friction and the pressure in my core build until they explode. Hee does it again, and again. I’m not sure if it’s multiple orgasms or one really long one, not that it matters.

  When I’m limp and sated, he finally climbs off the bed to strip. I watch him through half-lidded eyes, glad that he turned the hall light on, and determined not to miss a moment. The muscles of his abs, his chest, his arms ripple as he takes off his cut and drapes it over the chair in one corner, then peels off his t-shirt.

  Beautiful. I don’t realize I’ve spoken it aloud until his head comes up, his eyes burning into mine. He holds my gaze as he kicks off his boots, then pulls down his jeans and boxer briefs.

  I go up on my elbows for a better view, staring unabashedly at his long, thick, beautiful cock, standing proudly erect against his belly. He lets me look before he bends over to finish removing the last of his clothing. Standing up again with his jeans in his hand, he digs in the pockets and comes out with a foil packet.

  “I’m on the pill,” I tell him softly. “For my cramps, and just as a precaution.”

  He stills. “I been tested,” he says after a moment. “Ain’t had a woman since you came home.”

  It comes out almost brusquely, but that doesn’t stop my heart from swelling. “Wolf.”

  “Wanted to. Wanted to fuck every woman I saw, drive you out of my mind. Couldn’t do it.”

  “Wolf.” I hold out my arms. “Please, honey. Come here.”

  And he does; he moves to the bed and covers me so we’re skin to skin. I shiver at the contact. After all these years, I can hardly believe my Viking is finally in my bed, about to make me his.

  Taking himself in hand, he rubs his cock against my slick, swollen flesh, over and over, my hips lifting in response, until at last he positions himself at my entrance. He slides the tip inside me, then eases back again. “Wolf,” I say.

  He kisses me fiercely. “Don’t rush me, woman.”

  “I need you.”

  “You’ll have me.” He goes a little farther, then draws back before pressing in again. Slowly, so slowly, he sinks inside me, my tight walls opening to accommodate his girth. After a while he stops, kissing me until my legs wrap around him.

  When he moves again, it’s a little easier, and a few minutes later I’m full to bursting of him. I’m not entirely comfortable, but I’ve never been happier.

  “Sweet Dani.” His lips brush my forehead, my eyelids, the tip of my nose. “I’m gonna move now. You need me to slow down, or stop, you tell me.”

  “Okay.” He pulls back, slowly, then fills me again. My head goes back. “Oh my god.”

  “All right?”

  “Don’t stop.”

  “That’s my girl,” he says, and keeps going, slow and steady. I want this moment to last forever, the unbearable sweetness of his big, strong body over me, in me, taking me. It’s more heavenly than even my best fantasies.

  Gradually, he speeds up, and that’s even better. “Wolf,” I moan.<
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  “Can’t tell you how good you feel, babe. Your pussy, so hot, so wet, so tight. Fuckin’ heaven.”

  “You feel amazing. Better than anything.” My hips move, lifting to meet him, and he goes faster.

  When I gasp and tighten around him, his fingers find my clit, circling, pressing. “Wolf!”

  “Come for me, Dani.”

  “I — I don’t know if I—”

  “You can. You’re almost there. Reach for it, babe. I wanna feel you come on my cock.”

  At his words, I convulse around him, clamping tight as my climax wracks me. “Fuck, yes,” Wolf hisses, and then he’s pounding into me, hard and fast, his fingers still working my clit, and it starts to build again.

  “Wolf! Oh god!” I shoot over the edge one more time before he buries himself to the root and lets go, groaning into my neck.

  He gives me his weight and it’s glorious. Who needs to breathe? I hold him close, all four limbs wrapped around him, until Wolf shifts and rolls us, still inside me, so I’m sprawled on top of him.

  One hand strokes my hair; the other cups my ass. I snuggle into him, blissfully content, and get so relaxed I’m drowsy.

  Just as I’m about to fall asleep, Wolf kisses my hair, shifts me off him, rolls out of bed, and starts pulling his clothes on. I get a hollow feeling in my chest. When he’s dressed, he comes and sits on the edge of the bed.

  “Gotta go, doll. I got some shit to see to.” I don’t point out that it’s the middle of the night. “I’ll call you.”

  “Okay,” I whisper, because what else can I say?

  I’m curled on my side. He leans into me, rolling me onto my back, and gives me a hard, close-mouthed kiss. “Later, babe.”

  Then he’s gone. He turns out the lights, and I’m left in the dark, feeling suddenly cold and alone even though my body is still riding the high of fucking Wolf.

  But that’s what it was. Fucking.


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