How much better the bathroom looked now! She felt a real pride and joy in her accomplishment. Everything sparkled and gleamed. Delightful. She took off her rubber work gloves and tossed them towards the locked door. Then she wondered what to do next. Even as she began to wonder, the answer came to her so clearly that she knew it had been in the back of her mind all along: she had to take a bath. She had an excuse, if she wanted an excuse, in the fact that she was hot and sweaty after all her determined exertions. She had to take a bath. It would be another step in overcoming her past.
Shivers of strangeness shuddered through her flesh as she put the plug in and turned on the water. Too much had happened here. It was impossible that she had returned to the scene of so many nightmares. Nobody could be so crazy.
Slowly she undressed, feeling a disturbing sense of unreality. Knowledge of her own extreme arousal and excitement flooded her all at once, so strong as to be almost unbearable. Naked, she faced herself in the big mirror, and saw defiance in her face as though she expected her own reflection to confront her with terrible accusations.
There she was, that was her all right. She could not help but admire herself in the mirror, and indeed to do anything else would have been a kind of dishonesty. Mary had a great body, tall and powerful, with long legs and full but firm breasts with large nipples that David had once loved to tease and torment. As she recalled this, they tingled and grew even bigger and harder. All her muscles were in good tone from the various kinds of exercise she pursued with such enthusiasm or, as some said, fanaticism, and this love of working out, together with her broad hips, gave her buttocks a gorgeously rounded and strong magnificence.
Her face was good too. Mary knew these truths about her body and face no matter what other doubts she had about herself. She played with her straight, shoulder-length dark-chestnut hair, veiling her face, peeking out between its strands, surprising herself with the look of a madwoman. Then she adopted her serious and composed look, and was the image of a confident and successful young businesswoman. Mary could look like all kinds of people, and often played this game with the mirror. She pretended to be an empress, and impressed herself with her look of imperious arrogance.
Who, she wondered, are all these people, and just what are they up to inside me? Which was her real face anyway?
Magic was in that glass, for David had often ordered her to stare at her own absolute humiliation. Now Mary posed before it, all alone. One after another she adopted the positions of restraint, suffering and worship. She could feel the exquisite constriction of her bonds squeezing her towards orgasm, feel David’s hands, mouth and cock on her helplessly immobilised flesh, and she could smell her own excitement and fear.
David, she thought. Now she realised that she had come to this house hoping to defy him. He would beg her to submit to him like in the old days, and she would refuse, assert her independence, and leave. Instead, he had insisted on telling her quickly that he had given up domination, and had told her to get out. Reality had failed to live up to Mary’s fantasy scenario. David was always ahead of her, just out of reach.
Slowly she moved her hand to her pussy, which felt swollen, tingly and possessed by a hunger that was hard to bear. Impossible.
‘Shit!’ Mary said to herself. Turning away from the mirror, she grabbed a black plastic bag containing part of David’s collection, and tipped it out on the floor.
Straps and ropes and cords, harnesses, helmets, suction devices, belts and gags, vibrators and probes and tubing, clamps and clips and dildos, syringes, brushes, whips and cuffs tumbled out along with three big black beetles. How dirty it all was. How hopeless and sad. Mould, slime, dirt and dust, rust and nastiness. It was sickening that all her orgasms and ordeals, those odysseys of the flesh and spirit, had come to this dismal end.
Diligently she set to work cleaning some items from David’s collection, and she experienced a series of stirrings and flashbacks as she handled each piece and recalled incidents of suffering and ecstasy. How expert David had once been! He had mesmerised her with his dynamism and skill, she had been his slave – and now he was nothing, nothing at all, and she too was clearly nothing to him. Not, of course, that she cared about him, or about what he thought. Now she was free and strong, she told herself. And there it was again: loneliness.
Mary cleaned just the items that caught her fancy, and laid them out in a neat row. Then she recalled seeing a bottle of bath foam liquid at the bottom of the cupboard, and she fetched this and poured what was left of it into the slowly filling bath. It was an old bottle that had not been touched for a long time, she observed. David had clearly given up his love of bizarre sex in a foamy bath, his own peculiar combination of fetishes. How could anyone abandon their deepest fantasies and longings so rich and strange? If you give up your own strangeness, what do you have left?
Serve him right that she had come to disturb him a little. After she left, taking with her some of these items from his collection, he would surely have to think about her sometimes. Yes, one night when he could not sleep and the full moon burned bright against the curtains, he would feel regret that he had lost her beauty and courage.
Mary sat down on the tiles near the big window in a slanting rectangle of sunlight that felt warm on her naked skin. There she drank her bottle of mineral water and ate two muesli bars, and she watched how intricately the leaves of the trees danced and wavered dark against the blue sky in the passing zephyrs, and she stared at a big glossy blackbird that sat on the fence and looked right back at her, and she thought about how she had just lost her job and her boyfriend Jack both, and so what, and she thought about David and all the insane things he and she had done, and she felt she ought to be very sad and unhappy right then, but instead she saw leaves and sunlight and the blackbird and she knew some kind of happiness, the kind that sneaks up on you without reason after a long period of miserable slow-motion suffering, the kind of unexpected contentment that hits you as the truth. Despite everything. Screw everything. Turn up the defiance.
Mary felt the time had come to go over to the offensive. She made her selection from the items she had cleaned, and then she put on a strong and broad black plastic belt, fastening its three buckles as tightly as she could, constricting her waist. Next she fitted a beautifully made torment bra of narrow, encircling, interconnected scarlet plastic straps, both strong and intricate, with shiny plastic rings for her nipples. Revelling in her excitement and anxiety, Mary fastened the twelve buckles of the cruel bra as tightly as she could, after pulling her taut nipples with some pleasing difficulty through the rings. How tautly the flesh of her tits bulged between the myriad straps of the bra! Breathing heavily, a sheen of sweat gleaming on her lovely young body, Mary admired herself in the mirror for two minutes, and her long fingers teased her breasts and pussy.
Fingers fumbling and clumsy with fear and anxious excitement, Mary took a long, thin red cotton cord, and tied the two ends of it to metal rings at the front of her belt so that a loop hung down.
She took a hot shower and then she knelt in front of the mirror and soaped every part of her exposed flesh, working up a good lather but refraining from granting herself orgasm. She was afraid of herself once more, but she no longer cared. After wetting a flannel in the bath, she lay it over her pussy. Wet heat, lovely.
Heart beating faster and faster, she pulled the loop of cord between her legs to her back, and then she put her wrists in the loop and twisted the cord around them so she not only had, after all this time, the exquisite thrill of feeling bound and helpless, but also the delight of feeling the cord press against her pussy, cushioned deliciously by the flannel. She lay face down on the tiled floor, and slid back and forth pretending to try to escape from three men who mocked her futile efforts and prepared to take turns in her cunt. Never had she tied herself up like this, and she had not planned to do it, but it had been an irresistible impulse. How exciting it was! Her body hummed with power and lust as she slid around the floor, lubricated wit
h soap. Nothing was as sensual as this weird combination of bondage and soap in the bathroom where David had taught her strange lusts.
Gazing into the mirror she saw herself so helpless and vulnerable, a shiny female worm. She twisted the cord around her wrists to loosen it, and then she brought her legs up and back, finally managing to put her ankles inside the safe embrace of the cord. Now she felt even more helpless, and she could pretend to struggle even more, tensing her legs as well as her arms as though straining to escape, doing wonderful, cruel things to her pussy even as her nipples pressed against the cool tiles. She arched and tensed in exquisite constriction.
How impatient David must be getting! He wanted her out of his house, he must be wondering what the hell she was doing. Surely he suspected the truth. Soon he would bang on the locked bathroom door and, when she refused to open it, he must kick the door and shatter the flimsy lock. Then she would panic, and be unable to free herself before he bound her for real. How could he resist the temptation to punish her and use her beautiful, helpless body? Desperate to come, Mary writhed and wriggled about, rubbing her flesh on the soapy, slippery tiles. It was going to be difficult to come like this, and perhaps it would prove impossible, but Mary imagined that a cruel master – not David, but a better man – had given her exactly five minutes to try to have an orgasm, after which he would bind her spreadeagled to rings in the floor, and chastise her, not letting her come for many hours while he fucked a lovely young girl in the bath, gaining pleasure from Mary’s humiliation.
And this ideal master who was definitely not David had an assistant, a young male sadist learning the ropes, literally as well as figuratively. Now the assistant had to punish Mary.
She crawled slowly over the floor towards a scrubbing brush beside the bath, and got her left breast over its stiff plastic bristles, then ground down on it, punishing her teat that protruded so taut and provocative through the plastic ring of her harshly compressing bra. Slowly she writhed, and the cord pressured her pussy cruelly. She tried to plead for mercy through her gag, but all she could do was mumble and drool.
No, they would not have pity on her. Helplessness and suffering only excited these two strong men she had imagined, and their cocks got harder as they enjoyed her nude writhings in restraint. They would punish her in strange ways, and their huge stiff cocks would use her body uncaringly, doing anything they could imagine that would give them pleasure.
And Mary came with sickening force, squirming in her bonds like a tormented worm, her body and soul exploding in a rapture that was utterly overwhelming, an atrocity of ecstasy. Slowly, she freed herself from the cord and removed her gag, belt, and bra. Standing naked, she looked down at herself, and touched her belly and breasts, feeling the skin she lived inside.
So now she knew. The orgasm that had just thrilled her to the core had been more satisfying than any she had shared with Jack. In future she would just masturbate. No need to be bored by ordinary men like Jack, or frightened and hurt by strange men like David – not that there were other men like David. If what she needed was to be humiliated, restrained and chastised, she could do that little job herself. Think of all the trouble and disappointment she could avoid by being her own tormentor!
Masturbation was logical after all. Everybody was alone inside their own bodies and minds, and the idea of any kind of communication between human beings was only a comforting lie. It was time she learned how to live as very few people ever did live: without the facile, unreal support of illusions. Coming back to this damned bathroom of crazy David had been a good idea after all. The shock of seeing this chamber of horrors once more, after two years, had cleared her mind and helped her to understand herself, which meant she could understand everything.
True, the bath itself was formidable, even without David, its creator. It was huge. It was as red as fresh-spilled blood. Worst of all, it had shiny steel rings at its ends, sides and bottom, attachment points for restraint, and Mary knew how strong they were, how impossible to budge. David had told her with some kind of crazy pride that each of those rings had a metal root set deep into a metal frame that surrounded the bath. Yes, of course David was insane.
Mary did not step into the bath. She took a deep breath, lying on the cool tiles face down at one end, and then she slid forwards into the warm water with her arms stretched out in front of her, and she looked down at the scarlet bottom of the bath, and she felt the shiny steel rail at the end of the bath stroke her whole long body, and then all of her was inside the hot, sensuous caress of the water, it enveloped her body like a warm wet giant’s mouth, and all she could hear was the murmur of the water from the tap falling into the bath, a sound that was an interference to stop her thinking too much, a womblike reassurance like the sound of her mother’s blood from a time before Mary had been born, a time when she did not have to live in the world with all its complexity of choices.
Laughing, she rolled over and floated on her back. How good it was just to float!
Obviously she had to come again. She put on long black plastic gloves and admired herself in the mirror. How strange she looked! Yet that was the real her, her in David’s bath, more real than she could ever be in any office or anywhere else. Now she was stronger. Now she could do anything she liked, because she made the most difficult decision any human being can make: she granted herself absolute and unconditional freedom.
Embracing and caressing and supportive, the sensuality of the warm water flooded her body and soul as she lay back in the bath with her feet toward its glittering taps. Mary stroked her body all over, loving the feel of the plastic gloves sliding over her skin, so well-lubricated by the bath foam liquid that turned the hot water so deliciously slippery. What was sex in a dry bed compared to this exotic, scented, luxury of heated, wet slipperiness?
How long and wide that scarlet bath was! So long and wide that even a tall woman like Mary could float there without any part of her body touching the sides or ends.
Fantasies of being tied up and helpless danced in Mary’s mind as she rolled around in the deepening water and thrust out her tits and arse, just as if David were there and she was striving to distract him from punishing her by presenting her body like a sex slave. She masturbated with crazed vigour, splashing and jerking about like a fish trapped in a too-shallow pond.
Pain and pleasure in alternation: that was what Mary granted her flesh now, like an empress graciously bestowing favours on her wretched, quivering subjects. This was what David had revealed to her as her soul’s greatest delight, it was what he had given her with a patience and skill that might have been insane, but was also thorough and convincing. He had rarely given her quite enough pleasure to make her come, so that in the end she was taken over the brink by pain.
Pleasure and pain until Mary was torn apart by orgasms of sickening force, orgasms that were not so much a delight as a psychic devastation. David had given her this addiction. After that, what use could simple fucking and sucking be to Mary? Now, in David’s bathroom again after so much time had passed, what else could she do but strive in solitude to recreate past pains, pleasures, and horrifyingly exquisite humiliations?
‘Do you know what your trouble is, you stupid cunt?’ she said to herself quietly, her other self there in the mirror. ‘You’ve always been afraid that you’re different from other people. And you are! But stop being afraid of it.’
She glanced at the ceiling, seeing the two small mirrored panels and thinking of the cameras that David had sometimes put there to film secretly through the two-way mirrors. Was he filming her now? Mary doubted it, but she wondered if, despite his manner, he could still show some interest, some redeeming remnants of voyeurism and sadism.
Lust renewed itself in her strong and healthy young body, as she looked at all the great stuff in David’s collection. So many strange items for her to play with!
Looking up from the leather, rubber, plastic and metal items designed for the sexual subjugation of human beings, she saw through the
window how the vivid green trees moved tremulously in the light wind, their branches shivering, as if chilled, as birds came and went with their hungers and disputes, while overhead sailed huge fluffy white clouds like mountains in flight to an unknown paradise.
How beautiful all the world was if seen in the right light, thought Mary, her body and soul still suffused by her own inner light of ecstasy. Why was it that nearly everybody was bad, stupid or confused, even though they were living in a world where every tree, bird and cloud could show its own radiance that sang of beauty and goodness?
After thinking about it for a minute, Mary decided she did not know, so she might just as well masturbate.
By the time she was satisfied, the sun was setting, and the tops of trees burned golden green, such a delicious light that she felt she could taste it on her tongue, a warm sweet and sour. She emptied and cleaned the bath, then carefully dried all the gear she had used with such pleasure. She got dressed and she left that haunted bathroom where she had both exorcised and exercised her personal demons.
Mary carried three bags of domination gear back to the living room where David was still watching TV, or at least was sitting in front of it. Even the half-eaten sandwich at his side had an air of apathy and defeat. As for the fourth bag of gear, Mary carried it outside and put it in the boot of her car. From her bag she took a hairdryer, and then she went back into David’s kitchen and dried her hair. After that she knew she had to leave even though she would rather have stayed until David lost his temper, if he still had one to lose.
‘I’m going now,’ she told him, making herself sound casual and bright. ‘I’m sorry if I disturbed you. Though you don’t look very disturbed. Unfortunately. I was in a bad mood, but I feel much better now after masturbating in your bath and playing with some of your gear. We could go out to dinner now if you like.’
Aqua Domination Page 2