Aqua Domination
Page 7
Feeling good, she made dinner, then told David he could come and eat if he liked.
‘You spoil me, Mary,’ David said as they ate the meal together. ‘I don’t deserve it.’
‘I know you don’t,’ Mary agreed sincerely. ‘I’ve sorted out some of the stuff from the bathroom to throw away, stuff in bad condition. So Carol and Faye will only see things that look nice.’
‘Good idea,’ David agreed. He hesitated, then asked, a little sheepishly: ‘Is there still plenty of stuff left?’
‘Yes, don’t worry,’ said Mary. ‘Anyway, we – I mean “you”, as there is no “we” – you can always replace it.’
‘I’m like a cocaine addict, trying to give it up, then trying to find some cocaine I imagine I might have dropped on the carpet last year.’
‘Yes, you are like that. It’s deeply pathetic. And funny.’
‘I don’t know which is more annoying, Mary: you agreeing with me or you arguing.’
‘They’re equally annoying,’ Mary stated. ‘And it serves you right.’
After dinner she went to her room and stayed there reading a book on relationships. There was nothing in it about bathroom domination. As usual. Really she wanted to have another bath with David, or even straight sex on a bed, but she decided it would be better to leave him alone so he could learn how much he missed her. She had to keep him off-balance, like in karate. She was good at karate.
Next morning they went shopping, had lunch in a vegetarian restaurant with too many plants in pots, then got a cat from the RSPCA so they would have a plausible story to tell Carol and Faye. It was a black and white cat, a sterilised female with a gentle, trusting expression. Her name was Ellie. When they got home, they gave Ellie food and milk, and they stroked her and showed her around the place. She settled in immediately, relaxing in the way that cats do when they trust the people they are with. Mary was glad to see that David was so nice to a cat, as it seemed to suggest that one day he might just possibly learn how to be nice to a woman. She tried to sneer at her own optimism.
That evening, Mary visited Carol and Faye. She asked them if they could take care of her and David’s cat and stay in their house, and they said of course they would. The three women watched TV and ate together, and when Mary went back to David’s house she repeated the previous evening’s performance and avoided him, in order to give him a false sense of security.
Faye and Carol came round at 1 p.m. the next day, a time Mary had chosen so that David would be out of bed. He was on his best behaviour, and the girls found him the same charming, unusual and funny man they remembered from the past.
Ellie the cat got on fine with Carol and Faye, so David and Mary made a fairly quick getaway, not wanting to be around when the girls had their first ever sight of the bathroom. Faye and Carol had the run of David’s house save for David’s bedroom, which was locked, due to the fact that here were mounted two video cameras looking down through the one-way mirrors in the bathroom ceiling. A motion detector would turn the cameras on and roll tape whenever someone was in the bathroom while electric heaters prevented condensation forming on the ceiling mirrors. Mary enjoyed sharing with David the feeling of conspiracy.
He and I are not really bad, she thought. We just like doing bad things.
After driving to Aylesbury, Mary and David did a lot of shopping, had dinner, then took separate rooms at a hotel. Mary did not approve of the separate rooms part, but she made no protest, on the grounds that it was good strategy to grant David such small wins so that he would become overconfident, thus enabling her the final triumph. Whatever form that might take. Next day they saw a bad movie and visited a museum at the site of a minor Civil War battle, then drove back to David’s home, reaching it in the evening, as a brief shower lay the dust of summer. They thanked Carol and Faye, who soon departed. Both girls seemed a little nervous and excited.
‘They obviously had a good look at your crazy bathroom,’ Mary commented.
‘Look is probably all they did.’
‘Let’s watch the tapes.’
‘No,’ David insisted. ‘Let’s eat first. We can at least postpone the disappointment of finding nothing on the tapes.’
So Mary cooked another fine meal and they ate it.
After dinner, Mary went into the living room while David fetched the tapes from the cameras upstairs.
‘We got something,’ he said. He turned on the TV, and rolled the tape from the camera that looked down through a one-way mirror on the big red bath.
Mary felt guilty about spying on Faye and Carol in this way. It was truly a rotten way to treat those nice girls. All the same, she could not work up more than slight, enjoyable feelings of guilt.
On the TV, Carol entered the bathroom. She stared around her in amazement, taking in the huge red bath, the water bed, the shiny steel rings set into the tiled floor and walls.
‘Faye! Come and see this,’ Carol called.
The sound picked up by a microphone in the bathroom ceiling was not very clear, but Mary and David could understand what the girls said.
‘Wow! Some bathroom!’ Faye exclaimed as she joined Carol. ‘They must have sex in here, don’t you think?’
‘Sure. Why not? Looks like fun.’
‘I wonder what they keep in here?’ mused Faye, as she went to look at the big cupboard in the corner near the window. ‘Let’s have a look.’
‘We shouldn’t,’ said Carol. ‘Let’s do it.’
They opened the cupboard and stared in awe. ‘
Wow!’ Carol exclaimed. ‘Weird stuff.’
‘This is bizarre,’ Faye said quietly. ‘It’s all stuff for sex, right?’ She sounded frightened.
‘I guess so. Weird sex. Shit. Look, it’s stuff for bondage and domination and like that. Mary and David must be into strange sex.’
‘I can believe it of him, but she seems so nice and normal,’ said Faye, which pleased Mary.
‘Nice people are into strange sex nowadays,’ Carol mused. ‘Even bondage and domination and sado-masochism. I read about it in Cosmo.’
‘I guess I’m old-fashioned. But I never heard of people doing all that in the bathroom.’
‘That is unusual,’ Carol agreed. ‘God, that’s why there are steel rings set in the floor and walls!’ she exclaimed, waving her hands. ‘Wow! And in the bath! Oh God.’
‘Oh, that’s really crazy. I’m scared. So one of them ties the other up and does weird things to him. Or her. I guess Mary ties David up, don’t you think? She’s big and strong and he’s kind of small.’
‘You never know. He might want to compensate for his stature by dominating a strong woman.’
‘Huh,’ David snorted. ‘Smart girl.’
Subdued and fascinated, Carol and Faye took out many items from the cupboard and discussed how they might be used. Both talked in small voices and grew afraid.
‘We shouldn’t be doing this,’ Faye said nervously. ‘Come on, let’s go. I’m scared. This stuff is terrible.’
‘It’s an evil room,’ Carol agreed.
They put everything back in the cupboard with great care, trying to make it look like they had never touched a thing, and left the bathroom.
The first period of recording ended, then the second began, as Faye and Carol returned to the bathroom.
‘Over two hours later,’ said David, pointing to the time display at the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. ‘Maybe they have a plan. I bet they just spent two hours talking about the bathroom.’
‘They have a plan! Great!’ Mary exclaimed as Carol and Faye began running a bath. Mary had restocked the bathroom with bottles of foam bath liquid, baby oil and all kinds of soaps and lotions. Faye and Carol chose a bottle and poured a generous amount into the red bath. The waters began to foam.
‘I feel nervous,’ said Faye.
‘It’ll be fun,’ Carol insisted. ‘Anyway, it’s always good to try something new. Expand our horizons.’
Swiftly the two girls undressed, disp
laying to Mary and David the perfection of their nudity. Faye’s remarkable breasts were fascinating: huge and rounded like melons, yet firm and high above her tiny waist. It seemed almost impossible that her petite body could support such giants. Faye’s red-brown hair glowed in the sunlight slanting down into the bathroom and reflecting off the polished tiles and shiny rings. Carol’s remarkably tall and strong body was a striking contrast. Her legs were impossibly long, and her arse was wonderfully large and rounded, jutting out like a pair of soccer balls. Hair of pale spun gold fell down her long torso to her broad hips as Carol tossed her head in excitment like a magnificent mare eager to win the big race. The naked young beauties embraced and kissed, with four hands exploring warm flesh. Carol stooped to suckle on Faye’s teats in turn. From the girls’ warmth and tenderness, it was plain that they were truly in love.
Mary was deeply aroused and moved. How sweet they were, and how innocent! How brave they were to face the dangers of David’s collection and that bizarre bathroom! Mary had once enjoyed a teenage affair with another girl, a brief and secret fling which had shown her she could enjoy sex with another woman.
Now the girls went to the big cupboard. God, thought Mary, they are going to try some equipment. It was a delicious shock. Sure enough, they took out a strap-on dildo and bodysuit of black plastic straps joined together by shiny steel rings.
‘Good choice,’ said David. ‘Shit! This is amazing.’
‘Way to go, girls,’ Mary cried happily. What fun it was to be a voyeur with David!
Serious and quiet, as if they were performing some strange religious ritual, the girls worked together. First they washed the plastic dildo which was flexible, and lifelike in colour. In the cupboard was a tube of lubricant, and they smeared some of this on a knobbly stem at its base, and pushed this into Faye’s vagina. Soft ridges around the base of the dildo engaged her labia and clitoris. Then they set about fastening the numerous black plastic straps of the intricate body harness attached to the base of the dildo by four stainless steel rings set into the plastic.
‘Oh, this feels so strange,’ murmured Faye.
Carol buckled strap after strap. Straps went around the tops of Faye’s thighs, around her waist, up over her shoulders. Two straps encircled each of her huge breasts. Vertical straps connected the thigh, waist, and breast straps, with round steel rings at every junction. Carol did up the shiny buckles, and Faye’s breasts bulged taut. The long thick dildo sprang up from her loins, a shocking contradiction to her femaleness. Erect, and lifelike in detailing, it stood there as a question, promise and threat. It was a stunning sight. Faye’s huge breasts bulged tautly between the confining straps, her white flesh a contrast to the blackness of the shiny plastic. She was deliciously female, yet from her groin sprang a big penis.
‘You look fantastic,’ Carol breathed huskily, sounding so excited she could hardly speak.
‘I feel so strange,’ said Faye. She thrust her hips a little, staring at her new cock. She put her hand around the shaft and moved it. ‘Oh, it feels great for my pussy. And, Carol, it’s so weird, it makes me feel powerful.’
‘Good,’ Carol sighed. She knelt down and reverently kissed the tip of the cock, gazing up submissively at Faye. ‘I’m your slave,’ she whispered.
David and Mary gripped one another’s hands. It was unspeakably thrilling to watch these two lovely girls sharing the first steps into advanced sexual deviation. Their fundamental innocence, their fresh-faced charm and loving tenderness, their striking and exciting young bodies, all combined to make the scene both electrifying and moving.
Faye took four black plastic straps from the cupboard and fitted them to Carol’s wrists and ankles. Each strap had a shiny steel ring firmly attached. Then she took out four long red plastic cords.
‘Bondage,’ breathed David.
‘They’re so brave,’ Mary sighed. She found the sight of these girls deeply thrilling and poignant.
David undid his jeans and pulled them down to reveal a full erection. Mary likewise pulled down her dark-red cotton slacks. Still watching the screens, they fondled one another’s genitals.
Faye took Carol’s hand and led her to the water bed. They got onto its warm, undulating surface.
‘Are you ready to be tied up?’ Faye asked in a small voice.
‘No, I can never be ready for something so strange.’ Carol laughed nervously. ‘But I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. Go on. We must try it.’
‘I’m frightened.’
‘So am I. But come on. Please tie me up.’ Carol kissed Faye, and then she lay back spreadeagled on the water bed. She threw her long pale-gold hair out at both sides of her head. Tongue sticking out with concentration, Faye started to tie her courageous partner to the steel rings set in the floor. Anxiety and guilt made every movement of her fingers fumbling and clumsy.
‘You can do it,’ Carol said encouragingly.
‘It’s so strange,’ Faye replied. Eventually she succeeded. The metal rings attached to Carol’s wrist and ankle straps were tied by plastic cords to the metal rings in the floor beside the water bed.
‘Oh, how strange!’ Carol exclaimed, testing her bonds. ‘I can’t move. I’m your prisoner. It feels so sexy, I can’t believe it. I want to come so much. But you have to tease me. Don’t make me come even though I’ll beg. Don’t let me. Make me beg.’
‘I’ll try my best,’ said Faye. She poured more baby oil on Carol’s breasts, belly and thighs, massaging and teasing her, rubbing her own breasts on Carol’s and kissing her mouth.
‘Please, please, make me come,’ Carol pleaded. ‘Put your big dick in me and fuck me hard. I need it so much.’
‘Oh, you dirty girl,’ Faye replied, pretending to be shocked. ‘You’re so bad. If there were three men here you’d beg them to fuck you and come all over you, wouldn’t you?’
‘Yes, yes, I couldn’t help it. Oh, Faye, if you love me really you have to fuck me now or I’ll go mad.’
‘I don’t want to fuck you now, you’re too bad. Dirty, bad girl. You don’t deserve an orgasm. Besides, it’s fun to tease you. I’m going to enjoy myself and you’ll have to suffer. The more you suffer, the more fun I’ll have. Serves you right. You’re so bad you wanted to be tied up.’ Faye held the dildo in her right hand and moved it back and forth, around and around, pressuring and churning her own pussy. The knobbly stem at the dildo’s base was in her vagina, and soft rubber ridges engaged her labia and clitoris, so she was giving herself unusual and strong stimulation. Arching and squirming, sighing and moaning, it was obvious that the forbidden fruit she and Carol were consuming had aroused her to an extreme.
Desperation became all that Carol knew. The big strong girl, her taut lean body glossy with oil and sweat, writhed and shuddered in an exquisite agony of lustful tension, arching her long back, and straining her limbs in a fruitless struggle to escape her bonds and slake her overpowering lust. Only after many more minutes of teasing did she get what she demanded.
Lying on Carol’s lovely body, clutching her broad shoulders, Faye pushed in the big dildo. Carol groaned and grunted, arching her back as the cock sank deep. Faye fucked her for all she was worth. Carol moaned with relief, and came quickly. After a long hard fuck, Faye tossed her head and gave a series of choking gasps as she too reached the heights of ecstasy, and Carol came again with loud cries, pleas and swearing.
Faye collapsed and could not move for several minutes. Then she untied Carol.
‘Are you all right?’ Faye asked anxiously.
‘That was great!’ Carol gasped. ‘I can see why Mary and David play these games. It’s just amazing to be tied up and helpless. We must keep on doing it, really. I have all sorts of ideas. It’s so interesting, and you come like hell when you’re tied up. I love being teased for a long time and then coming. Ordinary sex is great, but there’s only so many things you can do. With domination you can do hundreds of different things.’
‘Oh, I’m so relieved you liked it,’ Faye exclaimed
. ‘I was so afraid I was doing it wrong, or you wouldn’t like it, even though you made the plan and told me it’d be great. I enjoyed it too. I had such a weird sense of power, I feel like a new person.’
Babbling happily, the two girls undid the straps of Faye’s body harness, taking it off, gently removing the dildo that gleamed with Carol’s juices.
‘They did great,’ Mary told David. ‘Amazing!’
‘They have a natural talent for this, Mary,’ he replied gravely. ‘I feel sorry for them. Now that they’ve started, they won’t be able to stop.’
‘You don’t feel very sorry for them.’ Mary laughed, squeezing David’s huge and rigid cock in her hand. ‘Mainly you want to fuck them.’
‘Them and you. Let’s do it now, and watch the girls at the same time.’
David and Mary quickly stripped naked, and soon they were screwing on the big sofa, flowing from one position to another, massively stimulated by Faye and Carol’s actions.
On the screen, the girls got into the red bath, which had been filling for a long time, and was brimming with water and banks of foam. They sighed and exclaimed in delight as they explored its remarkable length, breadth and width.
Happily, they played, hugging and kissing, stroking and squeezing, until they were burning with renewed youthful lust. Overcome with need, Faye lay back and braced her hands and feet against the sides of the scarlet bath as hot and wet and slippery as a cunt, offering her big breasts and slender beauty to her big strong partner, tensing her body so it rose from the water arched like a bow, gleaming so shiny and quivering with yearning. Grunting with lust, Carol mounted Faye, mashing her belly and tits against Faye’s in a frenzy of mindless female hunger. It was a magnificent sight to see Carol’s big powerful body in action, her broad and globular ass all muscle, as it rose and fell and humped with spectacular force.