Aqua Domination

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Aqua Domination Page 10

by William Doughty

  Mary nodded in agreement, feeling more afraid by the second. She felt she had made another stupid mistake in agreeing to come to this place, but she was too stubborn to try to back out now. How cowardly it would seem to her afterwards! Perhaps David had expected her to refuse, and the whole thing might be a bluff. That would be funny. She looked into his eyes and saw his anticipation. No, it was not a bluff.

  He picked up the phone, said that they were ready, listened. ‘We’ll wait a few minutes,’ he told Mary. ‘Have a seat.’

  They waited for what seemed to Mary like a long time, and she began to feel like crying. The phone rang. David picked it up, listened briefly, put it down.

  ‘You’re on,’ he told Mary. ‘Walk tall. Look proud. Win the crowd of fools over. Follow instructions instantly.’

  He opened one of the white doors and led Mary through it and along an empty passage, then opened another white door, ushered her inside a totally dark room, followed her in and shut the door behind them. Mary could see nothing in the darkness. She stood there in mounting terror.

  Abruptly, several lights came on, and they all seemed to be directed at her. At first she was dazzled. As her eyes adjusted, she saw that she was in a large room, facing over thirty people, more than she had expected. Most were naked. They sat or lay on armchairs, sofas, heaps of cushions, all of which were black, as were the curtains, carpet, walls and ceiling.

  ‘This is Mary,’ said David. ‘Such a beautiful body, and such an annoying character.’

  Mary remembered to stand up straight, and tried not to show her fear. Murmurs of appreciation spread around the room, and Mary heard favourable comments on her superb breasts, narrow waist, long, powerful legs and firm round arse that helped her regain a little of her usual confidence.

  ‘Play with yourself, Mary,’ said David. ‘Arouse us all.’

  It was terrible for Mary to do anything in front of so many people, but if she showed shyness or fear she sensed their mockery would be savage. She and David would both look foolish. Besides, several naked men and women were already caressing each other or casually masturbating, which helped. So Mary began to put on a show. Caressing her breasts, pulling on her big nipples, rubbing the crotch of her rubber pants, thrusting out her rear and stroking it, she gradually aroused herself as well as the group. The dildo began to be welcome.

  ‘Now bring off a man or two, Mary,’ David ordered.

  Two naked men came towards her as David led her to a black rubber sheet covering soft cushions. He took a large tube of lubricant gel and squirted some on her hands, breasts and inner thighs. One of the men who approached her was middle-aged and overweight, the other younger and muscular. They began to caress Mary and, after a moment’s hesitation, she touched their cocks, which quickly grew rigid. Never, despite all she had done with David, had Mary imagined she could ever do such a strange and whorish act, but now she did it. What else could she do? She tried to think of it as a gift for David even if he did not deserve any gifts, a proof of her obedience. Never would he find a more exciting woman. She would be so dirty and thrilling that he would eventually have to beg her to stay with him forever.

  Such thoughts helped her, and she threw herself into the task of pleasing two men. She handled their cocks with enthusiasm and skill, stroking and squeezing them tightly. Kneeling before them, she rubbed both their knobs on her breasts at the same time, using her huge hard teats to rub against every part of the big gleaming heads of their cocks, while holding their shafts tightly, one in each hand. Then the elder man lay down, so Mary went on all fours and took his penis in her rubber-sheathed and lubricated hands, proffering her arse to the younger man, who rubbed his tool on her rubber pants, then put it between her shiny thighs and humped back and forth with moans of delight. After trying several other positions, the elder man had Mary jerk him off over her breasts, deluging them with floods of sticky cream, and then the younger man came all over her back, crying out loudly as he hosed her long, lean torso with powerful leaping spurts.

  Shuddering, Mary felt degraded. This was disgusting. But it would be stupid to stop now, before she had even come. Besides, she saw that David was staring at her in fascination, idly handling his cock. She had to capture his imagination. She would not break, as he doubtless thought she would. To her surprise, a gorgeous nude woman who looked like a model came and licked her back clean, then kissed the young man who had come there. A loving couple. Then three men came to Mary. One lay down and arranged her so she lay on top of him, face up, his penis between her thighs, while the other two knelt on either side of them. She handled their cocks well and, to her surprise, realised she was becoming strongly aroused. It made her feel she must be truly crazy and bad, like David seemed to feel she was, but there was no getting away from the simple truth of her need.

  Nobody spoke to her, not even to mock her. Instead, they treated her as if she were mindless, a body without any personality. Nobody even looked her in the eyes, except David. It seemed everyone was following some kind of script, probably written by David, and the only person who knew nothing about it was Mary herself, a thought she found frightening. One of the men in her hands came over her breasts, then two women, one naked and one in red underwear, came to suck and caress the other two until they came, spattering Mary from her knees to her head with leaping spurts.

  Feeling dazed by her dehumanising treatment, Mary was then taken to a large bathroom upstairs and thoroughly washed in complete silence, as though she were a laboratory animal being prepared for an experiment of some nastiness. When they returned to the black room, Mary noticed that the party was really getting somewhere, with several couples screwing, other groups caressing each other, and a few men and women casually masturbating. Then she had a shock: David sat on a couch with a naked woman on either side, and they were handling his penis while he caressed their bodies. Mary told herself it was ridiculous to be shocked. Obviously, David had planned to do something with other women, to make her, Mary, feel lousy. Obvious, yes, but Mary had somehow assumed he would only touch her. She had not expected him to ignore her. Yet she was angry with herself, not David. How could she have been so naive?

  Gently but firmly, the four women lay Mary on black silk sheets, under which were cushions. A large woman in her forties wearing black bra, panties, suspender belt and stockings, got on top of Mary and sucked her nipples in turn, turning her on so much she hardly noticed that her arms were being stretched out above her head. Abrubtly, leather straps closed around her wrists. Startled, Mary instinctively struggled, but the woman on top of her was too heavy to throw off. She rode Mary, baring her teeth in a chilling grin of animal excitement. Almost before Mary could even grasp what was going on, her legs had been forced well apart and immobilised by ankle straps attached to chains that were fixed firmly to the floor. Mary was tautly stretched out and utterly helpless. There was scattered applause for the four women who had put her into restraint.

  Struggling uselessly, Mary tried to call for help, but her gag made her words into a meaningless animal cry. She told herself not to become hysterical, as that would only make her suffering worse. It was obvious not one person in the room would help her. Indeed, most of them were not even watching her, including David, which was deeply unpleasant. If she were foolish enough to offer herself as a victim to these nasty perverts, they should at least have paid rapt attention to her suffering. She told herself to relax. Not panic.

  Grinning wolfishly, the woman on top of her rubbed her breasts and pubes on Mary’s, grinding down on her helpless body. Mary speculated about how normal and polite this nasty bitch surely was when she was in the outside world, pretending to be sane.

  Grunting, the woman on Mary came. Then she spat several times on Mary’s body and helmeted head. Immediately, two of the other women, young and naked, one big-breasted and the other flat-chested, applied clear plastic hemispheres about three inches across to Mary’s breasts. A tube led from each to a rubber bulb with a valve, and when they squee
zed the bulbs, air was sucked out of the hemispheres and her nipples expanded greatly. It was not painful, but acutely alarming. Mary struggled fruitlessly and made noises through her gag, then forced herself to stop. To panic would indeed be dreadful. The big-breasted woman, a beautiful blonde, got on top of her and rubbed her body on Mary’s with the breast suction devices in place. Two elderly men, aroused by their sadism, came to caress their bodies and gloat over the prisoner’s helplessness. The discomfort of Mary’s teats increased by the minute, and she suffered too from the heat generated by her latex garments and her own fear. Then they removed the suction cups, though her nipples remained huge. And then she heard David’s voice, and it was the start of the real horror.

  ‘I’d like to thank everyone for coming here today,’ he announced, like the chairman of some boring meeting. ‘I’d like to explain about Mary, over there, and myself.’ His voice was loud and clear, and everybody paid attention to him even if some of them were having some kind of sex at the same time. ‘I first met Mary nearly three years ago, and I dominated her. She took to it like a fish to water. Unfortunately for both of us, I went too far. She was so beautiful, so submissive. Sexually submissive. Usually she’s stubborn. About two years ago she left me. I’d been too cruel. She did the right thing. Since then I’ve been trying to break myself of my old habits. But recently she came back to me, and she tempted me. She encouraged me to start again. So submissive, yet so determined as well. So stubborn. She wouldn’t leave me alone. She even had a crazy plan to seduce two innocent girls, to dominate them. You see, Mary just wants me to be my old self: a sadist. It’s dangerous for her, and for me. But she’s stubborn. So I brought her here to learn just how bad I am. And what contempt I have for her. Because really, she’s an annoying bitch.’

  Mary screamed through her gag and struggled to break her bonds. Gasping with excitement, the woman on top of her rubbed her body harder and harder on Mary’s, and came, so turned on was she by David’s story and Mary’s absolute humiliation. She rolled off, panting. The big woman went on all fours, over Mary, her rear above Mary’s head, and a very hairy man took her from behind, their coupled genitals inches from Mary’s eyes. Never had Mary dreamed of such suffering, such insane humiliation. She had been able to endure reasonably well until David started speaking, but now it was unbearable agony to have so many people listen to David saying she was bad and crazy. All the physical suffering she had ever endured now seemed a trifle compared to this spiritual horror.

  ‘Of course,’ David continued, ‘Mary, if she could speak, would tell the same story in a completely different way. That’s the funny thing about stories. She would say something like this: I introduced her to domination, and she liked it. Before that she’d hardly thought of it, the whole scene was outside her experience, and she would have gone on as content as anyone else if she’d never had any experience of it. I disturbed her equilibrium, I messed up her life, by giving her a taste for domination. That’s the first point Mary could make, and it’s perfectly valid. Then she might talk about how she came to see me again a week or so ago, and she found me living in solitude, with the house a mess. I admit it was a mess, but I was going to clean it all up soon anyway. It’s my affair if I choose to do housework once every month or two instead of wasting time doing it every day.’

  Mary wanted to say that he was lying, that he would never have tidied the house, but gagged and bound as she was, underneath a copulating couple, her opportunities for communication were distinctly limited.

  ‘So from her point of view, she felt she ought to stay and help me, as my house was a mess and I seemed depressed,’ David continued, calmly, the voice of reason in a big black room full of unreason. ‘Of course, she probably had some subconscious reasons as well. Sexual motivation. But she could say that she was trying to help me, to wake me up a bit, to make me happy. Mary might well say that I’m an ungrateful pig not to be grateful to her, and in a way she’d be right. But the point is, I really do want to be alone. I want to live as a hermit, having nothing to do with her or anyone else. We should all have the right to live as we choose, or what’s the point of being alive? Perhaps one day next month or year I’ll get fed up with being a hermit, and then I’ll do something else. Whatever I choose to do. But it’s my life and my decision to make, not Mary’s.’

  While David had been giving his version of Mary’s point of view, a version that was a parody to her mind, the big woman and hairy man screwing above her had both come. The man pulled out and the woman stood with open legs over Mary’s head, dripping like a faulty tap while two men caressed her. Finally, the hairy man licked clean Mary’s helmet.

  ‘So there you have it,’ said David. ‘I want Mary to leave me alone, and she keeps refusing to go. I brought her here to help her make up her mind to leave, and it’s good of you all to help bring her to her senses. Now perhaps some of you would enjoy telling Mary what you think of her.’

  Mary’s nightmare now reached a new depth of horror. About twenty people, mostly naked, formed a ring around her. Most of them were groping, kissing or masturbating. Excited and aroused, they were like a gang of bullies at school, only much, much worse.

  Taking pleasure in their own nastiness, they began to deliver their verdicts.

  ‘What kind of woman annoys a man by hanging around when she’s not wanted? Have some sense, woman.’

  ‘Like a bitch in heat. Why don’t you see a shrink?’

  ‘There are three billion men in the world, for God’s sake. Surely you can find one who actually wants you?’

  ‘I actually want you. Have me instead of David.’

  ‘She’s fixated on David, darling. She doesn’t want you.’

  ‘Stupid cunt. Every cock is just a cock.’

  ‘She’s just stubborn. Admit it, you’re just stubborn. It’s stupid.’

  ‘It certainly is stupid. Look at her. You can see how stupid she is. It’s written all over her.’

  ‘Silly, sad, pathetic slut. Ugh.’

  ‘So what if you have a great body? Stop being so arrogant.’

  ‘Yes, it’s sheer bloody arrogance to act like she does.’

  ‘You’re a stalker, dear. And everybody hates stalkers.’

  ‘You see where throwing yourself at a man has got you? He doesn’t want you. Get that through your thick head.’

  ‘Face facts, love. It’s all over. Really it is.’

  ‘Stop being so totally pathetic, you silly pathetic bitch.’

  This went on for many minutes, with people leaving or joining the ring around Mary as they chose. Some of them poured their drinks over her, and a few spat. Two more men came over her, and it became a popular game to fire rubber bands at her, aiming for her nipples.

  Eventually David said something, and a black sheet was taken away to reveal a huge wooden frame with metal rings inside its four corners. It stood against a wall, and Mary knew its purpose. She struggled as her limbs were freed, but so many people, laughing with cruel amusement, held her arms and legs that all her efforts were useless. Then her rubber pants were pulled off, and she was quickly placed inside the frame, standing on its leather-padded bottom strut. The chains from her ankle and wrist straps were connected to the rings at the corners of the frame, putting her into helpless restraint and, as a final degradation, big black cushions were piled between her body and the wall so that her arse was thrust far out, and she stood there presenting her buttocks and genitals to a roomful of sophisticated perverts with her arms, legs and torso in high-tension bondage.

  Stomach churning with fear, she tried to plead for mercy through her gag, amusing her audience with animal sounds. A remarkably tall black woman came slowly towards her, carrying a leather cat-o’-nine. Cheers and applause greeted her. She wore only a white leather domino mask and matching long gloves, and her slender body was all feline grace. What sickened Mary was not so much the threat of the whipping as the fact that it was to be done by a stranger, not by David. She knew that this was his way of pr
oving he was through with her. It showed his contempt.

  But when the black woman struck Mary across her arse with no warning, no teasing preparation, Mary stopped thinking about David, because it was impossible to have anything in her mind except the pain of the blow. It burned and stung intolerably, yet she had to tolerate it because she had no choice. Appalled by her vulnerability, she shuddered and moaned. Sweat poured down her skin. Her buttocks seemed to be on fire, yet that was only the first blow. Never had she felt so nude, so helpless. It felt impossible that any human being could be so well trussed, so entirely naked. She was a vulnerable bound animal in high-tension restraint, presenting to a cruel crowd her buttocks and genitals. All these people were taking pleasure in her torment.

  Minutes passed. Mary might almost have welcomed more blows to end the terrible tension of waiting, but instead she was untouched for a long time. Men and women clustered around her tormentor, exchanging kisses and caresses, and many of them started screwing near Mary, facing her so they could witness her suffering and enjoy it as a stimulation.

  Suddenly, the cat cracked, and the very ends of the hissing tails touched Mary’s right thigh, making the slightest and briefest of contacts, yet stinging and burning Mary’s skin like a touch of fire. Then followed a dozen feints, none of which made contact. Mary’s flinching caused great amusement. The next three blows made the slightest of contacts with her arse, and the four subsequent strikes grazed her back with fiery kisses. Five feints, and then six strikes to her thighs, heavy and harsh blows indeed, rapid and loud. An elderly man kissed the black woman’s feet, while a fat man licked her buttocks as a thin Indian girl suckled on his penis.

  Ice was applied to Mary’s thighs, and at first it was soothing, but soon her skin burned terribly, and she guessed that the ice was frozen vinegar or lemon juice. Then the tails of the cat hissed up between Mary’s legs, making slight yet fearsome contact with her sensitive flesh. Eight blows came to her buttocks next, at unpredictable intervals. An old man crawled to lick her reddening arse, and masturbated to orgasm. A woman in her forties, with a neurotic appearance, touched Mary’s buttocks, then sank to the floor to be fucked by her husband, while pretending to resist.


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