‘Please stay, Mary,’ Faye insisted with shy and charming intensity. ‘It’ll be good for you, I can sense it. If you go away now you’ll only get depressed. Remember when we told you you were the only person we trusted? We really meant it, you know. And we like you so much.’
‘If you’re sure I won’t be a nuisance, I’ll stay a couple of days,’ said Mary. She wiped her face and blew her nose. Already she had an instinctive feeling that she had come to the right place, the right people. Mary trusted her instinct even if it did get her into one mess after another. What else was there to trust?
So charming were Carol and Faye, and so splendid the house and garden, that Mary, over the next two days, began to feel better almost despite herself. The three young women had got on very well when Mary had stayed at David’s house years ago, and now they seemed even closer, sharing a basic feeling of contentment in simple pleasures, and a fundamental integrity. Intelligent and sincere, they all hated stupidity and insincerity. There are strengths, there is a kind of goodness, that can be recognised and shared without the need to speak of the understanding.
So they went shopping, drove to a wood and walked, watched classic movies on a stupendous home theatre and did some housework. Mary sensed though, that Carol and Faye had something they were holding back for the right moment, something they wanted to talk about. She guessed it probably had to do with their strange adventures in David’s bathroom, and hoped her guess was wrong. Not only did she want to forget David, but she felt terribly guilty about getting these nice girls into that creep’s weird bathroom so he could put them on tape. She must have been insane. How could she have been stupid enough to think up such an immoral idea just so David would find her more interesting? It was pathetic.
But Faye and Carol had certainly been fascinated by David’s bathroom and his equipment, and they probably needed to talk it over with Mary. They would find it difficult to talk about with anyone else, that was for sure, as bathroom domination was such an odd combination of fetishes. Mermaids and masters, serious bathing, wet and hot and slippery, floating and coming – no, she would not even think of it, let alone ever get involved in it again. She was nothing like David, she was not crazy.
‘What are you brooding about, Mary?’ Faye inquired.
‘Nothing,’ Mary lied, nearly dropping the cup she was washing.
‘You were thinking about David, weren’t you?’ said Carol. ‘Don’t deny it, I’ve been hearing you think for the last two hours at least.’
‘Don’t worry, just relax,’ Faye insisted. ‘And don’t think so loud, you’ll give us all a headache. Turn it down.’ She giggled, and gave Mary a hug. Carol joined in.
‘I’ll stop brooding,’ Mary announced firmly. She was surprised by the strong wave of desire that swept her just because the girls’ bodies were pressed tight to hers. Why, she wondered, did she have to be so easily aroused and always needing to come? What a bloody nuisance sex was. And it was all just a trick by genes anyway, so they could carry on for millions more years after she had died and blown away as dust on the desert wind. On the other hand, an orgasm would be nice.
‘Let’s watch a movie,’ Carol suggested. ‘And have a drink.’
Mary had cider, Carol had beer, and Faye chose red wine. Carol and Faye hardly ever touched alcohol, so seeing them drink now made Mary wonder if they were trying to create some kind of special occasion. Carol put on a DVD, a French lesbian movie which had the merit of not looking like teaching material for a course in gynaecology. Mary felt more and more aroused. She wished Faye and Carol would make a move. Even a tiny one.
‘Did you ever make love with another woman?’ Carol asked Mary, putting her arm round Mary’s shoulders and gazing directly into her eyes. Her gaze was cool, clear light blue, full of confidence.
‘Yes, and I enjoyed it,’ Mary replied, giving the shortest possible answer so she could cut to the chase. She kissed Carol, who responded passionately, then turned to Faye, saw her excitement, and shared a long kiss with her too. Mary’s hands were drawn at once to Faye’s huge breasts. ‘But,’ Mary gasped, ‘I never did it with two really nice girls before.’
‘This is amazing,’ Carol moaned. ‘It’s so different.’
All three women shared the same surprise and excitement, finding the reality of a threesome more intense and thrilling than they had anticipated. Hands seemed to be everywhere. Like echoes, their excitement bounced back and forth, and like mirrors they reflected each other’s arousal. For a long time, Mary had been struck by Faye and Carol’s attractions. Now she was freely enjoying herself with them, such nice girls and old friends, and it was a wonder and a delight to kiss those mouths she had seen many times, and to hear the rapid breathing and muted sighs of their ardour.
Soft and big, the sofa of dark-red leather that they squirmed rather than sat on served them as a fine playground. Kissing and caressing, they undressed very slowly because they could hardly bear to break away from one another even for a moment. Mary came when still in her underwear, lying on the sofa with Faye on top of her, fully dressed, while Carol alternately kissed Faye and Mary, and masturbated by rubbing herself on a pair of large cushions she straddled.
Amazement filled all three women after they had come, and they chattered excitedly. They had known intellectually that three women could do all kinds of things together, but the reality was overwhelming, and presented so many thrilling sensations to them that their minds and bodies seemed to buzz with energy like a hive of bees vibrant in the summer’s warmth. Simple joy surged through them, as they cuddled and kissed, sharing skin with reckless generosity.
Nowness felt like lightning. All was known, everything was real. The three women struggled out of their remaining clothes and saw dizzying potentials in so much nudity: kissing and groping, licking and touching, flying and floating away, they laughed from sheer happiness.
‘How beautiful, how beautiful you both are!’ Mary cried out, almost sang out. Suddenly there seemed to be songs everywhere, in everything she was and knew.
‘You two are perfect, but my breasts are much too big,’ Faye murmured.
‘You’re crazy,’ Mary protested. ‘I love your breasts.’
‘So do I,’ agreed Carol. She and Mary simultaneously suckled on Faye’s gigantic, yet surprisingly firm, udders.
Faye shuddered. ‘Oh, my God, that’s incredible,’ she moaned. ‘It’s more than twice as good. Stop, please, stop, I can’t stand it. No, no, don’t stop, I’ll die.’
Fascinated, the three women studied and played with each other’s bodies, and exchanged sincere praise. All of them exercised, and enjoyed various sports, giving their bodies a pleasing tautness, strength, co-ordination and grace, a fine confidence and correctness in movement. Faye laughed with delight as she fingered Mary’s nipples, so big and hard, and then showed Mary how big Carol’s clit was. Carol and Faye kissed Mary’s superb, strong round arse; Mary and Faye licked and stroked Carol’s impossibly long legs; Mary and Carol played with Faye’s huge breasts again and again. Everything was just so fascinating.
To Mary’s horror, she found herself thinking how wonderful the girls would look and feel in restraint, and how much fun she could have teasing them, ordering them to serve her, and making them come and come. Then they could bind her and take a gleeful, playful revenge. No, she was insane to imagine such crazy stuff. Surely David had not screwed her mind up that much? She would be normal or burst, Mary resolved, even as she imagined fastening straps around Faye’s exceptional breasts and touching their bulging tautness.
Lust mounting, they began to rub their bodies together, and to suck breasts and cunts, all so round and delicious. They played on the big soft sofa and, by putting cushions on the adjacent deep, soft dark-purple rug, they made an extended playground, moving from rug to sofa, sofa to rug, trying every position they could think of with mounting wonder and delight. Skins gleaming with fresh sweat, Mary mounted Faye, Carol mounted Mary, and so on in all six ways, and six ways to
o for mouth to pussy, but that was only the start of the algebra and geometry of three young female bodies straining themselves to splendid achievements: the opening lines of the introduction to tripleness.
There were so many ways to form threes: mouths to pussies to make a triangle, lying on their sides, or one lying across two, rubbing pussies with one partner and kissing the mouth or breasts of the other. Two lay face to face on their sides, pressing flesh to flesh, while the third straddled their waists, hips, or thighs, holding the pair together with arms and legs. So many joys that it made a couple seem so limited, some kind of a trick played on them by a society that always talked about two and never about three, as though two were not less than three, but more. And even if three chanced in the warm flow of events to become two and one for a while, the one could happily masturbate, or ask for a free hand or mouth. For hours that night, Mary, Carol and Faye learned a lot about the power of three, which is not a mere addition of one to two, but a surprising multiplication.
Awaking in the same bed next morning, they had the deep and true happiness of knowing each other’s bodies and pleasures, the extra sparkling energy and freshness which comes from stealing a few orgasms from fate. At first, each was a little shy, almost afraid that she had enjoyed herself more than the other two, so they would think it strange if she was sincere in her joy, but then each looked into four eyes, and saw that she was not alone and peculiar in the depth and strength of her pleasure, and they all three knew that what they had started would go on growing, for it had special roots and unique strengths.
Breakfast seemed delectable, with the most ordinary of foods taking on a new flavour. Eagerly, the three women talked over the events of the day before, and soon felt hungry for more.
‘Let’s have a bath together this afternoon,’ Carol suggested.
‘Yes, that’ll be lovely,’ Faye agreed. ‘There’s so many things we can do in the bathroom. Slippery, warm, wet things.’
‘We have a nice bathroom here to play in,’ said Carol. ‘Even if it’s not such a good bathroom as David’s.’
Mary felt Carol and Faye’s eyes on her like heavy weights as she chewed her toast, which suddenly became difficult to swallow. She felt sure the girls had been dying to talk about David’s bathroom with her ever since they had tried out its unique facilities, but they had managed to restrain themselves until now. Mary did not want to talk about it, or even think about it. The whole topic seemed to her to be repulsive, as it was the story of her own stupidity.
‘I’m sorry, but I’m not going to talk about it,’ she told Faye and Carol, breaking the thickening silence. ‘He and I are through. The whole thing was a disgusting mess. He’s crazy, and the bathroom shows his craziness.’
‘He wanted us to see it, didn’t he?’ Carol asked. ‘When you and he went out and we looked after Ellie.’
Mary wondered what David had done with Ellie. The cat’s fate would reveal something about David’s character. Stop it, she ordered herself. I already know his true character.
‘What makes you think that?’ she asked Carol, her voice sounding, in her own ears, hopelessly fake.
‘Oh, come on,’ Faye protested. ‘The door had a lock, so he could stop people seeing that bathroom if he wanted to. But it was unlocked. I bet he got a kick out of the thought of our seeing it.’
‘You must have known,’ Carol said to Mary. ‘Obviously Faye and I would be nosey enough to look around. And you’re sharp, you must have noticed the door was unlocked.’
‘Well, yes,’ Mary admitted reluctantly. But she was determined not to admit that the whole idea had been hers, not David’s. Neither dare she admit to, or mention, the embarrassing fact that Carol and Faye’s frolics had been recorded. ‘Now you see what a loonie David is,’ she said, though she disliked her own hypocrisy. It seemed a new low.
‘Yes, I’m sure you did the right thing to break up with him,’ Faye said. ‘All that stuff. The bathroom. How weird can you get? I mean, just think of those –’
‘Can’t we just forget the whole thing?’ Mary protested, pouring herself some more tea and spilling half of it.
‘It’s all a little too striking to forget,’ Carol replied, methodically mopping up all the tea with tissues. ‘And, in fact, you know, we were very interested. And we took a bath. And we even tried a thing or two. From the cupboard.’
‘It’s really intriguing,’ said Faye. ‘The psychology. The acting out. The whole look.’ She was blushing slightly.
Mary felt that Faye was not embarrassed to talk about sex as such, but rather by her and Carol’s liking for David’s brand of weirdness.
‘The point is,’ said Carol hesitantly, ‘since then, Faye and I have, I mean we’ve – oh, why is it so hard to talk about? Why can’t we all talk about how we get orgasms like we talk about politics or the bloody weather? It’d be more interesting, and we’d all be happier.’
‘They don’t want us to be uninhibited and happy,’ said Mary.
‘It’s hard to talk about what’s supposed to be strange and perverted,’ Faye sighed. ‘But fifty years from now it’ll just seem normal. It’s in Cosmopolitan magazine already.’ This last thought gave her fresh heart. ‘Domination, I mean. Restraint. Mistress and slave games.’
‘It’s fascinating!’ Carol exclaimed. ‘Faye and I have been experimenting with restraint. It feels lovely! We’re glad David let us see his bathroom, even though I bet he got some kind of kinky thrill out of our seeing it.’
‘It inspired us. It set us on the right course.’
‘I doubt it,’ Mary sighed. ‘Oh, well. It’s none of my business what you two do. Have fun.’
‘Oh, but it is your business now,’ Carol protested, giving Mary her brightest smile. ‘You’re with us, and you must be an expert on domination, so you can help us. Join us.’
‘No, no, no,’ Mary said firmly. ‘I’ve given all that up, and I’d be crazy to start again.’ She suddenly realised that this was just what David had kept saying to her, a thought that filled her with a kind of horror at the strange workings of fate. Was this some kind of punishment?
‘Come on, Mary, don’t be a spoilsport,’ Faye said in a wheedling tone, dipping her spoon in and out of her boiled egg.
‘Imagine what the three of us could do together,’ Carol insisted. ‘Slave and Mistress games. Pure fun. Not heavy.’
‘It brings out the worst in people.’
‘But, Mary, even if that’s true, maybe it does you good to get the worst out,’ said Faye. ‘So it’s therapy and fun.’
‘You must have enjoyed doing all that stuff with David in the past. Why should you stop doing it just because you’ve ended your relationship with him? Now you can carry on with Faye and me. Come on, I bet you want to really.’
‘You can be the High Priestess initiating two novices into the secrets of your sect.’ Faye giggled, squirming in her chair. ‘Think of all the expertise you’ve acquired.’
‘I don’t want to think of it,’ Mary protested, grimacing. ‘I’m sorry. Thanks for the invitation. You’re both so beautiful and nice. But I daren’t. I mustn’t. You can have fun together experimenting, but I’ve been through it all. For me it’s over.’
‘So what will you do with the rest of your life?’ Carol demanded.
Mary shrank from the force of the question. ‘I’ll think of something,’ she replied weakly.
‘Never mind,’ said Faye. ‘Let’s forget about it. What shall we do this morning? Let’s go shopping.’ She gave Carol a meaningful look, and Carol, who wanted to go on arguing with Mary, managed to stop herself. They have some plan, thought Mary. They are determined to get me to join in their games, they cannot take no for an answer. It shocked her to realise that this was not so much her conviction as her hope.
Sunshine was breaking through at last as they went to the shops. First, Mary bought a one-piece swimsuit. Then they went to Sainsbury’s, where Faye and Carol picked up all manner of soaps, lotions and foam bath liquids, as well
as two bottles of baby oil.
‘For massage,’ Carol told Mary. ‘I want to tie Faye up in the bathroom and torment her,’ she whispered. ‘Just think: you and I could make love in front of her, and she’d be dying to come. If only you’d join us.’
‘Oh, please say yes, Mary. We need you. We want you. We don’t even know what to use for tying-up games. I bet you’d have lots of ideas. Don’t be a coward.’
‘You’re not encouraging us if you join us, because we’re determined to do it anyway,’ Carol pointed out. ‘Your conscience will be clear. You just have to be a little bit brave. A cowardly life is so boring.’
‘I am not a coward!’ Mary exclaimed, so angrily that half the people in Sainsbury’s turned their heads in surprise. Oh, a bad noisy woman! Mary forced herself to be silent for ten seconds, and to breathe calmly. ‘All right,’ she said at last. ‘Of course, I’ll join you. You know I’m dying to. Thanks.’
‘Hooray!’ Faye exclaimed, clapping her hands childishly.
‘Great!’ Carol cried.
‘Just don’t blame me if it ends in tears. All right, let’s pick up some stuff we can use.’ Mary knew it was impossible for her to resist any longer. It was fate. Now she knew how David had felt when she had tempted him into resuming his old ways, and she could better understand his mixed feelings of terrible lust and resentment. Was this the hand of God, instructing her on the consequences of her actions? It was like the classic cowboy film plot: nobody will allow the famous gunslinger to hang up his guns and reform his ways. OK. Load guns. Open fire.
If Faye and Carol could not take no for an answer, if they were determined to experiment, then let loose the dogs of war, kick down the gates of hell! They would get more than they bargained for. Two young women in an experimental phase? Fine. Just what she could use. After all she had been through with David and without David, she felt like being a cruel and ruthless scientist manipulating and using two girls. Let them become her white mice.
Aqua Domination Page 12