‘You’ll have to do them without us,’ Carol told him.
‘That’s right,’ Faye agreed. She and Carol quickly removed their black plastic garments, and angrily pushed Jack away when he tried to help.
‘It’s entirely up to you,’ David said with a smile. ‘But if you want to come here again, we’d be delighted.’
‘Even we’re not that crazy,’ Carol insisted. Mary noticed that Faye did not look so determined.
‘Anyway, whatever you decide, I want to thank you all,’ David said with warm sincerity. ‘Yes, even you, Mary.’
‘Even me. Wow.’
‘You woke me up and we’ve all had a great time.’
‘Faye and I just had a horrible time,’ Carol protested.
‘Oh, I don’t know,’ Faye said hesitantly. ‘It was exciting, wasn’t it? Being a hunting dog. I was frightened, but you have to admit it was exciting.’ She looked at Carol defiantly.
‘Well, yes, I suppose it was,’ Carol admitted.
‘You can’t quit!’ Jack exclaimed. ‘Think of what fun you’ll have taking revenge on me for treating you so badly.’
‘There is that,’ said Carol.
‘It would be good to have revenge,’ Faye said with a sigh.
‘Maybe we should torment Jack one more time,’ said Carol.
A strange thrill passed through Mary’s body as she heard these words, and all her nerves tingled in anticipation. Carol and Faye were clearly unable to make a clean break from herself, David and Jack, and from David’s insanely thrilling bathroom with all its strange eroticism. They were fascinated, and they were trapped. They would be drawn into deeper and deeper waters of perverse sex, just as she had been, and their lovely young bodies and charming characters would be corrupted as they became the playthings of David’s rich imagination. The thought filled her with glee: they would become as bad as her, so she would not be alone in her badness.
‘Now you’ll have to ask me nicely to stay,’ she told David firmly. ‘Or else I’ll leave you with Jack, Carol and Faye, and that wouldn’t work. You need me so you can take out your worst impulses on me, you see. You know it as well as I do.’ She gazed confidently into David’s eyes, and he read her determination.
‘Of course I want you to stay, Mary,’ he blurted out. ‘Yes, I need you. We all need you.’
‘Fine. I’ll be glad to stay. You only had to ask.’
Deep delight sung through Mary’s body and soul: she had won. At last. David was hooked again, and could not face the break-up of this group, his willing and eager aquanauts.
‘You’re so clever,’ she told him, and gave him such a strong hug that he squealed.
She could not resist David, she thought happily. In the end she had seduced and forced him to accept both her absolute surrender, and his own nature. So they would go on from strength to strength, together. She could do nothing except love the little rat. No one else but David was strong enough not only to have a fantasy of a strange, magical bathroom where mermaids in restraint gave their all, but also to build it, to make it a reality and then bring others to share in his vision, to join him in these bathroom games that were his dreams and his nightmares. What strength he had! And in the end a woman admired nothing in a man save strength, and the honesty that comes from strength.
Yes, he also had that essential honesty. He said he was a sadist with a bathroom fetish, and that was the truth. How rare and admirable was such truthfulness. How strong he was to dare to speak the truth, and be true to himself. Others were so weak that they lied. Mary could only follow his strength and truth. What else was there to do? What else in the world was worth anything?
‘I love you,’ she told him.
‘This is great,’ Jack laughed.
‘It’s all right for you,’ said David. ‘You’ve escaped.’
‘What we’ve done today…it was all so much.’ Mary sighed. ‘Too much. It made me see the truth.’
‘Now we’re getting somewhere,’ said Carol. ‘It’s romantic.’ She and Faye smiled warmly, touched deeply by Mary’s powerful love.
‘Why are you so happy?’ asked Mary. ‘You and Faye should be angry. You’ve just been badly treated.’
‘Who can be angry with you and David?’ Faye replied. ‘Look at all the fun and games we’ve had. And will have. All the fun and excitement. Besides, you’re both so nice.’
‘I am not nice,’ David insisted.
‘I am,’ said Mary. ‘I’m nice, definitely. And it always gets me into trouble. Just the other day –’
‘You talk too much,’ snapped David. ‘All right, listen. Since I can’t drive you away, because you’re too stubborn and stupid to leave me alone, and you hold onto the frame of my front door, not letting me prise your fingers from the death grip, so I can’t close the bloody door and shut you out of my bloody life forever, because you won’t go, you can stay. But leave me alone a lot of the time for God’s sake.’
‘Thank you, thank you, thank you,’ Mary gasped. She began to sob as she hugged him tight.
‘Not so tight, I can’t breathe. You’re so bloody strong. You exercise too much as well as talk too much. Everything about you is just too much, I can’t stand it. You obey me too much and love me too much. I’m already suffocating.’
‘It’s so romantic,’ Carol said.
‘It’s lovely,’ said Faye.
‘I know you’re all waiting for me to say I love Mary,’ David snapped. ‘It’s a cheap word, an easy word, a word devalued by overuse, the favourite word of fools and liars. You all want me to say it, but I won’t.’
‘That’s why I left him the first time, two years ago,’ said Mary. ‘Silly of me.’
‘You left David because he wouldn’t say he loved you?’ Jack said in wonder. ‘You never would explain it to me, so, of course, I thought it was something to do with this bathroom. Some strange secret sex shocker. I thought about it a lot.’
‘So did we!’ laughed Faye. ‘We wondered and wondered.’
‘Mary wouldn’t tell us,’ said Carol.
‘I didn’t want to tell anybody,’ said Mary, ‘I felt ashamed. Now I just don’t care about anything. It’s a lovely feeling.’
Then David said the words that set the seal on Mary’s happiness. ‘Two years ago, Mary tried to force me to say I loved her,’ David said grudgingly. ‘You know how stubborn and crazy and talkative she is. So, of course, I had to tell her I didn’t love her and never would. What else could I do?’ He paused, patted Mary on the back, then continued with reluctance as palpable as treacle mixed with soot, as though making a confession that must seal his fate.
‘Unfortunately, I was lying.’
Aqua Domination Page 25