Happenstance Cover coming soon (The Order of Ravens and Wolves Book 3)

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Happenstance Cover coming soon (The Order of Ravens and Wolves Book 3) Page 2

by T. L Hodel

  Sean jumped to his feet, shot me a smirk, and held out his hand.

  He was definitely enjoying this too much.

  I stared at the outstretched arm for a second before accepting. With a grunt, he pulled me up and slapped my shoulder.

  “You gonna go for four?”

  He might not find this shit so fun if he knew why I was distracted. How happy would the smug fucker be if he knew I’d knocked up little sis’s best friend?

  “Piss off, Callaghan,” I grumbled, shoving his shoulder. “Shouldn’t you be practicing your throws?”

  His eyes narrowed, which made my lips curl. Last Friday he missed a pass, costing us the game. This time I got to watch Callaghan march away with a scowl. The second he was gone, the pit in my stomach came back, followed by the words that had been swimming around my head for over a week. ‘I’m going to be a dad’. Me. Parker Easton Whitley. The supposed golden boy of Ashen Springs had knocked someone up. I was oddly proud of that.

  Not because my baby was getting ready to come into the world, but because she was carrying it.

  The girl I once wanted to slay a dragon for. Even if she could be persuaded to get rid of the problem, I didn’t want her to. When I was balls deep in some chick, or stroked my cock at night, it was Lana I thought about. Now that image had morphed into looking into that baby’s eyes, while having my arms wrapped around her.

  My girl and my baby. A family.

  How fucking unreal was that? I was still trying to wrap my head around it. How it happened was no mystery. I didn’t put on a condom–which I always do. I was too excited. The only thing I could think about was getting my dick in her. Didn’t even ask if she was on birth control. Honestly, the thought never occurred to me. Why would it? I had the girl I’d been dreaming about most of my life wrapped around me. Who the fuck cared about anything else?

  Maybe some part of me wanted to knock her up? Logan and Micha were always talking about claiming their women. As if it was a competition or some shit. Micha preferred the ‘if you look at her I’ll kill you’ approach, while Logan liked to physically mark Shelby. There was always something on that girl. A bite, a scratch, or some shit to let everyone know who she belonged to. Looks like I won that contest. What better way to mark a chick than to knock her up?

  My thoughts got cut off when a football came sailing through the air and clacked off the side of my helmet.

  Fuck sakes.

  “Jesus fucking Christ, Whitley!” Coach yelled, waving his hands through the air, “We’re not here to fucking daydream!”

  “Sorry Coach, I’ve got something on my mind.”

  “I don’t care if you have a goddamn log shoved up your ass. Get the fuck…”

  Coach Keegan continued to scream at me while I watched his face get redder with every word. I cocked my head at his swinging arms, fisting in the air. I’d seen him go off like this before. Sometimes it seemed like hours before he calmed down.

  I glanced over at the track coach and his assistant. While coach Bantam had the same red look in his face as my coach, the new assistant was calmly helping Shelby stretch. He pulled her leg up and leaned in, smiling down at her. Logan was definitely going to kill that guy.

  “You better not stand around with your thumb up your ass on Sunday…”

  “Yes, Coach.” At this point, I was pretty sure he didn’t need oxygen to live.

  “Get your ass out there…”

  I nodded. “Yes, Coach.”

  “Run the goddamn ball!”

  “Got it, Coach.”

  This time when the ball came at me, I caught it and rushed down the field.

  It’d been almost two weeks now, since I found out I was going to be a dad. In front of every-fucking-one. Logan found a pregnancy test and thought Shelby was pregnant, and could he announce that in private? Of course not. Prick.

  Lana still wouldn’t talk to me. It wasn’t just her. The girls had banded together. Every time I’d try to talk to her, Shelby or Riley would intervene. Harper just ran away, Shelby called me a jerk, and Riley hit me. For a tiny thing, she sure packed a punch. At least she didn’t crush my nuts like she did Silas. Poor fucker couldn’t walk straight for a week.

  At this point, I’d say it was a safe bet that Lana told them what I did. Especially considering the pimp comments Logan kept throwing my way. Who’d have thought giving a chick money was a bad thing? Of course I handled it in a bad way, but I did it on purpose. Had to do something to chase her away. She was staring at me all doe eyed, which I really liked, but if my mother found out…

  Ava once came home with a Cuban guy. He was okay, I guess. I didn’t want to kill him. Which was huge, considering he was fucking my sister. He lasted an hour with my mother. Longer than most. Ava was heartbroken, and our mother had him deported the next day.

  “Heads up, Whitley.”

  I turned to see Sean barreling at me.

  Aw fuck.

  I swept the water off my face and glanced over at Logan, who was leaning against my locker. “Do you mind?”

  “Not at all.”

  “Unless you want to suck my dick dry, I suggest you move.”

  Logan tipped his head and smirked. “I think that’s more Mase’s department.”

  “You’re never gonna let that go, are you?” Mase grumbled from the bench next to him.

  I pushed Logan out of the way, opened my locker, and pointed at Mase. “You were the one that opened your big mouth.”

  “He’s got you there,” Logan winked.

  Why Mase decided to say shit, to Logan of all people, I didn’t get. We all knew the fucker couldn’t keep a secret. Though I think it was more by choice. Bastard liked to throw everyone off. Including Micha, who I had a rather awkward conversation with after that little outburst. And by conversation, I mean me explaining that I didn’t completely defile his little brother while dodging his fists.

  “Seem extra grumpy today.” Logan’s hand landed on my shoulder with a resounding smack. Fucker. “Lana still not talking to you?”

  Chris, our wide receiver, gave me a sideways glance. Sean made it very clear to the whole team that Harper and Lana were off limits. Unfortunately for Sean, I didn’t give a fuck what he thought. I went along with it because it kept all these other horny fuckers away from her.

  “No,” I said, giving Chris a look that said ‘try me’, “And your girl isn’t helping.”

  “Hey, I claim no responsibility for what Cherry Pie does.” Logan crossed his arms and leaned back. “It’s kind of hot watching her give you a hard time though.”

  I snorted. Prick.

  Rummaging through my bag, I shook my head and pulled my clothes out. “It’d be easier to talk to her if her friends didn’t get in the way.”

  “Micha’s on board with you there,” Mase added. “He was yelling at Riley yesterday for getting involved.”

  I actually saw Micha smile the other day. The last thing I wanted was to cause problems between them.

  “Go to her house,” Logan suggested.

  “Tried that.”

  “Did you try kicking in the door?”

  Was he serious? Of course he was. Logan would burn the whole world down to get to his girl. Though I had to admit, he might have a point. Maybe it was time to take a page from his book.

  Mason leaned forward on the bench and rested his elbows on his knees. “You could always choose the other route.”

  “What other route?” Seemed pretty black and white to me. Either I hunted Lana down, or she kept avoiding me.

  “Make her come to you.”

  Both Logan and I stopped and cocked our heads at him.

  “I gotta say, Lana doesn’t seem like the chasing dick type,” Logan pointed out.

  “Exactly,” I nodded at Logan. “She won’t even talk to me. How am I supposed to get her to chase me?”

  Mason’s green eyes sparkled as they rolled up to meet mine. “You tell everyone.”

  Chapter 2


  “Have a good day, my sweet girl.”

  I smiled at Nan and begrudgingly got out of the car. Sweet girl. Would she still call me that if she knew? I should’ve been smarter. I wasn’t one of those bobble-headed girls that got stupid over a guy. I wanted to be a doctor, for Christ’s sake. A pediatrician. All my life, I’ve watched girls fall for the crap guys said, and swore I wouldn’t be one of them.

  Then again, I was always a little stupid when it came to Parker Whitley. Honestly, I wasn’t surprised that I fell down that hole, or about the way he treated me after. Parker was one of the Knights. Of course he was an asshole. It was something else that brought tears to my eyes. Memories of another voice whispering in my ear, while hands roughly held me down, and I stared at the moon, praying for it to end. That was the night my soul was shattered. Torn apart by someone I trusted.

  “Bye Nan.” I managed to give her a small wave, “Love you.”

  Nan gave me her ‘go get em’ smile and blew me a kiss. “Love you too.”

  I rolled my eyes at the girls that had their noses turned up. Apparently our little beat down car didn’t meet their high standards. Brushing it off my shoulders, I sauntered past them. From a young age, I knew I was different from the other kids. I didn’t know why or how, just that they had something I didn’t.

  In this school, there was a lot that the other kids had that I didn’t. Money, staff, prestige. But none of that caused the heaviness I felt in my chest. I didn’t realize what that was until I showed up for parent teacher interviews with my Nan. All the other kids were there with their moms and dads. They had parents. I had Nan and Henry, our goat.

  That was the first time I noticed Parker Whitley. I saw him on the playground when Nan and I were leaving, beating up one of the kids that made fun of me. His little fists flew through the air, raining his fury down on the other boy.

  I used to tell myself he was protecting me. I knew better now. Parker Whitley wasn’t a fairy tale knight, seeking to defend the maiden’s honor. He was the thing in my closet. The creature that made children scream in the middle of the night. They all were. Micha was the devil. Preston death, Logan war, Mason pestilence, and Parker famine. Which was exactly why no one could find out what happened. I couldn’t subject someone I loved to Ashworth’s apocalypse squad. No matter what he did to me.

  Speaking of squads…

  Naomi and her minions were standing by the front door. Hips cocked, while they rolled their eyes at people passing by. If Parker and his friends were the apocalypse squad, then these girls were Ashen Springs version of sirens. Lulling men to their deaths with sweet songs.

  I walked up the steps and smiled back at Amy. I didn’t mind her. She might be a member of the slut squad–as Riley called them–but she had sweet moments. Lately I’d seen her talking to other people. Most of whom were on Naomi’s hit list.

  Maybe she was getting tired of Naomi’s crap? I know I was glad the queen and her minions would be gone next year. If only Mason could graduate, then my senior year might not be so bad. Except for the baby I’d be raising, of course.

  “Jasmine,” my gaze rolled over one minion in particular, “Showing a little extra skin today, I see.”

  Naomi’s light eyes locked on mine. “Why are you talking to us?”

  “Aw,” Jasmine’s lips twisted in a mocking frown, “Is little orphan Annie lonely?”

  I snickered out a scoff. Little orphan Annie. How original. Mason was the genius behind that one. It still hurt though. I knew it wasn’t my parents fault they died, but sometimes it felt like it was.

  “Still full of quick wit, I see.”

  “Careful, Annie,” Naomi leaned back and continued filing her nails. “You wouldn’t want someone questioning your choice in wardrobe.”

  Jasmine rolled her eyes judgingly over me. “A word of advice, honey, that sweater isn’t hiding anything.”

  I faltered. Took a step back, and pulled the hem of my sweater down. Did they know? No, I told myself, shaking it off. There’s no way they could. I didn’t tell anyone, and I was pretty sure no one else was talking about it. Not any of my friends, anyway. Taking a deep breath, I pushed my way into Ashworth.

  The change in the air was so thick, it was palatable. It rolled through the hall in heavy waves, crashing through my anxious heartbeat. The whispers and sideways glances were unnerving. So much so, that I looked down to make sure my bump wasn’t visible. Something I tried not to do, because it would draw attention. It wasn’t that I was trying to hide my pregnancy. Then again, maybe I was?

  Parker Whitley not only destroyed my idealized teenage fantasy of him, he crushed it under his overpriced boot. Still, there was a small part of me that couldn’t let go of what I’d seen. That was the problem. I wanted to hate him. Wanted to curse the very ground he walked on. But I couldn’t, because for a few hours, three months before, I saw the real Parker Whitley.

  I could still feel his hands on me. Touching me with the same feral need I felt for him. And it all started with one simple question…

  “Why did you stick up for me?”

  Parker cocked his head and stared at me with his beautiful grey eyes. The way they sparkled, happy and full of life, drew me in. Day after day, I got lost in those eyes, wishing that just once they’d look at me. And now that they were, I couldn’t breathe.

  “No one should be treated that way.”

  I moved my gaze up to his soft blond locks. That didn’t help much either. All I could think about was running my fingers through it. Maybe tug on his hair a little? Would he like that? Maybe he’d groan. I’d really like to hear him groan.

  Okay Lana, breathe. Parker’s just being nice. That’s all.

  He turned away to drop my keys on the dresser and it felt like air suddenly came flying back in the room. This was my moment. I’d say something smart and witty, and Parker Whitley would finally see me.

  “Would your mother agree?” And just like that, the oxygen was gone again.

  Way to go, Lana. Total genius move.

  “Just because she’s my mother,” Parker’s back straightened as he glared over his shoulder, “Doesn’t mean I agree with her.”

  Glared! Great, now I’d made him mad.

  Everyone knew about Lillianna Whitley. Nan kept an eye on her. Considering Lillianna’s entire view on life demanded that people like Nan, myself, and even Riley, be sent off somewhere else, I didn’t blame her. Though there were rumors that she’d done more than send them off. How involved was Parker with his mother’s organization? He didn’t fit her vision of a perfect America either. Then again…

  “Does she know?”

  Could I internally facepalm, because a slap might knock some sense into me.

  My heart started pounding when the corner of Parker’s mouth curled and he took a couple steps closer. “Does she know what?”

  Judging by the gleam in his eye, I’d say he wanted me to say it. No. That couldn’t be right? Seriously, what would Parker Whitley get out of hearing me say he liked dick too? Either way, I wasn’t going to say it.

  No way, José.

  “That your bat swings both ways.”


  Parker belted out a laugh, making my pulse flutter more. He had the sexiest chuckle. Sometimes, that’s all I’d need to make my day better. Admittedly, I may have sought him out a couple times. Not like I went up to him or anything, I mean, come on, he was Parker Whitley. But if he happened to be right around the corner talking to someone, it would be rude to interrupt. I wasn’t eavesdropping. I was being polite.

  Oh god, I’m so pathetic. Stalker much, Lana?

  Parker’s grey eyes slowly raked down my body, making me wish I’d had time to put on more than a t-shirt and panties. Unfortunately, I was kind of stuck with what Riley could find for me to sleep in. Which happened to be one of Logan’s shirts. So, in other words, I smelled like a man whore. Better than Mason, I guess. Then I’d smell like tears and misery.

  “Do you tell your Nan about your
sexual proclivities?”

  While my internal-self was screaming, ‘Parker Whitley knows you call her Nan’, my outer-self was struggling to remain calm.

  Wait… is he still coming towards me?

  “Well, Angel,” Parker’s deep tone purred through the air, vibrating up my spine, “Do you?”

  Oh my God, he called me Angel. Angel!!

  “Do I what?”

  “Talk to your Nan about who you fuck.”

  I didn’t have to look to know I was probably as red as a tomato. I could feel it burning in my cheeks. I’d only been kissed once, by Brandon, so there was no fucking to talk about. And Nan knew all about that.

  “Nan will always support me.”

  Parker stepped up to me and cocked his head. He smelled good. All powerful and manly. I really wanted to touch him. Would he let me touch him? It wouldn’t take much. Just lift my arm…


  “Yes.” I nodded my head, “Always. She’d never stop me from going after something I really wanted.”

  That was true. Nan wasn’t high on me getting so close to Harper, or spending time at Logan Hudson’s house, but she trusted my judgment.

  “She’d never stop you?” he said, leaning in so his hot breath brushed my skin. “What if it’s something you shouldn’t have?”

  This must be what heaven felt like. I couldn’t think of anything better than being able to feel the heat coming off Parker Whitley’s body. I hummed and leaned in a little closer, almost running my nose up his neck, before stopping myself.

  Jesus Lana, have some self control.

  “No one should make you feel like you don’t deserve what you want.”

  That was something Nan preached daily. I thought it was good advice, but Parker didn’t respond. Probably because he thought I was some kind of creeper. Who leans in to smell someone? A creeper, that’s who. When I looked up at him, that was not the vibe I got. His grey eyes had darkened, and if I didn’t know better, I’d say there was desire sparking in his gaze.


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