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Happenstance Cover coming soon (The Order of Ravens and Wolves Book 3)

Page 16

by T. L Hodel

  That’s exactly what I did. Clung onto his shoulders as he plowed into me with so much force my body shook with each thrust. The rougher he got, the tighter the coil deep in my belly got. I felt myself floating closer to the edge. It was right there. So close I could taste it.

  “Parker,” I whimpered, “Please.”

  “You want to come, baby?”

  I looked up at him and nodded, but the bastard stopped.

  “Do you love me, Angel?”

  I froze, inner walls clenching around his length buried inside me. How could I say that? I didn’t love him, did I? Sure, I’d followed him around and admired him from afar for years. I might know that his favorite color was yellow, and he didn’t like cream in his coffee, but love?

  I glanced around the bathroom at the tiles and knick knacks placed everywhere. Orchids, waterfalls and sunsets. All things I liked. Even the color scheme was my favorite. Parker hand picked everything in this house for me. He stood up to his mother for me. All of it, every decision he made was for me.

  “Yes,” I whispered, feeling my heart swell as I met his gaze, “I love you.”

  Parker smiled and gave me a little thrust. Just a taste of what I needed.


  “I love you,” I repeated.

  Another thrust, followed by a small rotation of his hips that made me moan desperately.

  “Say it again.”

  This time he followed his order with a hard snap. Burying his length fast and deep inside me.

  “I love you, Parker,” I yelled in a growl, “Now, for fuck sakes, fuck me already!”

  Finally Parker picked up the pace, giving my body what it needed and throwing me back into that cloud of euphoria. My pussy clenched down on him as I screamed out my orgasm. He didn’t stop. Kept fucking me with a hungry fury, heightening my pleasure filled haze until I was sure I couldn’t take anymore.

  “You’re mine, Lana,” he growled, tightening his grip in my hair until my scalp was screaming. “Every fucking inch of you belongs to me. Your body,” thrust, “your mind,” thrust, “and your soul.”

  I pulled him down to me, pressing my forehead against his and looked deep into his eyes, “I’m yours.”

  “Fuck,” Parker growled, and thrust into me one more time.

  The masculine grunt of appreciation he released as he bathed my walls with his warm release sent me right back over the edge. We stayed in the bathroom, heavy breaths mingling in the sweat filled air, and all I could think was one word. A feeling I’d never felt so deeply before.


  I was finally home.

  Chapter 20


  Two weeks later:

  “You’re in a good mood.”

  I smiled at Mase. Fuck yeah, I was in a good mood. My girl loved me, our babies were doing great. Everything was falling into place. My mother even came over and apologized. That didn’t mean I trusted her, but she seemed to be making a genuine effort. Which was saying a lot. Maybe there was hope for her racist ass after all? At least that’s what Lana thought. I loved how she saw the good in everyone.

  Mase’s eyes locked on the small redhead shuffling down the halls.

  Well, my angel saw the good in almost everyone. Mase had amped up his torment of her best friend to a point that even Logan told him to calm the fuck down. I lost count how many times Riley kicked him in the nuts, and Mason was probably the only person in this town that Lana genuinely hated. Can’t say I blamed her. If someone was that much of a jackass to one of my friends… Let’s just say he wouldn’t be around anymore.

  Today was apparently no exception to Mase’s ‘make Harper’s life hell’ motto. The girl didn’t get within ten feet of us before he had her pinned back against the wall.

  “Hey Freckles, where you going?”

  “I have class,” Harper whimpered and shrunk back.

  Mason cocked his brow down at her and I couldn’t help but wonder how hard he was right now. I’d seen the same hungry glint in my own face. The only difference was Mase’s expression was also filled with unbridled hate.

  “Did you pay the toll?”

  Her head immediately dropped, hiding her face behind a curtain of red hair. “P-please just l-let me g-go.”

  I glanced at Harper’s openly shaking form, and back to Mase. He was built like a brick wall, big muscles, dwarfing the timid girl. I could help her. Tell Mase to back off, but why the fuck did I care? Besides, it was kind of amusing. How long before he broke and finally took what he wanted? Now that was a show I wouldn’t mind being around for.

  “P-please.” Mase mocked with a tsk. “Just when I think you can’t get more pathetic. You can’t even beg properly.”

  I cocked my head and watched two tears drop on the floor, splattering in tiny little salty pools. Was this one of those times when I had to pretend like I felt something? Logan would join in, but what would Micha do?

  “W-what do you want?”

  “Hmm,” Mase tipped his chin and rolled his green eyes down the length of her body. “You could suck my dick.”

  Harper’s head snapped up, big doe eyes filled with shock. It was the spark in Mase’s face that had my interest peaked.

  “W-w-what?” she stammered, making Mase’s gaze darken.

  “You heard me.” He leaned in a quietly growled, “Get on your knees, Freckles.”

  Fuck me. Was he actually going to do this shit. Now? Here? I think I was more shocked at the fact that Harper slowly sunk down. Sliding her back against the wall as she fell to her knees. The girl was terrified of him, yet she didn’t hesitate. All he had to do was bark an order and she followed. I guess fear was a powerful motivator.

  “You’re kidding, right?” Mase scoffed down at her. “Do you honestly think I’d let you anywhere near my dick? How desperate do you think I am?”

  The tears were really falling now. Harper sniffed back a humiliated cry and wiped the wet streaks off her cheeks with the back of her hand.

  “I hate you.”

  “Not nearly as much as I hate you,” Mase snarled back.

  Harper’s next whisper was so quiet, I had to strain my ears to hear it. “Were you ever my friend?”

  That was a mistake. Mason had Harper off the ground, with his hand around her neck, before I could blink.

  “I should be asking you that.” His fingers dug into her skin, tightening his grip on her windpipe. “If it takes my last breath, I’ll make sure you know nothing but pain and misery.”

  Speaking of breaths…

  “Mase, come on, man.”

  “Go ahead,” Harper struggled to cough out her words, “You can’t punish me more than I punish myself.”

  A dark look came over Mase’s face as he leaned in and growled, “Let’s test that theory, shall we.”

  “Mase!” I called out. Seriously, the girl was starting to turn purple. If he wanted to kill her, fine. Just don’t do it in a hall full of people. “Don’t you have class?”

  He grumbled under his breath and dropped Harper back on the ground.

  Taking one last look at the crumpled, coughing heap at his feet, Mase said, “Whatever, I’m done here anyways,” and walked down the hall.

  “Parker, we don’t need to be here. It’s too early.”

  I chuckled and steered Lana through the doors. My little angel didn’t want to be here. Not because it was too early, but because she was starting to get self conscious. Her small belly had grown over the past few weeks into a nice bump I could put both hands on. I loved it. Watching her grow was hot as fucking hell. Lana couldn’t walk past me without me accosting her.

  Fuck, right now I was having a hard time keeping my hands to myself. Watching her walk into this room full of pregnant women, knowing I was the one who put those babies in her belly. Not just one, but two. How many of these other pricks did that? If she’d let me, I’d parade her around proudly, announcing how much more effective my sperm was than theirs.

  I met glares with Derek,
who was across the room cooing at Paisley, and smirked. That’s right, fucker. My woman is having two.

  “Can you stop smiling?” Lana growled back at me, “I’m the one that has to push two babies out.”

  Yeah you do.

  “Have I told you how beautiful you are today?”

  “Yes,” she sighed, pushing her pouty lips out, “This morning before we went to school, in the storage closet this afternoon, and again on the way here.”

  That reminded me, I needed to get a bigger car. My truck was not a comfortable place to fuck her. Though I wouldn’t mind having her legs wrapped around my head again. I wonder if there’s a closet here?

  “Oh no you don’t.”


  Lana grabbed my hand and pulled me deeper into the crowd of fertile couples. “I know that look.”

  “You weren’t complaining five minutes ago.”

  “Exactly,” she said, “It’s only been five minutes.”

  Was there something wrong with wanting my dick forever buried in the greatest pussy ever created?

  I swept her hair to the side–which she was leaving curly more often, something I liked to think she did for me–and whispered in her ear, “Tell me thinking about sneaking off into one of these rooms isn’t getting you wet.”

  The blush in her cheek was all the answer I needed.

  Unfortunately, some skinny blonde bitch walked in and started the class, ruining my fun. Since I got to sit on a mat with my girl between my legs, I couldn’t complain. And I was encouraged to put my hands on her. Every time I slipped my hand under Lana’s shirt to relaxingly massage her, I snickered. Relaxed was not even close to her jumpy state. My skin would meet hers and she’d twitch. Not out of fright or nervousness. I was turning her on. All I had to do to get her motor going was to touch her.

  All she had to do to get mine going was look at me. I walked around hard as hell half the day, because she breathed in my direction, so fair is fair. Two could play at that game, and this class gave me the perfect excuse to paw all over her. As a bonus, I also got to feel my babies kicking. Every time my hand skimmed over her stomach, a tiny little bump would respond. My boy and my girl letting me know they were there.

  “Men, make sure the mothers are relaxed and cared for,” the instructor’s arms moved through the air, mimicking a massaging motion. “Remember, everything mommy feels, the baby can feel too.”

  My brow rose. Everything?

  And just like that, my dick died.

  Some guy to my right piped up, throwing his hand in the air. “Um, what about sex? Does my kid know when I’m banging their mother?”

  Thank fuck he asked that.

  The instructor gave him a small smile, while staring at him like he was the most innocent person on the planet.

  “No, when you’re being intimate with each other, the baby doesn’t know what you’re doing. However, the endorphins released during orgasm can improve both mommy and baby’s mood.”

  The guy beamed back at her. “So, sex is good then?”

  She nodded in response.

  Now that I was no longer worried that my kids were getting front row seats to a live porn show, my dick jumped back to life. Welcome back, old friend.

  “See, I told you,” I heard Derek whisper to Paisley.

  It was a good thing Logan wasn’t here or Lamaze class would turn into a blood bath real fucking fast. Fucking momma’s boy.

  We went on with class, practicing breathing exercises and various stretches. Then came the live birth video. I stared at the woman screaming in pain as her pussy was forced open to ungodly limits. It was the most disturbing thing I’d ever witnessed, and my brother was Preston. How could I do this to the woman I loved? Lana was right, I was a prick.

  Lana dropped her head back on my shoulder and whispered, “I can’t do that.”

  “Sure you can, baby,” I said, even though I doubted anyone could do that and come out sane.

  “No, I can’t,” she shook her head. “I can’t do it, Parker.”

  Before she had a full on panic attack, I pinched her chin between my thumb and finger and forced her to look at me.

  “Yes, you can.” I gazed deeply into those beautiful hazel eyes and felt myself immediately calm. “You’re so beautiful,” I kissed her on the forehead, “and smart,” my lips moved down to her cheek, “and strong,” I grazed my lips off her mouth, breathing the strength she was giving me back into her. “My perfect little angel. You can do anything you put your mind to.”

  The woman in the video was still screaming in the background, but it didn’t bother me. Staring into my angel’s eyes, I knew that nothing could stop us. Apart, we were okay. We could hold our own. But together, we weren’t just strong.

  We were invincible.

  Chapter 21


  I was halfway through my first class when I got called to the office. Nerves flipped my stomach as I walked down the hall. I had a good idea why the principal wanted to see me. Twins meant faster growth. Though the doctor did point out that because I was tall, the babies would grow up before having to push out. But there was no hiding my belly anymore.

  I stared at the glass door marked office and wondered if I could claim to have a junk food addiction? ‘Oh no, this isn’t a baby, I just ate one too many bags of potato chips.’ How good would potato chips be right now? Oo and French onion dip.

  Focus Lana!

  These cravings were going to kill me. Last night, I ate a jar of pickles, with yogurt. Parker’s lip curled as he watched me dip each one in the yogurt. At one point, I thought he might have me committed. Hell, I wanted to have myself committed. Combining those two foods was not a normal thing to do, yet it tasted so good. And did Parker call the men in white to come put me in a straight jacket? No. He took the jar, carefully dipped each one in the creamy concoction, and fed me.

  The past few weeks had been beyond anything I’d expected. I’d had my fantasies about Parker Whitley and the perfect relationship we could have, but the reality was so much better. If my feet hurt, he massaged them. When I wanted something specific to eat, he went out and got it for me, and if I yawned, he’d cuddle close and lull me to sleep. The thing that tugged at my heart most, was the joy on his face. Parker didn’t do these things because he felt like he had to. He did it because he wanted to. The man loved taking care of me. And I loved letting him do it.

  Well, most times I did. One thing I’d learned about Parker Whitley was how overbearing he could be. If he thought it should be done, there was no arguing with him. He was more stubborn than Nan. Like the Lamaze class. I was only seventeen weeks. There was plenty of time to take it, but no. Parker had to have the information now. And that was my problem.

  I’d become too comfortable. Thinking Parker would take care of everything, so that I wasn’t paying attention to other things. Like Ashworth’s hoity toity staff. Having a pregnant girl walk the halls wasn’t exactly great for their reputation. I glanced up at the school’s motto written across the door, ‘Welcome to Ashworth, the place where future leaders are born,’ and blew out a huff of air before pushing the door open.

  Mrs. Grier’s steely glare rolled over her square framed glasses as I entered the office. “Miss Crawford, please have a seat. We’re still waiting on your grandmother.”

  I nodded and thickly swallowed. They’d called Nan? Well, this wasn’t going to go well. Nan was probably gathering the troops, getting ready to picket outside the school. Parker’s brother was a scary guy, but a bunch of angry old ladies… now, that was truly terrifying. I wouldn’t be surprised if Nan’s church group charged into Hell to take on the devil himself.

  Speaking of terrifying…

  My nose crinkled at the smirk on Mason’s face. “Do you ever go to class?”

  “Class is overrated.” He patted the black chair next to him, which made me roll my eyes, and said, “Come join me in the row of rejects.”

  If there was any other option to sit, I’d have
taken it. Heck, I’d have sat on the floor if it wasn’t for Mrs. Grier. I didn’t feel like getting in a debate with Ashworth’s receptionist. I didn’t even like her looking at me. That woman wasn’t just a stickler for the rules, she had some freaky misbehaving radar. The one time I’d considered cheating on a test, she’d cornered me in the hall and asked if I was prepared for my exam. Like she knew what I was thinking. Maybe Riley was right, and Mrs. Grier was a demon? I could picture her pitching something like the DMV and getting props from the devil for the idea.

  Reluctantly, I carefully took the seat next to the youngest Kessler, who immediately threw his arm over my shoulders.

  “So, what’s Miss Goody Two-shoes doing in the bad girl’s chair?”

  Bad girl’s chair, really?

  I shrugged his arm off me and crossed mine. “I don’t think we’re supposed to talk to each other.”

  “You hear that, Edith?” Mason’s lips rounded as he tsked in disapproval, “Lana here wants to follow the rules.”

  Mrs. Grier sighed and looked over at him. “As should you, Mr. Kessler.”

  A big grin spread across his face as he leaned in closer and whispered, “She wants me.”

  “Don’t talk to me,” I growled back.

  Harper told me what he did to her yesterday. I was going to have a chat with Parker about that. He should’ve done something sooner. Then again, was it right of me to ask him to go against his friend for mine? Wasn’t that the same as making him pick sides? I hated people who did that. I don’t like him, so you can’t. Everyone should be allowed to have their own friends, and he did stop Mason when things got out of hand. I grumbled out a groan and slumped back. Since when did everything get so confusing?

  My eyes slid over to Mason, sitting all proud like a peacock in his chair of punishment. Perhaps if I made an effort with Parker’s friends, he would make one with mine?

  “So, um… what’d you think of the game last night?” I had no idea what I was talking about, but there was always some kind of game on T.V.


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