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Wanton Desire

Page 19

by Ruth D. Kerce

  “I want to go to Boston with you.” He blurted out the words, and without taking a breath, continued. “I want to be with you forever. I want to marry you. Please.” His voice hitched. “Be my wife.”

  “Marry?” she whispered, barely able to catch her breath. The proposal surprised her for he’d never even hinted at wanting a traditional family life. Before she’d originally left, sure, but not since she’d returned to Elk Valley. Somehow she couldn’t picture Joe in Boston, dressed in a suit and working in some stuffy office. But she could picture herself as his wife. So easily. “I—” She didn’t know how to answer him, only because she knew the sacrifices he’d have to make.

  A deep sadness entered Joe’s eyes and he released her hand. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have just sprung it on you like that.”

  She turned and cupped his cheeks. “No. I love you. I do want to be your wife. Truly.”

  Excitement filled his gaze. “You do?”

  “More than anything.” She kissed him gently. When he moved to embrace her, she pulled back. “But…”

  His brow furrowed. “But what?”

  She feared taking him away from the life he loved. From all the people he loved. What if he grew to resent her for it? What if he truly was miserable back East? She couldn’t live with that. “What would you do in Boston? And what about Willie? You can’t leave her here alone.”

  “She can come with us. It’ll be good for her. Maybe city life will force her to settle down a bit and act more genteel.”

  “Genteel?” Emma laughed at the word and at the thought. “Somehow I can’t picture that.”

  “We’ll make it work. As for me, well, Wade might know someone in those parts who needs an additional hand, given how much he travels. I’m sure there will be something for me to do out there.”

  “But will you like it? City life?”

  He shrugged. “Honestly, I don’t know. But as long as we’re together, I’ll be happy. I swear it.”

  Hope began to build inside her. Maybe they could make it work. “Do you think Willie would actually come with us?” Emma had her doubts, given the girl’s independent streak.

  “It could take some convincing. She might find it overwhelming to be around so many people. But we’ll find a way. I’m not leaving her.”

  “And I wouldn’t want you to. Not now that you’ve finally found each other. She told me once that she liked being around folks, so the people might not be a problem. What if we just go long enough for me to finish my studies? Then we can come back here for me to practice. It’s what I’ve always wanted anyhow. Maybe the sheriff’s job will even be available again when we get back. All three of us can live in the clinic. There’s plenty of room there. I’ll just keep the place instead of selling it. And I still have that piece of undeveloped land my papa left me. If we want, we could build a real home out there.” Excitement coursed through her as she talked.

  “A real home. I love that idea.” Joe’s eyes lit up and he hugged her to him. “Let’s do it.” He pulled back and kissed her hard on the lips.

  Tears of happiness streamed down her cheeks. The kiss turned passionate when she opened her mouth and he eased his tongue inside, touching hers. When he broke the kiss and started to pull away, she clung to him. “Stay. Make love to me. The hell with what anyone thinks. I don’t care. I just want you with me.”

  He massaged her back and arm. “I can simply lay beside you. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  She shook her head. “I’m fine, just a little sore, nothing more. I need to feel you inside me and as close as we can get.”

  A sound between a growl and a moan escaped him. He got up and locked the door, then walked over to the window and pulled the curtains fully closed. He turned back toward her and stripped off his shirt. When he reached for his belt, their gazes locked. Fire burned in his eyes.

  Emma’s heart pounded as she watched him undress. This man was going to be her husband. Forever. She would be a doctor and take over her father’s practice as she’d always dreamed of doing. She felt happier than she’d been in a long, long time. She began to strip off her nightgown.

  Neither of them spoke but their gazes remained on each other the entire time. Joe stood before her naked, looking like some perfect Greek statue she’d once seen in a book. After she dropped her gown to the floor, she stretched out on the bed and reached for the man she loved.

  Joe lay beside her, his body touching hers. He stared into her eyes and stroked her cheek, her lips, her throat. “I can’t wait until you’re my wife and we can do this every day.”

  “And nobody will care.”

  “And nobody will care,” he echoed. He kissed her thoroughly as he massaged one full breast.

  When his thumb grazed her nipple, Emma mewled. One touch from him and she melted in his arms. She caressed his shoulders, his back, his butt. Every muscle was a joy to touch.

  Joe broke the kiss and lowered his head to the breast he was caressing. “You’re so beautiful.” He lapped at the nipple then sucked it into his mouth.

  “Oh yes.” She arched beneath him.

  He eased his hand down her stomach and between her thighs. She spread her legs, inviting his touch. He pressed his finger into her pussy. Slowly he stroked her until she thought she’d go crazy from want.

  “Please, Joe. I need you inside me.”

  He moved down her body, kissing every inch of skin. He curled his fingers over her thighs and eased her legs wider. When his tongue licked at her pussy and he touched the fleshy bud there, Emma gasped. She reached back and grabbed the headboard, wrapping her fingers around two thin spindles of wood. “Joe!”

  His tongue circled her clitoris and she arched her back at the sensation. “Oh…” She felt one of his fingers push up inside her. He moved it in and out, like a cock, sending waves of pleasure through her body.

  Her grip on the headboard tightened. Moment by moment she moved closer to the ultimate fulfillment and it was an agonizingly slow but wonderful journey. Joe seemed content to take his time, when all she wanted to do was rush forward to an explosive climax. She knew nothing other than the delight she was feeling—no sights, no sounds, just her own ecstasy.

  Suddenly the pleasure shot up her body like a bolt of lightning. She arched and cried out, unable to stop herself. If she were to die now, it would be from the most wonderful feeling she’d ever experienced. The ecstasy, as always with him, seemed to go on forever. She wondered if it would be this wondrous between them each and every time. Finally the feeling ebbed and she collapsed. She could feel little wisps of pleasure still tingling throughout her body though and she delighted in the sensations.

  Joe pulled away from her and kissed his way back up her body. “You are so beautiful when you come like that,” he whispered against her lips. He moved on top of her and she spread her legs wider to accommodate him.

  As he slid his cock inside her, she sighed at how thoroughly he filled her. “When we’re together, I feel like we’re almost one person.” She raked her short nails down his chest until he groaned. When she pushed up her hips, Joe matched her rhythm.

  He didn’t say anything but she saw the raw emotion in his eyes. He gripped her wrists and held them down on either side of her head as he thrust inside her. She wrapped her legs loosely around his hips, allowing him to slip even deeper. His eyes closed briefly. When he opened them, the desire and need he felt were clearly visible.

  She never knew that love could be this powerful. And it wasn’t just the physical connection. The emotional connection felt so deep, as if Joe were a part of her soul now. She writhed beneath him and moaned her pleasure, urging him on.

  His thrusts became more powerful, harder, faster, until they both were breathing heavily and on the edge of climax. Joe’s body stiffened and he came with a loud groan. Emma felt his seed shooting into her body and she came too in an explosion of sensation. A perfect joining. Not even her fantasies lived up to the reality of being with this man. She’d thought tha
t every time they’d been together and that feeling hadn’t waned.

  Joe collapsed on top of her. When he tried to move off, she held him still and caressed his hair. “It can’t always be like that, can it?” The feelings he evoked from her and in her were so powerful they almost frightened her in their intensity.

  He rose up on his elbows and looked into her eyes. “I don’t know. It’s never been like this for me, so good, with any other woman.”

  As soon as he said the words, she saw the regret in his eyes, for their thoughts went to the same place. Cora. Other women too, but especially Cora. Emma pushed him away and turned onto her side.

  “I’m sorry,” Joe said, caressing her back. “I shouldn’t have said it quite like that. Are you mad?”

  “How can I be mad, when you said it’s so good between us?”

  “But you are mad, right?” He sat up next to her.

  She scooted up next to him, not bothering to cover her nakedness. “No. Not mad.” She shrugged. “Not really. I just kinda wish that you’d never been with anyone else.” When she looked up at him, a slight smile tugged at his lips.

  He reached over and caressed her cheek. “Then I wouldn’t know what I was doing. And it wouldn’t be nearly as good.”

  A huge noise filled the air and they both froze.

  “What was that?” Emma asked.

  Joe jumped out of bed and rushed over to the window. He tugged open the curtain just enough to see outside. “It sounded like an explosion. Damn, I see smoke and fire.” He hurried around the room, grabbing his clothes. “You better get dressed.”

  Emma hopped off the bed, barely conscious of her soreness, and gathered her clothing off the dresser. As they pulled on their garments, they heard more explosions. Emma glanced toward the window and fear overtook her. What was happening?

  Joe ran out of the room first, with her close behind. Willie came skidding to a halt at the bottom of the stairs, meeting them. Myrah was right behind her, carrying a gun.

  “What’s going on?” Joe asked, throwing open the front door. He grabbed the rifle Myrah held out to him. Men were running across the yard and toward the flames.

  “That was dynamite, Mr. Joe,” Myrah said. “I’d know that sound anywhere.”

  “Dynamite?” His eyes widened. “Stay inside. All of you.” He ran out the door.

  Emma started to go after him but Myrah held her back. “Don’t you be going out there. You’re not recovered yet. Besides, this weren’t no accident.”

  “What are you talking about, Myrah?” Willie asked.

  “Mr. Wade keeps dynamite in a shed up the hill for when he needs to clear out the streams. It didn’t just go off by itself.” She closed the door. “We best stay inside until we know it’s safe.”

  Emma looked at Willie but neither of them said anything. Could it be Slim? Would he be that reckless, that desperate for money and revenge, to actually attack the ranch? They all walked into the parlor and stopped dead in their tracks. Standing against the far wall by the doors leading into the garden was Cora, sporting a large gun—much larger than the one she’d used when she came to the clinic.

  “Cora, what are you doing here?” Emma’s stomach tightened. “Did you set off that dynamite?”

  “I came for the money I’m owed. That fire out there should keep everyone distracted and busy enough until I get what I’m due and get away.”

  “You ain’t due nothin’!” Willie shouted. “Now get out of here before someone ends up shot.”

  “How about I start with shooting you?” She waved the gun. “Everyone into the study. I figure if there’s money in this here house, that’s where it’ll be.”

  “Drop the gun, Cora,” a male voice said from the other side of the parlor. Joe stood with the rifle pointed at her.

  Emma breathed a sigh of relief. She didn’t know why he’d returned to the house so quickly but was grateful that he had. He must have come in the back and through the kitchen.

  Cora didn’t even hesitate, she swung the gun around and pulled the trigger, taking Joe by surprise. He went down and blood gushed from his chest.

  Emma screamed.

  Another shot rang out. Cora toppled over and crashed to the floor. Emma barely noticed as she ran for Joe. He was only a few feet away but she couldn’t get to him fast enough.

  Willie whirled around toward the parlor entrance where the second shot had come from. “Montana!”

  Emma glanced back toward the entrance as she reached Joe. Montana stood favoring one leg, which was bleeding profusely. The gun slipped from his hand and he sank to the floor.

  Myrah stood over Cora. “He got her in the throat. She’s dead.”

  Everything seemed to happen at once. Willie and Myrah started toward her and Joe, but a group of men rushed into the parlor from the garden, all armed and ready for action. They pushed both the women aside, trying to get to Montana.

  “No! Over here,” Emma called out. “Joe’s been hit bad. It was Cora who done it. Carry him upstairs so I can tend to him.”

  Joe looked up at her. “I saw her through the window. I didn’t think she would actually shoot me, otherwise I’d have fired,” he said in a low voice, straining to talk.

  Emma squeezed his hand. “Don’t worry about it. You’ll be all right.” She prayed that her words were true. She stood up as four men grabbed Joe by his arms and legs. “Where’s my medical bag, Willie?”

  Willie looked confused, panicked, and unsure of what to do or say next. She was probably in shock.

  “One of them got me in the leg when we was out on the road,” Montana said, momentarily drawing her attention.

  Emma assumed he was referring to Slim and Cora. But that was the least of her worries right now. “Pull yourself together,” she said in a soft but firm voice, meaning the words not only for Willie but for herself too. They needed to help Joe.

  Willie seemed to gather herself and nodded. “Your bag’s on the table in the corner.” She glanced toward the stairs then crouched beside Montana. “It looks like the bullet went clean through his leg. I can wrap it. Just go save my brother, Miss Emma. Hurry.” Her voice quivered slightly. “Is Slim here somewhere?” she asked Montana.

  “He’s dead. I found him just off the road. It looked like Cora bashed his head in.”

  Emma spotted her medical bag sitting on the side table just as Willie had said. She grabbed it and rushed up the stairs. Joe had looked as if he’d been hit close to the heart.

  When she entered Joe’s room, the smell of blood hit her. He was lying on the bed and his shirt had been removed. Myrah was cleaning the wound as best as she could. The men lingered in the background.

  “Everyone out, except Myrah,” she told them. “Take Cora to the undertaker in town. And Willie will need help downstairs, moving the other man.” Emma set the medical bag on the dresser and opened it to retrieve the instruments she’d need.

  “Joe’s done passed out,” Myrah said.

  From shock and from the loss of blood. Emma nodded, having expected that. Her hands shook and she wished another doctor were here to help her. She’d extracted bullets before but not close to the heart. “I’m going to need some alcohol, Myrah.”

  “I’ll get that right quick.” The woman rushed from the room.

  Emma placed the instruments on the small night table beside the bed. Then she sat next to Joe and examined the wound. He never stirred.

  The sight of him lying there and looking so pale made her feel faint. But she couldn’t allow herself to give in to those feelings. She had to do this. Upon further examination of the wound, it looked as if the bullet actually hadn’t gone as deeply as she’d feared. She breathed a sigh of relief. That was very good news. And it was above the heart, closer to the shoulder.

  She heard some movement in the hall and looked out the door. Two men were helping Montana into another room. Willie followed behind. The girl should be able to clean and wrap his wound effectively. She would check on him later to make sure i
t had been done properly so no type of infection would set in.

  Myrah turned the corner into the room, carrying a pan, some cloths, and a bottle of whiskey. “I brought what I figured you’d need.”

  “Good. Put some alcohol in the pan for me so I can disinfect the instruments, then clean Joe’s wound with some of the whiskey from the bottle.”

  While Myrah did as she’d asked, Emma walked over to the dresser and washed her hands in a pan of water that already sat there. She eyed the bloody rags next to the pan and gulped. Joe’s blood. She took a deep breath, dried her hands and turned back toward the bed. Time to get to work.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Willie tied off the bandage on Montana’s thigh. Her hands shook slightly but she felt she’d done a fair job with the wrapping. “That should do it. How does your leg feel?”

  He immediately pulled the bedcovers over his leg and mumbled, “Fine. Thanks.” He looked everywhere except into her eyes.

  Willie smiled at his shyness. She’d had to cut the leg out of his pants for he’d refused to take them off in front of her. And though she knew he had to be hurting, he’d never once complained of pain. He was such a contradiction. Sometimes sweet and shy. Sometimes hard and aggressive. She didn’t quite know what to make of this man.

  “How’s Joe, do you think?” he asked her, tentatively meeting her gaze.

  She glanced toward the door and worry filled her. “I don’t know. But Miss Emma will fix him up. I know she will.” She looked back over at him, trying not to think about how bloody and pale her brother had appeared after the shooting. “She’ll want to examine your wound too, I’m sure.”

  “Like I said, I’m fine.” A smile tugged at his lips. “You fixed me up real good. I’ll be walking around again in no time.”


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