Wanton Desire

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Wanton Desire Page 23

by Ruth D. Kerce

  Montana’s eyes widened and his gaze dropped to Skylar’s stomach. He looked back up at her with an expression of wonder on his face and opened his mouth to say something, but Wade interrupted him.

  “Come on, Cal. Let’s get this body out of here. We’ll take him down the backstairs and out through the kitchen. Myrah, clear the way of guests. We don’t want to upset anyone. We’ll put him in the shed out back until we can dispose of him properly. Then I want to know exactly what’s going on.”

  Joe still hadn’t moved and was watching everything as if from afar. He felt as if his head was about to explode but he finally allowed Emma to drag him from the room with soothing tones and promises that it was now definitely over, once and for all, and they didn’t have to worry about Slim anymore.

  He wasn’t as certain as she was that their troubles were over. He wondered how much of a part Montana had played in all of this and if he might try to finish what Slim had started. Crazy thoughts maybe, considering Montana seemed to have saved the day…again. But even so, Joe had a hard time trusting the young man. “Come on with us, Willie.”

  “In a minute. I want a word with Montana.”

  “I don’t think—”

  “It’ll be all right,” Emma said. “She’s safe.”

  He stood in the hall, hesitant to go. He didn’t like leaving Willie alone with the man, but he finally decided he’d trust Emma’s judgment. For now. Skylar and Beth followed them, asking question after question as they headed down the hall. He barely paid attention to Emma’s answers.

  If Willie didn’t follow soon, he’d be back. Nothing was more important to him than his family. And he’d put away anyone who tried to harm them.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Willie glanced toward the hall and waited until she was certain they were alone. When her eyes locked with Montana’s, her heart constricted. “You stood up for him again,” she said, not believing—after everything they’d been through—that he’d lied for Slim. With her whole heart, she’d trusted Montana. Had he actually betrayed all of them or was there more to it?

  “Yeah, I did.”

  She saw the regret in his eyes and wondered at his true thoughts and the motivation for what he’d done. The question remained unspoken though for she felt he needed to offer the explanation freely, not at her prompting.

  Maybe she was a fool. But she was still as drawn to him as she’d been from the start and couldn’t help but think that he did care about everyone and had only been trying to do what he thought was right. She didn’t understand those feelings. But she couldn’t deny them either.

  “I didn’t think he’d actually come back here,” Montana finally said. He scrubbed a hand down his face. “Seems like I keep making the wrong choices and then don’t realize my mistake until it’s too late. One of these days I’ll get some smarts.”

  “You’re plenty smart.” She looked into his eyes, trying to see every emotion he was feeling. “Just too loyal maybe.”

  He seemed to think on that a moment. “Never figured a person could be too loyal. I wouldn’t have helped Slim if I thought he might hurt any of you.”

  His confession eased her troubled mind. He was the man she’d hoped him to be. Discomfort niggled at her and she looked down. She rubbed her wrists and frowned at the redness of her skin.

  “He didn’t hurt you, did he?”

  Her gaze snapped back to his. The seriousness and emotional pain on his face told her that his concern was real. When he looked down at her wrists and reached out for her, she stuck her hands in the pockets of her dress before he could touch her. “No. Not really. Just a couple of bruises.” She wasn’t about to make a big deal out of something that would heal in a few days. Not after he’d been shot and might suffer a permanent injury because of it. They’d all suffered enough, physically and emotionally, because of Slim.

  Montana dropped his arm back by his side and nodded but didn’t say anything further. He’d masked the emotions on his face now, so she couldn’t tell what he was feeling.

  The stillness in the room grew, making her uncomfortable. She stared up at him, not quite knowing what to say.

  “I’m sorry the day got spoiled,” he finally said to her, breaking the silence. The hard expression on his face gradually softened and a small smile tugged at his lips. “You look beautiful.”

  She felt her cheeks flush and glanced down at her dress. “I feel silly wearing this frilly thing. I’m more comfortable in trousers with my hair stuffed up under a hat.” Though she did like the way Montana was looking at her right now, as if he really liked what he was seeing.

  Even so, the light-yellow dress still seemed too fancy to actually be worn, even to a wedding. Her hair, flowing down around her, made her continually swipe at the strands to get them off her shoulders. The tight white shoes were killing her feet. But she supposed she’d better get used to such outfits since she would be headed East soon and would be expected to dress like a proper young lady. Emma had already told her about a dressmaker friend they’d be visiting as soon as they settled in. Living in Boston was going to be a big change for her.

  “Now that the wedding is over, when do you leave?” Montana asked, as if reading her thoughts.

  When she once again looked into his eyes, she swore that she actually saw sadness there. “A couple of days, I think. A stage is supposed to come through Elk Valley then, unless they have a schedule change. It will take us to the railroad, where we’ll travel the rest of the way.”

  He nodded.

  “I’ve never been on a train before. I’m a little nervous about going that fast and not having any control over it.”

  “I been on one once. You’ll like it after you get used to the motion. Most folks slept but I wanted to watch the land go by. It’ll be an adventure. You’ll see.”

  After another long silence, she asked, “What about you? What are your plans? I heard you turned down the job Wade offered you. Why? He pays good and offers a place to stay.” If he took the job, he might still be here when they got back from Boston. She’d like that. She didn’t really have any friends here other than her brother and Emma.

  “I wouldn’t feel comfortable. Especially now, after what Slim did, and everyone knowing that I lied—”

  “But you saved us. Again. That will mean something.”

  He shook his head. “I doubt I’ll be looked upon as trustworthy, Willie. Not by the other hands for sure.”

  “Oh.” He was probably right. She imagined that a lot of gossip was already going around about what had happened. “Well then, maybe, um, you could come to Boston.” Hope filled her heart. “With us.”

  He chuckled. “Me? In Boston?” Once again, he shook his head. “That would never work. I couldn’t stand all those people. I like the peace of an open range, where I can lay out under the moon.”

  Disappointment filled her. “Will you stay around until we leave at least?” Maybe she could still convince him to go with them if she had more time. He could adjust to the city if he really tried. And he wouldn’t be alone. She’d be there for him. They could adjust together. She knew that she’d feel less alone with him there. Sure, she’d have Joe and Emma in Boston, but they were family. She wanted a real friend. She hadn’t had one of those in a long time.

  “Probably not a good idea. I can’t stay here at the ranch and I don’t want to use up what money I have left at the inn.”

  “You could stay at the clinic. I’m sure Emma wouldn’t mind. Maybe you could even caretake it while we’re gone, if you wanted to stay in Elk Valley.” He’d practically be his own boss that way and wouldn’t have to worry what anyone else thought about him.

  “Nah. I need to go, Willie. I’m sorry. I need to find me a life. Somewhere that I fit in.”

  She fought back tears. She didn’t even know why she felt so sad or why she was trying so hard to maintain some sort of connection with him. She liked Montana, sure, but they were two very different people and he probably wouldn’t fit into h
er way of life any more than she’d fit into his. Truthfully, they both did need to go their own way. Her brain told her that at least. Her heart told her something different.

  After sucking in a deep breath, she let it out slowly. “So…this is…it then?” Her words caught in her throat and she sniffled.

  He took a step forward. “Now don’t do that.”

  She shook her head. “I’m sorry.” She swiped at the moisture in her eyes. “I don’t know why I’m being such a girl.”

  He smiled at that and lightly touched her face. “I like it when you’re a girl. It makes me want to do better as a man.”

  As she stared into his eyes, her heart thudded against her ribs. “Stay out of trouble.” Her voice turned stern but it took effort for her to control. “If you don’t, I’ll hunt you down and kick you in the butt.”

  “Yes ma’am.” He chuckled. “I think you’d actually do it too.” He leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead, letting his lips linger. He gently brushed her hair with his fingers.

  Willie sighed. When he pulled away, he turned and rushed out the door as if the devil was after him. Even his wounded leg didn’t slow him down. She longed to follow, but she forced herself to stay planted to the spot.

  So much had happened to her in such a short time. She felt as if she were being swept along in the flood of life and didn’t know which branch to grab hold of to save herself. Only time would tell where she’d finally wash ashore and what would become of her.

  And Montana? What would become of him? Depression settled heavily on her heart for she realized that she’d never know. She would never see Montana Valdez again.

  * * * * *

  Night settled over Elk Valley, bringing a sense of calm after a very hectic day. Emma eased into bed next to Joe—the same bed she’d slept in for most of her life. “Do you think Willie will be all right out at the ranch until tomorrow?” She smoothed the covers over them and stretched out. “She’s never really felt comfortable there from what she told me.”

  “She’ll be fine.” Joe gathered her close. “Wade and Skylar will watch over her. Myrah too. It’s just one night. And now that Montana is gone, I’m not worried so much about her.”

  “I really don’t think he’d ever hurt her, Joe.”

  “Maybe not on purpose. But he’s not a good influence and Willie doesn’t need any more problems in her life. It’s best that he didn’t linger at the ranch and left right after the rest of the wedding guests.”

  “Willie’s going to miss him.”

  “She’ll forget about him pretty fast, I’ll wager. As soon as she makes new friends in Boston, he’ll just be a distant memory, if that.”

  “Still, I feel a little guilty about leaving her alone after he took off. I could see how upset she was.”

  “She said she was fine with it when I talked to her.” He hugged her tighter. “Besides, we need some time alone. Completely alone. Coming back to the clinic for the night was perfect.”

  She smiled up at him. “I did want a real wedding night, without a lot of folks around. Is that selfish?”

  “Of course not. No one will blame us for wanting privacy.” He eased his arms from around her, then tickled her sides until she wriggled and laughed.

  “Joe! Stop.” He knew just how to bring a smile to her face and laughter to her heart. After she settled down and caught her breath, she looked around the room and a feeling of security wrapped itself around her. “I love being here. This will always be home to me.” She felt more love and contentment here with Joe than she ever thought possible.

  “Yeah, I feel like this is our special place. I still remember secretly climbing up through that window over there to see you.”

  She chuckled. “There are lots of good memories here. Lots of laughter and smiles.” She turned quiet, thinking about other memories—the not so good ones.

  Joe pulled her against him. “Only remember the good stuff, Emma. Those are the memories that matter.”

  She nodded, amazed at how well he could read her.

  “I heard that Wade is going to oversee the clinic and your father’s parcel of land while we’re gone.”

  His change of subject was obviously to try to get her thoughts back to something positive. She loved him so much for always thinking of her and protecting her feelings. “Yes. I didn’t want to just abandon it and have the place deteriorate while we’re in Boston.” She shifted in his arms to look up at him. “Are you sure about coming back to Boston with me?”

  “Very sure. You’re not going anywhere without me. And Willie.” His brow crinkled. “I still can’t believe everything that happened with Slim. I feel responsible. That bastard was my cousin. If he hadn’t come here looking for me, none of what happened would have—”

  “Stop it. No one blames you for what Slim did and you shouldn’t blame yourself either. You can’t take responsibility for someone else’s actions.” She could hear in his voice how badly he felt.

  “I know. But it’s something that I can’t get out of my head.”

  She noticed he specifically didn’t mention Cora and the part she had played. She chewed at her bottom lip, forcing herself not to bring up the woman’s name. No matter how many times she’d told herself that it didn’t matter, it was still something she’d probably never get over completely. She’d never understand Cora’s power over men and men letting her have that power. Especially Joe, whom she thought would never get involved with a woman like her. Was it the sex she’d provided that had mesmerized them so much or something more?

  But then nobody was perfect. She’d made decisions in her own life that Joe probably would never understand either. So they’d both made mistakes that couldn’t be unmade. Regardless of those mistakes and choices though, they loved each other. That mattered more than anything else ever would. Having that knowledge gave her enough peace of mind to know that they could make this marriage work and that they’d have a good, long life together.

  “I do kind of wish that Montana had stayed. I think deep down he’s actually a good man.” He just seemed misguided and too easily influenced by others. If he were around good folks, he’d have the right kind of influence and maybe he could turn his life around.

  “He’s not trustworthy, Emma. Best he’s gone. Wanting to be a good man and being a good man are two different things. I turned my back on that life and never gave it a second thought. If he’d truly wanted to change, he’d have done the same when given the chance. He did some good things, sure, and I’m grateful for that but I don’t think he believes in himself nearly enough to be the kind of man that you and Willie seem to want him to be.”

  “I suppose.” She could tell that Joe had made up his mind about the young man and there would be no changing it. “What did Wade and Cal do with Slim’s body? He’s not still in the shed out at the ranch, is he?”

  “No. After the guests left, Wade had some hands bring him to the undertaker’s place. He’ll be buried later tomorrow.”

  “Are you and Willie going to attend?” Even after everything that had happened, they were still family.


  When that’s all he said, she nodded and fingered the hair that lightly dusted his chest. She paused several moments before saying what was on her mind. “With Montana gone now, I guess no one will be there for him.”

  “Slim doesn’t deserve to have anyone there to mourn him, Emma. Certainly you can see that.”

  “Maybe,” she said slowly, drawing out the word. “I know he wasn’t a good man. And I don’t think he ever would have been. But it still seems sad that someone could live their life in such a way that no one at all would be there for them when they go.”

  “You’re too soft-hearted.” When she started to say something more, he covered her hand with his. “Slim made his choices and those choices sealed his fate long ago. No need to feel sorry for him.”

  Joe released her hand and moved to massage her hip, letting his fingers drift slowly along her thigh a
nd back up again. “I really don’t want to talk about Slim tonight. Not while I’ve got you here in my arms.”

  She smiled. “What do you want to talk about?”

  “I don’t actually want to talk about anything. I have much better ideas for my mouth.” He leaned in and kissed her long and deep.

  Emma loved his kisses—hot and tender all in one. She wrapped her arms around him and felt his cock grow hard against her. They hadn’t bothered with nightclothes tonight and she enjoyed the freedom of lying naked next to her husband and feeling the warmth of this body.

  He broke the kiss and pulled her on top of him.

  The covers slid down her body as she sat astride him and lowered herself onto his massive cock. “Ah…” She trembled. He filled her so completely.

  “Yeah.” He held her hips. “That’s right. Ride me.” His eyes closed briefly. When he opened them, his need was clearly visible on his face, as was his love. “Oh, hell, yeah, just like that. I love that.”

  She curled her fingers against his chest as she moved atop him. It was an odd feeling being on top, but at the same time it gave her a sense of control and power even. She set the pace she needed and reveled in the exquisite feeling. “I love your hardness inside me.” She squeezed his cock with her muscles.

  “Fuck.” His fingers dug into her hips, but then almost immediately he eased his grip. “Don’t do that unless you want me to come.”

  “Isn’t that the point?” She moved faster until she was bouncing on top of him. He reached up and squeezed her breasts, brushing his thumbs across her nipples. She moaned as jolts of pleasure rocked her body. “Oh yes.” She wanted to feel him come inside her. Now.

  “Slow down, Emma.” His breathing became faster. “I’m not going to be able to hold out. Ah!”

  “Don’t hold back. I’m ready!”

  He sat up and grabbed her ass, squeezing the cheeks hard. In that same instance, he came inside her. “Fuck, yeah, ah!”

  They both groaned and trembled in each other’s arms until the waves of pleasure passed. For a long time, they just sat there in silence, holding one another, breathing heavily.


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