A Taste of Liberty: Task Force 125 Book 2

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A Taste of Liberty: Task Force 125 Book 2 Page 2

by Lisa Pietsch

  “All clear.” Will stated.

  Relief washed over Vince. “That's it, man! We got a meeting with Victor! Let's go home and get the team packed up for Italy.”

  “I'm all for that. I'll call the pilot. You call ops. Let's get the hell out of this shithole, man!”

  Chapter Three

  Sarah's lean, tan body cut swiftly through the crystal blue water of the pool. It was six-o-clock in the morning, the sun had just come up and she was swimming laps at the pool at the Las Vegas MGM Grand Signature where she'd recently purchased a luxury condo, her first real home. She swam laps for an hour every morning around this time so she could have the pool to herself. Signature condos were owned by high rollers and otherwise nocturnal types. Nobody there woke up before noon if they could help it.

  The monotonous, rhythmic strokes of her swimming allowed her mind to wander as the cool water washed over her, lap after lap. She wondered when she'd see Vince again. She hadn't seen him since just after the team's boat trip on Lake Mead when they returned from the Mediterranean a couple months ago. Her mind kept going back to that day before the mission when she was in Vince's cabin. He'd thrown her down on the bed and kissed her like he meant it. After that kiss, there was an unspoken promise of more to come when they’d finished the mission.

  Then, after their mission debrief, Vince disappeared without a word. Maybe that was just how the team did things, but Sarah expected something more, something personal instead of professional. She knew she shouldn't but there was just something so right between the two of them that she couldn't help herself. Maybe he couldn't deal with the fact that she’d slept with a terrorist to get information. Maybe the fact that she saved Vince’s life twice was just too embarrassing for a Marine. Hell, maybe he was just trying to let her down easy by going away for a while.

  Maybe it’s for the best.

  Reality struck when Sarah hit her head on the edge of the pool.


  She stood up to see if anyone had witnessed her moment of oblivious stupidity and breathed a sigh as she confirmed she was alone. She dove back in and continued her laps. Not a day went by since Sarah's stay at “the Camp” - the C.I.A. training camp where she’d recreated herself and accepted a job as a spy with the agency’s Special Activities Division - when she didn't think about Vince. The first time she'd seen him, he wore all black, combat boots, cargo pants, tank top and cap. His eyes were hidden behind dark glasses but his form was impressive. He was broad, lean and so very muscular. His bare arms were a tangle of muscle and sinew. His chest was a brick wall. His face was like stone. He never smiled or spoke. In fact, she'd never heard his voice until she ran into him at Pure, a nightclub, and even then she had no idea the handsome man in the silk suit with the velvet voice was the same man she'd lusted for at the Camp. If she had, she never would have run away and hooked up with the handsome Italian, Angelo.

  Of course, that velvet voice could turn to sandpaper at the pull of a trigger. Sarah learned that lesson quickly enough during their first mission when she'd shot two pirates that tried to board the team's yacht in the Mediterranean.

  It didn't matter. There was chemistry between them that couldn't be denied. Sarah knew it but it was so easy to fall back into her old insecurities from before her transformation at the Camp when she was the overweight, doormat always getting tossed aside by the men in her life. A wave of disgust threatened to overtake her whenever she thought about the way the old Sarah set her life aside for the men in her life. She couldn't deny her feelings for Vince, but she couldn't act on them either.

  No hunk of beefcake is worth losing all this. My home and car are paid for, and my paycheck is a small fortune.

  She couldn't afford not to focus on the job. It’s just too dangerous when bullets are flying. That's what she kept telling herself but there was something inside her that just wouldn't give up the thought of someday being with him.

  Until then, I’ll just console myself with the good life.

  Sarah reached up after her last stroke to grab the rail and climb out of the pool when, like a genie from a bottle, Vince was there. His hand caught hers as she took a breath.

  “Good morning.” He smiled that broad, white smile that always made her stomach flutter.

  Sarah did her best to act cool but she was suddenly weak in the knees.

  Vince caught her as she stumbled. “Too much yacht life. Looks like you aren’t used to solid land yet.”

  Oh, God, he smells good enough to eat.

  Sarah took a step back as she righted herself. “Long time no see.”

  His eyes shined as he wiped his wet hands on his jeans. “Aw, did you miss me?”

  Sarah tingled under his admiring gaze. She tried her best to act nonchalant. “Not really. I did miss Will though. Is he back, too?”

  Vince took a deep breath and watched as Sarah dried off and wrapped the towel around her waist. “Uh, yeah.” He looked away and surveyed the pool area. “He got in late yesterday. He’s sleeping off the jet lag. You guys manage to stay out of trouble while we were gone?”

  “Yeah, it's been quiet since we got back from our little trip to Mexico. Talk about rest and relaxation. Brian’s place in Cabo is gorgeous. As soon as we got back to Vegas, the Hawaiian Tropic girls came to town. Brian's house has been sticky with those broads for weeks.” Sarah rolled her eyes sarcastically.

  “Place probably stinks of coconut.” He chuckled as he leaned back on a chaise. “So what's the tally? How many hearts have you broken?”

  Sarah shrugged and shook her head. “Not a one.” She had the body now and knew how to use it but clubbing for sex just wasn't her thing.

  “Hey, Killer, I saw you reel in Hassan. You can't tell me you're not pulling in guys all the time.”

  She smiled and ran her fingers through her long, wet hair. “I'm telling you now. Hassan was just part of the mission. I don't waste my precious personal time with losers.”

  “Well, we're not all losers…” He smiled as he laced his fingers together and placed his hands under his head.

  “No, you aren't all losers, but then again, you're not all available, are you?” Sarah pulled on her tunic. If she didn't get a few inches between them, she'd end up blurting that she was in love with him.

  Fat lot of good that would do me. Hell, it would just screw up the team, my job, my life. No thanks!

  He pulled himself up from his reclining position on the chaise. “Look, Sarah, there's something I gotta tell you.”

  He never calls me Sarah. This must be serious.

  Sarah steeled herself and looked him in the eyes. He was still her boss. “What is it?”

  Vince looked down at his hands and fidgeted. “Uh…” Vince stalled. “Aw, forget it.”

  Why does he look so nervous?

  She lowered her head and tried to connect with Vince’s downcast eyes. “Vince?”

  After a pause, he raised his head cheerfully, “Oh, hey, Tracy says hello.”

  What is he afraid to say? When did he see Tracy?

  Sarah smiled with a happy relief at hearing about her. Tracy had been Sarah's bunkmate at the Camp. They met in Phase I and trained together until they were both picked for teams within Task Force One-Twenty-Five. They’d run into each other briefly in London when they were both en route to their first missions. After a night of drinking and talking, they promised to stay in touch, but both knew it was difficult at best, with Tracy assigned to the former Soviet bloc and Sarah assigned to the area in and around the Mediterranean.

  “Yeah? You went all the way out there, huh? How's she doing?”

  “She's good. Their team is really gelling.”

  “Gelling, huh? That's good. And how about our team? Are we gelling yet?”

  Sarah sat on a nearby chaise, facing Vince.

  He looked meaningfully at Sarah and spoke in a soft, low voice. “I'd say we passed gelling quite some time ago.” He reached into his jacket pocket. “That reminds me, here.” He handed her
a black box.

  “What's this?”


  “Just a little something I thought you should have.”

  Sarah looked at the gold writing on the box.


  She opened it carefully. “My pearls!” Sarah found herself looking at the necklace she'd lost on their last mission.

  “Not the same ones. There isn't a transmitter in these.”

  “You mean they're just jewelry, not government issue?”

  “Yeah, just jewelry.” He paused. “Just from me.”

  Sarah was stunned and grabbed Vince’s hand. “Oh, my God, Vince. I…I don't know what to say.”

  Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry.

  He held her free hand in both of his. “Don't say anything. I owed you for saving my ass. Consider this a 'thank you.' Let's just keep it between us though. After all, I don't buy the guys presents.”

  Vince seemed uncomfortable again.

  “Ah-hah! Special treatment because I'm a girl, huh?” Sarah tried to lighten the mood.

  “No, special treatment because you're such a damned good kisser.”

  Oh, God. You could revive the dead with your kisses.

  There was that smile again. “We still have some unfinished business you know.” He leaned closer.

  There’s that charm. So, it was the jewelry that made him nervous.

  Sarah took a deep breath in an attempt to still the butterflies in her stomach as she looked into Vince's eyes. “I know.”

  Kiss me. Kiss me now.

  “Hey, Vince! You're back! It's about time, man!”

  The moment was lost and Vince jerked upright like a kid caught playing in class.

  Sarah looked up and smiled at Brian Allen, the lean, tanned man with black hair and brown eyes who had just totally cock-blocked her. The six-foot-three, ex Navy SEAL was difficult to miss. This morning he was wearing black slacks, a tan dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up and the shadow of a beard. He was carrying two cups of coffee and had a sleepy smile that led Sarah to conclude he'd gone clubbing, spent the night with a honey at the hotel, and was nursing a bit of a hangover. His shirt was only buttoned halfway and wasn't tucked into his pants. The shadow on his face gave away the fact he hadn't shaved since yesterday, and his hair looked liked it hadn’t been combed yet.

  Brian was the kind of guy who was so sexy and confident he was never at a loss when it came to picking up women. They'd flock around him even on his worst day. That's why Brian found it so easy to be such a womanizer. There was never a second date with him - a good thing in their line of work, though. Brian was the best at what he did. He was the team’s explosives expert, the man they counted on to blow things up, completely and on time. They didn't need his mind wandering when they were counting on him.

  “Hey, you brought coffee!” Vince stood, greeted Brian and reached for a cup.

  Brian pulled back. “Sorry, man. When you only have one drink to spare, do you give it to your buddy or to the hottie next to him?”

  “No brainer.” Vince conceded as he sat back down on the chaise.

  Brian winked at Sarah. “Looking good, girl. Sorry I missed the bikini.”

  Sarah reached for the coffee Brian offered and smiled. “Strong coffee and two gorgeous men. This is how I should start every day, but,” she stroked his chin, “it looks like you're still running on yesterday's sleep.” Sarah took a sip of coffee and handed the cup to Vince. As their fingers touched, a spark shot straight up her spine, and she noticed that he held the contact a little longer than he should have.

  Vince took a drink and passed it back.

  Brian leaned against a table and nodded to Vince. “So how was the trip?”

  “Good. We got a meeting with the Ukrainian next month in Italy.”

  “Yes, yes, of course you did.” Brian rolled his eyes. “You always get what you want out of those people. But did you get laid?”

  “Not that kind of trip, Bri.”

  “Every trip is that kind of trip! Well, we'll take care of that. We should all go out tonight. Maybe we can hook you up with some hot, blond actress wannabe.” He raised his eyebrows suggestively.

  “No thanks, man. I'm getting tired of blond one-nighters.”

  “You? No way.”

  “Yeah, the ex definitely turned me off to blonds. I think it's time I find a different type.”

  Brian grinned at Sarah and looked her over. “Too bad Sarah worked out so well on the team. She's the only one I know who's woman enough to handle you.”

  Vince looked at his shoes. “Yeah, you know, maybe we should all go out tonight. Whaddya say, Sarah?”

  “I have a date, but I can probably meet you guys later.” The last thing Sarah wanted to do was watch Vince pick up some bimbo at a Las Vegas nightclub, but she knew the score. They both needed to keep their heads clear and their relationship totally platonic. The blind date with her Russian tutor's son was the first date she’d accepted since Hassan. It was time to get back in the saddle whether she wanted to or not.

  It's about time I get Hassan and Vince out of my head.

  Vince gave Sarah a sideways glance as she handed the coffee cup back to him. “A date, huh? Who's the lucky guy?”

  “Nobody special. My tutor's son.”

  Vince slipped into interrogation mode. “What tutor? Agency or civilian?”

  “Civilian. It's no big deal. I've been working on my Russian since we got back, and she thought I might get along well with her son. It is just practice in a social situation. I thought it would mix things up so I agreed.”

  Brian noticed the pearls in the box on the table near Sarah. “Hey, where did you get those? You weren't wearing those when you jumped off Hassan’s boat.” His eyes sparkled. “Matter of fact you weren't wearing much at all when we pulled you out of the drink.” A silly smile rolled across Brian's face as he looked up at nothing in particular. “God, I love my job.”

  Sarah smiled and exhaled a silent sigh of relief at Brian’s change in topic. “Brian, there are just some things in life a girl doesn't want to live without once she's had a taste.”

  Vince smiled meaningfully as he passed the coffee cup back to her.

  “Yeah, I get that all the time.” Brian deadpanned. “Well, I'd love to stay here and shoot the breeze, but I need some breakfast. You guys coming?”

  Vince rolled his shoulders. “No, I need a shower and some sleep.”

  “I think I'll pass, Bri. Thanks.”

  “Suit yourselves. I'll see you guys later.”

  Sarah and Vince walked into their building and stepped onto the elevator.

  Vince pushed the button for Sarah's floor, two stories above his. “You do have coffee up there, don't you? I haven't had a chance to do groceries since I moved in.”

  “Absolutely.” Sarah nodded.

  God help me.

  They walked into Sarah's apartment.

  “It's been a long night on planes. Do you mind if I shower while you make coffee?”

  Not if you don't mind if I join you.

  Before Sarah could answer, Vince walked into her bathroom and turned on the shower. If it had been any of the other guys on the team, it wouldn't have phased her one bit, but the fact Vince was naked and in her apartment was killing her. She tried to distract herself by making a pot of coffee and a couple of omelets.

  The smell of the coffee brewing and the eggs frying triggered Sarah’s hunger. Her stomach growled and rumbled. Distracted at seeing Vince again, she’d forgotten how hungry she was. She plated the two Denver omelets and placed them on the table, then poured two cups of black coffee. Vince strolled out of her bedroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around his trim waist, his ripped chest and abs caused her to stop mid step. For all the traveling he did, he never went without a workout or ate poorly. His heavily muscled body was always cut to shreds.

  How can it be my job demands me to bed men I could easily hate but never touch the one man I could probably love? Fate is a cruel

  A knock on Sarah's door dragged her back to reality. She was so flustered she practically forgot where the door was!

  Brian bounced in. “Hey, Sarah, remembering you wet and in your underwear had me so distracted I forgot I didn't drive last night.” Then Brian saw Vince walk to the table and sit down in nothing but a towel. “Hey, glad I caught you, man. Let me borrow your truck. I'll bring it back tonight.”

  “Sure, man. Keys are in my jacket on the bed.”

  “Cool.” Brian strode into the bedroom, as Sarah stood there dumb with the coffee pot in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. “Thanks, man. See you guys later.”

  When Brian closed the door, Sarah turned her shock to Vince. “Do you realize what he's going to think?”

  Vince took his cup of coffee from Sarah and held her hand while he spoke. “What? That in the time it took for him to hit the lobby and then walk back here I'd had my way with you, taken a shower, made the bed and sat down to a breakfast you had time to cook?” He smiled softly at Sarah. “Honey, I take my time. And, with you, I'd savor every second. I wouldn't have even finished the foreplay in that amount of time.”

  Her body tingled with his imagined touch. She realized how ridiculous she was being and sat down. “Well, I hope not.”

  Neither spoke as they ate.

  Sarah tried to focus on her breakfast instead of pushing Vince into the bedroom and thanking him properly for the pearls.

  Vince finished his omelet and brought his dish to the sink. Sarah stayed seated at the table with her back to the kitchen and finished her coffee.

  “Sarah, we need to talk.”

  A chill shot up Sarah’s spine and erased every fantasy of thanking him for the pearls. She closed her eyes, willing the conversation away. “About what?”

  “There has always been chemistry between us.”

  Oh, crap! Not the “I know you have a crush on me, get over it” talk.

  Sarah stood and set her dishes in the sink. Standing directly in front of Vince and close enough to feel the heat from his body, she looked him in the eyes and lied a little. “Honey, I've got chemistry with everybody. That's my job. Don't take it personally.”


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