A Taste of Liberty: Task Force 125 Book 2

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A Taste of Liberty: Task Force 125 Book 2 Page 7

by Lisa Pietsch

  “Nope. Not worth the hassle. Not even for fifty percent of the take.”

  “Has anybody ever told you it's rude to talk behind people's backs?” Vince opened his newspaper.

  Chris answered in English. “We're not doing it behind your back, we're doing it right in front of you, just in a language you don't understand.”

  “That's even worse.” Vince turned a page.

  Chris switched back to Russian. “Seriously, babe. He's mad about you.”

  “I don't think so, Chris. He's got all the women he can handle already. Besides, he knows what I do for a living. He's not dumb enough to fall for somebody like me.”

  “What the hell are you talking about? You're a catch no matter what you do for a living! I'd take you home to meet my mother in a heartbeat. Just say the word.” He pulled out his cell phone. “I'll call her right now.”

  “That's sweet, but that whole happily ever after thing isn't gonna happen for me.” Sarah climbed out of the pool and dried off.

  “That's just stupid. You know what your problem is? Inside that hottie body is a fat girl's brain. The world is at your feet, girl. You just can't see it because that fat girl's still doing all your thinking.”

  “I don't mean to be rude, Chris, but I think I'll go take a walk to clear my head.” Sarah put on her sunglasses and slipped on her sandals preparing to walk away.

  “Be careful out there.”

  “Yeah, those olive trees are really dangerous.” Sarah gave Chris a wink and a smile before turning to go.

  Sarah stepped out the front door just as Brian pulled up in a new Maserati Spyder convertible.

  A bright smile lit up his face. “Hey, baby! Wanna go get some breakfast?”

  “Where did you get a sweet set of wheels like this?”

  “Perks of the job. We need a car to get to the meeting. Can't have an international arms dealer showing up in a Honda Civic.”

  Sarah walked around to the passenger side, trailing her fingers in a gentle caress over the purring sports car. “Nice.”

  “Come on, darlin! Let's take it for a spin. It needs a beautiful woman in the passenger seat. Get in before Jason spots us. If I take him for a ride, everyone will think I'm gay.”

  “I don't know, Brian. Jason will be pissed if he misses out on this.”

  “Come on, Sarah. I need to find me some Italian tail.” He lowered his sunglasses and raised his eyebrows. “You can be my wingman.”

  Sarah opened the door and hopped in. “Well, since you put it that way.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Sarah walked out to the patio with a cup of coffee in her hand. Her outing with Brian the day before had been a bit more than a drive. He insisted on exploring every bar and café on the Genoa coast in his search for an Italian hottie. Sarah found it an excellent opportunity to enjoy an Italian favorite, limoncello. It went down like lemonade, but she was feeling the vodka this morning.

  Chris was lying on a chaise, working on his tan. He spoke in Russian. “Good morning. How are you today?”

  “I've been better.”

  He smiled. “I'm here.”

  Chris was always there when Sarah needed to talk, true to his word when she first met him as the team’s communications specialist and he delivered that corny “I’m here if you want to talk” line.

  “Vince mentioned a sister who knew me, but I've never seen her. What do you know about his family?”

  “His father is Shawn Hennessee, twenty years enlisted in the Marines then became an agency man. His mother is Italian. They met during a tour he did over here. Siblings are two brothers and a sister. Anthony is in Explosive Ordinance Disposal in the Marines. He’s on a tour in Iraq. I’ve never met him. Their brother Marco died two years ago serving in Afghanistan. His sister, Regina, was military before she married. She chose to get out when she got pregnant with her first child. Didn't you meet her when she was in town before we left? Good looking woman.” Chris raised his eyebrows and turned toward Sarah. “Don't tell Vince, but I wouldn't throw her out of bed for eating crackers.”

  Sarah's mind raced. She felt a sudden weight in her stomach and the need to retch.



  “Is she about my height with long, dark, curly hair?”

  “Yep. Spitting image of her mother too.”

  Oh, shit. I punched Vince out in front of his sister?

  Sarah's stomach rolled. “That was his sister?”

  “Come to think of it, she was pretty anxious to meet you.”

  The depth of her misunderstanding hit her in the face like a bag of pennies.

  I think I called her a bimbo, too. And he didn't say anything because he's too frigging proud.

  Chris must have seen the look on Sarah’s face. “You should talk to him, Sarah, alone. Get this sorted out.”

  Sarah sprung out of her chair, leaving her coffee behind.

  “Thanks for the intel, Chris.”

  “It's what I do. This and golf are all I've got.”


  Sarah burst into the chapel. Vince was the only one there. He spun around, Sig in hand and aimed at Sarah's head.

  Sarah raised her hands and stopped in her tracks. “Whoa!”

  “Jesus, woman! Can't you ever enter a room without exploding into it?” He switched the safety on the handgun and tucked it into his waistband.

  Sarah dropped her hands slowly. “I think you've just given me the motivation to work on that.”

  She walked up to him and stopped within arm’s reach. “I need to talk to you.”

  “Is it mission related?”


  He turned away and studied some photos on the table behind him. “Then we don't need to talk.”

  “Vince.” She paused to swallow her pride and nearly choked on it. “I need to talk to you now.”

  His shoulders seemed to soften as he turned to face her.

  “I'm sorry.”

  “What did you do now?”

  “All of it.”

  “I don't know what you're talking about, woman.”

  “I didn't know he was an arms dealer. I didn't know she was your sister. I thought…”

  Oh, hell. This is going to be hard.

  “You thought what?”

  He's going to make me say it.

  Sarah swallowed the bitter pill and spoke quickly to get it out before she chickened out. “I thought it was personal and you didn't want me to date while you did. I didn't know she was your sister, and I was jealous. Okay, there it is. I'm sorry.”

  Sarah swallowed the frog that nearly choked her during her apology and turned to go before the tear welling up decided to drop.

  Vince's strong hands landed on her shoulders and she stopped. She swallowed hard as the tear rolled.

  Vince wrapped his arms around her and she melted into him when she felt his breath on her neck.

  Vince sighed. “Damn you, woman.”

  Sarah turned around and looked into his soft brown eyes. “I'm so sorry.”

  He smiled. “There hasn't been room in my life for any other woman since you exploded into it.”

  Sarah swallowed another tear and hugged Vince.

  I don't want to let go.

  “I think about retirement all the time, Sarah.” One hand held her close to him while the other enmeshed itself in her hair and gently cupped the back of her head. “I've been thinking about it ever since I first saw you.”

  Sarah looked into his eyes. “I didn't mean what I said. I love the pearls. I do.”

  Vince's lips were within a breath of hers. He smiled and cut her off mid sentence with a whisper. “Shut up.”

  His lips touched hers. Gently, softly, lovingly. He pulled her close.

  Sarah's heart beat hard and fast. She gasped for breath but didn't want the kiss to end. Her fingertips tingled as she ran them over his shoulders. Her body ached for him, and she embraced the moment.

  It may be all we have.

bsp; Vince's phone rang and the moment was gone.

  He looked into her eyes and apologized with a whisper. “I’m sorry. I have to take this.”

  She took a step back.

  He opened the phone. “Hennessee.”

  “Victor. Good to hear from you.” Vince stepped back, but his eyes never left Sarah’s. “Tonight is just fine. Yes, I do know the place.” He grinned. “No, that won't be necessary. I've got one. Yeah, this one's more than enough. Okay, we'll see you then.” Vince closed his phone and slid it into his pocket. “We're on tonight.”

  Sarah was curious about the strange conversation. “What did he ask you?”

  A devious smile spanned Vince's face. “If I needed a female guest for my entertainment.”

  “He didn't ask in quite those words, did he?”

  “Nope.” Vince winked at Sarah. “Now get Jason to drive you into Milan. He’s been itching to drive that Spyder. Go buy yourself something slutty. You and I are going out for drinks and dancing tonight.”

  Sarah turned to leave and spoke over her shoulder as she walked away. “I should probably be offended by those instructions, but Jason has been saying the same thing to me every Friday since our last mission.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Sarah waited while Vince left the slick, black Maserati with the valet outside the nightclub. She eyed him as he walked toward her. His smooth movements and the black silk suit were a stunning combination.

  Damn, those Marines clean up nice.

  She didn’t break her stare when he checked her out from head to toe. A thrill shot through her when he smiled. She threw her shoulders back and tossed her hair over her shoulder. “Passable?”

  He took her arm. “Yeah, I'd definitely make a pass at you.”

  She smiled and raised an eyebrow. “Well, what are you waiting for?”

  “We’re on the job. Business first, then pleasure, Sarah.”

  Sarah grabbed Vince by the lapels and kissed him hard.

  He enveloped her in his arms and returned the kiss with gusto.

  When he released her, she took a deep breath and willed her body to calm down. “And what a pleasure it will be. I'll be here all night, unless I get a better offer.”

  He beamed at her as though he were about to say something but thought better of it. Vince tipped the doorman and said something Sarah couldn't hear over the sound of the music. The doorman nodded and motioned to a man inside who led them into a VIP room upstairs.

  Vince appeared ever the gentleman. He offered Sarah his arm as they climbed the stairs and she followed his lead.

  Hard to believe he was once a U.S. Marine. Well, maybe not so hard.

  As they reached the second floor landing overlooking the dance floor, Sarah had her first good look at the real, live Victor Bolshoi.

  He lounged on a banquette, leaning back, as a shapely redhead straddled his right thigh and ran her hands under his silk jacket. He smiled as she nibbled on his ear.

  About ten feet away was a small dance floor, overlooking the club's main dance floor below, where three other women danced together. None of them seemed significant to Victor. The only woman who held his attention was the redhead.

  The man who led Sarah and Vince upstairs cleared his throat.

  Victor's brown eyes opened and he pushed the redhead off him with his left hand, which fairly spanned her entire right buttock. He lifted an eyebrow at Sarah.

  The Ukrainian stood from his seat and smiled. He was tall, maybe six-foot-three. His hair was brown and short, but long enough to tousle if you liked to do that sort of thing. His features were strong and blocky, very Ivan Drago, only a bit more color with the brown hair and eyes. All in all, Sarah had to admit, he wasn't ugly.

  Isn't it amazing how the big time criminals take such good care of themselves?

  Knowing he had a thing for coke, Sarah was surprised at how fit the man was. He wore a tight tee shirt under his designer jacket and there was definitely muscle under there. Sarah sized up the abs and blocky chest and looked for some sign of how much thigh he might have.

  This guy looks way too muscular to mess with hand to hand. Let's see if the charm works.

  “Mr. Hennessee!” He reached out to shake Vince's hand.

  Vince reciprocated. “Please, call me Vince.”

  Victor eyed Sarah. “While it is customary to bring a gift, I must say you've outdone yourself.”

  Vince put his arm around Sarah's shoulders. “Ah, this one is mine tonight but, hey, anything can happen. Right, baby?”

  Sarah was still riding the wave of longing the kiss outside inspired. “Oh, yeah.”

  Victor responded in Russian to Vince. “Let me know when you're done with her. I'd tap that.”

  Sarah tried not to cringe as she pretended not to understand Russian.

  Money can't buy you class.

  Vince replied in kind. “What? This old thing? Just a little something I threw on.”

  He speaks Russian? Holy crap, he understood that whole conversation between me and Chris!

  Victor laughed a hearty belly laugh and ushered Vince to the table.

  Sarah followed dutifully like the bimbo she was supposed to be.

  Vince put his hand on her knee as she sat. “Why don't you go powder your nose, sweetheart?”

  Sarah stood and strutted past the two Russian henchmen and through the door to the ladies room.

  He speaks Russian? What the hell am I here for?

  Sarah opened her tiny crystal encrusted purse and removed her lipstick. When she looked into the mirror to apply it she saw something she might never get used to. The fat girl she always expected wasn't there. In her place was a knockout staring back at her. A smile curled her lips. After recovering from her initial shock, she got her head back into the game.

  This old thing isn't looking so bad just yet. Guess you'll have to suffer through it, Hennessee.

  Vince and Victor didn't seem to discuss business at all over the course of the evening. If they did, it was while Sarah was in the ladies room. She hated being left out of the details but that wasn't her part. It might have been easier for her if she'd had a part in the dealing, logistics or planning. Instead, she had to pretend to be everything she wasn't - flighty, superficial and unintelligent. In a way, it was a relief to get away from herself. She was beginning to think she might be too steady, too deep and way too smart for her own good.

  Just think how easy life would be if I were only a dumb bimbo.

  Vince was particularly attentive and she took every advantage of his act.

  Just because you don't get to go home with the actor doesn't mean you can't enjoy the show.

  Vince's efforts seemed to be paying off with Victor. When Vince ran his hand along Sarah's barely covered, toned and tan thigh, Victor watched with heavy breaths. When Vince nuzzled her neck and whispered in her ear, Sarah leaned in and let her fingers do the walking under his jacket and into his shirt so the whole room knew she was enjoying every minute of it. It didn't hurt that it seemed to encourage Vince to continue.

  Oh, yeah.

  After a few drinks, Victor called to one of the women who was putting on a seductive performance for him and excused himself to join her on the small dance floor in the VIP lounge.

  Vince stood. “Come on, baby. Time to dance for your dinner.” He wrapped his arm around Sarah's waist as she stood and escorted her onto the dance floor near Victor.

  He pulled her so close that Sarah had to take a breath to remember where she was. Vince led her perfectly with one hand in hers and the other at the small of her back. Her heart matched time with the quick Latin beat and she let Vince carry her away to some place she'd never been.

  She was no longer the timid girl who’d given in to a gay man's plan, nor was she the bold broad who wasn't afraid of taking on four muggers on the street. She was somebody else entirely. She was warm, passionate, desperately in love and scared shitless of all that entailed.

  Vince moved like a cat.

/>   Sarah barely knew she was being led. A rush of excitement surged through her as she became suddenly aware of his hips leading her, his thighs against hers and his chest firm and muscular against hers. They’d been dancing around each other at work and avoiding their obvious chemistry for so long that finally being in such intimate proximity and moving together was about as close to foreplay as Sarah could imagine.

  “Do all Devil Dogs dance this well?”

  “Only the ones whose sisters forced them to be their dance partners.”

  Sarah grinned. “I find it hard to believe anyone could force you to do anything you didn't want to do.”

  He shook his head. “You'd be surprised at what a good woman can make a man do when she puts her mind to it.”

  “Oh, really?”

  “Yeah.” He pulled her even closer. “You should try it sometime.”

  The song ended.

  Sarah swallowed hard as she thought about what his statement might imply. “I might just do that.”

  Vince wrapped both arms around her and held her there a moment longer.

  His eyes gleamed and Sarah allowed herself to look into them. She ached to tell him with her eyes what she could never say out loud.

  There's the devil in those eyes, but I will love them until I die.

  She felt his breath on her cheek and his chest rising and falling quickly against her own. The music, the people and even the room disappeared. When his lips touched hers, every nerve in her body exploded with excitement.

  Take me now.

  Vince released her all too soon.

  When Sarah opened her eyes, the real world and their mission returned to her mind.

  Victor smiled suggestively and Sarah hoped it meant he was ready to take the bait.

  The more you want me, the more mistakes you'll make. Let's get this mission done.


  “Honey, why don’t you go hang out with the girls while we talk business?” Vince watched Sarah for a moment as she walked over to the small group of women, who were Victor’s entourage, and began dancing with them.

  Victor watched her too. “She's exquisite. Where did you find her?”


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