by J L Walker
Reesa’s hair, which she usually wore pinned up, was now shoulder length with layers and wisps of highlights. “Yes, I’ve changed a lot of things. I’m glad you like it.”
His thumb gently touched her jaw as he pulled his hand back and their eyes met. For once, she didn’t turn from his gaze but looked directly into his eyes, smiling. “I’ve missed you, Mike.”
“I’ve missed you, too. You really look, um, refreshed.”
“I feel so much better. So, where would you like to eat?”
“Your pick. My mind is still in overdrive.”
“How about someplace by Central Park. It’s such a beautiful evening. We could eat, then maybe take a walk or something. How does that sound?”
“That sounds wonderful!” He paused and held up the lapels of his jacket. “Do you think you could swing by my place so I can change? I’d love to get out of this suit.”
Smiling, she replied, “I think I can arrange that.”
They chatted about the trial on the way to Mike’s apartment. Not wanting to upset her, he was reluctant to give her too many of the horrifying details of the last two weeks of the trial. Instead, he merely answered the questions she posed to him.
As he opened his apartment door, he said, “Please excuse my messy apartment. My cleaning person isn’t scheduled to come again until next week. I’ve done nothing but work on this case for the past several weeks so I haven’t even tidied up the place.”
“I know that feeling!”
“Make yourself at home. If you don’t mind, I’d like to take a real quick shower. I should be out in less than fifteen minutes.”
“That’s fine, take your time.”
Mike disappeared down the hall, and Reesa slowly walked around his living room. It was cozy, but had a masculine feel to it. There were a few colorful abstract art pieces on the wall, and a leather sectional sofa sat beside a large window overlooking the Hudson River. She chuckled to herself as she looked out the window trying to find her apartment building from the view.
An elaborate built-in bookshelf covered one wall of the room, displaying many framed pictures of Mike with his wife and daughters spanning a couple of decades. She picked up a picture of him with his two daughters when they were toddlers and looked at it closely. She assumed he would have been in his early twenties then. She smiled when she thought how little he’d changed since the day the photo had been taken. She continued browsing and snickered when she stumbled upon a picture of him in his cap and gown after he had graduated from law school. His parents were beaming as they stood by his side.
Off the living room was a smaller room leading to the kitchen. She assumed that at one time it had been a formal dining room. Now, it contained a black baby grand piano situated in the center of the room, and a cozy chaise by the window with a stack of books piled high on the floor beside it. The room also had a spectacular view of the Hudson River.
As she was gazing out the window, Mike walked into the room dressed in a pair of khakis and a white cotton shirt rolled up just below his elbow.
“I’m ready to go,” he announced, cheerfully.
She turned around slowly, then smiled and walked toward the center of the room. “You never mentioned you played the piano.”
“Not much to mention.” He chuckled then added, “I’m really not very good at it. It’s a somewhat new diversion for me. Music has always soothed me in a way. I bought this a few years ago after Em passed away. It’s been very therapeutic. Although I don’t know if spending the money was therapeutic, or actually playing the thing, but it seems to help when I’m feeling down.”
“Can you play something for me?”
He smiled and pouted. “Are you really going to make me do this now?”
“Yeah, come on. Let’s see what you’ve got.” she remarked with a mischievous grin on her face.
He reluctantly walked up to the piano and sat down. After looking at the keys for a few moments, he took a deep breath. “Okay, I’ll give this a shot. This is something new I’ve been working on, but I haven’t perfected it so give me a break, okay?”
“Sure,” she said, leaning on the edge of the piano.
After rubbing his hands together, he began playing the piano and singing “Chances Are” by Johnny Mathis. His soft tenor voice resonated throughout the room. He glanced at her occasionally while he was singing. Each time their eyes met, she felt her cheeks grow warmer. An overwhelming sensation of joy consumed her when she wondered if he might actually be singing the song to her. She quickly dismissed the thought and looked down bashfully, afraid he might see her cheeks beginning to redden.
As she thought back over the past few months, she suddenly realized how much she had grown to care for him. She was surprised to discover she had felt this way for quite some time, but continually suppressed the feelings, just as she always had when she started feeling vulnerable. After deciding to finally let herself feel her emotions instead of constantly burying them, she realized she couldn’t deny what she felt any longer. In that moment, she knew the unique and overwhelming feeling she had for Mike was love.
When he finished the song, she smiled and clapped her hands. “Very nice, Mr. Jenkins.” She paused a second, briefly touching her face to see if warmth was still radiating from her cheeks. “She’s a lucky girl…whoever inspired you to sing the song.”
He grinned and tilted his head as if questioning her comment. “Yes, I guess she would be, if she knew how much I adored her.”
As Reesa stood there gazing in his eyes, a sudden rush of sadness filled her heart when she realized it may not her. They had talked very little about their personal lives, but she assumed someone as attractive and kind as Mike was most likely dating someone.
He stood up and extended his hand to her. “Are you ready to get a bite to eat?”
“Yes,” she replied, feeling timid as she took his hand.
They went to dinner at a nice tavern-style restaurant by Central Park. After looking at their menus, they closed them and a smile washed over Mike’s face. “Oh! I forgot to tell you something very important! I found someone –” The waiter suddenly appeared at the table and interrupted him.
Reesa looked at him in dismay and felt her heart sink to her stomach. After the waiter had taken their orders, she looked at him, forcing a smile. “I’m so happy for you, Mike. Who’s the lucky gal?”
He paused and looked confused, trying to remember what he had been saying. “Oh! I was just about to tell you that I found a relative of Adele’s. I asked my friend, Tom, if he might be able to locate someone from her family. He’s the private investigator who found LeeAnn for us. I just felt awful that no one was at the trial to support her through all of this, so I gave him a call.”
Reesa perked up and smiled.
Mike continued, “He found an aunt who lives in El Segundo, California. She’s Nora’s sister, but they’ve been estranged for almost a decade. It sounds like Nora alienated herself from her whole family when she met Victor. Anyway, her name is Juanita, and I hope you’ll be able to meet her sometime. She’s a wonderful lady! She flew out the day after I called her. She has attended the trial for the past three days. If Adele is acquitted, she’s going to let her stay with her while she gets back on her feet.”
“That’s wonderful, Mike! Thanks for doing that. It bothered me, too, that she didn’t have any friends or family there. Well, her mother was there, but I never got the impression she was very supportive of Adele.”
He was beaming. “I wish you could have seen Adele’s face light up when she saw Juanita sitting behind the bar when she was brought into the courtroom Wednesday morning. Adele hadn’t seen her since she was in her teens, but she recognized her immediately.”
Reesa frowned. “Aw, I wish I could have been there.”
Mike suddenly became somber. “Yeah, so do I. But anyway, what have you been up to for the past few weeks?”
“Well, lots of things. For starters, Jade and I took a four-day excursio
n to Hilton Head. It was wonderful. It was nice to go on vacation and not worry about what was going on at the office. I guess I just needed to get out of town, you know, clear my head a bit after what happened. Thanks again for everything you did. I really was a mess.” She looked down, feeling remorseful as she recalled her behavior in court.
“I wouldn’t say you were a mess. You just needed picked up and brushed off a little. That’s all. It’s understandable after everything you’ve been through. I just wish I would have picked up on what was going on with you before it got to the boiling point. I could tell the case was getting to you, but I guess I kept telling myself it was just the immense pressure we were both under.” He shook his head and commented, “Sometimes I can be a complete idiot.”
Reesa chuckled. “You’re far from being an idiot. I just wished I could have had a better grip on things. I always thought I was strong. It was hard to realize I was actually very fragile. I’ve also met with Dr. Wilson several times during the past few weeks. She’s been a great help. I can see everything so much clearer now.”
Mike smiled. “I’m happy to hear that. I hope you know if you ever need anything, anything at all, all you have to do is ask.”
Reesa tilted her head and smiled. “I know. Thanks, Mike.”
Their meals came, and as they ate dinner at a quaint little table in the corner of the restaurant. Reesa finally felt comfortable telling him about everything that had happened to her when she was a senior in high school.
He listened attentively with a heartbroken expression on his face. When she finished, he shook his head. “I’m so very sorry you had to go through all that. I’m glad you were finally able to face it and work through it all. You seem to be in a much better place now.”
“Yes, I think finally coming to terms with it all has been a long process, but I feel so much more at peace now.”
The sun was beginning to set when they left the restaurant to take a walk in Central Park. It was perfect spring evening. As they were strolling through the park, Reesa began feeling regretful for the way she had treated Mike over the past few months. She glanced up at him as they walked side by side. “Mike?”
“I just want to apologize to you for my rather harsh behavior towards you at times over the last several months. I must have been awful to be around.”
“No apology necessary. I see now that you were just trying to protect your soul. And, you were doing your job.”
She couldn’t help but wrap her arm around his waist, laughing. “Admit it, I was a bitch!”
He wrapped his arm around her and they continued walking. “Naw, I can tell the difference between bitchiness and fearfulness. You were just afraid, that’s all. You were never a bitch.”
“You are too kind, Michael Jenkins.”
He pulled her closer and chuckled. “You finally noticed? That only took a few years!”
She hugged him as they walked. “I’ve always known that about you. You are, without a doubt, the kindest man I’ve ever known.”
“And you, my dear, are truly one of the most amazing women I have ever met.”
Suddenly, Reesa found herself thinking about the song he had played earlier that evening. “You are also very talented. I can’t believe you’ve never mentioned you can play the piano and sing.”
“Not worth mentioning I guess. It’s not like I’m any good at it or anything. It’s just something I’ve always enjoyed. It’s relaxing. I used to play a lot when the girls were young. I bought a used piano when we first moved to New York. The baby grand kind of reignited my interest.”
“You’re very good at it! I thoroughly enjoyed the song. Are you going to tell me who your inspiration was? Have you met someone?”
Mike chuckled and looked straight ahead as they continued walking. “Well, it’s for this amazing woman I’ve been smitten with for quite some time. She’s beautiful, and very intelligent, a bit trying at times…maybe a lot trying most of the time, but she keeps me on my toes and challenges me to be the best lawyer, and human being, I can possibly be.”
Reesa looked up at him apprehensively. When she saw him look down at her grinning, her heart melted. She couldn’t help but chuckle and remarked sarcastically, “Well, geez, I was kind of hoping it was me, but I’m never trying!”
He laughed and pulled her closer, then gently kissing her temple. “I’m just surprised you didn’t pick up on it before now. I certainly dropped plenty of hints. I thought I was dense not figuring out about your past earlier than I did. But you, my dear, take the prize on this one. How could you not know how much you mean to me?”
She breathed a sigh of relief. “I think I knew, I just didn’t want to acknowledge it. I was too afraid. Afraid to let myself be vulnerable. I just didn’t know how to deal with it. It seemed easier to ignore it.”
They continued walking slowly, their arms wrapped around each other. As they walked toward the Bethesda Fountain, they stopped to watch the water flowing gracefully down the angel’s feet and into the bronze basin below. The sun was setting, and the backdrop reflected a hazy pink sky with splashes of violet just above the trees in the distance.
“I’m in awe every time I see this fountain,” Mike said, his arm still around Reesa’s shoulder.
“It is beautiful.” She chuckled, then added, “Jade always wanted to swim in it when she was younger.”
“Yeah, my girls did, too.”
She turned to look up at him. “Mike, I feel the same way about you, you know. I think everything I’ve been through the past few months, along with Dr. Wilson’s help of course, has helped me see how many emotions I’ve buried over the years because I was so fearful. I’m not afraid of them anymore. I want to feel everything now. I want to live. I mean, really live my life to it’s fullest.”
He looked down at her and engulfed her in his embrace. “You don’t know how glad I am to hear that, Reesa.”
She wrapped her arms around him and pressed her head against his chest, gazing up at him. His eyes rested on her lips and she slowly raised her head to meet his. He gently kissed her, then deepened his kiss, pulling her closer to him.
A flood of warmth spiraled through every cell of her body as they stood there kissing, oblivious to everything around them.
When he finally withdrew his lips from hers, he looked at her tenderly.
Reesa couldn’t help but smile as she looked into his eyes. “I think I’m in love with you, Mr. Jenkins.”
He sighed as a smile washed over his face. “I’ve been in love with you for quite some time, Miss Collins.”
They continued walking with their arms around each other until it started to get dark.
“I guess we need to head back to my place so you can get your car,” he said, sadly.
“I suppose so,” she replied, not wanting the evening to end.
When they reached his apartment building, Mike pulled into the parking garage and looked over at her. “Do you have time to come up for a few minutes, or do you have to get home?”
Her lips curved into a faint smile as she looked at him. “Nope, I’m free for the entire weekend. Jade’s at a drama retreat. It’s for students interested in acting and directing.” She laughed and shook her head. “I can’t tell you how excited she is to be attending it.”
“I’ll bet she is. I’m sure she’ll have a blast. Sounds right up her alley.”
They exited the car, then entered the elevator. After Mike pressed the button for the fifteenth floor, Reesa wrapped her arms around his waist and held him close. He responded, immersing her in his embrace as she nestled her head under his chin.
He let out a contented sigh, and she tipped her head back to look at him. She smiled, then her face became solemn as she looked into his eyes.
He held her gaze, then slowly brought his lips to hers. She responded fervently and their kiss intensified. Engrossed in each other, they failed to hear the beep indicating they had reached Mike’s floor. The elevator doors flew
open. Just as they were about to close, Mike broke from the kiss and raised his hand to stop the door.
He glanced down at her and smiled. “I must say, I love this sudden change in you.”
Unable to speak, she just grinned at him as he gently led her out of the elevator. They began walking down the corridor, their arms around each other, until they reached his apartment. He reached into his back pocket, pulled out his keys, and unlocked the door. Once inside, Mike immediately took her in his arms and held her tight, swaying slowly back and forth.
Reesa had never felt so safe, so warm, or so protected in her life. She closed her eyes and savored the moment, knowing she was traveling down unchartered territory, but finally willing to surrender to her fears and let herself love, and be loved.
After several moments, she lifted her head to him once again. He took her cue and met her lips with his. Their kissing ignited something in Reesa that was unfamiliar. Beginning to feel dizzy, she finally stopped and took a deep breath, not know what was happening.
Mike looked at her with concern. “Are you okay?”
She smiled at him feeling embarrassed. “I think I just forgot to breathe or something. I feel a little light headed.”
He guided her to the sofa. “Let me get you a glass of water.”
“Okay, thanks.”
He returned a few moments later with a glass of water. After handing it to her, he sat down beside her and gently brushed a lock of hair from her face with his fingers. “Do you feel better?”
Blushing, she replied, “Yes, I’m fine, thanks.” She took another sip of water, then looked at him. “I’m sorry, Mike. I just don’t know how to do this…this dating stuff.”
Mike shook his head and chuckled. “You never cease to amaze me. At work or in the courtroom, you elude this bulletproof facade, but right now, in this moment, you are like a child – a frail, helpless, beautiful angel. I love you, Reesa Collins. I can’t even tell you how long I’ve loved you.” A tear started to trickle out of his eye. “I’ve been waiting so long to say those words. I would have never thought tonight I’d finally get the chance to say them.” He took her hand in his and looked into her eyes. “I honestly didn’t know if I’d ever get the opportunity to say them.”