Striker (Black Rebel Riders' MC Book 4)

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Striker (Black Rebel Riders' MC Book 4) Page 5

by Glenna Maynard

  After cleaning up my papers from the floor and gathering my things, I rush to the door trying to avoid Striker. As my hand reaches the knob, he spins me around, holding me in position with his handsome face. He looks so happy, it’s the happiest I have seen him look other than his stolen moments with Colt. My pussy, cheers, that is right that smile is due to me.

  “One day soon you are going to be in my bed, and you’ll never leave it unless I decide I want to fuck you in another room.” He kisses my lips hard, stealing my breath along with my thoughts. “Bring Colt tomorrow; it’s time we set shit straight.”

  Striker dominating me in our sex is one thing, but if he thinks he can boss me around outside of the sheets, he is wrong—dead wrong. But he is right I have handled this situation completely wrong. Can I give him another chance, or am I feeling guilted by the orgasm he just gave me? I don’t know what to do.

  “We’ll see.” I break away and escape into the safety of my father’s trailer before Striker can try to confuse my heart and mind anymore today.

  Walking out on the back porch, I cannot stifle the laugh breaking free from my lips. My dad better known as Grim is sitting out in the backyard with Colt in one of those plastic baby pools. The water isn’t deep enough to cover his pinky toe. He looks like a watermelon trying to fit into a pea, but he has a huge grin on his face as he makes Colt laugh, by splashing the water. The two of them together is comical.

  After getting my boy dried off my dad asks to speak with me. He gives me a book; it was my mom’s diary. “Baby, this was your mom’s and I know you’ve been dealing with a lot of things, but I want you to read this. Your mom did various things...” He trails off. “She kept countless secrets that hurt numerous people. Don’t repeat her mistakes.”

  He says secrets have a way of destroying everything we hold dear. Whatever that is supposed to mean. I hate when he goes all cryptic with me. I shove the book into my bag; it will give me something to do when all the kids get to sleep.


  As I am getting Colt from the car in his carrier, Dawn comes running out the door of the cabin and tries to tackle hug me. “Yay, you’re here!” She is full of energy bouncing from one foot to the other. Her blonde hair is in a ponytail hanging down her back, she looks so much like her momma.

  “I’ll be on my swing if you need my help.” She takes off running for her swing set. She is always eager to help me with Miracle and Colt, such a little mommy in the making that one.

  Romeo walks out onto the porch holding Miracle. Her chubby legs are kicking; she is itching to be put down. There is a pink bow clasped holding her tiny patch of hair on her mostly baldhead. When I get to the porch, he takes Colt’s diaper bag from me and leads us inside.

  Jamie comes gunning for me. “Look what I did today in school, I passed my math quiz.” He is smiling at me so proud of himself. I sit Colt down still in his carrier and give Jamie a hug. They act as if they have not seen me in weeks; I was just here a few days ago.

  I have been helping Romeo with them for weeks now. I still don’t know what is going on with him and LL. I haven’t asked. I don’t want to pry. I figure if he wanted me to know he’d tell me.

  “I’m proud of you little man, why don’t you go hang it on the fridge so everyone can see how smart you are.” He dashes off to the kitchen.

  ‘They’ve had dinner; I told them they could eat a snack later though. There is ice cream in the freezer, sprinkles and shit too. Thanks for doing this. You are a lifesaver. I might not get back till late, got some diggin’ to do.” He squeezes my shoulder and kisses my cheek, making me blush.

  He passes Miracle to me and grabs his cut off the back of the couch. “I’ll see you later princess.” He kisses Miracle on the head, and squats down to Colt and rubs his hair.


  Pulling up at the Fox’s Den I am slightly disappointed not seeing LL’s car parked here in the lot. Figured she would be here. A part of me was hoping she was hiding out just needing some space, but it has been weeks without a motherfucking word. I have drove all over town, checking any place she might be laying low at, even called up some of her old friends in Chicago. Nothing, it’s as though she has vanished completely.

  I park my bike near the front of the building. Looks like Stone is working as security tonight, I see his chopper parked a few spots down the lot. I don’t even know why I am bothering to go inside, but I can’t just sit around at the house doing nothing. I need answers.

  Inside Melissa is working the front desk; I haven’t been here in ages. She looks up from filing her nails and appears shocked to see me. “Hey stranger what can I do ya for?” She plasters on a hefty smile.

  “Need to get something from LL’s office, you got the key?” She hesitates, although she knows if I want it bad enough I will just take the motherfucker.

  “Sure, no problem.” She reaches her pink nails into the top drawer of the wooden desk. “Here,” she drops a skeleton key in my hand.

  “Thanks sweetheart.” I leave her to her nails and make my way down the hall; I give a chin lift to Stone as I pass by his post. He is all business when he is working.

  Coming to the office, I don’t know what I expect to find as I turn the key. Flipping on the light, I glance around trying to decide where to begin. I start pilfering through the drawers of her filing cabinets. They are useless, only holding files on their girls, utilities and shit. There isn’t a damn thing in her desk either. Fuck it; I am going to the Roadhouse to get shit-faced.

  Rounding the corner, I run smack dab into Foxie. “Whatcha’ doing here?” She harps.

  ”Fucks it to ya.” I keep walking, but then turn back. She probably knows exactly what in the fuck LL is doing. “Where is she?” I demand.

  Foxie uncrosses her arms, and tells me to follow her. She leads me into the security room. It is really more like a closet with a few monitors in it. “I probably shouldn’t be getting involved in your shit, but Romeo we go way back and I am only showing you this, because LL is my best friend. I’m worried about her.”

  Foxie takes a disc from a stack and puts it into a DVD player, the screen turns from black to grey, and then I watch LL meeting with a man on numerous occasions, buying drugs from him and sleeping with him. Knowing something and seeing it with your own two eyes is something completely on its own level. Bloody hell! I am going to wring her neck.

  “We keep cameras in all the rooms, in case something were to go wrong.” Foxie explains. Being in the business of peddling pussy, these girls cannot be too careful. We always have a patched brother in the building in case some dumb motherfucker decides to try his luck.

  “Enough,” I hold my hand up at her and try to fight the pain in my chest. I’m a tough son of a bitch, I’m not supposed to hurt like this, to feel so fucking deep.

  “Romeo, you don’t fool me. It’s okay to hurt.” She takes my hand in her small soft warm one. “Come on I have some whiskey at the bar. Let’s get you a drink, and maybe a little company. Got a new girl, she could chase away your troubles for a short while. She is a bit on the wild side.”

  Reluctantly, I follow her to the bar where customers mingle with the girls to find what they are looking for. Sitting at the bar minding my own a small voice tickles my ear, “Hey, you Romeo?” She asks in a whispered giggle.

  Glancing over my eyes land on red hair, it isn’t quite the same shade of Baby’s but pretty damn close other than the one blonde chunk in the front making her look like a skunk. Foxie is such a fucking cunt; she is doing this shit on purpose to fuck with me.

  “What’s your name darlin’?”

  “They call me Smoky.” I notice she doesn’t have an accent.

  “Where ya from, not from here that’s for damned sure.” I observe, curious of her origins.

  “I’m from Canada. Came here for a fresh start.” She runs her finger over the rim of my glass, and then brings it to her mouth licking it seductively. “Mmm,” she moans.

  “Why do they call you tha
t—Smoky?” I shift on the stool turning towards her. She looks like a sex kitten. She is dressed to fuck. Wearing only a purple push up bra and coordinating panties with a robe fully open. Her body is something to be desired. She has some meat on her, but it fills her out nicely.

  She brushes her hand over mine, looking deep in my eyes. “Because my pussy is so hot it will set your dick on fire.” Well I wasn’t expecting that. Nevertheless, I like the sound of it. I gulp knowing she will do just that.

  “Well goddamn how about you show me.” I take her arm in mine and she leads me to a room. Tonight I just want to get lost between the sheets and thighs of some strange. Being here with Smoky keeps me from doing something stupid, something like making a play for Baby.

  I watch her as she strips for me, her long red hair, is hanging down her back. I picture Baby instead. Her purple panties slide down her calves, over her ankles as she removes them tossing them to the pile of clothes puddled near the end of the bed.

  Smoky stands before me looking like a siren. Her pale naked skin, so smooth, I take her by her hands, pulling her into my lap. My stubble grazes her chin; she laughs and starts to stroke the bulge in my jeans.

  I’m taken back to the night I stole Baby’s virginity. "Romeo, you've had many women." I smile at her deviously; girl must be out of her mind, coming at a man like me.

  "Now sweetness, I am not going to talk to you about the women I've been with." I wink at her, and take a swig from my jar of shine, fuck, her lips look sweet, and her body don’t look like a kid no more.

  "I was curious; do you think I'm pretty? Do you think I'm kissable?"

  Shit, what do I say to her, because hell yeah she is kissable, lickable, fuckable. I scratch my beard trying to handle this right.

  "What makes you ask that," I try to keep my mind from what my cock is aching to do. I shouldn’t want her.

  "Well, I haven't really been kissed yet. And well I know you have had many women, so if you were a guy and we were out would you kiss me? I mean I've kissed boys but I want to kiss someone more experienced, someone who could tell me if I am a good kisser."

  "Baby, I'm not going to kiss you." I’m not going to do it, but she begins to pout. I guess I could kiss her no harm in a kiss, fuck I am doomed.

  My mind wanders back to the present; Smoky is on her knees, her breasts pushed up against me as she goes to town on my dick. Gripping the nape of her head, I guide her pressing her further, impaling the back of her throat with my cock. I imagine, Baby’s sweet pussy wrapped around me, “Fuck, feels so good.” Her head bobs faster and faster. I look down not seeing the woman I want.

  I grip her hair tighter. Squeezing my eyes shut I return to the fantasy, cumming down Smoky’s throat. She licks my dick clean and tries to straddle me. I shove her off.

  The woman can suck a dick so the night hasn’t been an entire waste. Glancing at the clock on the nightstand, it is getting late. Standing up I zip and button my jeans. I take a fifty out of my wallet and throw it down on the bed. “That’s it,” she sneers. “I didn’t get off.” She pouts.

  “Well, it wasn’t about you.” I rebuke. She rolls her eyes but then quickly changes her tune when I shoot her a dark look.

  “I know I’m not her, but we could pretend.” She bats her lashes at me.

  “What the fuck you mean?”

  “I know it wasn’t me you were with just now, at least not mentally. I can role-play, be whoever you want me to be.” I nod at her, not tonight but there will be a next time.

  I wanna’ know who and the fuck this motherfucker is, I take the disc Foxie showed me and slip it inside my cut. Time to pay my old friend Five-O a visit. Shit just got a lot more serious. Cheating fucking cunt whore. Damn her straight to hell. I knew fucking better, she changed, my ass. Women are good for two things, sucking or fucking me. Looks like LL got the fucking me part down to a science.



  I am sweating bullets as I wait for Baby to show up for inventory this morning. Will she bring our son? Is she ready to submit and let me be in their lives? Fuck, I hope so. I made sure to get coffee and those powdered mini donuts she loves, and I even grabbed some baby stuff for Colt. I called Rumor last night and asked her what he likes to eat. I don’t want to fuck this up. The side door to the garage slams shut. Colt is crying and Baby is cursing under her breath, something about losing his favorite pacifier. I can’t believe she actually brought him. I was prepared to beg. Good to see I don’t have to.

  She looks up at me and her frown turns into a smile, score one. Her hands are full, she is packing a black diaper bag with skulls on it, Colt is on her hip, and she is trying to push her cell phone into her purse.

  Colt has his fingers wrapped in her red hair, he doesn’t want to let go. I tickle his armpit and he chuckles, letting loose the strands he was holding hostage. I take the diaper bag from her and trade her the coffee for Colt. “Let me take him.”

  Baby watches me with him nervously, sipping her mocha bliss. “Has he ate yet, I bought some of that peach cereal stuff Rumor said he likes.” She looks shocked that I am being so attentive. Score two.

  She mulls over her coffee. “No, he hasn’t.”

  “I got that donut sh- stuff, you like.” I catch myself trying to watch my mouth around the little guy squirming in my arms. “Can we go up to my place, and do breakfast together?”

  “Actually, that’d be great, I could use a shower truthfully, it was a long night, Colt and I didn’t stay home and I am running behind this morning. Could I use your shower, I feel gross from yesterday?”

  I want to press and ask why they weren’t home, but it isn’t my business, I’m just glad this is going well. “Yeah, I can feed little man, while you do your thing. You can use mine, but you can go home too if ya want. I think we could manage on our own for a little while.” I offer knowing, as much as I want her in my shower, I don’t know if I can focus all my attention on Colt with her naked wet body being one room away.

  “Maybe another time, let’s see how you two fair through feeding time.”

  I shrug my shoulders and grab her stuff on my way out the door and up the stairs to my place. Colt keeps trying to yank my glasses from my face. He is successful just as I reach the top stair. Baby comes up right behind me, crushing them under her heel. I can’t be mad though, it’s an accident.

  “Oh my goodness, I am so sorry,” she is covering her mouth partly in shock and partly trying not to laugh. Colt’s little lips are curled up in a menacing smile. Little hellcat like his mama.

  “No big deal I have some contacts.” I prefer my glasses but looks like if I am going to be spending time with this guy, my contacts might not be such a bad idea.

  We make our way inside and Baby takes Colt back from me, so I can go get my contacts in. I come back from the bathroom and they look picture fuckin’ perfect seated on my couch. Colt is laying on a blanket on the cushion next to Baby, gnawing on a teething ring.

  Baby looks right at home kicked back drinking her coffee and munching on the donuts I got her. “What are you so smiley about?” She is looking at me like I have three heads.

  “Just like what I see is all.” I go over to Colt and take him in my arms, “Come on let daddy get you fed.” It feels so damn good to address my son as my own.

  “Maybe you can hold off with the dad stuff until we sit down and talk about all this.” Baby states cautiously, eyeing me nervously.

  “Go take your shower. We can talk after.” She nods leaving me alone with my boy. Baby can’t keep me away from him anymore. I’ll take whatever pain and punishment Grim inflicts on me, this is my family and I’m taking it back.

  Colt is sitting in my lap in the kitchen, he loves when I make the sound of an engine roaring every time I feed him a bite of his cereal. Feeling a set of eyes trained on me, I turn to see Baby, leaned against the kitchen counter, wearing them jeans with the ripped knees, and a V-neck plain grey shirt, hinting at her breasts underneath. Her red hair is p
ulled back away from her face; she looks at peace and good enough to eat.

  “I think he likes you,” she smiles warmly at me and it feels wonderful to be finally getting back on friendly terms again. I know we fucked yesterday, but that’s entirely different.

  “Think we could start having breakfast together, as a family?” I ask wanting any reason to spend time with them. All she can say is no.

  Coming over to the table, Baby grabs the burp cloth from my shoulder and wipes at Colt’s face. “How about we can try it out a few days a week, and if things continue to go well we can, slowly increase your time with Colt. I know I have been a bitch. You hurt me, but it isn’t an excuse to keep you from your son. I don’t want you to feel obligated to be with me, because of Colt. So if you want to see him, we can work something out. ” Doesn’t she realize I want them both.

  Colt makes a soured face and spits part of his breakfast back up onto my shirt. The smell…sweet mother of fucking hell that shit stinks. Fuck, what do they put in this baby shit, death? Baby is laughing at my predicament.

  “Let me.” She takes Colt from my lap and I stand to remove my shirt before I puke right here. She is rocking Colt in her arms swaying side to side, and his little tired eyes eventually flutter a few times before he is out. I pull my phone out and snap a picture of them.

  “You can put him in my bed, the sheets are clean.” I tell her knowing she was probably thinking it. After that whore left and I drowned my sorrows, I stripped my bed of her trying to wipe away the mistake of inviting her here to begin with. Stupid dick, making dumbass choices.

  ‘That’d be great.” She pulls the comforter back, laying him in the center of my bed, placing a pillow on either side of him to keep him from rolling off.


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