Striker (Black Rebel Riders' MC Book 4)

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Striker (Black Rebel Riders' MC Book 4) Page 9

by Glenna Maynard

  She laughs and reaches me his diaper bag. “You don’t want me to change him do you?” I think I am going to be sick from the stench.

  “It comes with the territory, daddy.” That’s right I am his dad, and this is part of it.

  “Okay,” I take a deep breath once I have him laid out on a spare table on his changing pad out in the shop. Baby is watching me amused, but barking out orders.

  “You have to hold one hand on his stomach so he doesn’t fall off the table,” she says. I don’t know how she does this every day. I have to pull my shirt up over my nose just to breathe.

  Rebel walks in and starts gagging. “What the fuck is that smell?”

  “That would be your nephew, wanna’ lend me a hand?”

  “Fuck no, was going to see if you want to meet up for a beer after work and shoot a game of pool at the Roadhouse. Or should I be asking for Baby’s permission.” He laughs and winks at Baby.

  “If you boys promise to behave, I have plans anyways.” She comes over to me and takes Colt from me finishing my poor changing job. Grant offers to close the garage up for me, so I give Baby a kiss goodbye and promise to give her a call later.


  Fuck, I have been here along ass time, at least long enough to drink through three jars of shine and shoot four games of pool. Rebel is feeling it too; motherfucker can’t even line up a shot. Music is blaring the Roadhouse is in full swing tonight. A couple of the brothers showed up a little while ago with some of the whores from the Fox’s Den.

  When titties start being flashed Rebel says he is heading home after we finish our game. Rebel tries to sink the eight ball in the corner pocket but ends up with a scratch. I am getting ready to take my shot when Diamond crawls onto the middle of the table. Liberty soon follows behind her. They are groping and kissing. Rebel shakes his head, “Fuck it I’m, out. If Rumor catches wind of this shit, she’ll have my balls.”

  “Yeah, see ya pussy whipped motherfucker.” I flip him off and down what’s left of my shine.

  Diamond and Liberty are going at it right in the center of the pool table. I should have left when my brother did. Liberty has her head buried between Diamond’s legs sucking on her pussy. Tread comes over behind Liberty, shoves her dress up and starts banging the fuck out of her and I can’t look away. I am still standing by the pool table pissed that I didn’t get to finish my game. And damn the shit they are doing has me wishing I was home with Baby right now.

  Diamond reaches her hand over and starts to rub over my cock in my jeans. “Don’t,” I grit through my teeth. She moves to unzip my jeans and for a fraction of a second, I almost let her, but I see Baby staring at me with her wild eyes full of disappointment, only it’s not my imagination she is standing by the bar with a fucking broken beer bottle in her hands. Oh shit I don’t know who she is after but I hope to fuck it isn’t my dick.

  Baby smacks Tread on the ass just as he is about to come, “take it upstairs,” she hisses. He laughs and pulls his pants up leading Liberty to the stairs. Diamond is still sprawled out in the center of the table, her bedazzled pussy shinning. Baby takes the beer bottle and holds it right up to Diamond’s cunt. “If I see you even fucking look at my man in a way I don’t deem appropriate I will shove this bottle up your twat and fuck you with it, now get the fuck out of my father’s club bitch.” Diamond scrambles to get up off the table and is out the door in a flash.

  “And as for you,” she stalks towards me still gripping the jagged glass. “If you let her touch what is mine one more motherfucking time, I’ll cut it off. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Crystal.” I swallow the lump in my throat, when she claims my mouth with hers. “Think you can put that down, you holding it so close to my manhood is freaking me out.”

  “I think I might keep it, I don’t trust that bitch.”

  “She’s gone, let me take you home and make it up to you.” I try to sweet talk her but she is not impressed.

  “No I am going home, I am pissed you hesitated to let that bitch suck you off. I dare you to masturbate when you go home, because if you do I won’t fuck you for the next month.” She pinches my ass, and leaves me hanging. Fuck me, she has taken this to a whole other level.

  Grim whistles and claps after Baby is gone, I didn’t know he was here. Fuck, this is going to be brutal. “Damn, I sure done something right. Guess I was wrong to worry about Baby. Better, be worried about your ass. Girl has my blood. Don’t fuck it up or I will fuck you up boy, ya feel me?” He grips my shoulder hard, squeezing with all of his strength.

  I am no pussy but Grim is a badass motherfucker.

  “Now rack those balls and let’s play. You win— I might take it easy on you. I win I will beat the ever living shit out of you for getting my daughter pregnant and dicking around.” He barks out with clenched teeth.

  Racking the balls I know either way Grim is going to beat the fuck out of me. Ever since I was a kid, that man has put the fear of God in me.


  After laying low, the past few days I know I can’t hide forever or the club will start to suspect something. Baby is going to watch the kids for me tonight. I got word that there is a party tonight, no wives allowed. I light up a joint to take some of the edge off. Still haven’t told a soul about LL, don’t know how to. I fed Baby a bullshit story that LL is off helping an old friend in Chicago, that was in a jam. She seemed to buy it. Baby pulls in driving that eyesore of a pink Mustang Grim bought her.

  Can’t believe he bought that piece of shit. I put my joint out and holler at the kids to come help Baby. She picked up a pizza and diapers for me. Miracle is ramming the front door with her walker. She is getting too big for it, but I can’t take my eyes off her for one damn minute. That little girl is always into something. Baby is going to have her hands full with all four of them tonight. I push Miracle back with the toe of my boot; she goes rolling backwards into the kitchen laughing. Jamie and Dawn crowd around Baby at her car, shouting at her competing for attention. Baby just smiles and takes it all in stride; she is so good with them. Striker is a lucky bastard. Baby was raised to be the perfect old lady. She is going to make him one hell of a top bitch. She waves at me, making my dick fucking twitch. Fuck, I need to get laid. Looks like I’ll be paying a visit to Smoky.

  I turn my back to them adjusting myself obscured from their view. Baby comes up behind me, her voice tickles my ear, “I think we got everything; you can head out whenever you want. Or if you are hungry I brought a large pizza.” She walks on in the house juggling Colt and a liter of pop.

  Knowing better, I follow her inside after the kids and have dinner with them. Baby is asking them all about their day at school and they eagerly answer. This is what they need. LL should be here with them asking about their lunch and making jokes about the mystery meat they use in the chili. Jamie belches and Baby just laughs at him, handing him a napkin when he knocks over his drink. LL would have scolded him.

  I continue watching Baby play with them in the living room, my heart sinking a little more with every passing second. I can’t handle anymore. The urge to throw her over my shoulder, carry her to my room and fuck her brains out for being so fucking perfect is gnawing at me. “Gonna’ head out, I’ll be late unless something changes.”

  “Alright we’ll be fine won’t we guys.” Jamie and Dawn nod their heads in unison. They are snuggled up on the couch on either side of Baby getting ready to watch a movie. Miracle and Colt are playing together in the playpen. They wave me off so I get on my bike and head for a little release at the Fox’s Den before I go to the Roadhouse.

  When I get there Smoky is working at the front desk. “Knew you’d be back.”

  “What can I say I am a sucker for a beautiful redhead.”

  “I’ll just be about five minutes, go on to my room and get comfortable.” She hands me her key. I make my walk of shame down the hall hoping Foxie isn’t here to gloat in my face.

  Smoky joins me and she doesn’t waste any time gettin
g my dick hard. Straddling my lap in a chair she purrs, “So who do you want me to be?”

  “Just be you,” I lie knowing in my mind she is my poor man’s Baby.

  I wrap my hands in her hair and kiss her roughly biting down on her lip almost hard enough to draw blood. I don’t know why I am so angry, guess wanting what you can’t have does that to a man.

  “You like it rough,” she bites me back. Then the bitch tells me to pull her hair.

  “Hell yeah, I like it rough sweetheart you have no idea.” I grab a fistful of her hair and drag her to the bed. I tear at her clothes.

  “I like to be taken from behind,” she moves her fingers in a come and get it motion wiggling her ass in my direction.

  “That a fact.” I state more than it is a question. Savagely I nip at her neck, tugging hard on her rosy-pebbled peaks. I picture Baby head down, ass up begging me to fuck her virgin ass. I roll a condom over my dick and slam into Smoky’s ass without warning.

  “Fuck, yes,” she whimpers rolling her hips in harmony with every thrust. Damn her ass is tight, wasn’t expecting much, her being a paid whore and all. “You fuck so good.” She pants.

  “Stop talking.” Her voice is ruining the fantasy playing out in my mind. I pull out and order her to ride me. I put on a new condom for her, safety first. Her tits are bouncing as she plucks at her nipples, grinding and rolling, riding my dick. Her red hair hangs down over her face allowing me to look at her while pretending she is Baby.

  “Tell me how much you love my cock.” I smack her ass violently and she loves it.

  “My pussy craves your dick.” She rises and slams back down on me hard impaling her heated channel with my length. Her body rises and falls against mine, our flesh slapping and sweating against each other. I am back on top of her pounding her pussy.

  This bitch is crazy wants me to choke her. I continue to slam and pump into her. She begs me once more to choke her, I try but it freaks me out. Letting go of her neck I find my rhythm. Straight up fucking, love has nothing to do with it.

  This is about need. I manage to get off but it doesn’t make me feel any better. It makes me feel worse, like a lousy son of a bitch. I sling her money on the bed and head to the Roadhouse.

  When I arrive, everyone is in party mode. I grab a drink and hangout at the back tables just taking everything in. I don’t feel like I belong here either. I can’t seem to get my head on straight. Sitting in the shadows allows a man to sit and observe. My eyes zone in on Diamond, I watch her watching Striker. Baby will kill the bitch. I keep watching, Striker hasn’t even noticed the damn cunt. Like I said he better treat Baby right. But the motherfucker is getting drunker by the second, sloppy drunk. When a brother gets sloppy, he makes stupid choices. That’s how he ended up in bed with her after Rebel’s bachelor party. Motherfucker could barely walk out the door when they left together.

  That Diamond whore is obsessive, chasing after any man she thinks she can snag a brand from, a smart man would smell that shit coming a mile away. Grim spots me and joins me.

  “Where you been all week brother, you avoiding me?” He clumsily slams his jar of shine down on the table and belches.

  “Nah, just been busy with the kids and shit.”

  “You ready to seal the deal with Gary.” He lights up a joint offering me the first toke.

  “Are you sure about this shit with Gary, do you think that motherfucker is legit? I don’t know man, maybe you should feel him out a bit more ya know.” I try to steer him from the deal without being obvious.

  “I hear ya brother but I am tired of looking over my shoulder.” He pats my back and I move closer to the crowd ready to make my exit when I hear that whore talking.

  “Striker was an amazing fuck. I know by the end of the night he’ll ask me to fuck him again.” She laughs talking to that skinny little bitch on Tread’s arm. Stupid cunt. My choice is made, as much as I want Baby I’d rather see her happy than hurt any more than she has been. I can’t let him string her along.

  I race home to get to the kids and tell Baby to get her ass to the Roadhouse; I even offer to keep Colt until she takes care of whatever she needs to do. When she demands to know what is going on, I tell her the truth I just don’t want to see her hurt.



  I have just gotten all the kids bathed and to sleep when Romeo comes speeding down the driveway, earlier than I expected. He dashes inside of the house trying to catch his breath. He has this strange look in his eyes. “What’s going on you look like you have seen a ghost?”

  “You need to get to the Roadhouse. Leave Colt with me. You can come back for him in a little bit. Some shit you need to see to, now go.”

  “Okay,” I grab my purse fearing that Rebel is up to some stupid shit that could make my sister cancel the wedding. I grab my purse and my keys and do as he tells me.

  The thought that he meant Striker never crossed my mind, until I get to the Roadhouse and I watch from afar, as Striker is standing at the pool table. He doesn’t see me His eyes are trained on the fuckfest going down next to him on the pool table. I am trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, but it’s hard when I see Diamond’s nasty ass and Liberty cunt cookie munching for the whole goddamned club.

  Grant, Striker’s potential from the garage is bartending. “Baby, you aren’t supposed to be here.” He states calmly trying to protect his friend.

  “I’m the prez’s, daughter asswipe, I can do as I fucking please. If I want to kick your ass outta here, I can and no one would bat an eye. Understand.” He nods. “Now give me a beer.”

  He reaches me the beer not taking his eyes off me. Taking the bottle I grip it in my hand, I watch Striker and Diamond. She moves to put her hands on my man, he looks mad. Good take that bitch. I am getting ready to go over to him when I see her touch him again, without giving it much thought I break the bottle against the bar.

  He was going to join them I seen the hesitation on his part. Our eyes meet across the room. I’m going to kill him. I cock my brow at him. Surprise motherfucker, you have been caught. Technically he did nothing wrong, but doesn’t make it hurt any less. Yeah I know he is a biker, but he’s mine.

  I smack Tread on the ass as he is fucking the shit out of Liberty while she eats skank ho’s pussy. Disgusting whore. “Take it upstairs,” I growl in his ear. Jackass laughs flashing his dimples at me and takes his woman, leaving Diamond to fend for herself.

  Taking the broken beer bottle, I hold it right up to Diamond’s cunt. “If I see you even fucking look at my man in a way I don’t deem appropriate I will shove this bottle up your twat and fuck you with it, now get the fuck out of my father’s club bitch.” I am shaking I am so pissed. Striker looks like he doesn’t know if he is going to come or piss himself. Cum-stain bitch scrambles from the table, taking her glittered pussy with her.

  “And as for you,” I stalk towards him still gripping the jagged glass. “If you let her touch what is mine one more motherfucking time, I’ll cut it off. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Crystal.” He swallows the lump in his throat; I crash my mouth into his claiming my man. “Think you can put that down, you holding it so close to my manhood is freaking me out.” He breaks our kiss.

  “I think I might keep it, I don’t trust that bitch.”

  “She’s gone, let me take you home and make it up to you.”

  “No I am going home, I am pissed you hesitated to let that bitch suck you off. I dare you to masturbate when you go home, because if you do I won’t fuck you for the next month.” I pinch him on the ass, and walk away. Let him sit and spin on that for the night. Asshole. I hate men.

  I am still seething with anger when I get back to Romeo’s to pick up Colt. When I walk inside Romeo is asleep on the couch with Colt sleeping soundly on his chest. They look so peaceful I almost don’t want to wake them. I walk into the kitchen and take a shot of something clear. My lips pucker as my throat burns. Damn, that was strong. I shake my head and pound my fis
t on the counter. Romeo’s cell starts to ring and Colt cries from being woken up. I go and take my boy from Romeo as he answers his phone rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

  Colt pats my chest, and grumbles, resting his head on my shoulder going back to sleep, as I shift from foot to foot bouncing him lightly. This little man right here washes the bad from tonight away. He is all I need.

  Romeo walks out onto the porch to take his call. I take a seat in the recliner, waiting to leave, wanting to give Romeo his privacy. When he comes back inside, he places his cool hand on my shoulder. “Think you can stick around a bit longer, gotta’ head out on some club shit. You and Colt can sleep in my bed. I’ll be back by morning.”

  “Sure,” I yawn. Once Romeo has gone, I take Colt and get him tucked snuggly into the bed. I grab a t-shirt from Romeo’s dresser, don’t figure he’ll mind. I feel nasty so I grab a quick shower just to wash some of the grime from the day away.

  Snuggling into the bed with Colt, I notice I must be on Romeo’s side of the bed. The pillow smells just like him. Funny how it’s been years since I slept with him but I still remember his scent. I don’t know why but it makes me feel safe. I know Romeo didn’t have to warn me tonight, but he did. He’s a good friend. I scoot further into the bed and wrap my arms around his pillow, and wish like hell I was wrapped up in Striker’s arms instead. But he needs to know now I won’t tolerate any shit. If Foxie taught me anything, it was to stand my ground and not let a man walk all over me. Especially her son.


  Pulling in back at the Roadhouse I have a smile on my face. Tonight I get to kick the shit out of Striker. Grim called me and said that tonight we will break that boy in right. He broke the rules. His time to pay the reaper has come. I park my chopper eager to let off some steam. I have my own reason to want to kick his ass. He has what I only wish I could have and he is throwing it away, being young and dumb. Fucker is thinking with his pecker, Baby deserves the best. Going to see to it that she gets it before I’m gone.


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