Jackson's Sub [The Doms of Club Mystique 2] (Siren Publishing Allure)

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Jackson's Sub [The Doms of Club Mystique 2] (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 7

by Mardi Maxwell

  “Just checking to see if you’re still an asshole,” Jenna called after him.

  Jackson turned to face her, a sense of intense pleasure flooding through him when she stepped back and bumped into Addison. Before she could take another step, he rushed her, his hands under her arms, lifting her and swinging her around. He lowered her feet to the first step of the stairs, placing her eyes almost on the same level as his. Jackson moved his hands to her shoulders, his thumbs meeting beneath her chin, holding her in place as he made her look into his eyes.

  “Rule one—subs don’t curse in this house. Rule two—subs don’t tell lies in this house. Now, what do you have to say to me?”

  Jenna narrowed her eyes and lifted her chin away from his thumbs. “I said I was checking to see if you’re still an asshole and guess what, Jackson? The answer is yes.”

  Before the last word left her lips, Jackson was sitting on the step with her over his lap and his hand was slapping her jean-covered ass. The sounds of the hard swats, mixed with her screams, echoed in the three-story entry hall and drew Cade from his den.

  “Dammit, Jackson, you have no right! Ouch, you son of a bit—”

  “Every time you curse I’m adding five, pet, so keep it up. I can do this all day.” Jackson swatted her ass again. “Rule three—women wear dresses in this house and no panties.” Giving her one last hard swat, he stood her on her feet.

  “Bastard,” she screamed, her face red with temper and her platinum hair hanging in her furious eyes as she took a swing at him.

  Without missing a beat, he had her back over his lap, his hand swatting her ass five more times before putting her back on her feet.

  Jenna opened her mouth to scream at him then closed it when she saw the cold expression in his eyes.

  Jackson hid the satisfaction he was feeling as she glared at him then stormed away to stand closer to Addison on the other side of the hall and rub her stinging ass. “No rubbing, angel. When you get punished in this house you don’t get to relieve the ache. Do you understand?” When she stayed silent he repeated the question, then watched the emotions flash across her face. Finally she dropped her hands to her sides and nodded. “Not good enough, angel. Now, answer me properly.”

  “I understand your words, Sir.” Jenna said.

  “Good enough for now, angel.” Jackson understood that she wasn’t conceding. Only acknowledging that she understood, but it was a step in the right direction.

  Jackson watched Jenna and Addison as they stood together, presenting a united front. A little chuckle escaped his lips when he saw the anger and arousal on Jenna’s face and the glazed look of lust on Addison’s. For a moment he wondered if Cade knew Addison liked to watch then saw the answer on Cade’s face when he glanced at him and Cade grinned. Standing up, Jackson adjusted his hat then retraced his steps toward the back of the house as Cade went back into his den.

  “What a bastard!” Jenna kept her voice quiet, scared he would hear her and come back.

  “Someone needs to teach Jackson a lesson he won’t soon forget and I think you’re just the woman to do it, too.”

  Distracted, rubbing her sore butt, Jenna barely heard her as she looked in the direction Jackson had disappeared. “Can this day get any stranger?”

  “Come on. I’ve fixed us a tray of goodies and I made a pitcher of my special lemonade for you.” Addison led Jenna to the large family room then pointed to the food on the coffee table as she curled into a corner of the couch. Munching on a chip, she watched as Jenna poured herself a glass of lemonade, ignored the goodies on the tray, and then settled into her favorite cross-legged position at the other end of the couch. “Now, tell me everything about your new job and the new doctor. Is he single?”

  “He’s married, so if you’re looking for another matchmaking project you’re too late. He and his wife don’t have any children yet. He’s going to be joining Doc’s clinic.” Jenna took a sip of lemonade then choked as her eyes watered and her throat closed off. “Holy shit, what the hell did you put in this?”

  “Tequila, of course. What else would you put in lemonade?”

  “The whole bottle?” Jenna coughed then tried again to clear her throat.

  Shrugging, Addison held her fingers up about four inches apart. “That much.”

  Taking a tiny sip, Jenna relaxed and was able to swallow without choking now that she knew what to expect. “I have five weeks to find a house and get moved to Rendezvous before I have to start work.”

  “I’ve thought about that. Would you be interested in my house?”

  “You’re kidding? I’d love your house but there’s no way I can afford it.”

  “You can move in and we’ll work out the details later. I don’t want to be bothered right now with rent or paperwork or anything like that. This wedding is driving me crazy. I don’t know why we can’t just go to the courthouse, get married, and then send out the announcement later, if then.”

  “Uh, Addison, Cade has made all the arrangements. You just have to show up. Remember?”

  “Cade’s acting like a big ole girl insisting on a big wedding with all the hoopla.”

  Jenna took Addison’s glass, and then sniffed it. “What is this?”

  “Herbal tea. It’s really good.”

  “Yuck!” Setting the glass down on the tray by her glass of lemonade, Jenna sent her a questioning look. “Okay, tell me what’s wrong.”

  Addison glanced out the window toward the front flower beds, for once in her life unsure how to bring up the subject of Jackson. Shrugging she decided to take a page out of Cade’s book and just jump in with both feet. “Okay, I’m just going to come right out and say what needs to be said.” Holding Jenna’s eyes, she told her, “I know what happened last year between you and Jackson—that you spent the night together.”

  Jenna stiffened then looked down. “I didn’t want to talk about it then, and I don’t want to talk about it now.”

  “We have to talk about it because there are some things you need to know about Jackson.”

  “I don’t want to think about him or anything to do with him.”

  “I understand that, Jenna. I know he hurt you. But, did you know that Jackson and his brothers used to live in Long Valley?”

  “I don’t care where he used to live.” Crossing her arms over her chest, Jenna flattened her lips as she narrowed her eyes.

  “You will when you know what I know, so just hear me out. Okay?”

  “It won’t do any good. I’ve moved on.” Jenna crossed her arms over her chest, her chin in the air.

  Snorting, Addison giggled. “That’s what I kept telling Cade, and he didn’t believe me anymore than I believe you.” Grabbing a handful of Jenna’s favorite chips, she leaned back and popped one into her mouth, chewed it, and then swallowed before leaning toward Jenna and offering her the bowl of chips. “You remember how Cade and his brothers were adopted by the Ramseys?”

  “Of course,” Jenna ignored the offered snack.

  Addison set the bowl down with a little frown. “Well, there’s a few things you need to know about their real parents, John and Joan McLeod. Their dad was in the Marines and gone all the time. When Cade was ten, his dad left the military and they moved to Long Valley. Maggie said the rumors back then were that John McLeod was an abusive alcoholic with an uncontrollable temper. People said when he drank he would have jealous rages and he’d beat his wife. Maggie said everyone thought that Cade would try to protect his mom and that’s how he got the bruises he always had when he was a kid.” Leaning toward Jenna, she lowered her voice. “But the truth is that Joan McLeod was the alcoholic and she abused Cade, and his dad is the one who protected him. Well, he did once he found out what was going on.”

  “No way.” Jenna leant closer. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. Maggie found out from someone who knew them back then.”

  “You’re kidding?”

  “Maggie said that John McLeod had decided to take his sons and leave Joan, bu
t the two of them died in a car wreck before he could leave her.”

  “Oh, how sad.”

  “Yes, it was. But, that’s not all. Maggie said that Joan McLeod used to go to the bars and pretend she was looking for her husband then hook up with another man. John McLeod would have to go find her and take her home. While he was gone, Cade would send Jackson upstairs with Luc, Logan, and Zane. Then when his dad brought his mom home, Cade would make sure his brothers stayed upstairs while his parents fought it out and his dad got his mom calmed down and put to bed.”

  “So, that’s why Cade doesn’t drink. But I still don’t see what it has to do with me and Jackson.”

  Addison rolled her eyes. “Geez, don’t rush me, I’m getting there. Maggie said the police officer who worked the wreck when Cade’s parents died was Earl Baume.”

  “Isn’t he the chief of police in Rendezvous?”

  “Yes, and Maggie said when Jackson was eighteen, right before he left for the Marines, he was at a party and got into a fight with a guy who was being abusive to his girlfriend. Back then Chief Baume was just an officer in Long Valley. He picked Jackson up but didn’t charge him with anything. Maggie said Baume told Jackson if an assault and battery charge went on his record the Marines wouldn’t take him.”

  “That was nice of him.”

  “Not really. Maggie said Earl Baume was in love with Joan and they were having an affair when she died. He told Jackson that he was just like his dad and that someday he would end up killing the woman he loved. The way his dad had gotten himself and Joan killed in that car wreck when Jackson was almost ten!” Addison waited to see if Jenna would figure out what she was trying to tell her.

  Standing up Jenna paced around the room, picking up an item here and there, looking at them then putting them down before moving on. “So, you think Jackson believes he would hurt a woman he was in love with?”

  Addison relaxed back into the cushions, a quick look of satisfaction flashing across her face then disappearing before Jenna could see it. “Yes. I think last year, after the two of you spent the night together, Jackson told you all that crap because he thought he was protecting you. So, now that you know the truth, what are you going to do about it?”

  Jenna turned, her hands on her hips, and shocked Addison when she said, “Absolutely nothing. It’s been a year. Well, really longer than that because I never told you about our encounter at the river that day we caught him skinny-dipping.”

  “What! What encounter?” Addison asked, her eyes wide as she leant forward like an addict needing a fix.

  “Whoa, down, girl,” Jenna said, laughing. “He caught me and we kissed and stuff. He might have touched me. A little.” Damn, she thought, what an understatement. “The point is that was three years ago when we were twenty-two and then the thing last year. If he still believes he would hurt me, then as far as I’m concerned he can keep on believing that. Besides, I really have moved on. I’ve been seeing Jacob Daniels and he’s agreed to help me learn more about the D/s lifestyle.”

  “Really? Well, that’s good, but I thought Jacob was sort of a good time guy. You know…not really interested in a long-term relationship,” Addison told her as she stuffed a handful of chips into her mouth and chewed them.

  “He is. That’s why I’m interested in him. I don’t want anything permanent either. I just want to have some fun right now.”

  “Well, then maybe you and Jacob can go to Club Mystique with me and Cade one night. That would be fun.”

  “Jacob and I are going to Club Elysium this Saturday. You know when you first started learning about all this I had decided to stay clear of it but now”—shrugging, she grimaced at Addison—“I think I may really enjoy letting go and just, I don’t know, being. Does that make sense?”

  “Mmm-hmm.” Addison reached down into the couch cushion and pulled out a dog-eared paper. “But what about my brochure? I’m sure it could help you get Jackson to see things your way.”

  Jenna allowed herself one little candy as she took the paper from Addison. Scanning it, she sucked on the chocolate, then swallowed it, and grinned at Addison. “Listen to this. ‘Most horse slash Dom’ problems are caused by humans slash subs. If your horse slash Dom is not behaving ask yourself what you are doing wrong.’ Someone’s pulled a fast one on you. This thing is all about changing how the sub behaves. Not how the Dom behaves. Where’d Maggie get this?” she asked, turning it over and looking for a publisher’s name or a date.

  “What? Give me that!” Addison snatched it out of Jenna’s hands and scanned it. Pulling out her phone, she dialed Maggie’s number and waited for her to answer. “Maggie, I’ve been looking at the brochure you gave me. Who did you say wrote it and when was it written?” Addison asked then paused for a moment then said, “I don’t believe that for a second. Did you and Cade write this brochure? Just whose side are you on anyway?” Seeing Jenna’s frown, Addison drew her reddish-gold brows down and said, “Maggie, are you saying Cade and Jackson wrote this brochure?” She paused then said, “Well, if that’s true they’ve gone too far this time. Don’t tell Cade I think I know.” She waited for a moment then said, “I’ll see you in two weeks.”

  Taking a deep breath, Addison said, “Cade and Jackson probably wrote this.” Dramatically waving the brochure in the air, she jumped to her feet. “Maggie’s probably right in the middle of this. Cade’s the strategist and Jackson’s the horse trainer! And I’m the sub!” She began pacing the room, timing her steps to cross Jenna’s path. Finally after several minutes, Addison stopped, forcing Jenna to stop or run into her. “I think it’s time we, the subs, caused Cade and Jackson, the Doms, some problems, and there’s no better place to do that than Club Mystique.”

  “I keep telling you…I’m not interested in Jackson.”

  “Fine, but the least you can do is help me irritate him and Cade just on principle. After all, you are my best friend.” Addison picked up two of Jenna’s favorite cookies, handed her one, and then nibbled on the edge of the one in her hand as she watched Jenna put the cookie back on the platter. Addison pulled her cell phone out of her pocket again and offered it to Jenna. “I’ve got Jacob on speed dial. Number nine. Don’t tell Cade.”

  “Are you sure? I could just sort of let your plot to go to Club Mystique slip at dinner, and Cade would give you a nice spanking. Wouldn’t you like that?” Seeing the stubborn look on Addison’s face as she shook her head, Jenna sighed and took the phone from her. “You’re going to get me into trouble again. I just know it.” Pressing the nine, she waited as it rang. “After I talk to him, we need to plan a shopping trip. If I’m going to help you pay back Cade and Jackson, I need some really fabulous club clothes.”

  Addison smiled. “I know just the place. Put it on speaker so I can hear what he says.”

  When Jacob answered, Jenna said, “Jacob, er, Sir, it’s Jenna.” Rolling her eyes at Addison, she grimaced.

  “You only have to call me sir when we’re at the club,” Jacob said.

  “Oh, okay.”

  “Now, what’s up?”

  “Well, I need a big favor.”

  “Tell me what you need then I’ll decide.”

  “Addison wants to go to Club Mystique without Cade getting a chance to stop her.” When Addison grabbed her arm and shook it, she corrected herself. “I mean, Addison and I need to go to Club Mystique so she can make someone regret doing something stupid.”

  “Are we talking a Ramsey someone?”

  “Yes. Jackson and Cade.”

  “Well, then I’m in unless this is one of Addison’s matchmaking schemes?”

  Giggling, Addison leaned forward. “Hi, Jacob.”

  “Addison, what are you up to?”

  “I’m going to teach Jackson and Cade a lesson they won’t soon forget.”

  “You said something like that not too long ago.”

  “That was just Cade. This is Jackson and Cade.”

  “Well, since you put it that way, I’ll help. It’ll be fun
watching them punish you when you get caught. But listen, I like both of you so I’m going to tell you Cade and Jackson are not the kind of men you want to push too far.”

  “I’m not pushing. I’m not even interested,” Jenna told him. “This is Addison’s plan, not mine.”

  “Okay. If you say so. When do you want to go to Club Mystique?”

  Jenna looked at Addison, her brow raised in question.

  “Saturday night.” Addison smiled. “This is Thursday. By Saturday we’ll be ready.”

  “Excellent, I’ll see you Saturday night at nine then.”

  “No, that won’t work.” Addison frowned and tapped her chin with as she plotted. “You can’t come to the ranch. We’ll meet you behind my shop at nine.”

  “Thanks, Jacob. I don’t know how I’ll repay you,” Jenna said.

  “Just keep Addison from picking out my wife,” Jacob said with a chuckle.

  Addison giggled. “Too late. I’ve already got my eye on someone for you.”

  “Bye, Jacob. See you Saturday.” Jenna disconnected then gave the phone back to Addison. “It’s getting too late to go shopping today, so let’s go shopping first thing in the morning.”

  Addison dropped down on the couch and propped her bare feet on the edge of the coffee table then stretched her arms up over her head and smiled. “I know where all of Cade’s old flames shop. We’re sure to find what we need there.”


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