Delight (Legacies, #1)

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Delight (Legacies, #1) Page 9

by Erin Osborne

  “I’m sorry. I’ve been trying to hold it together since I got home yesterday. I keep going over what could’ve happened to him and . . .,” I begin to say.

  Before Heaven comes back on the line, I hear muffled talking in the background. I’m not sure if someone’s talking to her or if she’s talking to someone else so I wait. It’s not long before she comes back on the line.

  “I’m sorry, Syd. It was Bounce. He wants to know if someone can meet him at your house. He’s going to get you some groceries and things like that for when you come home. I didn’t tell him the circumstances, just that you wouldn’t be in for a while,” she assures me.

  “Oh, he doesn’t have to do that,” I tell her.

  “He’s going to do it no matter what,” Heaven tells me.

  God! That man is so damn stubborn. I want to smack him upside the head or climb his body like a fucking tree.

  “I can ask Santana if she can swing by the house. She’s the only other one with a key and I don’t know where my keys are right now,” I answer her.

  “Okay. I’ll be around later to check on you two. I want to meet him,” she says.

  “Sounds good. And thank you, Heaven,” I tell her before hanging up.

  I have Heaven’s number and I send her a message to let her know it’s me and the room number we’re in. Now, I need to get back to Karson. He needs me more than anyone else does right now. And I need to talk to Santana about meeting Bounce at the house. It would help if I knew what time it was, but I don’t.

  Walking back to the room we’ll be in until tomorrow, I ask Santana if she can wait at the house for Bounce to get there. Before she can reply, my phone vibrates in my hand and I look down to see a message from Heaven.

  Heaven: Bounce can’t make it. Club business. He’ll be there once you get home tomorrow sometime.

  Me: Okay. Thank you.

  “Well, never mind. He’s not going to make it today,” I tell her.

  “Who’s Bounce?” she asks me.

  “He’s a member of Kings Vengeance and works at the club,” I reply, not looking at my friend.

  “And something happened between you two?” she asks.

  “Why would you ask that?” I question her.

  “Because it’s written all over your face. Since I’ve been staying at your house, I know he hasn’t been there. So, it happened at the club,” Santana says.

  There’s nothing for me to say. I refuse to lie to my best friend. And I can feel my face heating up with the thoughts of what happened between Bounce and me. After a few minutes, I look up at my friend and see no judgement in her eyes.

  “Yes, we had sex at the club in the dressing room at Legacies. I tried to tell him I was a virgin, but it didn’t get that far,” I tell her. “So, needless to say it hurt so damn bad and I wanted to stop, but we kept going and he felt horrible.”

  Santana smiles at me and I tell her everything. Including the feeling between my legs as I went into the bathroom. She doesn’t say a word to me as she listens intently. When I’m done telling her what transpired between Bounce and I, my friend sits there in stunned silence. I’m not sure if she’s about to lecture me or congratulate me because her face is carefully blank and she’s not giving away anything as to what she’s thinking.

  Before she can say a word in response, there’s a light knock on the door. Heaven pokes her head inside and I wave her in. As she gets closer to us, her attention goes directly to the bed where Karson’s small body lays. Her eyes fill with tears as she looks at him. I have to look away because I’ve been crying so much over the last few hours, my eyes are puffy and I’m sure my face is red as hell.

  “How are you doing?” Heaven asks, squatting down next to me.

  “I’ve definitely been better,” I answer. “Heaven, this is my best friend Santana. Santana this is Heaven.”

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Heaven says, reaching out a hand to Santana.

  “You too,” Santana responds, shaking Heaven’s hand.

  “I’m glad you’ve been here with Sydney while they’re going through this,” Heaven says, earning more than a few points with my best friend and sister from another mister.

  “I wouldn’t be anywhere else,” Santana answers. “Got her a cell phone now too so the number she gave you is hers. Not sure if she told you that.”

  “She did. Thank you. I may have only met you a few days ago, but you’re part of the family and we take care of our own. It was only a matter of time before you had a phone. And I’m sure it will be the same thing with a car. Bounce is flipping out because you walk back and forth to work,” Heaven says.

  “Well, on that note, I’m going to head out and let you two have some time. Sydney, I’ll be back later on. If you need anything let me know and I’ll bring it back with me,” Santana says.

  She hugs me and tells Heaven goodbye before leaving the room. Heaven takes her chair once she’s gone and we sit in silence for a little while. Bounce is on my mind now and I don’t want him to occupy any space there. He doesn’t belong in my head space anymore because he had his fun and it’s way past time to lay that shit to rest.

  “I talked to Tonya. Blood was there too. He won’t betray your trust any more than Tonya will. They’re the only two who know about Karson. They both agree that you won’t lose your job and you’ll have as much time as you need off,” Heaven tells me as Karson begins to stir.

  “Oh, okay. Thank you for talking to them for me,” I tell her.

  “You’re welcome, honey. Now, all I want you to focus on is little man here and leave the rest to when he’s doing better.”

  We sit there and talk about random things. We don’t bring up Legacies or anyone from there. Instead, we get to know one another and leave the rest for other times. Now isn’t the time for work or talk about men. I wouldn’t tell her anything about Bounce as it is.

  Karson wakes up a few times while Heaven is here with me. He manages to eat a little more and watch some cartoons on the TV. Other than that, he spends his time sleeping. The nurse told me he’ll probably be like this for a few days as his body heals. Rest is the best thing for him right now and I’m not going to argue.

  Santana comes back just before dinner. Heaven and her probably ran into one another in the hallway because Heaven was going to the club. Tonya wanted an update on my brother and to see if we need anything. We don’t. Other than groceries, we have what we need for now. I just have to grab Karson some Tylenol when we leave here in case he needs it at home.

  “I did something and you can’t be mad about it,” Santana tells me as she sits down in her chair again.

  “What did you do?” I ask her, my brows hitting my hairline with curiosity and thoughts of what my friend has done this time.

  “Well, Heaven talking about you not having a car got me thinking. So, when I was gone, I got you a used car. It didn’t cost much and you are going to accept it,” she says, her words rushing out.

  I sit there, looking at my friend with my mouth hanging open. There is nothing I can say to her right now. She knows I’ve longed for a car, but the money just hasn’t been there for one. Now, she’s gone out and bought me a car. It doesn’t matter if it’s a used car or not. At least not to me.

  “Santana, I have no clue how I’m going to pay you back for that. I barely have enough for groceries when we get out of here. Now I have to add in payments to you for a car and the stuff you bought me the other day,” I say exasperated.

  “We’ll figure it out. I’m not worried about it and neither are you. The only thing you need to think of is now you have a car for when Karson needs to go to the doctor and to get you back and forth to work,” she tells me.

  “You’re damn lucky I love you,” I tell her.

  “I know. I love you too,” she responds. “But, visiting hours are going to end here soon and the ratchety nurse from the other night is on again. I’m going to leave before she comes in here to bitch.”

  Santana gives Karson a light kiss
on his forehead and hugs me before breezing out of the room. She also promises to be here first thing in the morning to pick us up. We’ll leave here and get the car registered so it’s road legal and then we’ll spend the rest of our time at home with Karson. I see us camping out in his room for the time being. He can rest in bed with the TV and we can camp out on the floor or couch. I’ll even bring in my mattress if I have to.

  They come check on Karson and he’s asleep again. Once the nurses leave the room, I lay my head on the bed next to him and close my eyes. Visions of Bounce, Legacies, and my brother fill my head. Needless to say, I don’t get much sleep at all.

  Chapter Ten


  SYDNEY HASN’T BEEN at work in a few days now. I know something is going on with her or someone in her care, but that’s it. The only three people who know the details are Heaven, Tonya, and Blood. They aren’t saying a word to anyone else about it. I know why Heaven isn’t; she doesn’t want to break Syd’s trust and confidence. Usually, Blood will tell those of us working at the club if something is going on with one of the girls though. This time, it’s radio silence.

  Other than the other day, Heaven hasn’t said a word to me. It almost makes me wonder if Syd told her what happened between us. Heaven and I have a good relationship; we’re friends before anything. Since she tore out of here yesterday without a word to anyone, I haven’t seen her or heard from her. I need to find her so we can hash out what’s going on and I can try to make it right.

  As if on cue, I get a message from Heaven.

  Heaven: Can you make a run to the store and grab some groceries for Sydney?

  Me: Yeah. Anything specific?

  Heaven: No. She has barely any food in the house. With what’s going on I’ve been here trying to clean before she comes home today.

  Me: On it. It’s going to be a little bit. Is that okay?

  Heaven: That’s fine. Thank you.

  Shoving my phone in my pocket, I take a deep breath. At least I know Heaven hasn’t been avoiding me or some shit like that. She’s been helping Sydney out with whatever’s going on in her life right now. I’m not sure where she’d be that she’d be coming home today. The whole thing makes no damn sense to me.

  Walking up to the bar, I let Colt know I’m heading out. Breaker will be in later because he’s on the door tonight. We have to go to church before we all head out for work, our nightly activities, or finding a sweetbutt for the night. I haven’t touched a bitch since meeting Sydney and one or two of them are bitching about it. Needa and Connie are the only two I ever go to at the club. And that’s only when I don’t want to get off my ass and go find a piece of strange for the night.

  Sweetbutts want to become an ol’ lady and will do anything to get a brother to make them theirs exclusively. Tonya has had to put one or two in their place when they get all territorial and try to chase away potential ol’ ladies or girlfriends of the guys. Not that it’s been anytime recent that any of the guys have had a girl of their own. Most of us are content to have an easy fuck for the night and don’t want the hassle a bitch brings with them.

  Besides, none of us are ever going to find someone as loyal and caring as Tonya. She’s the perfect ol’ lady for Blood. On top of being loyal and caring, she’s a damn fighter. Tonya knows when to fight for her man, the club, and when it comes to the sweetbutts. Then she can be quiet and step out of the way when she knows it’s time to let us do our thing.

  I see a lot of the same traits in Sydney and I’ve only spent time with her for a few minutes. She’s quiet, strong, and she fights for what she wants. I can see that in the way she watches Heaven when they’re practicing. Sydney needs a job and she’s going to do whatever it takes for her to succeed in being a stripper. Even if she’s nervous as fuck and not sure of what to expect.

  Syd’s the type of woman a man should claim and keep to himself. I know she hasn’t had sex before because I took her virginity; and I still feel guilty as hell about the way I took her. But, she’s talked about someone named Karson, so I’m sure she has a man at home. He’s letting her come work here and strip so in my opinion, he’s not a man to claim her. Karson is a man who’s weak and should lose Sydney to someone who will appreciate her and treat her the way she deserves. No, that man isn’t me but I can think of a few who would be good for her and to her.

  It would kill me to see her with another man on a regular basis, but that’s a risk I’m willing to take. If it means Sydney isn’t alone and has a man I know will take care of her, I will watch her from afar and realize she’s better than me and can be happy. That I helped her find someone who will be happy, safe, and loved. She deserves nothing less than that. I just can’t be that man. I’ll take her to bed a few times, but that’s it. And I never repeat having sex with anyone; they tend to get clingy and make shit up in their head if you go back for seconds or more.

  Walking out of Legacies, I make my way to my bike and straddle my baby. My bike is my life and I won’t ever give it up. Putting my bandana around the bottom half of my face, I slide my sunglasses on before putting my helmet on and strapping it up. Once I’m ready to head out, I turn on my bike and rev the engine. The vibrations soothe me as the rumble of the pipes fill the air around me. This is the only time I feel free; when I’m on my bike and riding.

  Heading from the parking lot, I ride through town and pass by Sydney’s house. Sure enough, there’s three cars parked in the yard; Heaven’s SUV, the car Sydney brought to Legacies the first day, and one without plates on it. I’m not sure where this car came from because it wasn’t here the last time I went by. Yeah, I’ve been by more than once since I found out where she lived and that’s before she auditioned at the club.

  I honestly feel like Sydney is becoming an addiction I can’t quit. She’s always on my mind and I want to know what’s going on with her. If she’s happy, loved, safe, and who she’s with. I know she doesn’t go out much and I hate that for her. It’s worse than taking drugs and I saw it enough but never did them myself. Sydney is always in my thoughts and fucking her obviously didn’t get her out of my system. Instead it cemented her inside me deeper and I don’t know what to do.

  The ride to the clubhouse doesn’t help clear my mind at all. Since fucking Sydney and then not seeing her, nothing has been able to remove her from my mind. It’s honestly like we switched fucking roles and I’m the one who wants a repeat performance while she’s the cool and aloof one in the situation. She’s made it perfectly clear she wants nothing to do with me. Fuck my life!

  Pulling up to the clubhouse, I back my bike in line among my brother’s bikes. It seems as if I’m the last one here today and I don’t give a shit. The only thing I can think of right now is figuring out what to get Sydney when I go to the store after church. If she barely has groceries, I’m going to have to take the club’s SUV instead of my bike. I’ll make sure she’s set for the month and hope I don’t get anything she’s allergic to or doesn’t like.

  As I head to church, I leave my gun and phone with the Prospect at the door. Today, Logan is here guarding our things and I know no one will fuck with my phone. He’s good as hell being the President’s son. No special treatment for Colt or him. I walk in and close the door behind me as Blood bangs the gavel on the scarred table in front of him. He’s eyeing me and I know I’ll have to explain my tardiness, but hopefully not today.

  I’m pulling up to Sydney’s house and the one car is the only one there. Maybe her man is home now. Especially considering the car without plates earlier is now sporting them and it’s been moved. I’m just here to drop off her groceries; groceries I’ll say the club paid for. Blood gave me money after church and told me to get whatever the hell she needed. If I need more, he’s going to hand it over with no questions asked. This is not Blood’s usual behavior when it comes to our employees but I’m not going to argue with him over it.

  I grab a few bags out of the back of the SUV and head to the door. Using my empty hand, I knock on the door and w
ait for someone to answer. It’s not long before I hear footsteps heading for me and then I hear several locks being opened. Sydney flings the door open and my mouth drops open.

  She’s standing in the door with nothing more than a tank top and pair of boy shorts covering her from my view. Her hair is soaking wet from a shower and she looks exhausted. When she sees me standing there, Sydney looks back in the house further and steps closer to me closing the door behind her.

  “What are you doing here?” she asks, her voice quiet.

  “I got groceries for you,” I answer, holding up the bags for her to see. “There’s more in the SUV.”

  “Oh, um, thank you?” she asks, making this a question and not a statement.

  “And what the hell are you doin’ answerin’ the fuckin’ door in nothin’ more than a pair of panties and a tank top? I can see your nipples pokin’ through your shirt,” I growl out at her, the groceries forgotten as I stand there staring at her.

  Sydney looks down as if just realizing what she’s wearing. As her eyes look back to mine, Sydney’s face blushes red and I know this wasn’t intentional. She’s so tired she has no clue what the hell she’s doing right now.

  “Can I bring these in?” I ask her, trying to get her to move inside and out of view for anyone passing by.

  “Yeah. I’m sorry,” she mutters, opening the door and moving inside.

  While I walk to the kitchen, I take in her home. It’s rundown but you can tell she takes care of the place. There’s a threadbare couch in the living room with an ancient TV that’s seen better days. I’d be surprised if the damn thing even works. In the kitchen sits a table which appears to be on its last legs and the counters are all scrubbed clean. Heaven made sure the place was spotless when she was here earlier.

  Setting the bags on the counter, I walk down the short hallway to find Sydney. There’s things that need to be put away now before they go bad. I find her in a bedroom at the back of the house. She’s now covered in a pair of baggy sweats. Looking past her, I see a little boy sleeping in the bed. Sydney is pulling his shirt down and I can vaguely make out a bandage on his torso. What the fuck?


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